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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. > @"Ajji.6031" said: > How do I farm lower level mats such as Gossamer scraps or iron ore? > > I literally spent 4 hours just now mining iron as I completed maps. I got maybe 200 pieces of ore. I looked it up on google and I only see articles from 2012-2015. > > I think the stacks of green, blue, and yellow unid gear was something that was released in the 3-4 years I was away from the game. Should I just buy a couple character slots and park characters at level 30 and 60 and have them salvage those? The unided gear is always lvl 80 now even if opened on lower level characters. You need to save bags of masterwork gear and champion bags and open them on lower level characters.
  2. > @"Sentinel VX.1392" said: > > @"Galmac.4680" said: > > I think you have enough XP for activating a mastery!? And you are in HoT/PoF/Living Story-maps? > > Or is that even on core maps? > > That is if there is a mastery to be unlocked. > > I was talking about getting the spirit shard instead of mastery which happens after you unlock all the mastery. Yea and if you have a maxed mastery bar and need to train a mastery, it wont reset instead go on in the background.
  3. > @"uberkingkong.8041" said: > For me it has nothing to do with droprates. > > More so about GW2 vibes with missions, dungeons, etc. > GW2 vibe is, people hate those that don't know the mission. > You gotta have DKP, you gotta have watched youtube videos beforehand > > ALSO > GW2 making missions, dungeons, fractals, too dang long. > People are wanting more fast pace, not 20+ minutes to do something. > > ALSO > Too much stuff to grind > Gotta do daily fractal > Gotta do daily T4 story > Gotta do daily Icebrood saga > Gotta do daily daily > Too much kitten gotta do, > who has time for DRM when you have all this other kitten GOTTA do > > Gotta work on my legendary > Gotta work on my skyscale > Gotta do guild missions > > Thing is some of this stuff, people only have time for one of em, like Fractals, usually takes about an hour unless you some pro and have friends you do it with. PUGs usually take an hour. And they burn you out. > > ALSO > MMO trifecta > sure it maybe not healer tank, but its GW2 trifecta, you aint that healerbrand or whatever, nobody wants you. > Nobody wants to deal with looking at LFG, I aint a healerbrand but thats all I see people want, screw this, kitten DRM. > Got a lotta other stuff to do than be depressed I'm not healerbrand and can't find a group for DRM. Then do them solo.
  4. Check underwater weapons do the necromancer got one with sigil of bloodlust and the ranger dont?
  5. > @"jenthulhu.8516" said: > Okay. Well I'll refer you again to the sentence in red bold on our sigils: > "Sigils do not stack with any tier of the same sigil type." > Are there tiers in the sigil categories? No, upon contemplation and re-reading the wiki I've come to the conclusion that the word type indeed means base sigil with minor, major, or superior attributes. For example minor sigil of force, major sigil of force, or superior sigil of force. You can't combine these on a two-handed weapon or on a weapon set. > > There is one place where the categories come into play and that is with stacking sigils. You cannot have two active stacking sigils at one time. > > So, I'm done thinking about this. I'm just gonna play the game. I really hate ambiguity. Thank you to all who participated. So minor, major and superior aint 3 tiers? News to me that.
  6. > @"Virdo.1540" said: > So when will the Glyph of Reaping function in other peoples home instance? > > It got disabled because there was an exploit with the ascended planted owner-crops. Does this got fixed already, so the glyph can be activated again? Or still no fix for this exploit? It never will, since there wasent a fix they could do to make people unable to harvest ascended plants it seems.
  7. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said: > > @"HakuroDK.9385" said: > > Also, you want to -really- entice me? Do that, and make the final reward a converter for that map's currency/crafting materials. That'll light a fire under me to get going on those metas! Do you know how many Eitrite Ingots I have that I can't use!?! If I can convert 250 of them into a single Iron or even Silver Ore, I'll be content! > More converters would be nice but eitrite ingots are a bad example. You can just merch those, for well over 1g per stack. (Can't remember the exact figure.) > > I'd love one for hatched chilis. They should just make you eat those for some karma similar to season 3/4 items getting unbound/volitile magic.
  8. > @"Haaznahnuff.1907" said: > Hmm, you mean I really loose experience and kind of waste my played time then, if as Wiki states, vanilla content like fighting champions would also earn me exp I can convert into mastery points. If I understand well, there is more than the static "mega-hero points" indicated on the map and waiting for me when I'm ready, as I originally thought. > > I wish I had read this a bit earlier, instead of being spammed on every minute in game. Thanks for the precision, anyway. I should have asked earlier too! You dont get mastery points for filling up your xp bar but you unlock the ability to use the mastery points you got from story or achievements to climb higher on that mastery track.
  9. > @"lare.5129" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > What if no mate have com tag? > may be in this way review yours understanding of mmo game concept ? > What do me having plenty of friends who got no commander tag, have anything to do with the mmo game concept?
  10. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said: > If you start HoT or PoF enough to access *one* mastery there, you also unlock the ability to spend XP in Central Tyria masteries (red ones) and gather CT mastery points (you probably already have a few) so you can even train them once their bar is full. I recommend training the Pact Commander one, because it gives some useful stuff. They can also start icebrood saga episode as well.
  11. > @"Critical Delay.9184" said: > > @"lare.5129" said: > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > > Yeah, this is so annoying when you are looking for players in Strike Missions (or Raids). You get a certain role, you want to change the LFG entry - but after three or so changes, you can't, unless you switch maps/instances. Logic? > > you can easy avoid that issue - put comm tag on you mate and let edit lfg > > > > > @"Critical Delay.9184" said: > > > This has made it extremely hard and irritating to manage and find proper groups in LFG. Not sure if it's new, but I have been getting suppressed from editing my LFG way too often. I focus on fractals, so im constantly having to edit out which classes join > > ask someone esle edit lfg > > > > > > If you read the next sentence, thats exactly what I said. As the group organizer, you should not have to constantly be bothering your group to edit your LFG. This is just a bad feature that has no place in LFG. Edit Dident read whole sentence please delete
  12. > @"lare.5129" said: > > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > Yeah, this is so annoying when you are looking for players in Strike Missions (or Raids). You get a certain role, you want to change the LFG entry - but after three or so changes, you can't, unless you switch maps/instances. Logic? > you can easy avoid that issue - put comm tag on you mate and let edit lfg > > > @"Critical Delay.9184" said: > > This has made it extremely hard and irritating to manage and find proper groups in LFG. Not sure if it's new, but I have been getting suppressed from editing my LFG way too often. I focus on fractals, so im constantly having to edit out which classes join > ask someone esle edit lfg > > What if no mate have com tag?
  13. > @"Haaznahnuff.1907" said: > Hello, my characters are L80 (xp is capped) and haven't completed their personal story yet. I recently bought both extensions and started to put hero points into one specialization. > > However now, I'm literally spammed by a notification about "already completed abilities - need to start masteries" that pops up each time I earn xp I believe (upon killing foes, at least) . > ![](https://zupimages.net/up/20/50/mod7.jpeg "") > > > In the midst of combat, one click with pointer is necessary to get rid of this for a few seconds or minutes only, not to tell about when I'm trying to familiarize with target mode. > > What am I expected to do ? To complete the personal story and then start HoT until this spamming ceases? Or to skip the personal story and start HoT as soon as possible? > Do I loose any kind of "xp" (played time converted into hero points) by postponing the first episodes of HoT and just playing vanilla content and LW? Or is it an unintended behaviour? You lose exp going into masteries nothing else.
  14. Here I was thinking that the shoulders dont have a scream sound. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nightfury_Skin
  15. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Trise.2865" said: > > You'd rather reduce exploration, questing, and gameplay activity to mindless XP grinding > You might have a point - except, of course, lately way too many of the MPs are nothing _but_ mindless grinding. If that were to be replaced with exploration, questing and gameplay, then sure, that would be for the best for everyone involved. Probbaly even for those that ask for them to be obtainable from gemshop. > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > Let me make this easier for you: you claimed they priced individual WPs > > > > > Yes, some MP's are easy and some are hard and like MP's ... some Waypoints are also easy and some are also hard .. yet Anet has figured out how to price WP unlocks ... so to they could determine it for MP's. > > > > that's false because they did not. > Actually, there was that one case in Bitterfrost, wasn't it? (although i may remember it wrong, it may have been a vista or something). Although for sure that one _wasn't_ met with warm reception from the community. > > > I think this is what your refering to. And no it dident give any progression at all, just a very expensive portal scroll to bitterfrost. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bitterfrost_Vantage_Point
  16. > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said: > I am wondering what's gonna happen after Anet completes the trilogy set in GW, and I think I figured what they are going to do. The next GW campaign was going to be Utopia but they scrapped it for GW2. If I'm right Utopia will be coming to GW2 [maybe not the name but the concept] > And what was that concept?
  17. > @"Lyssia.4637" said: > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > Like i said earlier in my post, "levels" in this game don't mean much when the game downlevels you in lower level areas and PvP. You gain nothing from a lvl 80 boost except convenience to skip the leveling if you don't want to. Which is mainly used for alts anyway, people who already have a main. > > And even then, should you want any special items - you still need to actually play the game and get map completion, and you have to get hero points to unlock elites because a lvl 80 boost is only going to cover core traits. > > And since masteries are account wide - you don't have to go through "hell" twice, so your point doesn't make sense. > > And that being said, it's not mastery points I'd want to buy, it's hero points. THAT gets grindy after the first alt or so. > Wvw some get https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Testimony_of_Heroics to complete the more tedious hero points mate.
  18. Unsure if I will get wintersday meta this time around Cyberpunk is just around the corner.
  19. > @"Tseison.4659" said: > > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > > @"Tseison.4659" said: > > > > @"Scavarius.6059" said: > > > > > @"Tseison.4659" said: > > > > > Well, Warriors will almost 99.9% get Staff as their next weapon and will serve as a "lance" or "polearm" because if you've played through Champions, you can see the Champion Watchknights that follow you, using a lance and a spinning ability with it. :/ > > > > > > > > watchknights wield a staff since 2013, so ... > > > > pretty much anything a spear and/or scythe can do, can be done with staff. maybe not throwing spears, but lets not go down that rabbithole. also, we already got scythe skins for staff. more than you would think. > > > > > > That's nice but I guess you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I'm stating that, with EoD around the corner, it's likely Warriors will get a staff and will be treated the same way as how Thieves got a staff for their Elite Spec... > > > > But the reason you gave for that is because the watchknights do it. They've been doing it since 2013, so by your logic it was 99.9% confirmed that warriors would get staff as a polearm in HoT and it didn't happen then, or in PoF. Why should it happen now? > > Not that I even care about warriors and what they get, I’m just assuming that’s what I’ve been hearing others talk about since what other weapon could they possibly get when they essentially have everything at this point lol... Single or dual pistol
  20. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said: > Still waiting for them to get to 30. When the next expansion comes, it will likely have a shared inventory slot with a lvl 80 booster. That will makes things wack since I size the box to have ten slot rows. Empty spaces or uneven rows would suck. Good news they stack with other level 80 boost. I still got 2 in 1 shared slot.
  21. > @"High Paladin Vehiron Dartan.2415" said: > This would be perfect especially if it included legendary runes/sigils. As making 6 legendary runes and 4 legendary sigils always seemed like a turn off to me and my guild mates. Of course it shouldn't need to be mentioned but I would hope this would include legendries already acquired and account bound. What you dont want a rune in your aqua breather?
  22. Have you donated 5 ebon vanguard support marks to the human npcs right of the asura with wierd symbol over head in eye of the north? If you have then talk to the asura and you will get your chests. If not then get 5 marks and spend them. Do note that there is another achievement to buy 10 chests as well.
  23. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > Well, let's hold on here: You just said this: > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > > > >Everyone is well aware the developer can do what every they want and they have the ability to do what ever they want. > > > > > > I mean, if Anet can do whatever they want, then monetizing a GS item that is BOTH progressive and accountwide is actually NOT a barrier to Anet offering MP's for sale, contrary to your claim. Great. > > > > > > > Yes, but that was never up for debate here. > > Well, it is because it's the differences between MP's and already sold progression elements that are what needs to be considered. If Anet already sells progression elements, then no amount of debating the pros and cons of selling progression elements has any merit ... they have already decided based on whatever arguments presented pro or con that selling progression is OK. > > Clearly the differences presented so far seem pretty weak for not offering MP's. I mean, you basically think Anet can't properly price MP's because the combination of account wide and progression is so new to them and so different from everything else that somehow if they were to do so ... some cataclysmic event would occur leading you to conclude they shouldn't sell MPs. Seems to me they will not have a problem putting a price on such a thing. > > > Yes then maybe ask anet to make a character bound mastery progression for the people that want to buy mps so they can buy it on every character they make to do the progression the same as waypoints and level 80 boosts.
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