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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > @"Seera.5916" said: > > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > > @"Seera.5916" said: > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said: > > > > > > I don't know the reasons the others have but to me those unlocks go against the whole core of playing video games in the first place. What's the point of buying a game that you're only going to pay more to bypass the actual playing of it. > > > > > > > > > > Seems to me the point is to give people choice on playing the parts of the game they **want** to play and not being subjected to the parts they don't for a fee. > > > > > > > > Opening one's real life wallet should not be an option. > > > > > > OK ... but it already is an option ... Anet has ALREADY opened that Pandora's Box ... so sure express your opinion but it's hard to see how that opinion is relevant to the game when Anet has already moved past the 'shouldn't be an option to buy progression' issue. > > > > Again answer this: why should people who do not want that stuff in the shop stop voicing their displeasure in such feats in an attempt to get ANet to stop adding such items? > > No one said they shouldn't. I'm just wondering if someone has a reason other than 'feels bad' for why Anet shouldn't offer more. Clearly, whatever the reasons so far, the ones that lead Anet to offer progression elements win out over the ones that don't. It's easy to see why based on this thread. > > >I might as well just stop playing, uninstall, and never give ANet another dime. Because it's going to end up that way, might as well save my money and put my money and time towards other games that do not turn into a huge pay to win game. Because I don't support pay to win games. > > Clearly you don't define buying level 80 and waypoint unlocks and full endgame gear P2W because you are still here ... so then you shouldn't have a problem with MP's either. > > See the problem here is that these offerings have no impact on people that don't want to buy them ... just like any other GS thing you don't want to buy. The idea this is something people don't like is completely artificial because it's based on some non-existent idea that we 'compete' in PVE so selling 'win' isn't fair ... when the reality is that we play co-operatively and if someone wants to buy 'win' that's just more people to play with and fund the game. The ideas you people have are archaic. Sure ... leave GW2 ... and see what game you can play that doesn't have a store where you can't buy 'win' ... GL. > Nah if people buy there win we have less people to play with since there is less incentive for those to do the content that none paying people need to get the same mastery point.s
  2. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Asgaeroth.6427" said: > > Every problem with raiding in GW2 is solved instantly with difficulty options. It's blatantly obvious and is a standard necessary modern MMO feature. How could anyone with any amount of ability to think critically not see it? > > Let's take a look at Fractals, that have multiple difficulty options. One "problem" is that a player cannot join a Fractal CM without having the necessary KP first, and since you get those from running Fractal CMs it's a circular problem. How is that problem "fixed" with multiple difficulties? > > Also, T1 fractals lack certain abilities, that do exist at higher levels. This means beating the lower difficulties is done using completely different tactics, as an example in Uncategorized Fractal Old Tom's room doesn't require using the fan at lower difficulties. This means, the problem of players going into content without having a clue of how the content is played isn't going to be fixed by multiple difficulties > > Just found two problems not solved with difficulty options. With proper amount of critically thinking you can find more You dont need to use the fan in t4 either fyi
  3. https://www.deltaconnected.com/arcdps/ scroll to bottom, click x64: current Download d3d9.dll and keep it. copy it into your bla/bla/guild wars 2/bin64 folder And start the game
  4. No there is not a way to lift it. Unsure if the gem is related to the 4 day new player period tho. Might be something to do with charging the same card in quick succession, best thing to do is put in a support ticket
  5. Yea considering that champions havent ended yet so no ap awarded for the story was that the issue?
  6. > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > > @"sitarskee.5738" said: > > > I don't see it as a problem especially having mounts. > > > > when you have to clear the same mobs over and over to get mounted again, then it just becomes a chore. and they will aggro so far away, and bring all their buddies too. > > Which spots are so problematic for you? All of them mate
  7. Yes it was on the first page even when you made your thread hence why I said read the first page to see if its been brought up. Edit Fyi it still is on the first page.
  8. > @"HotDelirium.7984" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Maybe read the first page? > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/119483/psa-champions-lfg-is-fixed#latest > > Maybe it should be in the patch notes? Yes and I mentioned it in that thread that are still in the first page of this same sub forum so why was this thread needed?
  9. > @"borgs.6103" said: > > @"Pifil.5193" said: > > If the president of a country is replaced then they're no longer the president of that country. If that leader was a traitor then they sure as hell shouldn't keep the title of president. > > > He's not replaced though... Only those with the bloodline of the first 4 of the Khan-Ur's children can be Imperators. He's not a traitor as well. He's the leader of the Blood Legion. How can you be a traitor to your own leadership? > > Bangar didn't go AWOL. Bangar betrayed the Blood Legion when he left and formed the Dominion. When he abandoned the Blood Legion he lost any right to the title of Imperator and left a vacuum that Crecia filled. That was quite logical given that she was his second in command and _didn't_ betray the legion. > > > > I mean you surely don't think that he, a traitor that incited mass mutiny from the legions, formed a new nation and caused a civil war that devastated the legions, should remain in charge of the Blood Legion just because he was in charge of it once? That makes absolutely no sense. > > > > I'm sure that most loyal Blood Legion charr (and quite a few Dominion members at this stage) would love his head on a pike over the death and destruction that he caused. They sure as hell don't want him back in charge. > Again - Crecia doesn't have the Khan-Ur bloodline, so she can't be an Imperator, unless she just suddenly is. And you can't betray if you're the top dog. Who are you betraying? Bangar may be an absolute monster as a leader, but he's still the leader. Blood Legion owes their loyalty to their Imperator. Charr Legions were at war with each other before, This is nothing new. If anything, the non-Blood Legion Charr that joined him are the traitors. Him creating the Dominion and a lot of Charr joining only proves that he's got the charisma to lead. > > I'm with you with that it doesn't make sense Crecia suddenly becoming Imperator. It's like we just time-skipped some Charr politics and suddenly there's a non-Khan-Ur lineage Imperator and everyone's just fine with it. What a way to ruin an interesting lore tidbit for the Charr there. > Were do you get the information that only the bloodlines can be imperators? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Khan-Ur Only his bloodline can be khan-ur it says nothing about the imperators. Just that the first imperators are his children nothing about a rule of it always having to be like that.
  10. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said: > > @"Murdock.6547" said: > > ... Have people stopped fighting about entitlement vs elitism in raid? > > On the possitive side...This debate has neem won by elitism. Raiding is now considered a niche for players who think they are much better then others. > On the negative. The debate has shifted. It is almost as far as asking kill proof for the cave troll in Queensdale. (jokes aside, there has been some stirred up emotions about asking raid killproof for incredible easy dragon respons missions). Yea its almost like people cant be bothered to make their own groups. They always want to be the last fifth to join so they never have to wait at all.
  11. If this is true than thats 1 reason all the jp chests give crap loot. To reward it as little as possible.
  12. Maybe read the first page? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/119483/psa-champions-lfg-is-fixed#latest
  13. Dragon response mission. Same as all the other threads about mastery icons in ebon hawk, bloodtide coast, lake doric, thunder head keep, caledon forest etc.
  14. > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > Only emote i would like to see is from FFXIV "slap". Emote that works in every situation, so versatile. > > I kinda wish we had some OTT emotes, like a wave where you stand on one leg trying to make yourself bigger and more seen. I know FFXIV had one like that. > > It just gives the characters more life... also... Where is the old female idle position?!! > It was taken away because of sexisim if I remember right. Or might have been something about the character looking bored during cutscenes.
  15. > @"Evil.1390" said: > I wouldn't mind them testing this with the previous Guild Wars Game, that has been completed for the most part. It would be easier to implement as its only one skill bar to deal with and skills. Not that it would be easy but would be love to try this on console. Loved Guild Wars and would love to experience again on console but its only a wish or dream at this point. haha. Could be good for each expansion to come out slowly as well if all goes to there plans with the first part. :) just a thought and idea. Holy necro batman.
  16. Kinda odd that the ebon vanguard release dident come with the ebon hawk dragon response mission tho. Arent we supposed to help the ebon vanguard with their stories?
  17. The weekly chest stack tho so are you sure you dont have multiple off it?
  18. yes your missing the Cms unsure if you can do that in public now, I always did them in private
  19. > @"Dante.1508" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Dante.1508" said: > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > > > > > I don't think many remember there used to be Mini-pets in that arena in LA. > > > > > Nice to see proof. ;) > > > > > > > > Yeah, haha, i have a couple of screenshots of that arena, but this one is the only one i think that shows pets in it. :smile: > > > > I kinda miss the old Lion's arch, but i appreciate Anet for having the balls to literally destroy one map and redo it as part of the story. Like, kudos, really! > > > > I don't have many, if any LW2 Lion's arch screenshots, when it was under attack and all messed up. I think i stopped playing then. Got back for HoT, then left for LW3, got back for PoF and now i'm back as well. > > > > Missed so many free stores but oh well. > > > > > > > > > @"Dante.1508" said: > > > > > I so miss pre hot GW2. > > > > > > > > It was quite a different experience wasn't it? :smile: > > > > I appreciate all the QoL changes we got since then, but i miss it for the nostalgia. > > > > > > I just found it a lot more casual and fun. Even the old dungeons at the time i hated as they were so hardcore turned out to be so much better then than the crazy Fractals and raiding we have now.. I so regret losing dungeons as they were so much better, i had no idea what the grindy future would bring. > > > > The dungeons are still there get 1-4 more people and go ham on them. > > I did but there is only so many times you can play the same things over and over.. > > What i meant was back in the day i hated dungeons, but i had no idea the feedback would lead to even worse things like raids and fractals.. we should have just said nothing and played the now casual dungeons and we would have gotten more, not this modern crazy insanity that is fractals etc.. > > The things you learn too late. > Oh we wouldent have the dungeon team was prommtly gutted and sacked.
  20. > @"Rhyiann.8461" said: > Hello, I have been trying to play a different Class than the ones I have tried up to this point but I love ranged classes. I understand that I can turn a melee class as warrior into ranged but I still dont know how can that happen since there are restrictions to weapons for classes. Is there proficiency to be acquired along the way so that a warrior or a thief can use a ranged weapon? and at what level will that happen? Thanks Viper gear, sword/torch and longbow berserker and you got your ranged warrior. Guess you can go core warrior with dual sword and longbow but not as good as berserker imo. You can either go core thief dual pistols or deadeye ( thief elite) can use rife or dual pistols. Edit You can use all weapons form level 1 just equip them.
  21. > @"Dante.1508" said: > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > > > I don't think many remember there used to be Mini-pets in that arena in LA. > > > Nice to see proof. ;) > > > > Yeah, haha, i have a couple of screenshots of that arena, but this one is the only one i think that shows pets in it. :smile: > > I kinda miss the old Lion's arch, but i appreciate Anet for having the balls to literally destroy one map and redo it as part of the story. Like, kudos, really! > > I don't have many, if any LW2 Lion's arch screenshots, when it was under attack and all messed up. I think i stopped playing then. Got back for HoT, then left for LW3, got back for PoF and now i'm back as well. > > Missed so many free stores but oh well. > > > > > @"Dante.1508" said: > > > I so miss pre hot GW2. > > > > It was quite a different experience wasn't it? :smile: > > I appreciate all the QoL changes we got since then, but i miss it for the nostalgia. > > I just found it a lot more casual and fun. Even the old dungeons at the time i hated as they were so hardcore turned out to be so much better then than the crazy Fractals and raiding we have now.. I so regret losing dungeons as they were so much better, i had no idea what the grindy future would bring. The dungeons are still there get 1-4 more people and go ham on them.
  22. > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > @"Lilwil.6529" said: > > Do you think there will be away for less talented players to experience the stories of the raids? > > > > I've tried alot to get to experience the raid story, but I'm just not good enough to make it through one. I've been playing since GW1 and feel like I'm missing out on some key lore for the game just because i can't. The only way I've managed to experience the first raid was by paying gold to a player. I would not expert rewards for it (legendary armor) the Lore would be enough. I just want to play the story off them but at a difficulty level I can manage. > > One night a friend of mine said "hey Mind, let's do a raid". We had 5 guildies of which I was the only one with any raid experience (I had a whopping 12 LI at the time). > **He and two of the other members of the guild showed up in their WvW gear and builds.** > Then we put up an LFG saying "We have no clue what we are doing....come raid with us". > 15 minutes later we had 10 people. > 30 mins after that we killed Cairn. > > How much easier does it have to be? Well according to some the 45 mins to get group together and kill is to much. 30 second group form and 8mins kill might even be to long. They seem to want it like world bosses on a timer and just show up wack it afew times and collect loot.
  23. > @"Vegeta.2563" said: > > @"Blindefender.9834" said: > > DQ is bad enough, but losing all event progress/loot is even worse. Playing today is a total waste of time. > > idk.. I quite like DQ's ice cream :trollface: Is DQ what you Na people call Drm = dragon response mission?
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