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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > > @"battledrone.8315" said: > > > wow. if ncsoft really had another project, wouldnt they had hired a new team for it, so anet could focus their resources on this game?? > > > > No, why would they hire an entirely new team? Arenanet had the same resources and focus allocated on Guild Wars 2 as they had before those new projects started. The extra people hired where working on the new projects, and the number of those still working on Guild Wars 2 was the same (if not higher) than before. > > > > > and ncsoft is a huge company, they surely would have the resources to finish a project with a a few hundred employees, instead of just ditching it , and taking a loss > > > > We don't know exactly why they ditched the project. Plus NCSoft has ditched many projects in the past, I've been in numerous closed beta tests for NCSoft games, and let me tell you, a lot of them never got released. > > > > > perhaps you are happy to pay for vaporware, but i am not > > > > You are getting the exact same developer effort you always had. The new projects did not drain the resources from Guild Wars 2, they were -extra- additions. > > if that was true, then why did gaile leave? did she work on the OTHER PROJECT too? they lost some of the more experienced GW2 personnel at the same > time. how do you explain THAT? She left on her own accord so other people that been with the company fewer years could stay
  2. > @"Sol.6340" said: > Instead of attacking us, consider being sympathetic that one day we were able to login and play a game that we loved to play and the next, we were told we weren't a valued member of the game ecosystem. You're all missing the point. This is Mac players saying, we're part of the group that loves to play this game. We're stuck. Many of us can't afford to pay a subscription, or buy a PC or whatever to keep playing and we are (collectively) upset, disappointed, and angry. IF IT WAS A PC VERSION THAT WAS BEING DISCONTINUED WITH LITTLE TO NO WARNING, WOULDN'T YOU BE UPSET AS WELL? We are not attacking you, we are telling you to put the blame where it belongs. AND THAT IS APPLE
  3. Salvage what you dont need with ascended salvage kits.
  4. You have to make the plater infront of him if I remember right
  5. > @"Hypnowulf.7403" said: Snip > Another issue is that casual players buy things. I've spoken with people who tend to grind, even on the lesser end of the raid spectrum, and they have more gold than they know what to do with. So what do they do? They convert their gold to gems. By doing this, they remove themselves as a profitable demographic. > >Snip I said it before I will say it again, without those people trading gold for gems people would not buy gems to trade for gold since they would get no gold for their gems.
  6. > @"Tazer.2157" said: > Is it possible to change up some previous story instances into visions of the past episodes that we can do as a squad or party? ofcourse its possible, if anet will do it is another question entierly.
  7. > @"Ashen.2907" said: > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > @"Ashen.2907" said: > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > > > Imagine if someone told you that you are only allowed to have 1 character in GW2. Not in some hypothetical other GW2, current GW2, same GW2 as the last 8 years. Oh you have 5 character slots base and can buy many more if you want, but you are only allowed to have 1 character, period. Because someone says it. > > > > > > > > Thats 100% rep guilds. > > > > > > This is false. No 100% rep guild has the power to do this or anything like it. > > What exactly is false about this obvious **analogy** of 100% rep guilds because someone *told* you that you are only allowed to rep 1 guild? > > Because no one in any guild can tell you how many guilds you are allowed to join. Only ANet has that power. Yes but they can kick you if you rep another guild.
  8. > @"Dydzio.1320" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Very rarely and why is something like this needing a macro? > > When you mystic forge total of 50000 tier 5 materials into tier 6 then you will understand is there a reason the new refill button cant help?
  9. > @"iynk.9053" said: > Let’s not forget that stepping outside the “bounds”’ for even a few seconds while inside any instance, results in the player losing all progress as well. > > What’s worse, these arbitrary boundaries are often way too restrictive. If they’re going to be in there to help guide the player along a path, that’s fine, but they shouldn’t be enforced with the severe punishment of potentially hours of progress loss. > > Please remove every piece of server code that ejects players from their instances and forces a loss of progress! What personal story instance take hours to do?
  10. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"namelesswc.9217" said: > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > > Like i said. This is the **MOST EXTREME** case. It will **never** be 200 gold to change all that. This is only assuming the most expensive overblown costs on ascended gear with **no materials** and everything bought from TP, i mean, did you even read the rest of my post? There's tons of exotic gear that's free and stat selectable that you can try out. And you shouldn't be "testing builds" in the middle of CM100 fractals anyway because *it* **won't** *work*. There's meta builds for a reason. > > > > > > > > And if you want the ability to mess around a lot - that's what legendaries are for. > > > > > > That example from me was a extreme example aswell. It doesn't matter if it cost 50g or 200g. It was to point out how ridiculous much it costs just to test a different stat and switch back to it. > > > > > > All I'm saying is with the current system you cannot simply test and discard without legendary equipment. If you have free stat change just like free skill change or free trait change you would see more build variety in the game. Ease of use of different features have constantly been improved in gw2. Also respecting traits used to cost gold too in gw2 so making stat change free is a plausible option from my perspective. And it is worth the legendary devaluation in my opinion since it would make gameplay more interesting and diversivied. > > > > > > However anet isn't like it used to be and I'm not even sure if they currently have the resources to make changes like that. Now it's just grindy content after grindy content. > > > > It did not cost to respec traits ever in gw2. > > You had to unlock to be able to place the traits as a one time fee per character tho. > > There was a respec option, i think it cost spirit shards or something... > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > > > > Ascended trinkets are ridiculously easy to come by. Investing some time in Bloodstone fen can give you 4 of your 6 trinkets (Two rings, one backpack, one amulet) a stat >reset option for the ridiculously low price of 100 unbound magic for all 4. > > > > > > > > > > Sorry, i know it's off topic but you can use 2 of the same Blood ruby ring at once? Just curious. Or **is this the case of one attuned and another not attuned ring?** > > > > This is Correct > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I see thanks. I can't believe i didn't think of that LOL i just used the Winterberry ring or another one for my stat change... WIll get another bloodstone one and attune it then! :smile: Way easier to change the stats too then, 100 unbound magic makes those ascended ones basically legendary, especially if you're not having infusions in them. > > Here's another fun fact. > > Attuning a S3 or S4 currency ring will also reset it's stats. > > > > > > Yeah, that i know. Handy for winterberry and other rings... :smile: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Say_Goodbye_to_Armor_Repair_Costs_and_Hello_to_Free_Trait_Resets Damn your right, Im getting old.
  11. > @"some.9013" said: > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > > You can do whatever you like, but you risk action on your account. > > You will garner no more specific information, other than what is found in the Knowledge Base. > > > > Good luck. > > Is there really no way to contact devs about this kind of thing? Do they not post here? Very rarely and why is something like this needing a macro?
  12. 5 months and you say you have been their most supporting mac member? What about a mac user thats played for 8 years?
  13. Ether Djinn's Token, unsure if you still have to rep a guild to get them. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Qadim_the_Peerless%27s_Coffer
  14. > @"Eric The Dangerous.6209" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Eric The Dangerous.6209" said: > > > Both games should be supported, at least when you have an issue they help in gw2. They do nothing in guild wars 1 to help players in anyway. If you want the servers up and the game running so people buy it then you should respect the still very active player base by supporting it for hacking, botting, etc. It is not "backwards" thinking to want a company to support a game when the servers are still up and you have tons of people still playing. I am not saying do not support guild wars 2, just dont forget about the loyal players that have supported them for 15 almost 16 years. We buy storage panes, bring friends to buy the game. Anet could easily profit from both gw1 and gw2 if they made the effort and supported both games fully like everyone seems to want. The way you change things is by speaking up, if you stay silent things will continue down the same path or potentially get even worse. This thread is for those in support of this idea and who want to show it. > > > > You can play the whole game solo with your heroes right? > > So what do it matter if other people hack or bot that game? > > You can, but pvp still thrives, speed clears still thrive, and the player base in general still thrives. Botters ruin the economy and pvp. It's also against gw1 tos to bot. The hacking has destroyed the game as a whole, I for example (among a handful of other players) won items specifically made for us by anet. Anet had a major backdoor in their security and tons of accounts were compromised including mine but also thousands of others. No guilds wars support means everyone hacked lost everything that was deleted whether that is the rarest items in the game or deleted characters that can't be restored. Imagine vanquishing every zone, working your butt off for every single title you have, just for your character of 5+ years to be deleted due to no fault of your own. Those people do not deserve to be forgotten, nor should they. No excuses. So anet cant even do account rollbacks on hacked gw1 accounts now?
  15. > @"namelesswc.9217" said: > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > Like i said. This is the **MOST EXTREME** case. It will **never** be 200 gold to change all that. This is only assuming the most expensive overblown costs on ascended gear with **no materials** and everything bought from TP, i mean, did you even read the rest of my post? There's tons of exotic gear that's free and stat selectable that you can try out. And you shouldn't be "testing builds" in the middle of CM100 fractals anyway because *it* **won't** *work*. There's meta builds for a reason. > > > > And if you want the ability to mess around a lot - that's what legendaries are for. > > That example from me was a extreme example aswell. It doesn't matter if it cost 50g or 200g. It was to point out how ridiculous much it costs just to test a different stat and switch back to it. > > All I'm saying is with the current system you cannot simply test and discard without legendary equipment. If you have free stat change just like free skill change or free trait change you would see more build variety in the game. Ease of use of different features have constantly been improved in gw2. Also respecting traits used to cost gold too in gw2 so making stat change free is a plausible option from my perspective. And it is worth the legendary devaluation in my opinion since it would make gameplay more interesting and diversivied. > > However anet isn't like it used to be and I'm not even sure if they currently have the resources to make changes like that. Now it's just grindy content after grindy content. It did not cost to respec traits ever in gw2. You had to unlock to be able to place the traits as a one time fee per character tho.
  16. > @"namelesswc.9217" said: > It's not about creating new meta builds by being able to stats nor is it about min maxing your crit to 100%. > > > Why should it be a basic feature? Perhaps I am missing something but I don’t recall having free stat swaps in other MMO I played. > I'm comparing it to gw1 since thats the other mmo I have played the most. Attributes points would be the equivalent to stats in gw1 since that's what mainly determined how effective your skill was. And they can be adjusted in cities all the time if I recall correctly. > > Gw2's old trait system didn't used to my adjustable too. You had to pay money to reset it until they changed it. With the new system trait changing is free but choosing a heal trait over a damage trait is useless if you don't switch to healing gear too. You cant compare gw1 and gw2 they arent the same genre. A co op rpg and a a massive multiplaye online rpg is not the same
  17. If you have that much of a problem with it stay on your home borderland were you have this in my oppinion imagened advantage. Edit Is this what the american servers are like? I have never been spawned camped on any of the boarderlands.
  18. Your not supposed to be able to treb keeps from spawn spot, what are you even on about?
  19. > @"weaponwh.9810" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Why not power warrior? > > is power warrior easy? all i see is bannerslave in raid, so wasn't sure its desired compare to other pdps You can check rotation here mate and judge for yourself. https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/warrior/berserker/power/
  20. > @"Justified.9178" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Justified.9178" said: > > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > > @"Justified.9178" said: > > > > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > > > > @"Justified.9178" said: > > > > > > > Its because the content is rehashed group content and at the heart of it players are primarily solo, its just a bonus when you have people that you can group with. The only part of the LW that is designed as solo content is the story and because the story is unique to its season it takes to long to produce and leaves massive voids in game. > > > > > > > > > > > > You can solo both forging steel and the DRMs so whats this about it being group content? > > > > > > > > > > > > Are the core hot and pof stories group content just becuse you can enter with 5 people? > > > > > > > > > > I never said you couldnt but why would you bother when you only get bronze rewards ? Its rehashed systems and locations nothing new and very bland content for the time it took to produce its not worth the investment in "my opinion". > > > > > > > > Because you want to play solo. > > > > > > You need to read the comment correctly before you continue this conversation > > > > I might have mixed up the threads mate, still dont see, what part of the living world is rehashed group content tho. > > Thought you were talking about the DRMs > > The DRMs are instant versions of the content that came after Battle for Lion's Arch when Brisban Wildlands was attacked. That was group content to introduce new systems in the game that were not available as nothing like that existed before Your talking about living world season 2 now? Edit Cant say I remember any other attacks on brisban wildlands but its been awhile so please refresh my memory mate.
  21. > @"Justified.9178" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Justified.9178" said: > > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > > > @"Justified.9178" said: > > > > > Its because the content is rehashed group content and at the heart of it players are primarily solo, its just a bonus when you have people that you can group with. The only part of the LW that is designed as solo content is the story and because the story is unique to its season it takes to long to produce and leaves massive voids in game. > > > > > > > > You can solo both forging steel and the DRMs so whats this about it being group content? > > > > > > > > Are the core hot and pof stories group content just becuse you can enter with 5 people? > > > > > > I never said you couldnt but why would you bother when you only get bronze rewards ? Its rehashed systems and locations nothing new and very bland content for the time it took to produce its not worth the investment in "my opinion". > > > > Because you want to play solo. > > You need to read the comment correctly before you continue this conversation I might have mixed up the threads mate, still dont see, what part of the living world is rehashed group content tho. Thought you were talking about the DRMs
  22. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > The only one I havent been able to complete is the draconis mons one and thats only because you have to do those 3 vine shots in a row. > > Can't you cheese that one with the Skyscale nowadays? > No idea havent tried.
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