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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. Put in a support ticket if you know the day it was deleted you should be able to get it back from support. I hope you have changed passwords and dont make it auto login so it can happen anymore tho.
  2. Sous-Chef Oxbone move bettwen different spots every day so you wont see him there tomorrow.
  3. The rings can drop as already infused as well.
  4. > @"Fenom.9457" said: > In my opinion DRMs are a pretty good system and could be dramatically improved with just a few QOL changes around rewards and time. > > 1. Fix the lfg bugs where you can only enter as a party, all that kitten where you join a squad then you have to leave so they can make a party and stuff. I haven’t been able to find a group for DRMs for a while so maybe they already fixed this? > > 2. Make it so the first part auto completes after the goals are met - the timer should be a limit, not a mandatory amount of time. Alternatively, add more levels to the event and the more players accomplish the better their rewards are. For example, once you meet the initial goal of 25 destroyer kills, it bumps to 35. Put out 10 fires, it goes to 15. So on and so on, each level past the first you progress increases your rewards at the end. > > 3. Speaking of rewards, the DRM-specific items need work. Firstly, there’s almost nothing to buy with the tokens. I assume this will get fixed with time, but anet needs to *dramatically* increase how much you can buy with them. Also, it would be nice if the volcanic weapons could be purchased for these tokens. They can come at a very high price to preserve the rarity if desired, in fact that would help with the token surplus problem. Any way to make it so things aren’t 100% RNG, no matter how far fetched the alternatives are. > > 4. For future DRMs, add MORE destroyers. I know the current ones all got new attacks so they feel somewhat different, but you’d be shocked how much the model makes a difference. The new attacks count for almost nothing when you’re fighting nothing but the same guys we’ve had since 2012. New models, new enemy varieties is very important, and apparently anet is underestimating how big of a difference it makes. Especially when the enemies AND maps are old content. > > 5. For the longer term future - keep the concept! Don’t drop it like seemingly every other game mode, please anet there’s no need to constantly abandon everything for something “better”, just because it’s new. DRMs can be relevant against other dragons than just in this current saga. In fact, they could even be relevant to past dragons! I for one would LOVE to revisit the jungle, Orr, and the desert to mop up dragon minions, touch base with some of those characters, and learn a little more about dragon minions after their dragon dies. And keep in mind these don’t have to have too much story - any one DRM on its own doesn’t do much, so these would be reasonably small bite sized chunks to update us on past stories, all while being easy for anet to make as they would be entirely comprised of old content from enemies to maps (I know I just criticized that. It’s not ok when DRMs are the main flow of content. But, if in the future, anet adds a few based on past dragons as side content between whatever the current story is, that’s perfectly fine). They already fixed nr1 and the rest I agree with
  5. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > How much does raid selling go for theese days anyway? And what do you get for that gold, just one boss or the weekly cap? Well usualy its 1 boss or 1 wing price go up ofcourse. Never heard of anyone doing all wings for a set price.
  6. > @"Cronos.6532" said: > I also noticed that toys no longer die with one shot from the rifle. Maybe an unintended side effect of last year's balance changes or something else? What spvp amulet is that character wearing?
  7. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > I don't see anything in the Wiki about /all guild or being able to chat to all Guilds at once. Not currently, nor in the past. > Perhaps, you could provide a link? To my memory it have never been a feature like that.
  8. > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > @"Lily.1935" said: > > > > > The leveling process itself should be looked at as well. In my opinion the leveling process is worse and less meaningful than it was at and near the launch of the game. It wasn't perfect but it made you try things out. Noting other aspects of the leveling process I'd personally lock the player out of the PoF mounts and gliding until they reach level 80. I'd suggest a leveling mount that was, say 50% faster than player speed, maybe less that had no flashy abilities that was available to level 1-79 players so they could get that mount fix new players crave. Could even be used as a part of the advertising campaign. > > > > > I cannot disagree more. GW2 is so very alt-friendly, that locking out mounts that are currently account-wide would (IMO) detract from one of the more significant attractions to the game. What is the actual purpose that you are trying to serve with this suggestion? It almost seems as if it is another veiled whine about mounts in core zones. > > I don't _know_ what the OP meant, but can imagine that it was a general complaint about how new players aren't learning the game mechanics properly with the current leveling system. They can use a level 80 boost on their very first character, and after that have it very easy to level additional chars to 80 without improving, as they never go through a real learning curve. > > The core content is too easy and doesn't prepare you for the later level of difficulty, and base mechanics like CC are not explained anywhere, either, etc. They dident learn the system in the old days pre new player experience either.
  9. > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said: > > So this leads us to the only question that truly matters here: _Does Guild Wars 2 have a profitability problem?_ > > Yes. Yes it does. This is something they're trying to figure out as an ongoing process. I wonder if it would help them by removing the ability to convert gold to gems, I think that it might. Either that or perhaps have some kind of fee involved. I appreciate the generosity but they're just too small for that kind of generosity. It means that not enough people will spend money. I've sometimes spent beyond my means as I know that NCSoft is eyeing ArenaNet due to this, they've done managerial reshuffles in order to try to make Guild Wars 2 profitable. > Just want to answer this mate, gold to gems also entice people to buy gems with cash. Since if alot of people buy gems with gold the gold that other players can get for gems increase as well.
  10. > @"Zindith.1370" said: > Does this need to be done a level 80 character? Because on my level 44 Guardian it says masteries are locked. Cause when I go into the Mastery page it says I have 4 Mastery for Central Tyria, and 0 for Heart of Thorns. I also do not see Glider training anywhere in my hero tab. Still so new to all of this and taking a 4 year break doesn't help either..... So there is no wonder you cant glide mate, you havent done the level 80 mission thats required to unlock it nor exped mastery up in expansion maps.
  11. Well for 1 guild wars 2 team dont do anything on the wiki, unless they do it as hidden players.
  12. > @"Fleabite.7528" said: > DRMs are looking like dead content right now, despite being the current 'episode'. Zero in looking for groups in either Tyria or Champions after 30 mins of waiting. Other maps and LS episodes still busy. > > This needs an urgent fix. Because if the next instalment is as poor, I fear people will start drifting off - myself included. Do know that alot of people are doing wintersday stuff now since its time limited content
  13. > @"Zindith.1370" said: > As stated in the title my glider is not working for some reason. I have tried to deploy it while falling in many areas, many times over. And I can confirm that I own the Heart of Thorns DLC. I also remember doing the questline for the glider. However it has be aprox 3-4 years since I've last played the game. So my memory of what I've actually done/not done may be a bit hazy. Can someone help with this please? Or let me know how to figure out if I did the needed quests. Thanks a bunch! You need to earn exp in heart of thorns maps and train glider mastery most likely.
  14. > @"Lucio.4190" said: > > @"Mouse.7382" said: > > Denied. I want any and all able time/resources spent on xpac/balance/etc. > > I don't have any insight, but will one exclude the other, except for financially? > I imagine that recording all audio files in a new language shouldn't load the developers other than adding a new language and link. The voice actors might cause an additional cost though. Is there something else that I haven't thought about? New support staff as well.
  15. > @"GrayRabbit.8742" said: > We have tried it. It does not work. I was in party with creator of this arena, and could not see this arena in game browser. > Do you mean, i have to play it first at least once to be able to see it in game browser later? That would be the easiest way yes
  16. Have them join it. right click them in your friend list and join in spvp. You can then see it in recently played.
  17. Its in the same spot on the table as russian and arabic. Probabely not happening but good luck on your request.
  18. > @"Sylvia.4870" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > @"Sylvia.4870" said: > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > > I put in a lot of time and effort to make this weapon because I really liked the way it looked and that it didn't bombard me with particles on every swing. > > > > I would be pretty upset to see the changes you are asking for. > > > > > > I don't ask for any other changes except the effect when it is swung(the only thing it doesn't have). Nothing else. I know it takes time and effort to craft a legendary weapon. > > I read the original request. > > And again.... as someone who made this weapon I would be pretty upset to see the changes you are requesting made. > > If I wanted a particle effect on swing like incinerator I would have made Incinerator > > > > On the contrary, if its designers see it fitting as it is, it is fine by me. Nothing of it will change. And thats probabely exactly what they do, since they made it that way.
  19. > @"Rejected.8719" said: > is it to far fetched to have someone (that you trust) log into your account and do the JP for you? or is for some reason that against the terms? Your not allowed to share accounts. Guess its there so if people are dicks and clean you out they dont have to help you.
  20. If you go to the buy page and click the includes icebrood staga line or just hold your mouse over it. You can then read the fine print that say its only the currently active episode you get.
  21. > @"Murdock.6547" said: > I always took a rather hot take for raiding being for the sweaty vs the casuls. > In that I feel both sides are fantastically stupid most of the time. > > Calling a fight like VG or Cairn hard or demanding 100+ KP for a join is idiotic beyond idiotic (3-5 kills is acceptable imo if you want "clean clears" so badly). Asking for raid KP to join in on a pug group for a strike mission is ALSO beyond stupid (I'm just hearing about that, I've yet to see a group like that). But what's more idiotic is being angry that there's something to challenge players to improve. It's not inaccessible because Anet want to enable snot nosed children the ability to look down on the "plebians". It's hard because it's supposed to push you (and ideally your friends and guild) to improve your knowledge, mechanics, and game sense. Raids, on paper, are a healthy thing for this game... but in practice have torn a rift between people who feel alienated for no real reason and those who want to spit on anyone they deem lesser. > As a wise man once said "Is only game. Why you have to be mad?" > > But that's old bitterness. I no longer really care. If anything I'd goad the two sides with popcorn and marshmallows, but I'd probably get reported for inciting flame wars lol. Some people dont want to improve, want queensdale level difficulty and still be let into raid squads tho. What do you do about them?
  22. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > You Eu or Na? > > What has that got to do with anything? It's not like you can portal OP to the end, wintersday JP needs to be done manually... > > @"Wolf.2596" > Yeah, some of the JPs required are ridiculous. Especially the Halloween one. I can use both my arms and can't finish it. > The thing is, they probably do this so everyone would participate in every event they planned, at least a little. So that all that design work doesn't go to waste. > And the precentage of disadvantaged players is probably small, and it's obvious tha they didn't really think about it sadly... > > However... > > Did you try contacting Anet support? If you talk to them and explain the situation, maybe back it up with some evidence so they know you literally can't finish the puzzle on a timer, maybe they can just complete that achievement for you, so you can focus on other stuff you can do. > > Worth a try i think. I'm sure they can be reasonable if you talk to them directly through support. > > Other than that, i've seen on this forum some people discussing a foot controller when they can't use hand or hands, i don't know if you already have that or not but it's a thing that can maybe help you idk... > > So, since i doubt they'll start designing events and content differently than they do now, it's probably best to talk to them directly and ask if they can help you with that achievement somehow. > > Good luck! Well I for example might be able to help through a program like teamviewer if the lag aint to bad.
  23. > @"Heisen.7248" said: > Ive done the achievement and the otter isnt there! Exactly u have finished achievement so dont need otters anymore they hid them so you dont accidently take something thats worthless to u.
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