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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > > If you want a *chill, no req group of first timers* then by all means: create the squad in lfg and wait for the people with similar goals to join you. For some reason there are people that seem to think the weight of organizing their time should be on other players or anet. > > > > Or better yet, get help from your guild. Raids were always supposed to be guild activities anyway. > "Getting help from your guild" would be a solution, sure, but is the _exact opposite_ of what @"Sobx.1758" suggested. That would be exactly the case of putting the weight of organizing this on other players (guild mates, in this case). Which generally is the only option of having a chill experience available for first timers. > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > I'm curious, do "chill guilds" not organize anything? > Some do. There is usually at least one of two factors present (and sometimes two of them). Either the guild has some veteran raiders that organize everything so the _other_ players can have chill experience, or nooone in the group really cares about succeeding and learning anything. > > Learning completely from zero may be fun for some types of players, but even for them is hardly _chill_. Raids are a content of such difficulty, that it's hard to be laidback unless you are either completely fine with getting absolutely nowhere, or have a group that is well overqualified for the content already. > > So, again, telling _**first-time** would be raiders_ that they should "just organize a chill raid themselves" is not a good advice, and cannot rightly be considered as something offered in good faith. > They could always pay other people to have a laid back experience.
  2. > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > > > > @"leila.7962" said: > > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > > > > Why is this a problem? Do these players prevent others from achieving the rewards? > > > > > > > > > > The afkers occupy 'players slots' in the current instance. Instead of having more people to help, you have less people actually doing things while these people leech rewards. If the maps didn't have a player cap it would not matter, but since they do, leeching players do matter. Less people doing things will make the metas even longer to complete. > > > > > > > > ... except those player slots are ALSO occupied by people NOT doing the meta as well. You realize by inferring that people in meta maps not doing meta are a problem ... you are implying people should play the game how you want them to? Should I explain to you why THAT is a BIGGER problem than the people you think are AFK leeching and slowing down your meta? > > > > > > > > > > >yep, the whole concept is flawed from the very start. which is why other mmos make special maps for this kind of activity. > > > same with the bosses and dynamic events. give them their own maps, so players get a CHOICE > > > > Maybe, but that's how it works here and I don't think it's the significant issue to completing content people make it sound like. I also don't see it changing anytime because IIRC, Anet ALREADY changed the game to megeservers to ENABLE this map population approach to solve a BIGGER problem of not having ENOUGH people in a map to complete the meta at all. > > > > So take your pick ... _maybe_ slower meta completion with maps that have the population to do it ... or _maybe_ people being stuck in multiple map instances that can't complete meta at all. There IS a trade off and while there are instances where population mixes are not optimal, the megaserver implementation is clearly better than it was for more people. > > i have chosen to play another game instead. one where i dont have to do metas at all. and a sub fee means nothing for a game, that i can play (almost) 24/7 What game is that were you dont have to repeat content at all?
  3. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Sobx.1758" said: > > You seem to be contradicting yourself and your loose deifnition of "chill raiding groups". > Obviously, the moment someone gets angry (for _any_ reason), the "chill" run stops being chill. See no contradiction here. I mean, how it can be a chill run if you're not chill anymore? > > Unfortunately, the answer to "i don't want to get irritated/angry for any reason" is generally not "then don't get irritated/angry". I mean, sure, in theory that would work, but it completely misses the point. > > > I agree with yann, wanting all of it at the same time makes no sense and is mostly contradictory. > Again, no contradiction here whatsoever. > > > If you don't fail, you don't need to worry about anyone getting angry. > Yes. > > If you want to succeed more, you need experienced people. > Yes. > > If you want experience people, you need a way to check if they did what they claim they did, at which point you're just entering regular xx LI req groups. > Yes. Exactly. By that point, if you need to actually organize all that, you no longer have a chill run. > > > I'm seriously confused by your take on this here. > Yes. I have noticed. Can't help that though. I mean, it should not be that hard to understand. So by your definition chill squads can not be nor will ever be in the game. Since someone have to organize it ( stops being chill) for it to succeed first try, in order for people to not rage quit.
  4. > @"alika.7435" said: > I have an issue with my characters getting stuck in weird places: in walls, between rocks, small spaces, etc. Leaps or shadowsteps never work, and there's never room to mount, so I have to waypoint out, teleport to friend, or exit to the character select screen. /stuck never seems to do anything. > > This happens nearly every session, and it's driving me crazy. It seems to be just me--people I play with don't have this problem, and just now I just watched 5 characters walk over the same ground, and my character got stuck. Does this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions or guesses as to what I could do to avoid this? Have you tried teleporting to guild hall and then back out again?
  5. > @"lare.5129" said: > someone already craft leg sets? all sure that wiht EoD we will not get some new type armor, wit some additional socket that odl armor or weapons not have? =) Yea then legendaries will get upgraded, same way they got upgraded to ascended nice try tho.
  6. > @"Obtena.7952" said: > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > I'm gonna repeat the examples of CoF P1 farm, Penit/Shelter farm, Silverwastes Chest farm, Auric Basin ML farm, Istan Farm, Fractal 40 farm, Swamp of the Mists farm, and all the other activities that over the years gathered a gigantic segment of the playerbase "enjoying" them. With your point of view, they did it because it was the most enjoyable/fun content the game ever had. I find that entirely absurd. > > You find it absurd because it's based on your own misunderstanding of what I'm saying. In addition, you don't have any ACTUAL data to support the idea that players didn't like playing in the game mode where those content examples exist. It doesn't disprove ANY of what I have said, which is based on a very reasonable assumption that players do content they like and those content are associated with specific game modes. Again, an example of how you are not understanding what I'm saying. > > Maybe you believe that most players in this game are spending most their time in game modes they dislike. I'm sure that's just based on an agenda you have to push development for unpopular game modes and content, but it still doesn't make sense. Players that dislike WvW are not spending most their time in WvW ... the same goes for PVE and PVP. They most sertainly are in wvw if they want a 2.5 legendary, even if they hate the game mode.
  7. > @"Sobx.1758" said: > @"LordMorgul.9845" nothing from your post magically "fixes" raids, for the most part I'd say what @"Ayrilana.1396" already said. > > Except I'm also curious how would you "fix damage to avoid rotations". Literally walk me through your process of reworking *whatever you need reworked* that eliminates the possibility of creating optimal dmg rotations. I'd say it's impossible, but maybe -hopefully- you'll surprise me, so show me what you've got. > > >8 - for speed clear run and elitis made some record table so they proper enjoy theyrself whit weakly reward for the first 5 team some like "clear time" "damage dealt" or someting like that > > Also you seem to want to reduce the elitism and then as a grand final you... encourage elitism by additionally rewarding optimal playthroughs. hmm... All get 1 skill and 1 skill only poof rotations gone. Edit That is the only way it could work not that anyone want that tho.
  8. > @"Grzegorz.8916" said: > Can developers fastly change enrage on Boneskinner encounter, so it will not instantly kill players ----> end the fight? > Please. Its the same with all strike missions, when timer ends all die. Nothing need changing
  9. > @"Karl McLain.5604" said: > Hi there. Just wanted to say we're aware of the issue and are investigating. Nice that you fixed it and welcome back from holidays
  10. > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > > unwanted or not, it seems strange to build an mmo around content that will mostly be played once. not counting the public lw maps that everyone farms since you could just as easily release one of those every 6 months while focusing on other end game content. its interesting that this model is successful. > > no, it makes total sense. most people prefer prefer easier content, and most of us hate repetition. > end game content sucks for the same reasons, at best they can make it rewarding and tolerable > and in order to be REplayable, it has to be PLAYABLE at first. which it isnt, to most of us. Then your not looking for a mmo the single player play once games are over to your left.
  11. > @"rrusse.7058" said: > As others have mentioned. Scaling them work for groups as well as solo would help the interaction with the content. Clarity on the reward and systems that go along with it would help as well. What is even the point of having multiple currencies for each specific faction? Each faction has unique rewards for a week and you have to wait for them to rotate in to buy them? > > Since when is waiting for rewards a fun experience? As Ayrilana.1396 said they already scale and the rewards for fraction are 1 week when the release then they dont come back anymore so you can safely use up your crystal bloom and ebon vanguard (apparently the ebon vanguard ones are bugged atm) if your still holding on to any of those.
  12. > @"Wasabi Kitty.8247" said: > > @"Nightcore.5621" said: > > I always skip fractal dailys when SUNQUA is one of them. Its to long and the reward for the time spend doin it its not worth it. I dont know maby make it shorter. It feels to long for a fractal and it feels more like it should have been a raid > > Just do the CM version, you skip straight to the end boss and then fight another form of the last boss and you're done. If they have trouble with normal mode what make you think they can even complete challenge mode?
  13. > @"odessa.1287" said: > > @"Svenman.7354" said: > > SOLVED! Here are the steps that worked for me (on Windows 10): > > > > 1. From your desktop, click the start button in the bottom-left, then select Settings (the gear icon). > > 2. Select Apps. > > 3. From Apps, scroll down to the one that matches your audio driver (if you don't know which one that is, go to Device Manager from the search bar, and see what it says under Sound, Video, and Game Controllers). For example, I had "Realtek High Definition Audio Driver". > > 4. Select your audio driver and uninstall it. Reboot your computer (you may also need to reboot again, after your system automatically reinstalls the driver upon bootup). > > > > After the driver has been reinstalled and your system rebooted, open the game. Hopefully it should work now! > > THANKYOU MAN COOLEST GUY EVER IT FIX IT FOR ME Glad it worked for you and kudos for using the search feature
  14. > @"Buckeye.9846" said: > > @"Cyninja.2954" said: > > > @"Buckeye.9846" said: > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > > > WHat do you mean? > > > > > > Like this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65566/policy-buying-and-selling-runs > > > > > > Who on Arenanet decides what the policies are or is it NCsoft who decides policies. There are discussion threads for policy discussion but they dont have any activity whatsoever. > > > > Those are not threads open for discussion and never have been. > > > > They are only ment as information for players as to how the studio sees different issues and policies and how certain broader topics, not as clearly named in the EULA or TOS, will be handled. > > > > We can only speculate as to who came up with the exact policies, but chances are high it will be higher ups kn either NCSoft or Arenanet or both. > > Yeah thats a bad example of me, that wasnt a discussion thread for a policy just a example of an policy and who makes them. Heres an better example https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65971/discussion-on-policy-unattended-gameplay Its a discussion thread created by anet themselves. What is stopping you from opening a thread and discussing any policy you want?
  15. Correct the branded mount pack and other packs like it only give for the 5 base mounts. You have to buy rollerbeetle, warclaw and skyscale seperatly. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_Roller_Beetle https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_Skyscale_Skin https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_Warclaw_Skin I do wish you could just add the skins if you own the branded pack for like 400 gems each. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_Mounts_Pack
  16. > @"Dragon.4782" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from. > > The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts... You got a source on that since, I dont remember them ever saying that it was us players.
  17. > @"MrForz.1953" said: > About the legendary weapon part, if I remember correctly... They had a higher base damage even before the introduction of ascended gear, but they suffered from being locked to Soldier stats for a while. Aaah. The memories. No legendaries dident have higher damage then exotic soldier before ascended got into the picture.
  18. > @"Lily.1935" said: > > @"mercury ranique.2170" said: > > Claiming you write on behalf of others is poor argumantation. You need a mandate to do so and it does not seem you have one. > > That does not mean tha tI do not welcome your argument, but the starting claims just makes it weaker and not stronger. Write it from your own perspective what you would like to be changed and why. > > > > I personally disagree with you. There is not much wrong with the older maps and the core maps. I do think the game needs some renewal. I would rather see them do this in new content. A good example would be the intro of a new level 0 tot 80 experience for players with the latest expansion. It gives room for the introduction of new races, looks and backstories, but also with new low level maps. Like in GW1, the new experience can be made more efficient and quicker. the old zones might get deserted except for nostalgic and F2P players, but that should not be a big problem. It is like GW1. With GW2 you can still enjoy GW1 if you want, it is just not maintained and GW2 gives a more modern experience. > > First part about the old maps. No, I don't think the old maps have a problem per say. There is an issue with scaling though if you're a max level going back to an old map which can be problematic when doing events for dailies. Having level 80s one shot everything while new players are still getting used to the game. Which is why I said to better adjust the scaling for the power creep of the game. But no, I do not think open world needs to be revamped. > > The other aspect of open world I mentioned is rewards. I do like the idea of rewards new and old players could work toward that have lasting value in those zones but not locked to a specific zone. I think open world in early zones is good casual fun so having something newbies can do and feel rewarded for and something old players can come back to after a hard day at work or school has some merit to it. > > Second point you make about new level 1 to 80 zones. ABSOLUTELY! I'm 100% with you on this. I would love new leveling zones for the game with new world events and a new race and/or class to play with in those zones. > > We already have this its called events and world bosses.
  19. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > @"Seera.5916" said: > > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > > @"hihey.1075" said: > > > > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > > > > @"hihey.1075" said: > > > > > > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > > > > > Depending on the stats you're after, it's actually cheaper/easier to get ascended gear rather than exotic - this is doubly true for trinkets. And outside of Fractals, you could probably do content in rare or exotic gear - the DPS isn't all that different so long as your stats are damage orientated and you can play your class adequately. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Can you provide examples of this? I am having a hard time figuring out how Ascended equipment is easier to obtain than Exotic. > > > > > > > > > > > > I am genuinely interested because, as a returning player who stopped right before HoT, I am in the situation where I do not know how to proceed to update my gear (which was fully ascended) with the best stat choices for min-maxing my performance. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Ring: Fractals, 10 pristine for red ring of death and the other one (berserker stats). > > > > > > > > > > Ring, Backpack, Accessory (unique, any stat): Pick up lws3 ep 3 from the gem store. You will unlock bitterfrost frontieer. Farm winterberries, you should get about 70 per character per day if you do hearts + chests. More characters helps here, and the farm is fairly quick with mounts. Use the winterberries to buy accessories. > > > > > > > > > > Ring, Backpack, Amulet (unique, any stat): I recommend bloodstone from lws3 ep 1 since they're stat swappable, but takes FOREVER to farm. But, in general, lw is just great for farming at least one type of ascended accessory. PvP also has realistically obtainable stat swappable accessories if you want to casually dab into the ranked season for lols. > > > > > > > > > > Backpack: Lots of achievements give one. My personal favourite are the PoF banner support achievements. If you're stuck on what to go for, pick ad infinitum - it'll take you through the steps to make a beta infused backpack with 2 infusion slots you can keep. > > > > > > > > > > Weapons: Elite spec weapons are probably the easiest to obtain off the top of my head. If they're the wrong stat, throw them in the mystic toilet with the exotic inscription of choice. Caladbolg is also a fun miniquest and a nice send off to traehearne, and can take the form of a gs, sword, scepter, shield or dagger. > > > > > > > > > > Armour: pvp is an option, but realistically just throw money at the problem. Use gw2 crafts to get 450 tailor (light), leatherworking (medium) or armoursmithing (heavy). Begin making your daily materials. In the meantime, you can get exotic stat swappable armour from verdant brink (bladed armour) or berserkers from the cathedral of silence in cursed shore. > > > > > > > > Thanks, but I still do not see how all these are more easily achievable (in terms of time/gold cost) than exotics :/ > > > > > > It seems daunting, but in reality it's one or two months of playing how I want with a variety of activities I float between whenever I want a change of location. Plus, if you get into wvw, some stats like celestial or marshals can be difficult to obtain as exotics (and if you're crafting, why not just make ascended?). > > > > > > If there is one takeaway though, I really want to stress the winterberry farm in lws3 ep 3. > > > > > > And, I want to note that top tier players continually prove game knowledge trumps stats. So long as you have the correct exotic stats, you can easily outdps someone in ascended gear who buttonmashes, picks bad weapons and generally doesn't know what they're doing. > > > > But that's still more time than it would take to get a full set of exotics. That's where the question comes in. > > > > Now there may be cases where some stats are quicker/cheaper to get as ascended vs exotic, but that's probably not the case for most stats. > > > > And for new players, exotics will always be quicker and cheaper because new players would most likely have to get the appropriate craft level up to 500 before they could craft what they need, or reach the point in the story where they can do those achievements, or earn enough fractal ranks to get ascended gear drops, etc. > > That's true for Armour, which is why I recommended 2 sources of ez exotics (preferably bladed, because the collection awards a piece of ascended if I recall correctly). Verdant Brink is also a popular meta, so getting event participation and crowbars shouldn't be a problem. Heck, I'm pretty sure you can buy exotic berserker armour off the TP for less than 10g. Statwise, armour is worth less than the weapon or trinkets, so ascended armour shouldn't be the priority if you're looking at running berserkers. > > But for Trinkets, I believe lws3 and lws4 offer extremely easy ways to get stat selectable gear. Unless you're getting Berserker, this is easily the easiest way to get trinkets without laurels. Speaking of Berserker, 10 pristine fractal relics isn't a big ask for rings - so much so you can arrive at tier 1 fractals and do the dailies with level up rings. You'll have the rings in a week, one day if a friend carries you through t4's. > > Getting 500 crafting is fairly cheap, laughably so. Gw2crafts has trivialised crafting. But for what we need, 450 is fine - I can't stress how good it would be to begin getting into good habits like stockpiling things like charged quartz or spools of elonian thread. Doing this is practically why I can make ascended armour on demand. > > Praying on RNG gods to get ascended gear isn't a great plan, esp since you need ascended gear to get enough AR to run t3 or t4 fractals, and people could live their lives without ever seeing a tequatl hoarde. Raiding might be an option, but in that case there is no rush for ascended gear. Better to focus on what you can do rather than rely on luck. You can also now get asended armor from strike mission tokens.
  20. And as other have said why did it take 8 years for the dust to settle?
  21. > @"Genthore.2384" said: > and when your build works great one week and they nerf it the next it makes you say screw this If only balance patches were weekly.
  22. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > I just make my own groups in LFG when i play. I find the caliber of person willing to make a group is usually higher, in LFG, than in public instances of just about anything. That and since your in a party you can kick the people not helping.
  23. > @"Rebkir.6593" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Have you done this on your heal skill maybe? > > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Auto-attack > > It wasn't active, no. But turning it on and then off again did infact help. Thank you:-) Glad to help happy gaming
  24. Have you done this on your heal skill maybe? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Auto-attack
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