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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. already reported and responded to maybe read the first page of bugs before posting again? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/120368/bound-isnt-registering-as-a-leap-finisher#latest
  2. > @"Valhor.9056" said: > Can we get any updates here? Please :) You got a red response in the thread already thats more then 95% of the threads get and you expect an update 4 days after the thread was created? Give them time to work and the update will be in game release note section bud.
  3. > @"lummuss.6850" said: > I'm getting an average of 150 winter gifts a day. And I'm not selling them on TP, I'm opening them all in the hope of dropping a super expensive item and being able to smile and forget all the anger I'm feeling because of this festival. The daily achievements I already gave up, I still find them confusing ... Are you doing the freezie 10 man strike 3 times for 30 presents each time?
  4. > @"chrispy.7182" said: > This is the reason why I stopped playing. They need to make two versions of the raids in my opinion. One is the normal tier we have now, and the other is a beginners tier. The beginners tier will have the same mechanics but will be much more forgiving (less damage) so that people can pug and get to know the mechanics. The rewards from these would be less obviously. But it would just give new people space to practice until they know the raids and can then enter the higher tier when they know the mechanics. If its to forgiving people will just out heal it and ignore the mechanics and learning nothing. I say just make it the same nerf rewards and take away the timer. People can go full defence and still learn nothing but complete it. But if they really want to learn they learn with the true severity of the mechanics. Edit Ofcourse no normal achievement progress, they could add other aps to it tho.
  5. Dont you need to do jump puzzles in different regions?
  6. > @"Seera.5916" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Vavume.8065" said: > > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > > @"Vaga.5174" said: > > > > > Again - i said only a few players would be affected by this. I agree its very niche, and yes, my scenario isnt common - but IF this situation does happen, you now have a very expensive item collecting dust. > > > > > > > > > > The point is, if it can be made salvageable it would be nice for these niche situations. I don't claim that Anet has done anything wrong, nor do i believe this is anyone elses fault but mine. But! Its just a request. > > > > > > > > Why dont you just finish the legendary on alt account and mail it to main account? > > > > > > Account bound... > > > > No the finished legendary aint account bound, the gift is sure but thats not what my post said. > > Mystic Tribute is used for the second generation legendary weapons. The second generation legendary weapons are account bound on acquire oh I see my bad.
  7. > @"Vavume.8065" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Vaga.5174" said: > > > Again - i said only a few players would be affected by this. I agree its very niche, and yes, my scenario isnt common - but IF this situation does happen, you now have a very expensive item collecting dust. > > > > > > The point is, if it can be made salvageable it would be nice for these niche situations. I don't claim that Anet has done anything wrong, nor do i believe this is anyone elses fault but mine. But! Its just a request. > > > > Why dont you just finish the legendary on alt account and mail it to main account? > > Account bound... No the finished legendary aint account bound, the gift is sure but thats not what my post said.
  8. > @"Vaga.5174" said: > Again - i said only a few players would be affected by this. I agree its very niche, and yes, my scenario isnt common - but IF this situation does happen, you now have a very expensive item collecting dust. > > The point is, if it can be made salvageable it would be nice for these niche situations. I don't claim that Anet has done anything wrong, nor do i believe this is anyone elses fault but mine. But! Its just a request. Why dont you just finish the legendary on alt account and mail it to main account?
  9. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Jorhn.3926" said: > > You can also use this : > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Alchemy > > > > To convert mithril node into orichalcum node > > Thanks but that's a cash shop item right? For that price i'd have to farm a LOT of materials in general to break even. You can buy limited version of that glyph tools for karma at the big citys harvest tool merchants. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gathering_Merchant
  10. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Kondor.2904" said: > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said: > > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said: > > > > > > For the cost involved in getting it now it should be an infusion ? > > > > > > > > > > I know right? It costs way too much to make. Would be nice if they could just release a festive skin that all players can make, not just barons. > > > > > Oh well... > > > > > > > > Alittle under 700g gold is not tp baron levels of cost. That about the cost of a premium mount skins with golds to gem. > > > > > > Yeah, but 700g for a shoulder skin that's only snowflakes and no actual shoulder armor lool (the characters shoulders are blank if you use the skin), is a bit too much. And idk, maybe 700g isn't baron level, but i don't know who would spend 700g on a shoulder armor skin. If this was an infusion, then yeah, but shoulder armor skin... A bit much for most people. > > > > Check the invisible boots price. > > I did, but that's different. That's a dropped item, you either get it and get rich or you don't. > This skin is a craftable item. > And a shoulder armor at that which means my shoulders will be naked if i use it which is kinda meh... > > Oh well, i'm not getting it, whoever wants can deal with the gold cost. Makes no difference to me. Both cost alot both turn armor invisible so why do it matter if its dropped or crafted?
  11. Well a home instance node you can feed luck into for some trash coin item like the ghost at lunar new year would be nice so veterans can get rid of excess luck all year round.
  12. Well you do have the Toypocalypse going right now mate. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toypocalypse
  13. You get more loot since you get the champions aswell, but it dont buff the overall loot no.
  14. > @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Cant craft a second one since it got a collection to it. > > Gen 2 staff, axe, bow and pistol you can only craft one of. > > Gen 2.5 te rest you can make multiple. > Astralaria is the Gen 2 axe, so no crafting a second one. > > OP, having crafted Astralaria myself, everything that is left over salvage what you can, sell what you can't, and destroy the rest. You don't need any of it any longer. Yes as I said in my first line in the post you quoted, just because I expanded my answer dont make it wrong. >Cant craft a second one since it got a collection to it.
  15. > @"Havyn.4293" said: > I had all the wrapped weapon skins from previous years, except a couple, so I went to the Charity Corps Seraph(Wintersday Rewards) to buy my last couple of wrapped weapon skins to finish the collection. They are all locked!!! I have none of the skins now! I am all sorts of pissed off. Please tell me it is a known bug because I can't find a thread on the problem anywhere. You cant buy the wraped weapons you can only get them for doing 3 wintersday dailies for 5 days.
  16. > @"John.8507" said: > Would also be nice for un opened unidentified bags, but okay I guess you can use invisible bags > Or you could use a account wide slot
  17. > @"Gotejjeken.1267" said: > Ideally you'd be able to access your bank from your inventory, then combine shared slots with extra bank tabs. I guess they'd lose money that way, even if you had to pay for the convenience of accessing your bank from your inventory. You already can permanent or single use bank express item
  18. > @"Fangoth.4503" said: > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > > @"Fangoth.4503" said: > > > Shouldn't chapter 1 arrive before chapter 2 releases though? > > > > We're on Chapter 1 > > So far we had pre-even 1, waiting week 1, pre-event 2 and we now are at waiting week 2 so in theory chapter one finally start on 15th and if chapter one was over we shouldn't have this green annoying thing on top right corner of our screen > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > @"Fangoth.4503" said: > > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > > > @"Fangoth.4503" said: > > > > Shouldn't chapter 1 arrive before chapter 2 releases though? > > > > > > We're on Chapter 1 > > > > So far we had pre-even 1, waiting week 1, pre-event 2 and we now are at waiting week 2 so in theory chapter one finally start on 15th and if chapter one was over we shouldn't have this green annoying thing on top right corner of our screen > > There have been no pre events at all, just story mode for chapter one in full combined with some community events to encourage participation > > Chapter 1 story launched a month ago in the story journal, alongside community event 1, then a week's wait for community event 2. We know Chapter 2 starts in Jan as per the roadmap. > > It may be light in content and poorly explained, but there doesn’t appear to be anything else. Wintersday starts on the 15th and that will run at least until the first week of Jan. Chapter 2 likely 2 weeks after > Yes like Randulf.7614 says what we got 2 story maps and 3 drms is all first chapter of episode 5 is giving us. Next part chapter 2 is in january and we wont be done with the episode untill was it may? So you can start to get used to having the green star in the top right for quite awhile.
  19. I just go no banner power cc warrior on 100cm with static since Im lazy.
  20. > @"Rik Stark.7289" said: > Thanks to both of you, Ashantara and Linken, for your advice. I did try your suggestions but once again without success. In view of this I raised a ticket on Arenanet on December 1st and after many e-mails, both to and from, they finally came up with a solution. The thing that helped me to get 'back on track' was to, and I quote, 'Activate Chapter 1 - Whisper in the Dark for us. Then re-activate Chapter 5 - Champions for us'. I don't see the logic in this but it worked. Thanks once again for your help. Thumbs up Glad you came back and posted the solution, its very rare that people do that and it can help future people with same problem. Not that they go looking for the thread but people like Ashantara for example might remember seeing this issue before and look it up.
  21. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > Currently, make-over kits aren't that expensive. I don't see a need to offer them as rewards. I think it was more new beards, faces, hairs etc instead of make-over kits the OP is talking about.
  22. > @"weaponwh.9810" said: > is there any useful/worthy item in those chest(other than item for envoy armor 1)? Well usualy no but I got precursor from the chest right before mursat overseer in wing 4 so guess any of them can drop that.
  23. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Nilkemia.8507" said: > > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > > > @"Nilkemia.8507" said: > > > > There should be an option to get a Gift of Battle from SPvP as well, but that probably makes too much sense to be implemented. > > > > > > How exactly would that make sense? People that complain about gob mostly complain because they're not interested in fighting other players -at which point implementing it to spvp while in wvw it can be done literally by just PvEing is the opposite of "making too much sense". > > > > Gift of Battle. SPvP involves battles, correct? And I'm saying this as someone who cares not for PvP nor WvW. I'd rather see a PvE option, but I know that would make no sense and wouldn't happen, since it's part of how they try to draw people into WvW. That and the reward tracks. I'd also advocate for the option to buy it for 500 Badges of Honor being put back, but that's likely out too. > > > > If that still doesn't make sense, oh well. > > 500 badges of honor is WAY too small amount for a legendary item. Most skins just cost around 250 or somethign, you can't expect them to make a legendary purcahseable for the cost of like 2-3 skins... > > If they'd do it for badges of honor, then it would need to cost like 5000 minimum or even more. At which point - you'd need to be really actively participating in WvW more than you would with just dailies and potions. Even if it cost 500 badges, the reward track is still better because you don't really need to do much, whereas you need to play quite a while longer than the reward track lasts to get 500 badges drops (or more if it would cost more). > > The reward track is better as you get free stuff along the way to completing Gift of Battle so i honestly think the reward track is the best option for obtaining it. > But i wouldn't like it to be in PvE. If they do that, then they'd need to put a way for WvW people to obtain their legendaries without the insane grind and in WvW only. That would be only fair. To somehow balance how difficult it is to make to the PvE way so that WvW isn't like 10000 times slower and harder... > > Honestly, just going into WvW and doing the reward track is the easiest part of this so i don't really think anything should change about that, it's not like it's hard to get it even if you don't like the mode, anything else would just complicate things for everyone. I think it was to buy the gift of battle for 500 right?
  24. > @"Joekidd.1928" said: > So, what your telling me is that 15,000 points out of my total 26480 are from dailies. Is this a lifetime cap or does it reset. Except for the 2 gold you earn doing dailies, which you can earn faster doing farming, why even continue to do dailies? I guess I answered my own question! its a hard cap will never reset.
  25. > @"aikatara.3462" said: > I apologize if this is a stupid question and I may be simply too tired, but can someone please explain to me how these bonus events work that follow the latest living world chapter and why Calm in the Storm doesn't continue? Because I am completely lost and confused. > > So I completed the chapter. Now it states in the upper right corner: > > Calm in the Storm > *Ready your allies... > *Speak with Lady Camilla > > Speaking to Lady Camilla does nothing though but as far as I understood the other thread this only continues when the next chapter releases? > > Then I have this bonus event tab below the "Daily"-Tab, there is an achievement that says "Rallying the Ebon Vanguard" and I am supposed to donate 5 tokens, but I don't know where I am supposed to donate them. > There is Jonna (Rally event), who just says one sentence to me, and the factions merchant where I can spent my my "Ebon Vanguard support marks". But I don't understand the mechanics surrounding those marks either: Where did I get them and what do they do? > > And what about the Crystal Bloom order bonus event, which I missed. Is that bad? Or is it just a timed bonus event and it doesn't matter whether I do them or not (aside from missing achievement points and rewards). > > I read the wiki entries, I read the thread about Calm in the Storm here on the forums but I still don't understand what I am supposed to do and how those bonus events work. > > Thanks in advance for your help. You cant donate them anymore the event ended dec 8th. Edit And yes the story will continue sometime in january You wont miss any ap you can buy all the boxes for tyrian defence marks at other vendor.
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