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Gift of Battle

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> @"TPMN.1483" said:

> I wonder what happens when the OP decides they would like the legendary conflux ?


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Conflux


> Requires 4 Gift of Battle and 6 weeks for 20+ hrs of WvW -)


> ?




Actually it takes 5. You need 4 to purchase an item and 1 for gift of the mists.


That all said with high ping I highly discourage following a zerg. Not only are they a group but they usually like fighting other groups which makes it worse.


Just go and repair walls, kill sentries, escort or kill yaks. Take ruins, kill veterans- the ones with the event circle. Keep in mind participation doesn't vanish when you logout so you can leave with tier 6 and return still with tier 6. Do as many dailies as you can and use boosts. This is honestly probably the easiest part of a legendary. Also keep in mind that running with a Zerg does NOT make it go faster. You get your progress every five minutes no matter what you're doing. Just keep your participation up.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> This is honestly probably the easiest part of a legendary.

I agree, the difficulty is like zero. Some of the stuff you find in starter areas is harder than that which makes the claim that removing it would somehow "dumb down" the requirements so ridiculous but that's not the issue people have. The problem is that it's above all else not fun for most players. WvW uses "PvP balancing" so some already "suboptimal" builds people are running become borderline unplayable. On top of that if you encounter someone who does have a decent build for WvW chances are pretty good that your average PvE casual is going to die. Now does this stop him from progressing? Not really (even tho not giving the loser of a battle at least participation points is just nonsensical), but it's still annoying.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > This is honestly probably the easiest part of a legendary.

> I agree, the difficulty is like zero. Some of the stuff you find in starter areas is harder than that which makes the claim that removing it would somehow "dumb down" the requirements so ridiculous but that's not the issue people have.



You say this^

And follow it up with this:


>The problem is that it's above all else not fun for most players. WvW uses "PvP balancing" so some already "suboptimal" builds people are running become borderline unplayable. On top of that if you encounter someone who does have a decent build for WvW chances are pretty good that your average PvE casual is going to die. Now does this stop him from progressing? Not really (even tho not giving the loser of a battle at least participation points is just nonsensical), but it's still annoying.


(The ‘loser’ of a fight doesn’t get participation....)


Now... about this part:


>WvW uses "PvP balancing" so some already "suboptimal" builds people are running become borderline unplayable.


If I took my WvW build into PvE to do map completion, it may function, but it would take much longer. I mean, can you imagine a minstrel FB or tempest doing Map completion? It might take 30 minutes to kill one mob...


Look.... Point is, neither is ‘hard’. I hate ANY map completion regardless if it’s core or expansion ones. Either way, GoB or GoE (or the expansion gifts) It takes a little planning, (imagine that with a legendary weapon), some small amount of research, and time. They push you to play multiple modes. It was ALWAYS their intent.


If you want the legendary, those areas are just the base expectations.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> You say this^

> And follow it up with this:

> (The ‘loser’ of a fight doesn’t get participation....)

So? Participation only means that you participated, should be pretty self explanatory. Losing a fight means the player in question at least participated (unlike those who just stand AFK in their camps) so yes he should also get "participation".


> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Now... about this part:

> If I took my WvW build into PvE to do map completion, it may function, but it would take much longer. I mean, can you imagine a minstrel FB or tempest doing Map completion? It might take 30 minutes to kill one mob...

Except that's not how it works unless you want to run into something like raids. Everything that works for mundane WvW activities also works for mundane PvE activities and chances are pretty good that you're basically playing a buffed version of your WvW build. I can't think of a single build which is able to effortlessly solo a camp in WvW but fails at non instanced PvE.


> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Look.... Point is, neither is ‘hard’.

Then why even respond? Did I claim that either one is "hard"? Quite the opposite iirc.

My point was to address the common misconception that the issue is "difficulty" which it is not.


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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > You say this^

> > And follow it up with this:

> > (The ‘loser’ of a fight doesn’t get participation....)

> So? Participation only means that you participated, should be pretty self explanatory. Losing a fight means the player in question at least participated so yes he should also get "participation".



We will have to agree to disagree. Kill trading is a thing.


> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Now... about this part:

> > If I took my WvW build into PvE to do map completion, it may function, but it would take much longer. I mean, can you imagine a minstrel FB or tempest doing Map completion? It might take 30 minutes to kill one mob...


> Except that's not how it works unless you want to run into something like raids. Everything that works for mundane WvW activities also works for mundane PvE activities and chances are pretty good that you're basically playing a buffed version of your WvW build.


No.. No it doesn’t. But because there are players that refuse to look up how to make their WvW time more efficient, and want it given to you for a fee, that misconception is poorly placed. And we are talking about map completion and the GoB track. Not raids. Might want to keep up.


>I can't think of a single build which is able to effortlessly solo a camp in WvW but fails at non instanced PvE.


There likely isn’t. That wasn’t the point and you know it. A zergling who runs a minstrel FB or Tempest action has to *change their build* to be efficient at map completion. Just like... A PvE player who wants to be more efficient in WvW has to actually look something up, adjust their build and.. hold a second... *try*




> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Look.... Point is, neither is ‘hard’.

> Then why even respond? Did I claim that either one is "hard"? Quite the opposite iirc.

> My point was to address the common misconception that the issue is "difficulty" which it is not.


So then what is the issue? Your time is more valuable? In a game? Sounds more like the word you need to use starts with an L.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> So then what is the issue?

The issue is that you don't seem to understand my post so again:


> My point was to address the common misconception that the issue is "difficulty" which it is not.


Plain and simple, everything else is just you assuming things.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You really don't need to be near other players to complete a WvW Reward Track. It's faster, but you can just do the easy Dailies, and you'll eventually finish the track.

> I played for years on a computer that _never_ got more than 20 FPS, and more often than not had single-digit FPS.


They've made earning participation the best it's EVER been. Get yourself up to the +195 level and do something every 5-10 minutes to keep it maxed. The fairly recent change is that being at the 195 level no longer declines when you leave WvW. So keep 195, do the easy dailies every day and the reward track fills out. I rarely follow zergs because they seem erratic and don't keep the participation level up as well as doing, camps, vets, monuments, shrines, and sentries.

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There are many helpful guides to help ease your pain, however. Just search the forums.

Alternatively, there exists the possibility that your search for the GoB may even lead you to enjoying WvW; there are rumours of such from those that have gone before you.

I hope you get your GoB, and I hope even more that you come to enjoy WvW.

Good luck.

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> @"lummuss.6850" said:

> Hello! I would like to share a little bit of my code in Guild Wars 2 with you. I'm here specifically to discuss an idea I had about purchasing the "Gift of Battle" item. As I had previously posted here on the forum regarding the acquisition of my first legendary weapon, I had lost 200 mystic coins (I turned 230 mystic coins to get only 30 mystic clovers, but I'm gradually recovering from that). But now another wall has appeared on my journey (it seems that the more I try to find the strength to craft my legendary weapon, the more I find problems and reasons to give up). I had already said that I am not familiar with going to WVW for a sad reason. See the reason:


> Note that I'm playing ranger (soulbeast) to try to facilitate the gameplay, but even so it is impossible to play.

> It's super difficult to get this Gift of Battle, that's when I thought: "Why is there only one way to get this item? Why not create another way to get this item?"

> I beg you, please give us another way to get the Gift of Battle, because the WVW system is too heavy and inaccessible to me. It doesn't have to be easy and simple, but if there was another way to get this item, it would make it easier for many players like me and it would not cause a wave of anger, disappointment and stress. Thanks for listening!


There is an older post on these forums that has information on getting the Gift of Battle if you're new to that game mode. It's tricky to find since just typing "Gift of Battle" in the search comes up with mostly newer posts.




You can also scroll down to the comment from Illconceived Was Na.9781 where there is a list of easy WvW Dailies that require minimal WvW participation. A nice option if you're patient enough to wait for them to come up on the Dailies list.



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This is the classic and evident proof ANet doesn't care enough with players around the globe as they should. A laggy game in an even more laggy environment (WvW) that only runs mildly decently on top rigs for players during the deified "primetime" forced down the throat to PvE'ers that already passed through a hell of a ton of difficulties in their Legendary journey just for one single item — and that I can say for sure now 'cause I always crafted Legendaries with a ready-to-use- precursor but when I decided to pursue the related achievements... hoo lee sheet.


I do WvW once in a while and 5-8h later I get my Gift — I'm just off-the-loop for a while 'cause of some health issues I had in this damn quarantine — but all in all, WvW'ers have pretty much everything PvE'ers have in a MUCH easier way (I've completed a few Dungeons RTs by myself while on PvE I would have to rely on other players to do so), but Gift of Battle? Noooooooooo, it's locked and very tight!

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I would love for there to be a way for you all to get your gift of battle a different way, but only AFTER the WvW crowd gets a way of doing Map comp (PoF/HoT/ or Core) without having to leave WvW. Also all of the collections for Hope/Astalaria/Nevermore/Chuka and Champawat again so they can also have the shiny they want without having to leave their preferred game mode.


Also, I will be the first one I understand how hard legendaries are to make. But you should have looked at it before you started to make it... like who starts something without looking at everything needed for it. Don't make a Gen2 legendary... Mystic Coins are a killer, but so can Amalgamated Gemstones, and well we all read how rolling clovers when the first time.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > You say this^

> > And follow it up with this:

> > (The ‘loser’ of a fight doesn’t get participation....)

> So? Participation only means that you participated, should be pretty self explanatory. Losing a fight means the player in question at least participated (unlike those who just stand AFK in their camps) so yes he should also get "participation".


Those are just one of the design problems with WvW ANet never bothered addressing. You can also end up losing participation while doing things like trying to take a keep depending on how the other side defends and the status of the keep.


> @"Mazreal Blackknight.1564" said:

> I would love for there to be a way for you all to get your gift of battle a different way, but only AFTER the WvW crowd gets a way of doing Map comp (PoF/HoT/ or Core) without having to leave WvW. Also all of the collections for Hope/Astalaria/Nevermore/Chuka and Champawat again so they can also have the shiny they want without having to leave their preferred game mode.


> Also, I will be the first one I understand how hard legendaries are to make. But you should have looked at it before you started to make it... like who starts something without looking at everything needed for it. Don't make a Gen2 legendary... Mystic Coins are a killer, but so can Amalgamated Gemstones, and well we all read how rolling clovers when the first time.


Well that partially exist already. You can complete all the HPs without ever leaving WvW. By that argument there should be some way to partially obtain a GoB without ever leaving PvE.


Speaking of clovers and equality, where are the PvE options for free clovers? There is the fractal vendor but it still cost mystic coins.

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From what I see on the video:


1. The lag, yeah hard to play that way. When you see such large battles. (obviously the enemy was attacking Jerrifer Tower) don't engage the enemy. But go to the tower and defend from there, or help repair any damage. This will give you participation, and is less vulnerable to lag. You can also man siege and help from a distance.


2. Let people know you're new to WvW. Ask questions in Map chat. (more general advise to others reading this, because you've got the warclaw so are obviously somewhat farmilliar with WvW) But the tip to ask questions still stands valid, regardless of level.


3. As mentioned before, you are not looking for tons of kills, captures etc. That actually does nothing for your reward track. Just make sure you keep participation up (at least tier 3, but preferably keep it at tier 6) even dumping a single supply in a wall that needs repairing gives participation.


4. and last tip: WvW gives more than Gift of Battle. Most reward tracks that you finish for the first time give you 7 clovers, and 2 on repeated finishing.


I do agree that it is somewhat strange that there is no way around WvW for Legendaries, unlike PvP, where the things you need for most of them, can simply be bought on the TP. But it's just the way it is.


With the lag you're experiencing, play smart. Stick close to towers and keeps your servers owns, and try to stick with groups if you see one, don't be the hero that charges in first, that's suicide, just stick with the main body and just spam 1 if necesairy. (yeah unpopular advise in the eyes of the WvW diehards, but then again, they must recognize your problem seeing the lag your experiencing)


Also: What server are you on? Maybe there are some Forum readers here on the same server that can give you specific hints as which commander is new player friendly etc.

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> @"Tuna Bandit.3786" said:

> unlike PvP, where the things you need for most of them, can simply be bought on the TP. But it's just the way it is.


PvP legendaries requires items from winning certain number of ranked matches while a league is active, ascended shards, and league tickets


that is 3 times as many things that can't be bought

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Since no one else has suggested it, here is a legit guide to farming a Gift of Battle without having to do any real wvw.


Step 1: Setup. set the reward track to Gift of Battle Item Reward Track. Pick a character you are familiar with and feel skilled enough to kill npc's without much problem. Pick skills and traits that give you survivability and aoe damage (aoe blinds helps). Click on WvW and enter any zone.

Step 2: Look for camps that is next to one of the starting waypoints of the 3 maps marked as borderlands. You want to find a camp that is of an other color as the zone around the waypoint, as that mark it as belonging to the enemy.

Step 3: Go there. If there is a enemy player near it, run back and select a new camp. Enemy players are likely geared and build to kill other players so just keep your distance and find a camp without enemy players in it.

Step 4: Once you find a camp with just 5 npcs and no enemy players, kill them all and stay in the circle until capped.

Step 5: Once you have taken down a camp, look at the progression tab above the map. It is likely going to say something like +60 participation and have a timer that is ticking down. You want to repeat step 2-4 until it says +195. In raising this number you can also take down guards that is marked by a flag.

Step 6: Now you should have +195, and if you reached this point by taking down a camp the timer should say something like 9m 50s. At this point waypoint back into the starting area and leave the game alone for 9m. Read a book, watch a youtube video, catch up with work.

Step 7: Once the timer get below 2m it will start to turn yellow. This is the game telling you you need to grab a new camp following step 2-4. Once you done that the timer should again be at 9m and you can go back to your book/video/work. if it goes into red you will start to loose participation, which is fine as long you don't let it drain to much. Killing anything hostile as soon you can and it will stop going down.


This method allow you to get your gift with you only killing npc's and waiting. It work best on time zones where there is few players online, and on computers with dual screens so you can keep tabs on the timer. It is also likely boring to most people, so if bored you might want to look for a tag and just follow them and see what happens.

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If you're going to take camps, especially if you're solo here's some advice:


* Do not aggro anything until the Righteous Indignation buff is gone on the Veteran Supervisor

* Look for the optimal location to be to group all the enemies together quickly so that you're already capping the camp when it shows contested


When I didn't want to run with the zerg, I would often flip camps to maintain participation for the reward track.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> If you're going to take camps, especially if you're solo here's some advice:


> * Do not aggro anything until the Righteous Indignation buff is gone on the Veteran Supervisor

> * Look for the optimal location to be to group all the enemies together quickly so that you're already capping the camp when it shows contested


> When I didn't want to run with the zerg, I would often flip camps to maintain participation for the reward track.

A bit more in-depth on this: If you can kill without letting the Supervisor get close to you, you could start killing the rest when the invulnerability timer hits around 2 minutes. The advantage of this is that you just need to kill the supervisor when invulnerability wears off so you can finish capping early. The sooner you finish, the less chance you have of being interrupted by enemy players. If you start killing the NPC too soon, they'll respawn before you can kill the supervisor. They actually have 3 minute respawn timers so the 2 minute thing isn't accurate, but it gives you a minute to kill he supervisor and capture the camp.

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>@"lummuss.6850" said:

> snip


There's a few things you can do to get Gift of Battle casually. Do the easiest dailies when they appear. 80 WvW Reward Track potions is what you need.


If you want to get it done casually, do Master of Monuments, Land Claimer, Caravan Disrupter, and Mist Guard Killer (to a lesser extent) which require going into WvW.


Big Spender is the best way to get reward track potions without having to touch WvW at all. Buying one Badge of Tribute from the Guild Hall War Room vendor when this daily appears. Enough of these dailies appear in a year to get enough to fill the reward track alone. Combined with choosing the legendary materials in the Chest of Loyalty is all the clovers you need to make a legendary a year. If you have reached a few achievement chests you should have enough Badges of Honor to pay for this item when the daily appears.

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Did a map complete recently in about a week thx to my 46k heroics which meant I could skip all the hero pts. Without boosters anything in wvw will take an age. Took me two yrs or so to get to diamond and that's with a permanent supply of boosters which give me 150% wxp. Without any at all is Tyrian torture. Just gotta put the time in, recent buff gave me 12 GOB'S w/o playing that much.

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> @"yorick.1305" said:

> Did a map complete recently in about a week thx to my 46k heroics which meant I could skip all the hero pts (...)

This is a clear comparison that shows why WvW'ers don't need (another) way to cheesing-up something. An entire map completion in about a week... let's extend this to a month in order to take into account players with a little less time to invest in the game. TWO Gifts of Exploration per month while an inept player in WvW would have about a year to get 80 Potions only from "Big Spender" or at least 2-3 months if doing all "easy" dailies


The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5 (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels. Downloaded the game, registered, joined PvP and they're already good to go (extrapolate this to multi-account players).


The whole looting distribution and recipes components is messed up in this game... >.<



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> @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their **daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5** (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels.

The part in your post I have highlighted is blatantly untrue .

So my question to you is "why?"

What do you have to gain by making things up and presenting them in discussion as fact?

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"magnusthorek.8027" said:

> > The same unfairness PvE'ers have with Gift of Battle, they also have with Mystic Coins. Exclusively on the PvE side, you can get one per day (Anomaly), but PvP'ers have their **daily tournaments that give a minimum of a guaranteed 5** (from what I saw on Celofrag's recent video about gold making) and as I heard they don't even need to hunt for equipment or levels.

> The part in your post I have highlighted is blatantly untrue .

> So my question to you is "why?"

> What do you have to gain by making things up and presenting them in discussion as fact?


Why do you choose to delude yourself by conflating misunderstanding with lying?

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