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GW2 lacks this RPG experience

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This is in regards to PvE,

Cave dwelling, Castle roaming, House hunting, etc. The indoor experience.

Everquest one of the grand daddys that got the MMORPG experience going had two things, outdoor and indoor spells. Mixture of every type of theme. Even WoW has this.

You look at Elder Scrolls Online, they have this.


I look at Guild Wars 2, hardly any serious cave dwelling experiences anymore. If anything its a do the meta and roll out, theres no zone dedicated to cave dwelling, castle roaming, and house hunting.


When the game first started it hinted at it, and had a good mixture, but seeing the game progress, every zone feels the same, giant outdoor yada yada, different environment (jungle, desert, etc) is only difference.


My hope is that in Canta, it brings more indoor environments and not just do this for dungeon and roll out, do it for a meta, or quick boss and roll out and never look at it again. Making more similar typed outdoor zones is just going to have people keep wanting more, because you didn't quite get it. Some games people don't complain about more maps because there is enough that satisfies what type of experience they want to face.


Not every zone needs super high ceilings and allow for full zoom. Bring some zones where I have to zoom in more and actually notice things about characters, not know whats around the corner. Ex. LS4 part 3, Going into the tower, and then having to go into the individual rooms to do break Joko's experiments, I can't just see whats in the room easily, I have to actually go inside. Instead of time consuming content, have it be worth going inside. (similar thing to aetherblade fractal the caves with ores, its pretty much time consuming step.

They need to make it something, in other games you have a reason to cave dwell, etc. In this game, its just time consumption event and its super small and not even providing a cave dwelling, castle roaming, house hunting experience.


Hopefully Canta has going into houses or mansions and staying in them a lot more rather than roaming around in outdoors (they already have 20+ outdoor zones, we don't need anymore)


Making another expansion with nothing but outdoor zones which just like every other zone, isnt going to be a wow factor, it needs to add more variety of experiences, we've been spoon fed outdoor zones with HoT LS3 PoF LS4 Icebrood Saga.

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Dont know how this could impact negatively on the game and needs to be a "must" from now on, but we do have a lot of ice cave areas in icebrood saga, a lot of deep down in the jungle areas from HoT, a lot of old palace buildings from PoF, dungeons, fractals and even raids with inside building parts... so dont think it really is a RPG lacking feature

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I can see some maps (generally human zones) all feel the same as far as flat plains. I always enjoy exploration of caves and buildings myself. However, in the jungle part, I have to disagree. The Heart of Thorns maps are some of the most in-depth maps I've ever seen.

Addition: But I'm always for complexities of exploration. The personal RPG element of the world if important.

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GW2 tends to throw a lot of enemies about (not exactly sure how it compares to other games) - as such, awareness of what is around the character is important. So for myself, I have my camera zoomed all the way out.

However, GW2 does a really poor job when something obscures the camera, like being indoors, in a cave, etc. So while I might like more indoor exploration, the camera handling would need to be improved - otherwise, I think you would just end up with a lot of annoyed players.


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Wow doesn't actually have housing. LOTRO however does, you can go play that game, even add a farm and some trees, a bed, paintings etc. People still play it, though the number may be below a thousand players. You actually have to pay rent for your house and the neighborhood has varying prices. I got bored and only used my house for storage in that game.


But it's not a bad idea for sure. The only sad bit is I don't trust devs when it comes to implementing furniture, the prices are outrageous as it is for stuff in the guild hall!

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> Wow doesn't actually have housing. LOTRO however does, you can go play that game, even add a farm and some trees, a bed, paintings etc. People still play it, though the number may be below a thousand players. You actually have to pay rent for your house and the neighborhood has varying prices. I got bored and only used my house for storage in that game.


> But it's not a bad idea for sure. The only sad bit is I don't trust devs when it comes to implementing furniture, the prices are outrageous as it is for stuff in the guild hall!


Don’t think this is about personal housing

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Personally I don't consider having to zoom into a "first person" level to avoid visual collisions with the ceiling to be appealing. The "first person" view isn't immersive and doesn't even come close to allowing you the field of vision that you actually have in RL (which is almost 180 degrees) and the game view becomes a jumble of visual problems where you can't see past other people in front of you.


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There are lots of indoor areas in the game already. Roughly 1/3 of the Tangled Depths map is an underground cave system and there's skritt burrows, dredge mines, castles and keeps in PoF maps, and various other buildings and caves in other parts of the world. Not to mention many, many smaller structures you can explore, but they usually don't have much in them except a few NPCs to talk to so they're easy to miss if you're just looking for stuff the game will tell you to do rather than exploring everything.


Admittedly they look a bit different to how they're portrayed in some other games because, as other people have already pointed out, they still need to have relatively high ceilings to accommodate the camera, and anywhere you're going to get into a fight needs to have open space because combat in this game is very movement orientated. There are some places where you fight in enclosed spaces, like the Cadecuses Manor dungeon, or the story instance in Head of the Snake which sends you through the same areas and it's ok, but can be really frustrating on certain professions because so many things get in the way of your skills or stop you moving into the right position.


I'm sure Anet will continue to add indoor areas, but I doubt they'll be much different to what we've already got, I don't think we're going to see lots of long, narrow corridors with little rooms where you're trying to see around your own character to get some idea of what's going on.


(By the way, cave dwelling means living in a cave, not just exploring it, and house hunting is normally used to mean looking for a house to buy, which is probably why some people thought this topic is another request for a housing system and not about indoor exploration.)

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> Personally I don't consider having to zoom into a "first person" level to avoid visual collisions with the ceiling to be appealing. The "first person" view isn't immersive and doesn't even come close to allowing you the field of vision that you actually have in RL (which is almost 180 degrees) and the game view becomes a jumble of visual problems where you can't see past other people in front of you.



This is the truth, the camera in this game doesn't do well with indoor areas, if I think back to the parts of LS4 for example where you enter a building to loot chests or destroy plague experiments then it was quite jarring.

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@uberkingkong.8041 said:

>When the game first started it hinted at it, and had a good mixture, but seeing the game progress, every zone feels the same, giant outdoor yada yada, different >environment (jungle, desert, etc) is only difference.

I kinda feel that for every LS map.


It depends how players see "indoors" for me indoors is just inside the houses of DR, the Grove , Black Citadel and Hoelbrak. In starter maps you can find house/labs/homestead but they aren't massively present. LS maps are really poor about Indoors environments. I link indoor only to houses/decorated keeps , so the ruins of thunderhead, jahai fortress , the underground labs of kourna aren't indoors. But the blood keep of grothmar or lion's guard keeps as examples are indoor to me.

Underground caves aren't indoor too, it's just caves, or underground. If I take as example Sandswept Isles; only 1% is indoor: The olmakhan lorekeeper house. The underground tunnels are just access tunnels. And most of the labs are just ravaged. I can't consider any of the labs as indoors, there is 0 furnitures (apart sometimes where you have ambient dialogues, but well just lab tables near cowering scientists). Through I can qualify Rata Primus instance and Lab-Sigma 05 as Indoors. But in the map itself, all indoors is annihilated: All the stone gates are closed and leading to wall for Inquest side, all huts apart one are closed for the Olmakhan side. But frankly Rata Primus can be zapped, the only indoors designed areas (near the awakaned abobination and bomb golems) have their stone gates closed and it is again impossible to reach the sofas tables etc. In fact a giant Inquest City/Base is shown, but there is 0 dormitories, cafeteria, experiment tables and real labs apart the containment chamber.

I just think it's possible to do way far better with asura stuffs, Inquest , Rata Novus and so on. All the released stuffs regarding them feels unfinished.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > Wow doesn't actually have housing. LOTRO however does, you can go play that game, even add a farm and some trees, a bed, paintings etc. People still play it, though the number may be below a thousand players. You actually have to pay rent for your house and the neighborhood has varying prices. I got bored and only used my house for storage in that game.

> >

> > But it's not a bad idea for sure. The only sad bit is I don't trust devs when it comes to implementing furniture, the prices are outrageous as it is for stuff in the guild hall!


> Don’t think this is about personal housing


I think thats what they mean with house hunting aint it?

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> This is in regards to PvE,

> Cave dwelling, Castle roaming, House hunting, etc. The indoor experience.

> Everquest one of the grand daddys that got the MMORPG experience going had two things, outdoor and indoor spells. Mixture of every type of theme. Even WoW has this.

> You look at Elder Scrolls Online, they have this.


> I look at Guild Wars 2, hardly any serious cave dwelling experiences anymore. If anything its a do the meta and roll out, theres no zone dedicated to cave dwelling, castle roaming, and house hunting.


> When the game first started it hinted at it, and had a good mixture, but seeing the game progress, every zone feels the same, giant outdoor yada yada, different environment (jungle, desert, etc) is only difference.


> My hope is that in Canta, it brings more indoor environments and not just do this for dungeon and roll out, do it for a meta, or quick boss and roll out and never look at it again. Making more similar typed outdoor zones is just going to have people keep wanting more, because you didn't quite get it. Some games people don't complain about more maps because there is enough that satisfies what type of experience they want to face.


> Not every zone needs super high ceilings and allow for full zoom. Bring some zones where I have to zoom in more and actually notice things about characters, not know whats around the corner. Ex. LS4 part 3, Going into the tower, and then having to go into the individual rooms to do break Joko's experiments, I can't just see whats in the room easily, I have to actually go inside. Instead of time consuming content, have it be worth going inside. (similar thing to aetherblade fractal the caves with ores, its pretty much time consuming step.

> They need to make it something, in other games you have a reason to cave dwell, etc. In this game, its just time consumption event and its super small and not even providing a cave dwelling, castle roaming, house hunting experience.


> Hopefully Canta has going into houses or mansions and staying in them a lot more rather than roaming around in outdoors (they already have 20+ outdoor zones, we don't need anymore)


> Making another expansion with nothing but outdoor zones which just like every other zone, isnt going to be a wow factor, it needs to add more variety of experiences, we've been spoon fed outdoor zones with HoT LS3 PoF LS4 Icebrood Saga.


No thanks. I much prefer the emphasis on open world content. I heard GW1 has mostly instanced stuff so I'm sure you would enjoy that! Go check it out!

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> There are some places where you fight in enclosed spaces, like the Cadecuses Manor dungeon, or the story instance in Head of the Snake which sends you through the same areas and it's ok, but can be really frustrating on certain professions because so many things get in the way of your skills or stop you moving into the right position. (By the way, cave dwelling means living in a cave, not just exploring it, and house hunting is normally used to mean looking for a house to buy, which is probably why some people thought this topic is another request for a housing system and not about indoor exploration.)



I hope there will be open world Cadecuses Manor. I wouldnt mind having a city outdoor zone, but please make >50% of content in an indoor environment like Cadecuses Manor. Maybe make it a gang boss hideout or something. If I remember Cantha is about gang rivalry and territory? Which when I think of territory wars Grand Theft Auto San Andres comes to mind.

I'd just like more crawling in dungeons, houses, castles. As of right now, there seems to be too much JP open worldy type content. Ex. to get to this mastery (its on a rock in very hard to reach place, not like I've seen this scenario before!) you have to use springer then switch to griffin, then do some more jumps, and so on. How about some crawling, as in having to go through a gang base and its very condensed and filled with mobs. Some stuff where stealth is actually very useful thing again, like in Cadecuses Manor and some other old dungeons, people really valued thieves for stealthing.


I mention castles too.

This game I feel has focused on dragons a lot, but they out in outdoors, has focused on sylvari in outdoors, it does have something of a castle in PoF zones, but its hardly a castle vibe, feels more like an outpost. How about castle with rival leader. LS4 King Joko part does have somewhat castle vibe, but its just a story quick one and done.


I'd like these ideas I'm mentioning to be open world, not dungeons, not story, I'd like to see open world version of these. Everquest has a lot of castle type vibes in zones and cave crawling, and housing/city open world areas. ESO has it pretty good with cave crawling. Diablo 2 has it good with cave crawling too.


It's just the mystery part that I like with cave crawling and castle crawling. The city crawling is entertaining to me but much less seen.


> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> No thanks. I much prefer the emphasis on open world content. I heard GW1 has mostly instanced stuff so I'm sure you would enjoy that! Go check it out!


Indoors is open world content, I don't like instances either.

Personally I wish PvP was open world, where I could fight others in Queensdale.


> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > Personally I don't consider having to zoom into a "first person" level to avoid visual collisions with the ceiling to be appealing. The "first person" view isn't immersive and doesn't even come close to allowing you the field of vision that you actually have in RL (which is almost 180 degrees) and the game view becomes a jumble of visual problems where you can't see past other people in front of you.

> >


> This is the truth, the camera in this game doesn't do well with indoor areas, if I think back to the parts of LS4 for example where you enter a building to loot chests or destroy plague experiments then it was quite jarring.


This is where the idea sparked. The camera isn't that bad as people make it, its just people are so used to fully zoomed out camera. I don't really want to go into 1st person, but I'd like to play more often where my character is a couple inches rather than about an inch because of being fully zoomed out. And I too like seeing a lot of my surroundings, but it takes away from 'moments' being able to see everything. Such as in older MMO's, usually you could zoom out only 6 scrolls and character is like 5 inches big, and you don't have much visibility as well, and it creates moments where you didn't see something and all sudden the situation escalates. In GW2 you see too much and theres hardly any situations that surprises people.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> It depends how players see "indoors" for me indoors is just inside the houses of DR, the Grove , Black Citadel and Hoelbrak. In starter maps you can find house/labs/homestead but they aren't massively present. LS maps are really poor about Indoors environments. I link indoor only to houses/decorated keeps , so the ruins of thunderhead, jahai fortress , the underground labs of kourna aren't indoors. But the blood keep of grothmar or lion's guard keeps as examples are indoor to me.

> Underground caves aren't indoor too, it's just caves, or underground. If I take as example Sandswept Isles; only 1% is indoor: The olmakhan lorekeeper house. The underground tunnels are just access tunnels. And most of the labs are just ravaged. I can't consider any of the labs as indoors, there is 0 furnitures (apart sometimes where you have ambient dialogues, but well just lab tables near cowering scientists). Through I can qualify Rata Primus instance and Lab-Sigma 05 as Indoors. But in the map itself, all indoors is annihilated: All the stone gates are closed and leading to wall for Inquest side, all huts apart one are closed for the Olmakhan side. But frankly Rata Primus can be zapped, the only indoors designed areas (near the awakaned abobination and bomb golems) have their stone gates closed and it is again impossible to reach the sofas tables etc. In fact a giant Inquest City/Base is shown, but there is 0 dormitories, cafeteria, experiment tables and real labs apart the containment chamber.

> I just think it's possible to do way far better with asura stuffs, Inquest , Rata Novus and so on. All the released stuffs regarding them feels unfinished.


Yeah if the ceiling is like max height, I dont really consider it indoors, even though technically the Chak zone in HoT is indoor, I didn't get that feeling as much because of having too much room.



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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/99642/my-view-on-improving-immersion-and-the-rpg-side


> That's my small part of what i like to see.


GW2 defiantly lacks that experience as well.

This game is too static. NPC is always in same exact spot. Mobs always for most part in same exact spot. Wish there was more like Guild Bounties having to track a boss down. But also have them drop unique stuff as well.


But what you mentioned is the social aspect of the game, I too would like more of that. I feel like they think we need more and more to grind, every LS, just gives me more things I have to grind which is outside of other currencies, and there is already way too many currencies. How about putting effort into social stuff! This cave crawling and house crawling, I want it to be a bit confusing so people ask questions follow other people around that don't know the way and so on. Socialize is the main point of this. And I'd like lower ceiling and closer quarters so people actually get to notice other people and what armor weapons they have, because this game zooms out little too far in my mind. I know people prefer that so they can see more.


Game feels like Diablo2 in-between a typical MMORPG. I don't feel MMO's let you zoom out as far as GW2 lets you do it. Its nice to be able to do it, but I'd like content where people have to zoom in more, not necessarily 1st person view. Cadecus Manor is good example.


Maybe some content where its a city but to get to it you have to go through a cave or secret passageway and its rough, not mount friendly, full of dangers and at the city, its a 15K armor type city like in GW1. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Prestige_armor Maybe have some spots in that rough unfriendly cave/passageway that has good grinding spots, some unique bosses, etc. A dungeon feeling OPEN WORLD zone. Dungeon feeling in typical MMORPG is hard to get too, you got to pretty much fight your way to the spot you want to farm (Or stealth to it, stealth needs to come back as being useful in PvE, not everyone should have it too).

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I did a thread about RP some times ago but removed it since it was going nowhere with nobody wanting to argue. But I think Anet should give more importance to ambiance to help RPers but also to make the world more immersive. It passes through making properly working taverns with waiters and so on, but also being able to train like any basic npc soldier, having a house, and being able to join any faction for any race. I kinda find it disney-ish that you can't choose during character creation the nightmare court, the dragon spirit of the wild, the Inquest, to join bandits or flame legion. Sadly I feel like everyone forgotten what means MMORPG and only remember the MMO. In fact many consider it an MMOG - massively multiplayer online game and want to forget about Role-Playing, spitting on everyone who have fun doing so, it's very sad to see and hear. It has been 7 years, my main have the colour scheme of the Inquest, their items, weapons, armors, even have Kudu's phasing matrix and the inquest exo-suit... and still can't join them. I say that, but will have way far more fun to play a norn worshiping Jormag and a Charr from the Flame legion. Check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_role-playing_game Social interactions and Role playing and other sections, GW2 fill several criteria of those sections.


My experience stopped at LWS4E2 because it's simply always the same. Change the outlook of the map between jungle-snowy-desert-plains, change the foes type, add another annoying story fragment going nowhere and make a bad thing happens. I only saw disappointment and disappointment: Not killing aurene, killing Joko, making kralk have feeling and being killed stupidly, sacrifice blish for nothing, kill my second fav character after tybalt; almorra, using the old plot of ow I'm a orange charr looking like scar so I must be bad... I'm very scared by the end of the season. And in top of all of that, SAB still not finished and Cantha a region I have 0 affinity for is coming and would have liked to see real new horizons or depths of Tyria.


To say that RPG is a whole, it is about indoors design and explorations but also about making your character very unique and not following the same path as the others or at least having ton choice to do in your main story path, a thing that is scrapped once you reach lvl 40 on your character. The second things is the quests. The core maps used to have ton of quests that make you feel part of the world. See them now, less and less quests in LS maps, and the ones in core maps were ruined by the 2014 feature pack patch abomination. (Btw guess it's an unpopular opinion, but preferred the traits and specializations in the old system, when you were able to put points in each trait-line). The social interaction system aka personality was also totally removed, a thing that literally was giving you the personality of your character based on how much you use violence/charm and dignity. This game is about the small attentions about the small things.


When I made my human, I felt important when having to choose between a burning orphanage and the hospital. When I was leveling my asura, I needed to chose between extracting someone from a golem and making a guy fusing with a golem too. As a charr I killed my superiors to climb the ranks. The commander isn't my characters, and that story is not mine too. I would simply like to chill, to sit somewhere with my asura in Rata Sum and watching projected holographic news. I want to make a stupid invention for the Snaffu prize or to play Polymock. My charr would like to laugh for nothing along other soldiers in a pub. Rata Sum with the Grove are the smallest cities. Like can't a new explorable level be added where golems are digging in the walls? Another subfloor for grove? The "they should maintain their resources on the main game" isn't an excuse. Rp is part of the main game, it is also even part of the type of game MMORPG (checked on wikipedia if gw2 is an MMORPG, it is). And frankly the two last maps of living world were the worst. Copy pasting of same events everywhere (fishing/svanir camps/totems/patrols/shrines).

But well I can see it as side stories, allows the players to be what they want to be, even if it's joining evil scientists or dragon fanatics.


I don't care of the re-quote and manipulation of what I'm saying here. I'm an RPer and I assume it. And all peoples asking for housing, a more immersive tavern and more interaction around the worlds and tools to help them having their own interesting adventures are in their rights. I never had more fun than the last event we are doing with our guild roleplaying as a charr warband. Rpers shouldn't be rejected, Raiders shouldn't be rejected, WvWers shouldn't be too. You need everything to make a world. And it's the opposite and violent behaviors that lead to chaos and fall of species, population and to the disappearance of fun. There will be always be a person criticizing what you are doing, always a person that will ruin a party, or one egoistic stomping on others. There is less and less social interaction, and more and more aggressive about anything.

And especially now it those time of crisis, more solidarity and warm welcomes and help should happens. "More violets I say, Less violence", peace and love even on the internet where you feel anonymous. All around me what I'm seeing is persons putting words on doors insulting medical personnel. It's a very bad world.

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Based on your recent threads, it seems all you want to do is restart playing a "new mmorpg" that's basically an mmorpg you've already played. That's just bad.


WvW? Somehow it's worse than eso, despite you claiming it has better fighting system.

Small scale bosses? You know they're in the game, but since they don't drop named (or similar) items on a low drop rate, it somehow doesn't count.

Pve? It doesn't have enough indoor experience like "that mmorpg". Go spam dungeons if being indoors is somehow important for the state of the game.




>Will in game housing be included in GW2 next expansion?

>Everquest has it, Elder Scrolls Online has it, World of Warcraft has it.

>Guild Wars 2 should have it!


...and that's the role of your home instance btw.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> Based on your recent threads, it seems all you want to do is restart playing a "new mmorpg" that's basically an mmorpg you've already played. That's just bad.


> WvW? Somehow it's worse than eso, despite you claiming it has better fighting system.

> Small scale bosses? You know they're in the game, but since they don't drop named (or similar) items on a low drop rate, it somehow doesn't count.

> Pve? It doesn't have enough indoor experience like "that mmorpg". Go spam dungeons if being indoors is somehow important for the state of the game.


You tracking me or what? Funny

WvW and PvP are two different things. Maybe in ESO they would be similar, but in GW2 PvP is totally different than WvW, its tourny based system and its better than whatever 5v5 ESO has going on. However WvW, yes the WvW, that is a lot better on ESO.


GW1 had small scale type bosses, they dropped unique armor like I mentioned in that thread, its no different than asking for capes another thing GW1 has that people have been asking for on and on, before they finally brought it in.


GW2 doesn't have that indoor experience, this isnt tied to any particular MMO, its something, the standard of what a lot of MMO's have, GW2 lacks it, it has hardly any of it.


These things are like phone features, you expect a camera on your phone, you expect wifi capabilities, these are things expected of MMO's. Good town experience, indoor zone experience, named boss mobs that drop unique set of gear.

WvW its pretty much popular when ESO and GW2 did it, so its fairly new, but the direction GW2 has been going with it, its wrong, still missing stuff to be competitive with other WvW type games. Its new, you have to compete with it. Bringing up topics like that is more helpful than. "I'd rather developers focus on other things".


They focus on other things, it wasn't what you want, debbie downer wanted, etc., and people bring up ideas and debbie downer makes the statement again "I'd rather they focus on other things".


"I'd rather they focus on balance, the game has been out for 6+ years, and I'd rather they keep doing more balance"


I'd rather they get stuff GW2 lacks, and give 360* of everything I enjoy in MMORPG's, and to this I goto the forums and talk about it.

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There are small scale bosses in gw2. There is an equivalent of housing in gw2. There is indoor content in gw2. You just keep complaining because they're not in the exact same form as other mmorpgs you've played. That whole "debbie downer didn't get what debbie downer wanted" is some kind of self-roast I assume? Nice. :D


If anything, gw2 being its own thing instead of yet another copy of what we've all already seen and experienced is a plus. You want eso experience? Go play eso o/

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