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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. > @"Lucio.4190" said: > Actually, nothing really requires real money in this game. But they save lots of time. > You can buy gems with gold from the game if you're very active. Those gems will buy you everything you need, think you need and never thought you'll ever need. > But using real money may save you a year or two. The expansions do, no way to buy with ingame gold.
  2. > @"Mungo Zen.9364" said: > > @"Eramonster.2718" said: > > Could this be the reason why there aren't any players afk/parking their characters in expansion maps to "farm"(?). > > That would be one of the least impactful reasons. PoF doesn't offer compelling Meta or Rewards like HoT and some LW Maps. If there was a farmable meta like AB for TD for example, players would flock to it. > > I can't say I have ever thought of PoF as offering decent node or mob farming either, compared to other zones you can farm in, and those other zones may offer events or metas I can do while farming that offer rewards worth my effort. I think they were more refering to the players that seem afk standing at a spot killing mobs 24/7. Not the meta or event farmers.
  3. > @"melandru.3876" said: > people putting legendary runes/sigils in legendary gear/weapons are strange. > i'll tell you why, to me, it makes no sense at all: > > -legendary armor/weapon can statswat at any time, right? > -legendary armor/weapon can have their upgrades freely extracted. > > so why put legendary sigil/armor in there??? > > it makes alot more sense to use legendary sigil/rune with ascended gear > again, i'll tell you why: > > -legendary runes/sigil can be freely extracted from ascended gear at any given time > > basically you made the ascended "legendary" (minus the obvious stat swap) by giving it one of it's key abilities: changing rune/sigil convenience and lazyness.
  4. Here you go read up mate. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Category:Updates
  5. > @"Crozame.4098" said: > Can we have a version so that all the characters share the same gathering tools, especially the tool that we bought from the gem store? 3 account wide slots copper tools on all characters, gem tools in shared slots dubble click gem tools on login and the copper ones on log out. Poof you got gem tools on all characters.
  6. > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > @"Swagger.1459" said: > > > @"Samnang.1879" said: > > > This gives me an idea for a suggestion.... legendary runes and sigil!!! where you can change its stat to anything! > > > > > > Anet make this happen!!!!!! > > > > Yes!!! > > And now you're stuck in legendary hell with ANet's version of equipment "templates" (_cough cough_). > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said: > > Are the legendary runes and sigils level 80? > > Yes, they are. What other level would they be? maybe 60 since they are identical to those runes?
  7. > @"Dahkeus.8243" said: > The reason that I imagine these don't work this way is likely because they stack in duration with some other Karma buffs, such as Karma boosters, so if you've popped a Karma booster for an hour, then added an hour from a bonfire, you wouldn't want the time reset to one hour if you went back to the bonfire 30 min later. Maybe there's a way to code around this and maybe they could just make it a separate buff, but I imagine that either of those would take more work than they would prefer to put in for a small quality of life boost. if you have over an hour karma booster why would you got back to the boonfire?
  8. Dont think you can add it to your existing account so you will get a new account from scratch with that one mate.
  9. > @"anjo.6143" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Valhor.9056" said: > > > Can we get any updates here? Please :) > > > > You got a red response in the thread already thats more then 95% of the threads get and you expect an update 4 days after the thread was created? > > > > Give them time to work and the update will be in game release note section bud. > > Yes, we do. Then I say thats why we hardly get red responses at all anymore.
  10. > @"felix.2386" said: > i don't think you can be considered "good" when all you play is power banner slave that has basically 5 buttons to press. > learn condi berserker, it's one of the easier build. > i literally got dwd while my personal level was 70 with pugs in lfg as alac and i barely know how to do fractals out side of 98 99 100 > kitten isnt hard. > > and i don't even know what kind of kp that is mentioned in your post, don't you get like 120 essence from 3 cms only The kp is the old one were you only got it for 100 1-3 but really mostly 1 a day(new 99) before you got 40 for each 98-100
  11. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > You know, i was in the middle of writing a long response to you, but wanted to check something first and did a little search, which accidentally reminded me that we've been doing the very exact same discussion several times already in many different threads in the past. > I suddenly lost any desire to rehash all the same arguments all over again. Let's just agree that we interpter what was happening and what devs were saying in different ways, and that both of our approaches are equally subjective. > > Of course, i will still keep thinking that _my_ view on the issue is closer to the truth. I believe also that it will be the same for you. So tldr I cant find any proof for my points but still think Im right. Do that about sum it up?
  12. > @"medivh.4725" said: > I too have come to notice runes are at level 60? So where the level 80 ones at and why no ascended runes? I am sure this helps make the GW2 market busy and keeps end game players interested and coming back for more. You can have such rewards at certain boss fights or chest. Legendary rune sound fun too So on what page did you find this thread mate?
  13. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > > > > Players who want to raid in this game are raiding, or at least the vast majority is. If sharing assets with other content is of primary concern, there is a ton of stuff which could be done which would be more beneficial than easy mode raids. Harping on half truths from the past because the overall games population is in decline in order to prove some point or make some type of assumption of how things could have been is just baseless speculation, especially when unfounded in recent game developments. > > > > > > False. Lots of people in one of my guilds are giving up because they don't feel they can make DPS numbers. One of the people in question is a little older if they've been telling the truth of gchat, I still think it's hilarious that GW2 raiders don't think GW2 raids are more technically challenging that other MMOs. I'd LOVE to just throw ya'll behind normal-ish geared toons into a heroic raid with some flasks and see what you folks do lol. Many people do not raid in this game due to a combination or difficulty and/or community issues (which imo, stem from the difficulty). > > > > > > EDIT: in fact there's people on this thread communicating that they want to but can't for whatever reason. > > > > Sure what ever you say. I've heard it all before in the most common reason is: people unwillingness or inability to actually get the knowledge they require from experienced raiders. > > > > As far as damage, sorry but when there is auto attack builds which literally require not pushing of buttons AT ALL to meet damage requirements for the easier wings, I am calling bs. What people most likely lack is the correct build for their skill level and just go to snowcrows and get meta builds (if at all, most just use their run of the mill trash build), then fail at rotations no matter how hard or easy those might be. Well there are tons of non meta builds which are far easier and provide more than enough dps for any raid content (bar maybe some CMs like Dhuum CM). > > > > That would of course require interacting with other players who might have that knowledge or even using simple google or youtube searches. > > > > We have players of ages mid 50+ successfully raid in one of my more casual guilds (and actually on meta classes, not "easy rotation" builds), so I fail to see how age is a huge issue. > > It's not BS, that was literally one of the reasons they gave. I can't speak to the amount of research they did, etc, but I can tell you they felt inadequate. I love how you like to control other people's experiences like they're not real. Perhaps they're not doing everything they should. Perhaps the commmunity is judging them too much for bringing a build optimized for their play style, I can't say, but you can't say that people's experiences aren't valid. And there's literally not enough of you to go around talking sense to fix this issue, the numbers of participation and the amount of frustration, here and on the forums is very real, and I'm not just talking about my own experiences. The OP is someone other than me. Other complaints in this thread aren't from me. You may not be wrong that there are solutions, but it's obvious they're not ubiquitously known enough to fix these problems. Or they dont see it as a problem that needs fixing.
  14. > @"LunarRXA.5062" said: > You know, I logged into my alt-account for the first time in a few months yesterday. I had **_hate mail_** from this thread in it. I had nothing better to do so I whispered the player, talked with him and learned a few things. > > 1. He was a WvW player that wanted to run a "One Size Fits All" build. Tougher PvE content isn't suitable excessive defensive traits. His traits were a _mess_. > 2. He was running 3 stun-breaks and excessive condition-cleansing with Fire/Air/Weaver - Mist Form, Armor of Earth & the Burn Cleanse Cantrip (fighting Fire Djinn). > 3. He was running the grandmaster "Blind Foes whom you burn," while fighting Veteran Djinn (defiant & immune to blind, generally) over the more offensive skills. > 4. I suggested to him that he should try casting Glyph of Storms in Earth Attunement for the pulsing AoE blind/storm. > 5. I suggested that he run Fire signet in place of one of his stun-breaks, as well as dropping one of his offensive trait-lines (Fire/Air) for Arcane/Defense. Doing so would allow him to take evasive arcana which would turn his dodge in water into a condi-cleanse and his dodge in earth into a blast finisher (as well as Arcane/Shield proc on %) > > Eventually they got to the point where they could handle a Djinn. We talked briefly about the importance of breaking their break-bars to melt them. Obviously, dealing with more difficult mobs on an offensive Weaver build (designed for WvW) is going to be a bad experience. He was lacking in % power damage modifiers (Persisting Flames > Blinding Ashes). This is exactly why we have build-templates now; to swap between WvW/PvP/PvE traits on the fly. He was seriously lacking in damage which was making poor use of his ascended marauder's stats and sword-main hand. > > They were getting really, really upset about sword going so far as blaming the sword for being garbage and PoF for putting a garbage weapon into the game. As it turns out, the problem wasn't the content. The problem was the way the player was interacting with it, poor build decisions, excessive defensive traits/utilities and poor positioning (grabbing 1-2+ Djinn is something Elementalist/Thief is going to struggle with) no matter what sort of build you play sans like Trailblazer's Sw/F Condition Weaver. He was running 2 stun-breaks and a condi-cleanse (on top of the fire-cleanse trait in fire) and trying to brute force "Defense is the best offense," vs. some of the toughest mobs in Path of Fire. **As an Elementalist, adjust your traits, adjust your utilities, but smart, fluid, intelligent play focused around offense is your best defense. ** So what I got from this at first is you have posted with main account and alt account in this thread, that is against the rules for your information. Other then that good on you for helping a clueless player mate.
  15. > @"medivh.4725" said: > The furthest node always a problem. Many times none of the 5 in group have swift. Why don't you add a Swift interaction. > Remove some wood logs open up some fast ways. I am playing at T3 and it is always problem You do know that 1 of the skills on the guns laying around in the fractal give switftness to people infront of the shooter right?
  16. > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > > > > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > > > > no, changing the rules so late in the game is just bad design. > > > > > > > > If I recall they "changed the rules" when you reached Orr and have been making changes you don't like ever since for 8 years. You are asking them to go back to how it was 8 years ago. To use your own phrasing, changing the rules so late in the game is just bad design. > > > > > > well, at least they have made orr playable. they have also nerfed hot. time to go for for the rest now...its only a matter of time > > > remember, they even had to nerf the core game too...what does THAT tell you? > > > > > > > Contrary to popular belief both of those so called nerfs where minor. Regarding Orr, they simply adjusted population and removed the ability of a single mob to pull players (those with the anchor). Then they added a new mob (Risen Noble) that can teleport on the player (and can 1-shot unprepared players too) to compensate. But most important thing is that Orr mobs are damage sponges that do no damage (except for the above Risen Noble) and spam crowd control abilities. That's not difficult/challenging, that's annoying. As a simple test, I can use my Elementalist in green assorted gear, slot Signet of Restoration and face tank, using only auto attacks, ANY regular mob in Orr. That IS the difficulty and challenge level of Orr, and that has always been the difficulty in Orr. > > > > As for Heart of Thorns, outside adjusting mob density in areas around waypoints and removing the ability of Itzel Shadow Leapers to completely ignore ranged attacks there hasn't been any other change. The so called "nerf" in Heart of Thorns was more about how players got their rewards, their participation, and nothing to do with mob difficulty/challenge, which remained unchanged. > > > > Remember, the hardest hitting foes in the game, like Young Karka who have been the bane of unprepared since November 2012, have never been nerfed. What does THAT tell you? > > if those nerfs were so minor, why are you fighting so hard against more? and i have seen both orr and hot literally CRAMMED with mobs, you almost couldnt see the > ground, they were simply flooding the players there, so i call BS on your "minor" nerfs. i didnt touch southsun before i had done (or at least tried) everything else. > i did map completion on my necro, havent touched it with any other toon. and im not going to either. horrible experiment. Because they dont have much challenge now and dont want even less with more nerfs?
  17. > @"wilykcat.5864" said: > Is there an achievement for eating the most candy canes? No only the 2500 one Connoisseur of Confection. Use the wiki it will answer all your questions. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Candy_Cane
  18. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > If precursors were made 'unavailable' in the Mystic Forge, we would not be able to create Legendaries. > Perhaps, removing precursors from the 'stat-change' recipe would suffice. cough I blame the late night and lack of coffie :dizzy:
  19. > @"Hesione.9412" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > So the warning that the item will be destroyed and a new created is not enough? > > It's different for precursors though. Yes, a new item is created, but it is not a new item _that is also a precursor but with different stats_. > > When you stick an ascended in the mystic forge, you're not going to get an exotic (downgrade) back. A scepter being restatted still gives you an ascended scepter. So no, the warning that the item will be destroyed and a new one created is not specific enough. If I restat something, obviously I know that I will get a different one back. What I did not realise is that the new one wasn't going to be a precursor. > > Why not just remove the ability to restat precursors? Or do a different recipe that retains the precursor nature of the item? I agree that making precurors unavailiable in the mystic forge is a good quality of life but cant agree that the pop up saying your item will be destroyed and replaced with a new item. Somehow can make you think you will get your precursor back with different stats. If it said **it will make your item stat selectable** you would have a case.
  20. So the warning that the item will be destroyed and a new created is not enough?
  21. > @"Touchme.1097" said: > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > > @"Touchme.1097" said: > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said: > > > > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > > > > @"Touchme.1097" said: > > > > > > > Dear ArenaNet, I am a Mac OSX user and it's currently impossible for me to install third party programs using the GW2 API since they use the .dll extension. > > > > > > > It would be a quality improvement if Mac users could get some of the most popular Addons built in the Mac client because Addons are all built around the Windows client. > > > > > > > Since Mac users are a minority of your customers and my idea wouldn't be a huge impact on the whole community, could you please release a built in dps meter for the Mac client? > > > > > > > I want to constantly improve my dps but without a meter I am not able to progress any further. > > > > > > > Regards. > > > > > > > > > > > > Good news you can improve your dps useing the raid training golem area. > > > > > > It gives the dps meter you want. > > > > > > Then use that muscle memory to replicate it were ever you like. > > > > > > > > > > I have to disagree with you because the training Golem doesn't behave like a raid boss, it just stands still and takes all the damage, it doesn't have combat mechanics and it won't be effective in improving my raid damage. It's a way to calculate the damage output but not an accurate way to improve raid performances. > > > > > > > > Ok, so you get your dps meter, you see your dps is lower than on a golem or whatever and then... How exactly do you use that information to improve your raid performance? > > > > > > That's not exactly how things work, it's more complicated than that. You have to set a certain standard to your DPS in burst phases that can surely help a lot. > > > > Notice how you didn't answer my question at all. > > > > You don't really need a seperate dps meter as a tool to improve your dps. You might as well just perfect your dps rotations on an immobile golem and then while raiding you'll know when you messed up your rotation, when you've failed at a mechanic or when you missed a phase, so despite not knowing your dps during the raid, you'll know it's not optimal and why it's not optimal. Dps meter during the raids themselves don't change that much about it. > > No, it won't help because raid bosses don't stand still taking up the beating like good golems do. Your argument is nonsense, sorry It will since your rotation is the same if the taget is standing still or moving. You just have to learn where to restart your rotation after moving.
  22. > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > > no, changing the rules so late in the game is just bad design. > > > > If I recall they "changed the rules" when you reached Orr and have been making changes you don't like ever since for 8 years. You are asking them to go back to how it was 8 years ago. To use your own phrasing, changing the rules so late in the game is just bad design. > > well, at least they have made orr playable. they have also nerfed hot. time to go for for the rest now...its only a matter of time > remember, they even had to nerf the core game too...what does THAT tell you? > That some players cant press 2 buttons at once.
  23. > @"Lucio.4190" said: > On one hand, it shouldn't take such time to be able to play any parts of the game and here seems to be us players setting the conditions. Still, it's us players setting the conditions and we can decide if/how we want to change this. It's been described here how some training guilds have raids for all and there are some people that like the casual play style. I believe the question now is how newly hatched Level 80's finds these training guilds and casual players, and join them? > Is the information enough when adding "Casual" in the LFG? Will the elitists respect those conditions as they expect other players to respect the conditions for speed runs? > Or am I simplifying the situation? Is it possible to make this work, or are there too few players using the LFG tool? > > I haven't played many Fractals or Dungeons, but I discovered that I performed pretty okay with just Exotic gear. When I joined the fight, I contributed pretty okay. My biggest problem was that it was all new to me and I didn't know about any tactics against the bosses, I didn't know how to solve the puzzles. My group had a lot of patience, but we also had lots of fun. It may have taken about 30 minutes longer to complete the Dungeon, but we cleared it and I had a great time... when I realized that all my clones messed it all up for the team and I had to select another template, of course. ;) > Doing the Fractals were more of a pain with all the jumping, but I never expected the fights to be that easy. Still, only equipped with Exotic gear. Will this get harder later? > > I think speed runs are like grinding through the game, but that's how some people choose to play. I imagine that casual play offers more laughs along the way. Well sadly there are people who dont respect the experienced players expectation so Im sure there are people that dont respect chill or casual tagged parties as well. Glad you had fun in your dungeons/fractals and yes fractals get harder in higher tiers. Add the people you had fun with to you friend list with a nickname like **cool dungeon girl/guy** for example. They you can whisper them and see if they want to do more another day.
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