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It is time to wage war on PvP!


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Friends and Enemies of WvW!

It has been a while since I created a WvW thread because I've been invading PvP recently to make the Transcendence Amulet!

I hope you all did not miss me too much.


Since time long past, PvP and WvW has been secretly at odds, with each claiming to boast the best set of players in the game.

And now, we have a reason to enter PvP's home grounds to set things straight!


With legendary equipment very likely to be made shareable across all characters, it will become a lot more desirable!

After not having played any PvP for 2 years, this season I entered PvP ranked to make Transcendence and to my surprise, I managed to enter Plat level even though I am a noob!

I came to the conclusion that the opponents in PvP are mostly not very strong!

I always thought that they were higher level experts compared to WvW.

But it was all just our misplaced fears!


If a noob WvW roamer like me can enter Plat level, I am certain that many of our WvW pros can do even better.

Now is the time to rise up and conquer PvP!

Let us show them what we WvW players are made of!

To arms!

To arms!


![](https://imgur.com/cnB2JRH.jpg "")


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Keeping circles on the floor in right colour (red or blue) is fun for some time, but it gets boring. After getting leg armours, legend titles and backpack I dont have a reason to go there instead of roaming and dueling. If they added actually cool loking cosmetic aura with new trinket or whole new infusion Id certainly come back. But for this disco ball? Lmao, no thank you.


> @"Fish.2769" said:

> NA sPvP? Enough said...


Also this, and the fact you play core necro in current meta lol.

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> @"Fish.2769" said:

> NA sPvP? Enough said...


Imagine thinking NA and EU are any different when you're not in high Platinum or Legendary.


High rank EU players are much better and more plentiful. The rest is the same crap between either region. Get off your high horse.

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Can't really compare the two.


Personally though, I've always found people who roam to be better duelists (results may vary) because roaming is pretty much about fights and nothing else. Roamers don't need to make tactical decisions to win any one match, and every fight they usually take is either a fair 1v1 or outnumbered. (gankers who parade around in groups of 4+ killing other solo/duo roamers are not real roamers)


In sPvP however, if you're taking outnumbered fights then something has gone very wrong with your teams tactics. Spvp is about holding points and defeating the enemy team as a team. This means learning team synergy and trying to ensure every fight is in your teams favour when it comes to numbers. Problem with this is that spvp gives you less experience when it comes to defeating 2 or 3 opponents at once alone. Winning fights is simply one of many ways in which to accomplish victory. Whilst roamers only know how to win duels or 1v2's etc.


One experienced solo roamer against one experienced spvp player and my money would be on the roamer.

5 experienced solo roamers against 5 experienced spvp players and the roamers get demolished.


But this isn't the law results can still vary from player to player.


Spvp players would be more akin to tacticians.

Whilst Roamers are more like cage fighters.


Which is better?


Can't really compare the two.

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i only farm the ranked stuff for the dailies... the groups there are horrible yeah. cheap kills usually, and even easier to 1v3+ than in WvW. (but it is sadly necessary too to do that in spvp)

@ riba: well pvp is basically roaming kinda, roaming may have higher overall stats, but for some reason stuff in pvp dies faster. group play is kinda only known in part of "go there, cap that", and even that seems to be a challenge for lower ranks. didn't do much pvp, but they have usually not much clue about group movement. we probs could even 30v 50 them, as long as ppl who play wvw and pvp don't count towards the roster. no idea IF that exists, but that would even the grounds maybe.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"Fish.2769" said:

> > NA sPvP? Enough said...


> Imagine thinking NA and EU are any different when you're not in high Platinum or Legendary.


> High rank EU players are much better and more plentiful. The rest is the same kitten between either region. Get off your high horse.


I'm sorry, i'll stop feeding my horse the 'Sunday Special Grass' i get from my good friend with the colourful hat that says 'mon' at the end of every sentence. :(

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Mechanically speaking (combat) I feel like WvW players used to be ahead of PvP players. However, tactically (map rotations, picking the right fights etc.) PvP-ers would obviously be better.

Though since PoF I've felt like the last few good WvW-ers have pretty much quit. So nowadays I'd put PvP-ers far ahead of WvW players on both the mechanic and tactical level.


Zerg/gank mentality made most of WvW and it's players a joke, give or take some exceptions, obviously.

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> @"Vornollo.5182" said:


> Zerg/gank mentality made most of WvW and it's players a joke, give or take some exceptions, obviously.


Over time changes were made that slowly phased out solo roaming or roaming in small numbers.

I'm one of those old school WvW players that spent hours upon of hours alone flipping camps deep in enemy territory : Warclaw's introduction pretty much killed this due to how quickly defenders can respond.


But even the best PvP/WvW player can't deal with an outnumbered situation now like before, not unless they are using builds with extremely cheesy sustain due to all the nerfs to things that previously made outnumbered fights manageable for a skilled player.


In the past yu could just rotate cooldowns, juke around structures and obstacles, but now yu have to pretty much match a cooldown for a cooldown which means yu have to dodge or evade almost every major hard hitting cooldown the opponent has or match it with a defensive of yur own.

(One of the reasons why Weaver was extremely potent at dueling outnumbered due to how they have a whole arsenal of defensive cooldowns like double ToF and Water 2, Earth 2, passive Barrier, Barrier on Skill 3 etc.)


Any additional opponent yu add to the equation will bring their own cooldowns which will eventually overwhelm yu due to how many cooldowns they have versus the cooldowns yu can answer with.



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sPvP has a matchmaking system which attempts to put together players of the same rating (aka similar "skill level"). WvW doesn't have that, thus some might think playerbase is less skilled when it's not, and everyone is just piled up into the same pit. And the talks about spvpers being more skilled in the rotational field rather than dueling are quite exaggerated, you don't need to study rocket science to check the mini-map and make a logical decision, as well as roaming 24/7 won't necessarily make you a top-tier duelist.

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