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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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> @"northcharm.9485" said:

> I don't wana be a kill joy but unfortunalty new race just 99% wont happen too much work. For a New Playble race Anet would have to

> 1. create new levels 10-30 story

> 2. Redo personal - Icebrood saga story Voice acting and cutscenes

> 3. redesign the whole current armors avalible and lets be honest they don't even fit charr properly without clipping

> 4. new starter zone and city these arnt too hard to make and are very easly doable

> I mean with all of this its very likely to say anet wont do it as much as you and I want it. Unless Anet makes it so the new race cant do any story prior to the Cantha xpac it just not a possibility esp with the quarantine on right now. Now on the other hand New Legendaires and New Elite specs are a very High Possibility for us to get. I don't see weapons not being locked to Elite specs happening as one of the main reasons for Elite specs is to give accesses to a weapon your class couldn't use before and skills but it would be nice to have some not bound to elite specs.


While I'm also highly skeptical towards the notion of seeing a new race in GW2, I don't think it's impossible. The race would probably have to start at a higher level than the rest, and have a unique story that revolves around the recent story changes rather than the original threat of Zhaitan. I suppose they'd be comparable to Death Knights in World of Warcraft, meaning it would be kind of anachronistic to see them do any post-HoT/PoF content. As for the armor sets, it would depend on how the armors are made. I somehow doubt that Arenanet handcrafts every armor piece for each individual body type, but I could be wrong. If they are, then that presents a huge problem for adding a new race (unless they were to re-use old body types).


That said, I'm not all to keen on the addition of a new race myself. I'd prefer to see more customization options to the ones available. Otherwise, I'm not too picky. New elite specs would be fun to see. My number one wish would be for an Inquisitor elite spec for guardians; a rogue/paladin archetype. I'm not sure if it fits in the Guild Wars lore, but one can still wish, eh? Other than that, it'd be nice to explore a new landscape. I don't think they need to add any new methods of traversal, either, but it's a trend so I wouldn't be surprised if they did. That's about it, for me!

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I want my Gamble for warrior to get Pistol as the next elite spec to be confirmed.


I've put the legendary weapon HOPE as my wager for this. So please, don't let me down anet!


One thing I would love to see however, is armour skins not tied down to their weight. Since you can use outfits, there is no excuse for making Heavy Armour not look like Light Armour. This would open up hundreds of skins to use for each character.


After all, there is nothing greater than looking so dashing while strolling into combat!

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What is the great push for fishing in games?


To what purpose will it serve? All it will mean is that we will have possibly a large population AFK doing nothing in game all day long fishing rather than doing active content.


To that extent I am in the no camp as i fear it will take too many people away from other content areas.

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We don't know anything about the next expansion yet, except that there will be one and it will be set at least partially in Cantha (which is an Asian themed area from GW1). Other than that Anet have given us literally no info, and probably won't until much closer to it's release.


(Also I have to admit I've never seen the appeal of fishing in games either. Sometimes it's ok, like in the Zelda games where it's a full fledged mini game, but even then it's no better than any other type of mini game. Other times it's almost impressively boring - push F (or equivalent) to cast, then stand there and wait for the game to tell you to push F again to find out what, if anything, you caught. Then do it again, and again and again. In those types of games I tend to very rarely get the impulse to try fishing, and after 2 or 3 minutes I remember why I never bother with it and go to do something which is actually fun instead. If GW2 ever does get fishing I sincerely hope there's more to it than that, but since it's RPGs which tend to have the most basic and boring fishing systems I'm not optimstic and would therefore prefer any time that could be spend on developing it goes to something else instead.)

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I'm always mildly surprised by the responses to anyone asking something like "Can we have some kind of fishing in this game?"

The veterans seem to shoot EVERYTHING down immediately because its (not to their, extremely specific, liking and therefore) extremely hard to implement or draws resources away from some imagined content that 2.4% of the games population enjoys.

GW2 is an older game. Guess what: Doing whatever they have been doing for 8 years will NOT attract new players. Selling expac3 to 75-85% of the remaining pop may seem fine but how realistic do you think expac4 is then?


IMO. GW2 desperately needs random/rare/exciting loot: Hey, random/stupid/simple fishing would work!

As for: "But fishing is horribly/mind-numbingly simple/stupid!" - Yeah, follow your own advice from nn threads: Just don't do it!

Some claim: "But fishing requires resources..." Sure. So did "adventures" - To be blunt: Who sells this game to their friends because of "Wooo - Adventures!"... Right! - Fishing would be like ONE minigame/adventure that friends could actually relate to...

If all else fails: Grab resources from encapsulated content, enjoyed by a very small percentage of veteranplayers that pay most of their "gems" with ingame gold. (And please: Stop the "all Gems are sold for IRL currency" story: Gold/cash conversion never ran out of gems or gold: Anet actually have the ability to print pixels :-))



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Underwater (UW) adventuring (which would require more UW weapons).


Beef up the base professions to elite-spec levels, or nerf down the elites, so they all have the same relative power.


More PvE APs. The best way to do that: replace the daily AP cap with a diminishing returns progression instead of a cap. But, there are many other ways this could be done as well.

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I personally don't care for fishing, either in game or in real life, and I don't care if they add it for those who do like it but I worry if they do that they will add some something that will entice me to suffer through it anyway. Like achievement points.

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> @"Halandir.3609" said:

> I'm always mildly surprised by the responses to anyone asking something like "Can we have some kind of fishing in this game?"

> The veterans seem to shoot EVERYTHING down immediately because its (not to their, extremely specific, liking and therefore) extremely hard to implement or draws resources away from some imagined content that 2.4% of the games population enjoys.

> GW2 is an older game. Guess what: Doing whatever they have been doing for 8 years will NOT attract new players. Selling expac3 to 75-85% of the remaining pop may seem fine but how realistic do you think expac4 is then?


> IMO. GW2 desperately needs random/rare/exciting loot: Hey, random/stupid/simple fishing would work!

> As for: "But fishing is horribly/mind-numbingly simple/stupid!" - Yeah, follow your own advice from nn threads: Just don't do it!

> Some claim: "But fishing requires resources..." Sure. So did "adventures" - To be blunt: Who sells this game to their friends because of "Wooo - Adventures!"... Right! - Fishing would be like ONE minigame/adventure that friends could actually relate to...

> If all else fails: Grab resources from encapsulated content, enjoyed by a very small percentage of veteranplayers that pay most of their "gems" with ingame gold. (And please: Stop the "all Gems are sold for IRL currency" story: Gold/cash conversion never ran out of gems or gold: Anet actually have the ability to print pixels :-))




Well said. But don't let it get to you, they don't really influence anything.

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You all have it wrong the way getting to Cantha over the ocean will be one huge amount of world boss fights that are fishing fights. So lots of fishing in the form of world boss fights for all underwater world boss content while riding around underwater on sea turtle, octopus, shark, dolphin, and whale(dismounting blows you out of the blow hole) mounts. Which I assume at least one of these world bosses will swallow your map blob of players and you have to kill it from the inside to complete it. Also though the main thing I question is will they keep the same backstory of cantha and if so how will we be integrated into the story since our characters are not all humans. One last thing a Jellyfish mount too.

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> @"Halandir.3609" said:

> I'm always mildly surprised by the responses to anyone asking something like "Can we have some kind of fishing in this game?"

> The veterans seem to shoot EVERYTHING down immediately because its (not to their, extremely specific, liking and therefore) extremely hard to implement or draws resources away from some imagined content that 2.4% of the games population enjoys.

> GW2 is an older game. Guess what: Doing whatever they have been doing for 8 years will NOT attract new players. Selling expac3 to 75-85% of the remaining pop may seem fine but how realistic do you think expac4 is then?


> IMO. GW2 desperately needs random/rare/exciting loot: Hey, random/stupid/simple fishing would work!

> As for: "But fishing is horribly/mind-numbingly simple/stupid!" - Yeah, follow your own advice from nn threads: Just don't do it!

> Some claim: "But fishing requires resources..." Sure. So did "adventures" - To be blunt: Who sells this game to their friends because of "Wooo - Adventures!"... Right! - Fishing would be like ONE minigame/adventure that friends could actually relate to...

> If all else fails: Grab resources from encapsulated content, enjoyed by a very small percentage of veteranplayers that pay most of their "gems" with ingame gold. (And please: Stop the "all Gems are sold for IRL currency" story: Gold/cash conversion never ran out of gems or gold: Anet actually have the ability to print pixels :-))




Please don't clump all veterans in as a single group. Believe it or not, "vets" have differing tastes. I for one am supportive of fishing

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In the real world, hobby fishing is all about grinding out luck, collecting gear and pretending to be skilled. I don't know where it would fit within the mmo genre. I will give it a try but I know my idea will be terrible.


Where to fish is a real concern for Tyria fishing. Perhaps we can solve why fish and where to fish by making fishing a mounted skill set and we fish to feed our mounts. Our mounts take us to fishing holes based on their skills and diet. We would have to learn how to fish for carrots. Which is where my idea falls apart. Dumb can't be fun.


There are other fishing risks. Fishing leads to fish. Fish are a gateway reward to taxidermy and we all know what taxidermy wants. Taxidermists and Housing!


edit: Consumable effects could provide a social component. They could alter mount animations, add temporary auras, or cause events. Skyscales burp up fireworks. Jackals hiccup phase jump about. Roller beetles have heart burn outs. Skimmers get the dizzies. The effects would encourage fishing to lead to large public displays.




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