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Let's talk about ranger GS


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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> > > > > Can some one explain me why the kitten ranger's GS has a built-in shield which is even better(low cd, better utilities) than other classes shield? Like really:

> > > > > * is not rooted, when herald is

> > > > > * block all incomming attacks, when guard's shield only block projectiles

> > > > > * has a 1.5 sec stun/daze on 20s CD when chrono has 40s

> > > > > * has a 1.5 sec stun/daze on 20s CD when war has 2sec stun on 20s CD (remember one is using shield the other is not)

> > > > > * has a 3sec block on 25sec cd + knockback + a little evade when war has 3secs block on30secs

> > > > >

> > > > > Ranger's GS is in my opinion the best 2 handed weapon a class can have. It has gap closer + evade + build-in shied + CC + low cd, high damage skill.

> > > > > **Greatsword is not a shield**, just saying.

> > > >

> > > > You forgot the endurance regen on 3rd part of the auto and really should have done a comparison of swoop to other evades, but yeah ranger GS has it all.

> > >

> > > Yeah the 3 attack of the auto attack from gs is pretty never happen, it takes years and does no dmg (on core) with the evade there was a reason to do it, but now you making yourself a big fat target with gs auto attacks

> >

> > So....like every other class.


> Yeah but you complain about something that is not rly usefull, I just attack with AA on some Downstats that my mate gets the stomp while they rezzing, it does no dmg, when I just jump arroun and let my pet do the kitten I getting way better of


> Ranger gs is a defense weapon with maul. it does only on glass Canon dmg


I wasn't complaining though? I was pointing out the stuff the OP missed off the weapon as a complete package, remember I also pointed out swoop should have been in the comparisons they did.

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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> Can some one explain me why the kitten ranger's GS has a built-in shield which is even better(low cd, better utilities) than other classes shield? Like really:

> * is not rooted, when herald is

> * block all incomming attacks, when guard's shield only block projectiles

> * has a 1.5 sec stun/daze on 20s CD when chrono has 40s

> * has a 1.5 sec stun/daze on 20s CD when war has 2sec stun on 20s CD (remember one is using shield the other is not)

> * has a 3sec block on 25sec cd + knockback + a little evade when war has 3secs block on30secs


> Ranger's GS is in my opinion the best 2 handed weapon a class can have. It has gap closer + evade + build-in shied + CC + low cd, high damage skill.

> **Greatsword is not a shield**, just saying.


Let me try to put something into perspective here:


1. Ranger Greatsword 4 block has already recently received nerfing.

2. Ranger Greatsword has had A TON of its damage flat out removed recently. In terms of ability to deal damage, it has Maul and Hilt Bash 5 which turns on Marksmanship modifiers which the Marks modifiers are their own issue and has nothing to do with the GS Kit. This weapon set has been nerfed so much that is beginning to become on par with Ranger Sword/Warhorn or Sword/dagger in terms of what it does, simply being a tuck & run weapon swap. There isn't much damage rolling off Ranger GS nowadays, not unless it's a glass cannon Soulbeast winding up for Maul/WI, who has Marks & Sic Em mods.

3. Every class has some type of block that functions within the ballpark of being the same. Although each class has them in different places, they have them. And this isn't even to mention all of the other powerful defensive abilities that every class has lying all over the place, that work in different ways such as Black Powder Shot, Blind Wells, ability to perma Dodge/Evade, or Stealth/Teleporting all over the place, ect ect.

4. Other people are also currently complaining about Core Ranger. However, other players are identifying the pet damage and the Ranger's attribute-tied face tanking sustain to be a problem, not Greatsword 4 block.

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > How exactly is this a problem?

> >

> > - It's on a 20 sec cooldown

> > - Doesn't require a utility skill slot

> > - Doesn't flip if not attacked

> >

> > Then we have Bandit's Defense which nobody complains about:

> > - Had 12 sec cooldown

> > - Required utility slot

> > - Worked the same except evade on cc

> >

> > Makes no sense.


> Bandit's Defense hasn't had a 12s cooldown since 2017. Comparing values from before and after the Feb patch is risible.


> Ranger's GS, in terms of purely the weapon skills, is arguably the best weapon in the game (for PvP). CC, Mobility, Evades, Blocks, and decent burst damage. I can't think of another weapon that does all of those things. The closest would be Scrapper Hammer and Rev Staff, but describing the movement skills on those as "mobility" is a bit of a stretch.


> However, that doesn't necessarily mean it needs nerfs, given that Ranger's other mechanics are kinda meh. You can't compare things 1:1 in a vacuum.


Yeah I can else we are not talking about the greatsword skill and rather the kit of ranger.


I even gave the ranger the benefit of the doubt assuming he ran Beast mastery, unlike Daredevil who already runs.. Daredevil, lol

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > How exactly is this a problem?


> I think it's because you get it for free, kind of. You take an offensive/utility weapon and get a strong defensive skill.


> Let's compare ~~ defensive~~ capabilities of all GS in the game in no particular order:



> 1) Warrior greatsword

> Evade+

> Mobility++

Damage ++


> 2) Ranger greatsword

> Evade+

> Mobility+

> Block+

Damage +

CC +

> 3) Necromancer greatsword

> Blind ++

Damage ++

Pull +


> 4) Guardian greatsword

> Mobility+

Damage ++

Pull +

Blind +


> 5) Mesmer greatsword

> Knockback+

Damage ++

Ranged +

Unblockable/un-projectile-hate-able ++




Fixed it for you.



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They shouldn't have added shield block to GS and you know it. It removed the other weapons from the pool since why would you pick Sword/dagger for defense when you have gs doing it better.

It should have stayed like before, counter attack, they hit you they get a wack in the head, it should have been aoe around you so it doesn't miss if someone tagged you on the back and that is it.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> Fixed it for you.


Sure now let's compare ALL:


1) Warrior greatsword (The only one on par with Ranger GS)

Evade +

Mobility ++

Damage ++


2) Ranger greatsword (Most versatile GS in the game, if it is not a damaging weapon it should do 2k-3k crits at most. If it's a damaging weapon delete block and add damage.)

Evade +

Mobility +

Block +

Damage +

CC +


3) Necromancer greatsword (2 skill weapon btw.)

Blind ++

Pull +

Damage 0 (When was the last time gravedigger (1.82) and death spiral (1.8) hit you?)


4) Guardian greatsword (This should be the baseline for greatswords. Some mobility, high damage, some cc.)

Mobility +

Damage ++ (long cast time)

Pull +

Blind +


5) Mesmer greatsword (Compare this with LB instead.)

Knockback +

Damage + (Does bad damage except for mirror blade, which is bugged and deals less than intended.)

Ranged +

Nonprojectile + (Mirror blade is reflectable.)



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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > How exactly is this a problem?


> I think it's because you get it for free, kind of. You take an offensive/utility weapon and get a strong defensive skill.


> Let's compare defensive capabilities of all GS in the game in no particular order:

> 1) Warrior greatsword

> Evade+

> Mobility++

> 2) Ranger greatsword

> Evade+

> Mobility+

> Block+

> 3) Necromancer greatsword

> AoE blind+

> 4) Guardian greatsword

> Mobility+

> 5) Mesmer greatsword

> Knockback+


> Solution: Replace Ranger GS4 with an actual damaging skill similar to maul. Might have a small range or a small leap (backwards or forwards).


Ranger Greatsword would make loads more sense if it blocked one attack and then automatically counter attacked like Mesmer Scepter 2, Guardian and Warrior Mace 2, Warrior Sword 5, and Mesmer Sword 4.

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OK, let's be real. You cant compare weapons without the context of the class.


Basically your statement is that every class would be happy to replace its 2h sword version with the ranger's 2h word(with the current damage and power coefficients and everything).

I'm sure many rangers will make that swap.


I do have to admit that ranger's GS got the best looking animations, and that can be indeed, be a source for jealousy.


You want make the argument that GS rangers are OP, join to one of the many, "rangers OP threads", already existing.



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Ranger and it's weapons are fine.


If you're playing this game then yes, make maul a 12k aoe hit like gs2 on guard.


Make gs 3 evade like war gs 3 instead of the buggy Ranger variant.


Make longbow 5 like dragon hunter lb5 with a HUGE IMPACT area effect after the full cast.


What are these hate posts man, it's not the weapons, it's the BIRDS AND TIGER

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It's the best gs but it isn't much better than warrior gs. I'd prefer it if they buffed guard (remove self slow on 2 or reduce pull cd on 5) and reaper gs (reduce cast time on auto attack and 2, adjust damage accordingly if needed) instead of nerfing ranger gs.

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yes. gs is too good, double evade+double CC+block and low CD nuke that can be refreshed in one weapon set . pretty much single handily screwing up the balance between ranger sustain/counter pressure and pet damage.

glass pets damage can possibly be reasonable without gs , tbh gs should have less sustain then sword/dagger.

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Ranger gs is a great weapon. Name one skill not worth using, all skills on it are great at what the skills are meant to do. Swoop is great mobility/gap closer, maul is high damage and even has a built in synergy with hilt bash, hilt is a great cc and to top it off gs has a great long duration block that also can be a push back IF the player chooses so. With weapon kits like off hand dagger or staff etc that could use love on ranger/druid gs is worth complaining about?

Also why are utility skills even being discussed in a discussion about a weapon kit?

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Ranger gs is a great weapon. Name one skill not worth using, all skills on it are great at what the skills are meant to do. Swoop is great mobility/gap closer, maul is high damage and even has a built in synergy with hilt bash, hilt is a great cc and to top it off gs has a great long duration block that also can be a push back IF the player chooses so. With weapon kits like off hand dagger or staff etc that could use love on ranger/druid gs is worth complaining about?

> Also why are utility skills even being discussed in a discussion about a weapon kit?


You forgot that GS2 also buffs your next pet Attack so it hits for 8k

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The only thing that didnt make sense from a balance perspective (and buffed GS) is that Attack of Opportunity used to be on Hilt Bash. They moved it to Maul and made Hilt Bash refresh Maul. Kinda strange, but was a solid buff.


The block might be too long, I'd prefer it to be 1s shorter and have the cd be a little shorter. The 2nd knockback on GS is obviously a bug and needs a fix.


But with CD nerfs all across it, damage nerfs, the removal of crippling throw, it has actually no chase potential on it's own you can actually just W key away from someone with GS and they cant hit you (unless they use superspeed) and its required to be traited to be playable now.


GS has always been a good weapon. Hence why I have always used it. But it has been nerfed a few times recently. Although GS 4 is now easier to use It was arguably better before with crippling throw (although the evade was the strongest addition - also necessary given it roots you in place). The CDs also just got a long increase GS block went from 15s to 25s, swoop increased, etc. We also lost the evade frames on autos.


Its really a shell of its former self.


For the people complaining about GS and also other stuff on ranger. The balance of ranger revolves around WS being too busted.... just like every other complained about Ranger spec ever. Its 1 traitline that gives you access to two great low CD stunbreaks, sustain, and condi clear (the only way to get competitive condi clear, mind you). This allows for ranger to double down on dps lines and still maintain kill potential on things.


I think we mostly see GS being used not because it's so strong but because sword was changed and is now too clunky to be good anymore. It provides too many opportunities during pre and after casts on the evades to find much success. And those are the only options for ranger. Sword or greatsword. You cant go double ranged weapons. And dagger main hand has no defense on it.


But like this hate for GS seems very strangely placed.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> The only thing that didnt make sense from a balance perspective (and buffed GS) is that Attack of Opportunity used to be on Hilt Bash. They moved it to Maul and made Hilt Bash refresh Maul. Kinda strange, but was a solid buff.


> The block might be too long, I'd prefer it to be 1s shorter and have the cd be a little shorter. The 2nd knockback on GS is obviously a bug and needs a fix.


> But with CD nerfs all across it, damage nerfs, the removal of crippling throw, it has actually no chase potential on it's own you can actually just W key away from someone with GS and they cant hit you (unless they use superspeed) and its required to be traited to be playable now.


> GS has always been a good weapon. Hence why I have always used it. But it has been nerfed a few times recently. Although GS 4 is now easier to use It was arguably better before with crippling throw (although the evade was the strongest addition - also necessary given it roots you in place). The CDs also just got a long increase GS block went from 15s to 25s, swoop increased, etc. We also lost the evade frames on autos.


> Its really a shell of its former self.


> For the people complaining about GS and also other stuff on ranger. The balance of ranger revolves around WS being too busted.... just like every other complained about Ranger spec ever. Its 1 traitline that gives you access to two great low CD stunbreaks, sustain, and condi clear (the only way to get competitive condi clear, mind you). This allows for ranger to double down on dps lines and still maintain kill potential on things.


> I think we mostly see GS being used not because it's so strong but because sword was changed and is now too clunky to be good anymore. It provides too many opportunities during pre and after casts on the evades to find much success. And those are the only options for ranger. Sword or greatsword. You cant go double ranged weapons. And dagger main hand has no defense on it.


> But like this hate for GS seems very strangely placed.


No chase potential wut? Swoop is pretty effective. Cant be perfect at everything lol plus swap to lb, with its damage and range it's great for punishing disengagers lol at this point either ur opponent is another ranger a

Nd is gonna try and kite or arent and ate stupid as who other than another ranger tries to kite a ranger lol even a DE is probably best to stick to kiting other classes lol. If not kiting and are disengaging if swoop and lb arnt successful then there gone anyway and ur still alive so.

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