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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. Yes noone have noticed this before now https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1382529#Comment_1382529 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1375950#Comment_1375950 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/118694/mastery-points-build-108-510 https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1373783#Comment_1373783
  2. > @"Cynz.9437" said: > The only thing that bothers me about this boss is how heavily it favors condi builds. Although i am not sure how they could fix it without changing boss mechanics all together. The only one who do so they should not change it.
  3. > @"DoomNexus.5324" said: > > @"Anchoku.8142" said: > > This should be a very old discussion inside Arenanet but I often wonder why Living World episodes are completely free for those who log in and play them? > > > > Why not charge a small fee (microtransaction) to purchase the episode before the next episode and increase it later? The fee could also be discounted but not eliminated with gems. > > > > The same could be applied for competitive play seasons while giving a bump up for in-game rewards or a guaranteed skin unlock. > > > > The "every little bit of content is free" business model was fine in the first few LW seasons but does it still make sense? > > > > Share your thought here! > > I'm wondering since LS1.. I HATE that my payments indirectly (or directly) support Anet making Living Stories. I'm not interested in the chapters at all and the only reason I may buy some would be if the map had an enjoyable farm. > Also, why would you not monetize actual content?! By that logic they'd have to give away expansions for free as well imho. > I mean.. if they earn enough money from the gem store then why lock bigger content updates behind paywalls and exclude the "poorer players" on the important stuff? And if they don't earn enough money then why give away dlc-like content updates for free?.. Pretty inconsistent if you ask me but on the other hand Anet has always been inconsistent af so nothing new I guess... > > Look at ESO for example, they pump out WAY more content without flooding their cash shop as much and I'm preeetty confident it's because they monetize their dlcs and Anet doesn't. > Also.. More money doesn't hurt, at least I don't think NCSoft would complain if Anet had more profit.. So even IF they made enough from the gem shop there is still nothing wrong that they want to get paid for actual content they developed.. That would be as if McDonalds gave away burgers and drinks for free but sell a bag and straw for 10 and 15€. > Players who don't own Living Stories also don't miss out on anything important anyway imo. Even having them for open world farming is not that important, it's just nice to have an alternative to Silverwastes (Because who the kitten cares about the story anyway, it's boring af..) > > Would highly appreciate a reasonable price tag on living story episodes ngl. > > But I think the reason why they don't monetize the LS episodes is because they know exactly that it's not worth a lot and by forcing every player to own them, fanbois can defend Anet by saying "we get free content updates regularly, why do you complain?!". Because players demand paid expansions that feel meaty instead of trickle of content over months.
  4. > @"dceptous.9205" said: > It's not that I'd reject the AP, it was just somewhat confusing and inconsistent with the way other collection achievements were handled. > If everybody else is fine with that, I guess I'll rest my case. But keeping it as is or removing a tier and adding the ap to tier below do the same thing so why is that unesseasry change even needed that you ask for in the OP?
  5. Talk to support maybe they can exchange it for something else of similar value
  6. > @"dceptous.9205" said: > Not sure if this has been reported before but it just caught my eye: > I just completed the Merchandize Collector achievement unlocking the 3 Ebon Vanguard shouulder pieces among other things. Upon completion I noticed two things that seem off: > 1) In the achievemtent panel Tier 5 and 6 share the same number of items to be completed, so if you complete Tier 5 you complete the achievement. > 2) It also shows the 3 Khan-Ur items as completed, although I haven't unlocked those skins. > I'm guessing this is a means to make getting the rare Khan-Ur pieces optionial to complete the achievements, like for some achievements you have to complete maybe 45 of 50 available objectives. So here I'm wondering if it wouldn't it make more sense to remove Tier 6 alltogether, add its AP to Tier 5 and leave it at that? > It was changed because alot of people complained ( rightly so in my oppinion ) that the 3 khan-ur helms were a pain in the bottom to get, making the achievement close to impossible to complete. Why is it needed o take away a tier when completing it now already do the same thing tho?
  7. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > And even if you wouldent by mps the way they are implemented now, whats stopping anet from making it so boring/tedious or even hard that you have to buy mps for cold hard cash or quit the game? > > I'd assume that if any (additional) progression got added to the shop, it'd be added like the current ones are - in such a way that it's more cost effective for most people to play the game than to throw down money and jump ahead. > > Now, past examples don't guarantee they _wouldn't_ do something unintelligent and change their model to try and encourage sales - they've done unintelligent things with monetization before - but they haven't yet with other conveniences like the 80-boost and WP packs. > > Any convenience added to the store should just be an additional path for those willing to shell out - not an excuse to ramp up the difficulty or reduce the enjoyability of gameplay in order to turn a dollar. Whether or not we trust the company to be respectful of that is a totally separate topic, but I figured this thread was more about the concept of having progression in the shop at all - MPs specifically. Cough build loadouts cough, yea never happen to any conveniences before at all.
  8. > @"Styros.8931" said: > hard? What? You literally have bunch of free space to attack/cc and dodge/heal. The problem is that small brain people has no clue how phases work and because of that most of people die to aoe 1shots or can't use ROLL uhm they arent even 1 shots in t1 and t2.
  9. Well if we compare strikes to the new dragon response missions we should nerf them down 300-400%
  10. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said: > I've been coming back to this thread on and off since it was posted to see if my initial thought, that adding MPs to the shop wouldn't matter, would change. > > Honestly? Hasn't. Progression has been for sale in this game for years. You can buy waypoints. You can buy an expansion to obtain mounts. You can buy legendary weapons with gems-to-gold. You can dance if you want to. You can leave your friends behind. Wait, that's the safety dance - I'm sorry. The point is, there are multiple ways to get these things, either by purchase ($$$) or by playing the game (free!*) > > Right now, you can pop a character to level 80 by buying a boost from the shop and instantly be geared and ready for end-game content. You can do this as a brand new player, or you can do it as someone who has played for a while and is ready to max out a new alternate. It makes no difference at all to me, a person who typically gets to 80 by hand or by using writs of experience I've accumulated through gameplay. How other people get to 80 is none of my business, and getting to 80 isn't an unfair advantage as it's available to everyone who owns the game. > > **Buying levels (or buying MPs as is being proposed) isn't something I'd do, and the costs to do so make it more sensible to simply play the game** to achieve the same result. That said, how other people reach a goal doesn't matter to me in the slightest, and I fail to see gem shop progression doing any more damage than people who choose to do it through playing the game. It's not better or worse; one method isn't morally or logically superior to the other. The end result is no different. > > In summation, I wouldn't buy MPs from the gem store, but I wouldn't care if they were available there. People are going to get their masteries one way or another, and if they add a way that gives the company some cash and also doesn't take away from my experience, then who cares? > > > _* Free - Ish. Sometimes you need to buy an expansion, though arguably you can do that for free too if you want to grind gold for all eternity and turn it into gems._ As other have pointed out the progression now is character based not account based that mastery points are. And even if you wouldent by mps the way they are implemented now, whats stopping anet from making it so boring/tedious or even hard that you have to buy mps for cold hard cash or quit the game?
  11. > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said: > > > > @"Marckfast.8093" said: > > > > Also to end, when you put a item to sell, but a bit ime later u want to remove it from the market place, why should we also pay those big taxes just for showing on a list? > > > > > > > > > There are two reasons for this: > > > 1. This prevents people from abusing the trading post as a storage expansion. Even though people still post items at ludicrous prices with the intention of never selling them, simply because their normal storage is full, they at least don't get to store their stuff for free. > > > 2. This also effectively lowers prices on items. People are more likely to post their items at an affordable price, if they know that taking the item down and re-listing it at a lower price eats up any bonus gold they could have gotten by price gauging. > > > > Why would they do this when they can put in 5-500.000 bids on chac egg sacks for what ever anmunt they want to store and keep all the money when they delist the buy order? > > Because they *don't* keep all the money. The 5% fee you pay to list the item is not refunded if you cancel the listing. They do if its buy orders not sell listings but as > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > ^How is putting a Buy Order on an item enabling one to store items on the Trading Post? Says why would you pay to store 1 item on the trading post, read the one I quoted wrong first. Its madness just salvage and move on or buy a mule its way cheaper and more slots.
  12. > @"YtseJam.9784" said: > yeah I ran them with my guild. as other CM content we do, you would expect better rewards than doing the normal mode, like fractals for instance. these don't have any additional rewards besides the achievement points for completing 5 of each, which really doesn't make them repeatable content after getting the achievs. You get 3 times the medals for Cms from my experience so yes its better rewards but not really worth it.
  13. > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said: > > @"Marckfast.8093" said: > > Also to end, when you put a item to sell, but a bit ime later u want to remove it from the market place, why should we also pay those big taxes just for showing on a list? > > > There are two reasons for this: > 1. This prevents people from abusing the trading post as a storage expansion. Even though people still post items at ludicrous prices with the intention of never selling them, simply because their normal storage is full, they at least don't get to store their stuff for free. > 2. This also effectively lowers prices on items. People are more likely to post their items at an affordable price, if they know that taking the item down and re-listing it at a lower price eats up any bonus gold they could have gotten by price gauging. Why would they do this when they can put in 5-500.000 bids on chac egg sacks for what ever anmunt they want to store and keep all the money when they delist the buy order?
  14. This thread is sarcasm right? I mean best fasion something i cant even change right.
  15. > @"Michael Conrad.6704" said: > Thank you Sobx. At what point will I need to get the Build Storage Expansion ? You can just as easily use message of the day if you got a 1 person guild or a google text document to store as many builds as you want without build storage expansions.
  16. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > @"Nerox.8731" said: > > > > > > Again, I have no problem with people who want to have opinions. In this case, it's easy to see the irrelevance of those opinions because of established game for-sale progression elements. > > > > > > > If you want to go that very specific route, your opinion is by your own definition irrelevant... > > Except it's not an opinion. The idea that Anet can sell progression elements is based an observation of what is really happening in the game ... not some opinion I have about what I think of the idea. > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > @"Nerox.8731" said: > > > > > > Again, I have no problem with people who want to have opinions. In this case, it's easy to see the irrelevance of those opinions because of established game for-sale progression elements. > > > > > > > If you want to go that very specific route, your opinion is by your own definition irrelevant... > > Except it's not an opinion. The idea that Anet can sell progression elements is based an observation of what is really happening in the game ... not some opinion I have about what I think of the idea. > Yes and we are not argueing if anet can sell progression elements in the game, we are saying we dont want them to sell any more then they already do. Some even gave you clear examples how it can be abused by said company to make the game worse just to earn a quick buck and how it can negatively affect the players. The 80 boost and waypoint unlock dont affect me in the slightest if 1 million people do, since I can do it solo on any of my characters given time. Mastery points behind group activity do since I am not good enough to do those solo. This not an opinion it is a fact.
  17. Then keep holding onto it like you do incase the update it or dont. We will never get an answer from a dev on this because it would be a leader descision something we dont even know if they have after the previous one left without a word.
  18. > @"Tyson.5160" said: > > @"nopinopa.4861" said: > > I am surprised the community got t3 in the current event already. I was pretty sure that since this event has bad reward, skins from the previous and still available maps and we still need to grind drm over and over again, reaching t3 would be even harder than with crystal bloom. > > And now we are almost t5... Well the praticipation bar have for sure been lowered this time around.
  19. Cant craft a second one since it got a collection to it. Gen 2 staff, axe, bow and pistol you can only craft one of. Gen 2.5 te rest you can make multiple.
  20. Cm+t4 fractals. Daily istan great hall and palawadan metas. Forge in fire, casino and jundun wurm metas. Dragon fall if you got abit more time at once.
  21. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said: > > @"Yung Reezy.8479" said: > > The more options the better especially more varied body types. Some more Elonian hairstyles and faces would also be wonderful but that’s just me being greedy XD > > My understanding is that new body types isn't ever going to be a thing, which is a shame but not unsurprising considering its Anet. Considering new body types mean they have to refit all the armor that is a no go. To much work for no gain.
  22. You need to consume it to unlock it. If you feel like waiting its not many days untill winters day im sure
  23. > @"Croc.1978" said: > Same here, got 50 stacks or so of emp fragments laying around. > > I just hope that gobbler will gobble them up faster than they accumulate. Already got this one? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gleam_of_Sentience
  24. Well its been 3 years I think the OP have found a discord server by now and aint considered new anymore.
  25. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > > @"Seera.5916" said: > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said: > > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > > > > > > @"Seera.5916" said: > > > > > > > > I don't know the reasons the others have but to me those unlocks go against the whole core of playing video games in the first place. What's the point of buying a game that you're only going to pay more to bypass the actual playing of it. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Seems to me the point is to give people choice on playing the parts of the game they **want** to play and not being subjected to the parts they don't for a fee. > > > > > > > > > > > > Opening one's real life wallet should not be an option. > > > > > > > > > > OK ... but it already is an option ... Anet has ALREADY opened that Pandora's Box ... so sure express your opinion but it's hard to see how that opinion is relevant to the game when Anet has already moved past the 'shouldn't be an option to buy progression' issue. > > > > > > > > Again answer this: why should people who do not want that stuff in the shop stop voicing their displeasure in such feats in an attempt to get ANet to stop adding such items? > > > > > > No one said they shouldn't. I'm just wondering if someone has a reason other than 'feels bad' for why Anet shouldn't offer more. Clearly, whatever the reasons so far, the ones that lead Anet to offer progression elements win out over the ones that don't. It's easy to see why based on this thread. > > > > > > >I might as well just stop playing, uninstall, and never give ANet another dime. Because it's going to end up that way, might as well save my money and put my money and time towards other games that do not turn into a huge pay to win game. Because I don't support pay to win games. > > > > > > Clearly you don't define buying level 80 and waypoint unlocks and full endgame gear P2W because you are still here ... so then you shouldn't have a problem with MP's either. > > > > > > See the problem here is that these offerings have no impact on people that don't want to buy them ... just like any other GS thing you don't want to buy. The idea this is something people don't like is completely artificial because it's based on some non-existent idea that we 'compete' in PVE so selling 'win' isn't fair ... when the reality is that we play co-operatively and if someone wants to buy 'win' that's just more people to play with and fund the game. The ideas you people have are archaic. Sure ... leave GW2 ... and see what game you can play that doesn't have a store where you can't buy 'win' ... GL. > > > > > > > Nah if people buy there win we have less people to play with since there is less incentive for those to do the content that none paying people need to get the same mastery point.s > > That kind of thinking assumes people can't complete MP's without these reluctant players to begin with ... obviously untrue. On the other hand, less people forced to do content they don't like is more people doing content they want to do. Less people doing MP's is NOT less people playing the game and that is the ultimate goal here. > > I've already talked about why forcing players to do content they don't like is NOT a more effective way to build a sustained playerbase over offering players options to play how they want ... I shouldn't even have to explain that. I mean, that's the whole reason this game _exists_; because it has LOTS of options to players for how they want to play and since release, increased those options to purchasing level 80 and waypoints if they choose to play that way as well. > > I mean, it sounds to me like you are making an argument that says Anet shouldn't sell progression elements because it takes players from the game you need to help you if you progress by playing the traditional way ... we know that's not true. Yea how many Volcanic Stormcaller Weapon Box do you think would be on the trading post if everyone could just buy that mp with cash? Imagen trying to get those weapons alone since even fewer people would bother to do the drms at all. Now imagen ncsoft seeing that hey these people are fine paying cash for tiedious content lets make more of that please hint hint kick in the face anet. Yes that would be great for this game, it would not mate it goes against the very spirit of the game you seem to want to keep alive.
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