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Everything posted by Linken.6345

  1. > @"Peaka.2965" said: > As of today it is impossible to do alone and I have attempted with another person which also did not work. As the user above, I have researched this problem extensively and have read all of the Wiki suggestions. I have also not found a video with the achievement shown after this problem has become so unsolvable. This is preventing me from obtaining the Legendary Vision so its quite annoying that it has not been fixed. Especially since the problem has been ongoing for so many months. I have just submitted a request but am not sure how that will help me. It does not seem reasonable to put the users through all of these researching issues and running this achievement with numerous of my characters all because of a well-known issue. Do it with full team. When going from left to right over his body always aim 1 aurene to the right of yourself.
  2. > @"Faline.8795" said: > > @"Senteliks.2360" said: > > > > Edit: Also, it puzzles me. Give how you are returning player and I assume you own expansions. most of LS, why exactly don't you jump in and check for yourself will the > > game sink or not? > > Because I have to re-download it. It isn't on my computer anymore. > > And because I internet by satellite (rural America. Beautiful, but very limited internet), I have MASSIVE data limits. So it is a monumental effort to download a game like this. > Go to a library or a friend who have cable internet?
  3. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said: > Not entertaining enough for me to replay over and over again, and the reward structure sucks. Prismaticite isn't a reward, it's a license to spend gold on weapons I don't want. The worst part of it for me is having to do the challenge modes 3 times to get the "top responder" achievements. I do want my stretch emote back, so I'll suffer through it. These kind of achievements used to be "one and done", until the Icebrood Saga. Well, I guess they needed to add a reason to repeat the missions. Game play and rewards certainly aren't cutting it. Its 5 times for the cm acheivement sad to tell you mate.
  4. > @"KeyOrion.9506" said: > Sadly I had made Astralaria, and gave it to my ranger. Tonight I decided I wanted to do Twice-Told Legend and went for a 2nd Astralaria. Axe/Axe for my Ranger. However, after making all the required gifts I get to making The Mechanism for a second time. Lo and behold at the very bottom it said, "You have crafted this item already", and would not let me craft The Mechanism. As for the skin, I tried reskinning an ascended axe into Atralaria. It does not recognize that as a second legendary, sorry to say. Which leaves me out a couple hundred gold, resources and time. Because now I pretty much nearly have everything to build a 2nd Astralaria, but now i'm blocked from doing so. I don't see why I'm not allowed to make a second, 2nd gen legendary weapon of the same type. It makes no sense. Especially for that specific title. And I would have been super happy to have two Astralaria's since, well gee wiz, I thought it would look cool on my ranger also. Can someone explain why I'm disallowed from making another Astralaria, for Twice-Told Legend? Because thats how anet implemented legendary crafting with gen 1 and the first 5 gen 2 weapons. Later they changed when they dident implement a journey with the weapons tho. Could always ask support to reimburst materials, they usualy do after you asked and they see you deleted the items.
  5. You sure the timer dident run out? Your not kicked anymore but dont get the achievement done
  6. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > I wonder what they'll make 500 Jewler do. Cause there's basically free trinkets in LS3 for unbound magic and some gathered stuff. Not to mention cheap ones for laurels, from fractals and WvW... So it would be useless to actually craft them. Unless they'd somehow be even cheaper. Legendary infusions.
  7. > @"dou.7083" said: > Demonstration: > https://streamable.com/e64fiu > > Occurs: > * both in groups/squads and solo > * on any swap during the combat, not just the first one > * in dragonfall, jahai bluffs, thunderhead peaks dragon response mission - 100% spotted by me in these locations > * fighting any type of enemy, from bosses to regular ones > > First spotted on 20th, the recording above is from 21st, and I've had it today on 2 occasions as well. > Before 20th I was running a different build, so I can't tell if it's a weapon set issue specifically or not > If your mounting it counts as first weapon swap when you get off it.
  8. > @"Noah Salazar.5430" said: > idk i personaly don't like public option > > i tried join public once, but then until i invite ppl, i not see how well thay boons are, or did i need take any skill to support team > also it's much harder to spot position of ppl, so when you split or etc you not know did your team have truble or what event thay do > same if one person die, it's hard to spot until you look up on mini map > other problem i noticed was you culd not vote kick ppl that was afk or did strange thinks or hide out > > i first noticed that public option exist 1-2d ago, before i did dungeons,t1-t4,strikes even commanding drizwood meta using lfg, i was not even avare thers "public" option in the game > i prob will try avoid it and form pre-made party insted (i play on EU) > > There is only public option for strikes and dragon response mission mate.
  9. Is there a trackpad mouse on that laptop and have you disable that so you dont accidently keep left clicking on that with the hand?
  10. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > > Sounds to me like anet has noticed player numbers dropping, and are doing a last-ditch effort to retain who they have. You know, fulfil player wishes in hopes of keeping them playing (and paying). Cynical? Maybe. > > > > > > And no, i'm not saying the game is dying. just stating the more likely scenario. > > > > > A more likely scenario with no data to back up that assumption? > > > > Since we're only guessing here, why is mine the one people gang up on? Not what you like to here is my guess. Still, my guess isn't going turn a guess into reality any more than anyone elses. Well you do say its more likely then any of the other claims, so what proof you got that your guess is more valid then the others mate?
  11. > @"kumiponi.6047" said: > I also got disconnected and there appeared to be no way to re-join the dragon response mission even though I remained in the party. :( I tried going through the portal again, but it just started a new mission instance. Maybe there's some workaround that I missed? There is not its the same like when you join someones home instance.
  12. > @"lare.5129" said: > want do cms once per week ?? you already can do that. Some ppl don't do that at all. Don't see reason limit others.. And they want to get rewarded 7 times for that weekly cm run.
  13. > @"Bristingr.5034" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > Then it would not be a challenge anymore. > > Snowden Drifts is practically impossible right now to the point even Raid-geared teams are struggling. Raid geared as in ascended? Well that dont make the person but skill do, great raiders (I'm not one) can do raids in greens so yea.
  14. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > Guardian? How about warrior hammer? By the time you've used all CC abilities on a group of enemies, any other melee weapon would have killed them and the next group, maybe even more. Same for maces. In PvE, they have no purpose except to break the defiance bar. Good? I guess, but i would rather use them exclusively. Besides, warrior has more than enough CC utility. Not like the bar is high enough to require more than that since they are designed for groups, and the cooldown is so long on the bar that you'll have the skills ready again before it can be broken again. You havent played fractal 100 cm I see.
  15. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > > As other people have said I think it's a shame they're so obviously rushing it because of the complaints about not having another expansion after season 4. > > Are they? > > I mean when IBS was originally presented to us wasn't it that the last several parts would be with the developers trying to incorporate the aspects they most liked about s1 into the story? or maybe it was a puff peice for an MMO site where this was mentioned. How they wanted to change the story telling near the end to do this. > > Isn't that exactly what they are doing now? Giving us these instances where places we know are under attack/change? > > And if indeed that was the plan all along, then how is it rushed? > > These DRMs have clearly been the plan from the beginning. To transition the game towards a place where they can tell the stories they want without worrying about the headaches that the development approach to s1 created. In a way that makes them repeatable and relevant as group content. > > The problem isnt that they have rushed the end of Icebrood, the problem is that they are spreading it out too thin. What should have been 4 months of content updates now becomes 6-8 while they continue work on the expansion. > > I don't think this was rushed. I think it was the plan all along, but that the DRMs would release weekly or biweekly. > > > I like what we are getting, but I will forever wonder what we could have had and how much more interesting it could have been if only people had been willing to give them a chance instead of endlessly going on about the game dying because they didn't have to pay for it. > > To blame the portion of the playerbase is a little puzzling. > > This was the play by Anet, > > Don't be surprised if a lot of your End of Dragons story is told in a similar way. > > So, are DRM possible to complete solo? Because if the answer is "no" they might as well not exist. If that is what the future holds, then that's bad. They are I have done the first 3 solo, and judging by the two I ran yesterday they seem to be in line with the previous released ones this release as well.
  16. Then it would not be a challenge anymore.
  17. > @"Touchme.1097" said: > I wouldn't say it's heavily populated because despite playing in a high population server I struggle to see people doing Meta events in general but ArenaNet's focus is all on the Windows client version of the game and they have a lot of improvements ready for us. The full server is only related to WvWvW population all pve aka metas are shared maps across all servers ( devided bettwen the Usa and Europe server clusters of course) so your probabely on a empty overflow map when you feel its dead, check lfg and see how many squads there is that are on full maps in your area.
  18. > @"Espada Seraph Phoenix.6129" said: > I gave this post a thought; I don’t know how this system works, but I can identify the problem what I think what you mean to say. > Is this post about you wanting to play WVW with guild members from other servers, correct? > > I think it would be a good thing to do if the servers are full. I don’t know if the spots are occupied or not with lifeless accounts. If so, sure, why not? > In my previous guild, the issue was that I wanted to do WVW with my guild members; however, we could not do WVW together because of the servers. We can play PVE together with the guest function, that was great, but we could not play WVW together. Because I already did a transfer, the next transfer costs money I cannot spend. My guild members could still do a change for free, but the server was full. In the end, I quit the guild. Because at that time, I played WVW more than PVE. > I can say things as make changing servers free. But that would be impossible :P. > > Have a great day ^^ > As said earlier in the thread delete all characters and transfer for free.
  19. > @"KillingTimeZ.5289" said: > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said: > > I think it’s unlikely they’ll give you items that are worth gems in exchange for free items they give you as that’s a potential loss of sales and might have to be counted as a loss on their books. At best I think they might allow ingame only items to be purchased with mystic forge stones. > > I would like to buy black lion chest keys in game from some vendor with mystic forge stones, that would be cool, for like the same price as the mystic forge stone cost=same price as the black lion chest cost or maybe a bit more expensive to not encourage the people to buy outright the mfs and still want to play to get them. Nice necro, now days you can trade 1 a day for provisoner token in lions arch as well.
  20. > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > @"Nokomis.5076" said: > > The Release Notes tell > > > existing account-bound items will remain bound, but items acquired after updating the client will be unbound > > So I'm afraid this won't change. > > That's why I posted my plea. ;) I'm certain others feel the same way. I have several stacks of buff food for different builds, so this change is a major annoyance regarding storage space. Use up the old before you craft new?
  21. Clean your mouse maybe left click is sticky so both your mouse buttons are clicked and make you run forward?
  22. > @"Taylan.2187" said: > Oh man, I thought this was related to the new episode or something, didn't realize it was an old video. xD > There were Tengu in the trailer... Gotta play it soon and check out if there's any Tengu-related news. There is not the tengu were from whats coming in later chapters not this one.
  23. > @"raykor.6723" said: > So if you didn't finish this achievement when the previous Champions release came out, then you can never complete it? You can buy the chests for the tyrian defense tokens from the other merchant.
  24. You only need 20 match wins so it can take how ever many tournaments you need for it to get that in total.
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