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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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Let's give some ideas for our amazing devs to sell a good product to us.


- Weapons not locked to Elites.

- New Elites

- New Legendaries

- Dyeable Legendary Weapons and Backs.

- Tengu, Kodan or Dwarves playable.

- More slots for Guilds.

- Outfits in Gem Store as individual pieces.

- Shortcut to active the outfit.

- More horizontal leveling diversity.

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After the Hints of Cantha and Taimi talking about cases of Canthan sailors washing up on beaches with tales of unknown creatures from the ocean that might be connected to the Deep Sea Dragon, My Dream would be it centering around the Deep Sea Dragon and a large focus on the ocean itself.


My Biggest and most unrealistic hope would be a new playable race, that being the Largos. We know so little about them but if any new race were to be made I think an expansion with the Deep Sea Dragon would be the time for these guys to appear, Not to mention they're basically human in shape and size so very little work would need to be done when it comes to animations, modelling and preexisting items in the game.

We know were going back to Cantha so there's that but An Underwater Map to go with the Largos would be nice too and Mount to get around it. Underwater Combat could get a revamp too.

I don't know, I just feel like Underwater is somewhere that has a lot of untapped potential for something fresh and new for the game.

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Cantha / GW Factions was the **competitive** content update so:

* return of GvG , whether it is custom arenas with 15v15 or otherwise

* Alliance Battles (12v12 , 3 parties of 4)

* Heroes' Ascent? (multiple teams of 8 , king of the hill style)

* Codex Arena ("sealed deck" build gameplay , i.e. banned skills)

* SIlverwastes-type of defense/offense map (mentioned prior to the expansion announcement)

* actual release of legendary armory by then

* Return of PvP packs in some form or another : where you can unlock all templates for a character for PvP use (since skills/traits are already unlocked for PvP , maybe a way to sell hero point scrolls as well for new WvWers)


**PvE** stuff :

* Shing Jea Island

* Kaineng City after affliction? (i.e, do the Am Fah and Jade Brotherhood still exist?)

* Jade Sea map portion

* Echovald Forest map portion

* Siege turtles in some fashion or another

* Guildhalls (Imperial Isle/Isle of Jade/Isle of Meditation/ Weeping Stone)

* Whatever instanced content is released, less standing in a circle and whacking on a boss and more like the Forging Steel mission (even if it is broken into 3 parts)



* Wardrobe functionality for templates / Legendary armor wardrobe functionality

* Improved multi-threading for the engine if possible (the 64 bit client helped with memory limits, maybe something in that vein can be done for the main thread)



* Better advance notice of any major balance updates (has been getting better)

* Less PvE balance constantly ruining competitive modes because PvE people want to whack a boss faster (Feb 25 update was a step towards this)


**Marketing / sales**:

* Better advertising instead of random promotions with semi-dead chains such as Quiznos : maybe partner up with twitch , Epic games (unreal engine), Steam , or Nvidia Geforce Now (which would allow for mobile players)

* More reasonable pricing on build storage and templates when they are purchased in bulk

* Less blatant cash-grabs such as 2000 gem mount skins and gliders




Will add more as I think of it

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Kittenload of customization.

More armor sets without trench-coats/butt-capes that fit male characters well.

A way to pet the ranger pets.

Acces to the Dominion of Winds (I don't really need playable Tengu, but I want to see what they're up to behind that wall).

"Two-handed" set of basic barehanded combat skills that would be the same for everyone so you can do something even with no weapon (slaps, punches, kick...)

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Legendary Monk (Mhenlo) elite stance for Revenant. :D

More underwater combat that is relevant/main theme of the expansion.


And medium team sized PvP game modes (10-20 vs 10-20) on bigger maps where strategy plays a big role instead of only being strong at combat. (Maybe some real "Guild Wars" game mode.)

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> @"Tiale.2430" said:

> Let's give some ideas for our amazing devs to sell a good product to us.


> - Weapons not locked to Elites.

> - New Elites

> - New Legendaries

> - Dyeable Legendary Weapons and Backs.

> - Tengu, Kodan or Dwarves playable.

> - More slots for Guilds.

> - Outfits in Gem Store as individual pieces.

> - Shortcut to active the outfit.

> - More horizontal leveling diversity.


Weapons not locked to Elites would be amazing. I would go from 5 sets of available weapons to 7 as Revenant (including the 3rd elite spec).

New races are unlikely because of the personal story. A few guild slots would be nice.


What I want is a new guild hall that is like a tropical island with palm trees, a pirate ship, wood buildings, some ruins, a big hill with a pond.

Not some desert-like encased in stone abandoned city. I would love a guild hall that has plants, is more open to the sky, and is not gold plated.


And revenant able to use greatsword and longbow. I love exordium and pharus but can't use them.

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* Guild stuff, such as guild vs guild, alliance battles, a TON of new guild halls and waaaaaay more bennefits to being in a guild. If you don't want to be in one because its not for you then fine, dont. But those of us who do should be given bennefits for playing in that manner; Its an mmo-rpg and guilds themselves should have a much larger role to play then they currently do.

* More character customization in the creation window, more options to play with. (Straight back charr, Mordrem looking sylvari, Canthan looking humans, Maybe tech infused asuran? And Norn being able to toggle on and off their beast form. Maybe make it so in combat the norn turn into their true nature? Make them unique dang-it.)

* Cool E-specs, the last batch were bleh.

* More fractals, strikes and visions of the past. The visions could be events we've never seen before such as the fall of Abaddon or balth, the point where joko became a lich and maybe even glints death.

* WvW overhaul and Tons of love pumped into the mode, who has been neglected for a long time and deserves way more attention than it currently gets.

* PvP overhaul, much in the same vein as WvW.

* Better looking armor, a lot of what we have is kind of ugly (Male norn player here, most of it is kinda meh.)

* Fixes to classes who need them. (Rev needs at least a few more core weapons, Engineer could use some E-skills to round out their kit and so on.)

* New and COOLER ranger pets(Way more than we got in HoT or PoF, I mean come on some of the resources are already there. Wargs, raptors, bats and so on.)

* The expansion of older maps and the remake of them. (Id love to see Kessex hills be flooded from the White mantle attack, plus it would make the world feel alive.)

* If possible a new playable race would be nice. Not in the least bit 100% sure it will happen, probably never will but this is a new team so who knows?

* Same with a new class, Id love to see one make its way into the game as it breeds hype and is something Id look forward too immensely.

* Make races mean something, or at least have better cosmetics and reasons to play as other races. The fact they don't and haven't is dumb to me

* Please don't shirk on the lore, when a Sylvari is in the Echovald forest I want to know if they feel connected too it, I want to know what urgoz has in connection to them if anything.

* Can we get the deep-sea dragon to at least have a name, and maybe be hinted at? Like Id love to know more about it.

* How about to go along with Bubbles some largos lore?

* Underwater content, and the overhaul for it because I LOVE underwater content.. (It just needs some flushing out.)

* Make guild halls a place where we can log out. Like in guild wars 1, so we don't have to use city hubs and so on. Infact make it so crafting tables and so on are there as well, maybe put a gate for strikes/visions/raids/dungeons you name it there? Make it a Hub. So ontop of any benefits it gives you it ALSO gives you a hub you can customize and call your own which is as close to player housing as Im sure we could and would ever get.. (You can sell guild halls, furniture and so on within the gem-store.. ESO has proven its a good market..)

* How about a new profession too? Like Ruin-seeker or archaeology where you go around and do what the priory does, and you find cool things from the past in various maps around the world. It would give lore, goodies AND be a fun way to add collections that aren't complete BS.

* More norn anything, norn need love both cosmetically and lore wise... would be interesting to squeeze them in as it seems the saga is gonna be all charr stuff.

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Kill all the story characters except Canach, they suck.


Kill Taimi, I know the first point would do, but this way she dies twice.


Bring verticality and group content back into the maps.


Remove the story, it's rubbish and gets in the way.


Add those crazy underwater assassin creatures into the game as a playable race. Have them introduced by murdering all the Quaggan.


Throw a big procedurally generated tower with increasing difficulty per floor and neat rewards into an endgame zone somewhere. Not because Blizzard are doing it but because it's a cool concept and it has been done well before (e.g. DFO). Require the player to complete the dungeon as part of a legendary collection - no legendaries unless you are actually good.


Add more jumping puzzles, we're talking SAB tribulation mode difficulty, please.


Make the Mad King's Clocktower mandatory for something. I don't know what, but do it.

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> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Kill all the story characters except Canach, they suck.


Canach, Rytlock, and Taimi.


> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Kill Taimi, I know the first point would do, but this way she dies twice.


Can't kill her, but stop the deus ex asura.


> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Bring verticality and group content back into the maps.


Oh yes !


> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Remove the story, it's rubbish and gets in the way.


No, story is important for a non sandbox game.


> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Add those crazy underwater assassin creatures into the game as a playable race. Have them introduced by murdering all the Quaggan.


Largos as playable race is a no. Eradication of Quaggan is a yes.


> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Throw a big procedurally generated tower with increasing difficulty per floor and neat rewards into an endgame zone somewhere. Not because Blizzard are doing it but because it's a cool concept and it has been done well before (e.g. DFO). Require the player to complete the dungeon as part of a legendary collection - no legendaries unless you are actually good.


Fractals of the Mists ?


> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Add more jumping puzzles, we're talking SAB tribulation mode difficulty, please.




> @"nosleepdemon.1368" said:

> Make the Mad King's Clocktower mandatory for something. I don't know what, but do it.


You need the clocktower for an achievement already.

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> @"Tiale.2430" said:

> Let's give some ideas for our amazing devs to sell a good product to us.


> - Weapons not locked to Elites.

> - New Elites

> - New Legendaries

> - Dyeable Legendary Weapons and Backs.

> - Tengu, Kodan or Dwarves playable.

> - More slots for Guilds.

> - Outfits in Gem Store as individual pieces.

> - Shortcut to active the outfit.

> - More horizontal leveling diversity.


I don't wana be a kill joy but unfortunalty new race just 99% wont happen too much work. For a New Playble race Anet would have to

1. create new levels 10-30 story

2. Redo personal - Icebrood saga story Voice acting and cutscenes

3. redesign the whole current armors avalible and lets be honest they don't even fit charr properly without clipping

4. new starter zone and city these arnt too hard to make and are very easly doable

I mean with all of this its very likely to say anet wont do it as much as you and I want it. Unless Anet makes it so the new race cant do any story prior to the Cantha xpac it just not a possibility esp with the quarantine on right now. Now on the other hand New Legendaires and New Elite specs are a very High Possibility for us to get. I don't see weapons not being locked to Elite specs happening as one of the main reasons for Elite specs is to give accesses to a weapon your class couldn't use before and skills but it would be nice to have some not bound to elite specs.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> I want fairies in the game...ones you'd have to work for, like we do with legendary crafting.


Fairies in the game? what would they do? Im sure anet could come up with some kinda Fairies or Pixies for the forest in Cantha not sure how they would fit in lore wise tho.

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