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Please remove blind from Mortar Kit


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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"Grimjack.8130" said:

> > make the fields weaker and make it akin to lb1 on ranger, the closer you are the less damage the farther you are the more damage, 500 damage in melee, 3k at 1200 onwards

> >

> > if you guys dont think mortar is a problem idk, maybe in low tiers its not that bad but in high level gameplay its one of the biggest issues rn, that says alot.


> Mortar is hardly ever used at full range, unloading them on the point you're currently standing is part of the prot holo rotations. I actually like this suggestion, make the impact damage scale with distance traveled. The pulsing blind, the lasting chill and the instant damage it does(after all, you aim it at your feet) is indeed a bit much.


Make it self dmg or self condi applying, than no one would throw granades on their feet

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> @"choovanski.5462" said:

> lot of unnecessary nerfs to core engi and scrapper, both of which use this kit- and somehow aren't OP as hell.


> I think you'll find the problems exist with holo, rather than the mortar kit itself. otherwise wouldn't scrapper and core be meta too?

Its just even more broken when paired with holo.

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If mortar is nerfed, what core engineer is going to use? Mortar is very situational weapon. If an enemy is shooting you from long range and strafing, you are not going to hit him with mortar as the projectile travels so slow. But if you fight in a tight space and stay inside mortar fields, then it is going to hurt you (same could be said about necro wells and marks, which can be even made unblockable and many other AoE skills).


Both the rifle and pistol auto attack hit like a wet noodle. RIfle is single target (piercing isn't that useful in spvp). Grenades are slow, have pitiful 900 range (nerfed from 1500 range years ago) and good way to kill yourself when enemy has retaliation. Bomb kit hits with a 1 second delay, making it easy to kite them. Bomb kit auto attack is very strong though, probably the strongest auto attack in the entire game.


For many years Arenanet has been nerfing core engineer to make it the worst core spec in the game. IF holosmith is still overpowered, nerf the elite spec, don't nerf the core. Healthy core spec means there is more room for viable specs to play.

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Photon Forge applies so much pressure that when you're not getting chunked by the autos (or skills 2-4), you're eating mortars, getting damaged and CC'd by S/SH and getting pulled/knocked down repeatedly all the while the Prot Holo is regening for several hundred health per second and maintaining a high/decent uptime on poison/chill/blind + extremely good/perma boon uptimes.


Prot Holo doesn't have much stability so it is possible to decap them but a well-played one has no risk of dying in a 1v1. The damage is too low across the board.


The 1/4 uptime on pulsing blind is absolutely ridiculous on top of it all and is the main issue. Mortars 2-4 should last one second longer (so 6 second duration) and apply their conditions on the first hit, and once every 3 seconds thereafter (3 total applications). Mortars 2-4 all need 5 second cooldown increases.

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Turns out when you nerf Prime Light Beam into oblivion, Holos will swap to something else. Who knew? That being said, the Mortar Kit did get a bit better relatively, by virtue of being unnerfed. But thats easily fixed. Just slap a 20% damage nerf on all skills, and its fine. The actual fields and cooldowns are fine.

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I don't have an engineer anymore, deleted it because the community that plays it is a bunch of kittens namely the engineer forum is full of dicks. What I can say is holo has some big weaknesses in terms of its stability/ability to endure CC. Do you guys really have to cry nerf over everything. I mean mortar kit is strong, I use to use it back when prime light beam was the most used choice - but it's not OP. Stop trying to dumb down every single thing you lose a fight against.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> no. if mortar kit has been around forever and is only now starting to seem op, chances are its actually not but something else. its strong, every class should have some strong options, how about get over that fact so classes can have good options to choose from instead of everything being turned into a floppy noodle. getting tired of these types of threads.


"no. if **Chaotic interruption** has been around forever and is only now starting to seem op, chances are its actually not but something else. its strong, every class should have some strong options, how about get over that fact so classes can have good options to choose from instead of everything being turned into a floppy noodle. getting tired of these types of threads."


Being here for around forever isn't a valid argument

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> @"Woltarion.6829" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > no. if mortar kit has been around forever and is only now starting to seem op, chances are its actually not but something else. its strong, every class should have some strong options, how about get over that fact so classes can have good options to choose from instead of everything being turned into a floppy noodle. getting tired of these types of threads.


> "no. if **Chaotic interruption** has been around forever and is only now starting to seem op, chances are its actually not but something else. its strong, every class should have some strong options, how about get over that fact so classes can have good options to choose from instead of everything being turned into a floppy noodle. getting tired of these types of threads."


> Being here for around forever isn't a valid argument


Might be a bit too passive aggressive, but THANK YOU! A lot of vets don't seem to realize that just because they have gotten used to a skill,trait,whatever, doesn't make that design OK. In order to improve the game, devs need to understand that there are no sacred cows.

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> @"Strider.7849" said:

> I don't have an engineer anymore, deleted it because the community that plays it is a bunch of kittens namely the engineer forum is full of kitten. What I can say is holo has some big weaknesses in terms of its stability/ability to endure CC. Do you guys really have to cry nerf over everything. I mean mortar kit is strong, I use to use it back when prime light beam was the most used choice - but it's not OP. Stop trying to dumb down every single thing you lose a fight against.


Prot holo is top tier btw

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Without multi hits or very high resistance up time (That still doesn't take care of the blind as it ends.), blind fields are actually immunity to damage at close, a big skill sink. For Prot holo, that's a panic skill every 20 seconds where you have to disengage forcefully or die in it, if you consider the effective time it's 15 seconds, if you count the initial hit and the other projectiles, it's more than 5 blinds.


So if you're not anything with ranged damage, Holo can sit back on node and waste your time easily. If you contest, easily kill you.


There's 3 ways to address this silly self carry design.

* Increase the cooldown to 30.

* Decrease the blind duration to 1 second like Smoke Screen.

* Decrease the AoE effective time to 3 seconds.


As for Mortar damage, it would probably be wise to apply the blanket nerf so that the other skills gain some relevance again. Honestly, as it should be.


Destroy any holo and they will panic face roll their entire skill bar hoping it works, that's how it's been for a while, even before nerf.

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > no. if mortar kit has been around forever and is only now starting to seem op, chances are its actually not but something else. its strong, every class should have some strong options, how about get over that fact so classes can have good options to choose from instead of everything being turned into a floppy noodle. getting tired of these types of threads.


> It was not a problem in the past because engis always took prime light beam instead or elixir X or whatever other elite was stronger. Mortar kit pulsing blind has ALWAYS been too much. If it needs to blind let it do so when it first lands only. Edit: Really, tbh any pulsing skill (that's not channeled) that takes up a whole standard point is not acceptable in my eyes for conquest mode. I'm aware that's just my philosophy. . .

> (Edit for typos)


So the solution is to nerf our last decent elite skill? Engineer is getting constant slap in the face, you pvp whinner are killing the fun of the class and in the sametime rendering the class useless for pve...

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> no. if mortar kit has been around forever and is only now starting to seem op, chances are its actually not but something else. its strong, every class should have some strong options, how about get over that fact so classes can have good options to choose from instead of everything being turned into a floppy noodle. getting tired of these types of threads.


naw give it the thief treatment, give it the noodle damage

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> @"Makuragee.3058" said:

> > @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > no. if mortar kit has been around forever and is only now starting to seem op, chances are its actually not but something else. its strong, every class should have some strong options, how about get over that fact so classes can have good options to choose from instead of everything being turned into a floppy noodle. getting tired of these types of threads.

> >

> > It was not a problem in the past because engis always took prime light beam instead or elixir X or whatever other elite was stronger. Mortar kit pulsing blind has ALWAYS been too much. If it needs to blind let it do so when it first lands only. Edit: Really, tbh any pulsing skill (that's not channeled) that takes up a whole standard point is not acceptable in my eyes for conquest mode. I'm aware that's just my philosophy. . .

> > (Edit for typos)


> So the solution is to nerf our last decent elite skill? Engineer is getting constant slap in the face, you pvp whinner are killing the fun of the class and in the sametime rendering the class useless for pve...


the only thing that can stand to prot holo is another prot holo, there is a problem

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> @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> Reduced damage, longer CD, shorter duration, less frequent blind application are all good suggestions. But on top of that, make sure to lock Holosmith out of weapon kits for a much, much longer duration. Holosmith has the best kit already.


Mortar is a better kit than Photon Forge, IMO. You're kinda roped into using Photon Forge because it locks you in, and you need to generate heat for traits.


Mortar kit is gonna get nerfed. My prediction would be damage nerfs to all skills, likely no nerfs to cooldowns or the fields themselves. This is because the amount of Poison, chill, and blind are still at vanilla levels, it's just the un-nerfed damage that has become larger relative to other things.


On top, specifically prot Holo is gonna get nerfed. My prediction is that Hard Light Arena will get cut, or something Holosmith specific - however, possible straight nerfs to Inventions with Alchemy.


If Mortar, Inventions & Alchemy get hit, Scrapper and Core will be even more undesirable than already so I predict they'll throw a bone there and buff some things. Who knows what, but predicting that it would be at least as strong as the nerf side effects.


My prediction is that this'll happen in like, a month, at the next major balance patch.


I'm kind of tired of negotiating amongst ourselves what SHOULD be changed, this is what I think will happen. I'm perceiving that we may even see an Engi side noder shift from Holo to Scrapper, depending if it gets compensated for the mortar and potentially other nerfs. Engi will remain sub-par in teamfights unless they buff things unexpectedly.





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Reducing the Blind duration would already be a better start if the cooldown is to remain this low.


If not, increase the cooldown.


As for damage, it makes no sense as to why it dodged the blanket nerf, it clearly shows that it was good in the past and people prefered other things rather than just having to use the only thing that's still mentally doing the damage they were used to before.


A lot of things, even the most minor damage skills got nerfed even if they were as little as 2 digits, again no reason this to have ever happened.


What I know is, anytime an engineer is losing, this Flash Shell is the only thing that stops me from giving the final blows and allowing them to survive everytime.

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> @"ParadoX.3124" said:

> Meanwhile thieves blinds you Everytime they go stealth, or condi Mesmer on every skill they use. You don't want to get blind, you just move out of the area. It has a recharge, and kits can't be used when holo forge is on


oh wow, sure would be nice to blind with every skill. what trait does that exactly? so me and other mesmers can abuse it to hell and back ?

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> @"Chaith.8256"


> Reducing the Blind duration would already be a better start if the cooldown is to remain this low.


> If not, increase the cooldown.


> As for damage, it makes no sense as to why it dodged the blanket nerf, it clearly shows that it was good in the past and people prefered other things rather than just having to use the only thing that's still mentally doing the damage they were used to before.


> A lot of things, even the most minor damage skills got nerfed even if they were as little as 2 digits, again no reason this to have ever happened.


> What I know is, anytime an engineer is losing, this Flash Shell is the only thing that stops me from giving the final blows and allowing them to survive everytime.


It does make sense as to why it avoided the blanket damage, which ended up being a hindsight error, as we can see now.


I doubt you noticed but all kits were not damage nerfed as a conscious design decision.


Now is the first time Mortar has been ever used for pumping damage. It's unpredecented. Previously, Mortar was used just for the fields, and for damage you had un-nerfed Photon Forge and ample Stability instead, so Mortar damage was irrelevant - it was way better to lock yourself out of kits.


If Mortar damage gets corrected, they will not nerf the fields cooldowns/durations as these have always remained reasonable, ArenaNet won't change that no matter how much it rustles your jimmies.



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Prot holo thrives in a toxic condi-spam meta

Also, the light field should cleanse condis (which btw for mortar kit it somehow doesn't when you combo it with a regular pop)


Atm it's imho the only viable engineer kit, after all those other nerfs


I have an idea for anet, generally targeted towards prot holo: consider the broken op synergy that condi-flip (from alchemy) and cleanse-on-protect (from inventions) brings to the table. Find a way to reduce its power, particularly in combination with hard light arena, which applies prot every 1 seconds along with other 2 buffs, which all heal for quite a bit with compounding chemicals (from alchemy)


I'm sure this was addressed, but only half-assedly in the Big Nerf patch where hard light arena's duration got gutted to half, and the condiflip property got sliced to about 40% of its original power. However, it still happens. Only for less time each fight

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