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The balance is a total failure. 3 months still the game in a worst state than before. 3 months no balance to fix the problem they created when they didn't nerf the conditions but nerf all the healing in the game. I don't even comprehend how can you mess up so badly and don't give a fk about it.

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Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed group condition removals on classes like Firebrand

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed condition removals on classes like Firebrand


Condi is fine (there are a few exceptions), already explained.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed condition removals on classes like Firebrand


> Condi is fine (there are a few exceptions), already explained.


Sorry they aren‘t fine when a tick does 7-8K damage. It completely contradicts the whole reason behind power damage and condition damage. All skills with conditions need a complete rework - reducing the stacks applied of every condition on every skill and prolonging their duration would be a start. Get the ticks down to 2-3K max and the logic behind condition damage is maintained.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> Sorry they aren‘t fine when a tick does 7-8K damage.

I think confusion and burning together ("burst conditions") might reach 5kish damage on skill use, in extreme cases.


> reducing the stacks applied of every condition on every skill and prolonging their duration would be a start.

This might be something to consider with the next expansion, but not right now.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed condition removals on classes like Firebrand

> >

> > Condi is fine (there are a few exceptions), already explained.


> Sorry they aren‘t fine when a tick does 7-8K damage. It completely contradicts the whole reason behind power damage and condition damage. All skills with conditions need a complete rework - reducing the stacks applied of every condition on every skill and prolonging their duration would be a start. Get the ticks down to 2-3K max and the logic behind condition damage is maintained.


Maybe if it hits 7-8k you deserve it


You need to avoid condi dmg in the same way that you have to do with power.


If you have 14 stacks torment or 10 stacks burn, maybe because you do not move your ass

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > > Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed condition removals on classes like Firebrand

> > >

> > > Condi is fine (there are a few exceptions), already explained.

> >

> > Sorry they aren‘t fine when a tick does 7-8K damage. It completely contradicts the whole reason behind power damage and condition damage. All skills with conditions need a complete rework - reducing the stacks applied of every condition on every skill and prolonging their duration would be a start. Get the ticks down to 2-3K max and the logic behind condition damage is maintained.


> Maybe if it hits 7-8k you deserve it


> You need to avoid condi dmg in the same way that you have to do with power.


> If you have 14 stacks torment or 10 stacks burn, maybe because you do not move your kitten


Yeah sure makes sense telling that a Firebrand, who has 4 condition removals, resistance, blocks and heals. Fact is there are more skills that apply conditions with low cooldown than condition removals which have typically high cooldowns, that is a simple fact, meaning no matter how you avoid, you have faster conditions on you than you can remove, so your standard broken mechanic defender argument of „tRy tO aVoId“ makes no sense logically seen. Or even in a teamfight - condition removals are even more worthless in those scenarios. Not seeing that condition damage is a broken atm is a sign that you absolutely don‘t understand what is going on when you play. Run from reality as much as you want, but conditions will be nerfed when you install the next balance patch and it will be deserved

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> Yeah sure makes sense telling that a Firebrand, who has 4 condition removals, resistance, blocks and heals. Fact is there are more skills that apply conditions with low cooldown than condition removals which have typically high cooldowns, that is a simple fact, meaning no matter how you avoid, you have faster conditions on you than you can remove, so your standard broken mechanic defender argument of „tRy tO aVoId“ makes no sense logically seen.


You don't need to cleanse conditions if you just prevent the application. Dodge, block, evade, kite away etc.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > Yeah sure makes sense telling that a Firebrand, who has 4 condition removals, resistance, blocks and heals. Fact is there are more skills that apply conditions with low cooldown than condition removals which have typically high cooldowns, that is a simple fact, meaning no matter how you avoid, you have faster conditions on you than you can remove, so your standard broken mechanic defender argument of „tRy tO aVoId“ makes no sense logically seen.


> You don't need to cleanse conditions if you just prevent the application. Dodge, block, evade, kite away etc.


Yeah, again I think I have more potential to evade condition damage than most other classes, so that is not the problem. Next patch will have conditions hopefully nerfed into oblivion, because „try to dodge“ is the typical first argument of people who abuse an unfair mechanic ever since this game was released


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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > snip


> I don't know, 1 stack of burning with 1000 condition damage hits for 286. If you somehow get hit by 20 burning only then you will be hit by 5.7k ticks.


So you are trying to tell me you have ONLY burn on you in a teamfight? Add 2 stacks of burn to 3 stacks of torment, 1 stack of poison, 4 stacks of confusion and we get into typical teamfight territory. I can only repeat myself, it is a fact that there are more ways to recreive condition damage than to avoid, which puts conditions at a huge advantage. That will hopefully change and conditions return to their true purpose - steady damage over time

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Condis on death breakdown dont mean anything and only beginner will rage over it. Reason : since condi build main dmg come condi itself ofc you wont see stuff like scepter 2 crit for 300 dmg or the like in it. As opposed to power build where lets Gs f1 as first dmg. Condition dmg is calculated over entirety of fight under 1 name. For death break down its like vs a power build using only 1 skill. Good exemple is fighting a power core guard, if duel last long enough you ll see top dm burning but dont kid yourself its not condi that killed you. Just like when people fought old harrier fb and noobs cried burning op to it. Basically..

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> So you are trying to tell me you have ONLY burn on you in a teamfight? Add 2 stacks of burn to 3 stacks of torment, 1 stack of poison, 4 stacks of confusion and we get into typical teamfight territory.


That's like... no damage at all.

572 burn ticks, 366 moving torment ticks, 94 poison ticks, 1025 skill use confusion ticks.

In total, 2k condi ticks considering you are using skills without any cast time and moving nonstop.


I'll make you a favor and make it 10 poison. That's.. get ready... 3k condi ticks. Congratulations.


10 poison does 1k ticks lol.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> The balance is a total failure. 3 months still the game in a worst state than before. 3 months no balance to fix the problem they created when they didn't nerf the conditions but nerf all the healing in the game. I don't even comprehend how can you mess up so badly and don't give a kitten about it.

> ## Thank you

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/RDaT7SF.jpg "")

> ## Thank you

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/12UOg8b.jpg "")

> ## Thank you

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/LF6sUS3.jpg "")

> ## Thank you

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZiwzfSm.jpg "")



So, you healed through 150,000 damage worth of conditions before you went down and you think healing is too weak? Hmm.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> The balance is a total failure. 3 months still the game in a worst state than before. 3 months no balance to fix the problem they created when they didn't nerf the conditions but nerf all the healing in the game. I don't even comprehend how can you mess up so badly and don't give a kitten about it.

> ## Thank you

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/RDaT7SF.jpg "")

> ## Thank you

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/12UOg8b.jpg "")

> ## Thank you

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/LF6sUS3.jpg "")

> ## Thank you

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZiwzfSm.jpg "")





this is such a Disgrace.


This game should've been in a much healthier state by now. Not pedaling back and forth with the same nerf Power-Creep, buff Power-Creep Balance theatrics.










**WHY NOT??!!**


![](https://i.imgur.com/zCoYtab.jpg "")


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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed group condition removals on classes like Firebrand


This^ but its gw2 and the usual not just bad balance but lazyness from its devs. Seriously how is this game still holding on?

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> I'm always interested in this point. In most power builds you would tend to see smaller numbers because skills are split by name. For conditions top aggregates conditions onto one group. You know you died to a condition but you have no idea what really applied it. **Also because of the aggregation I could have easily be sustaining a Condi match up and the get plussed by a power build and die and the log would show the top skills as condition damage still even though it's not the reason you died at all.**


> Conditions are also harder to read becsuse in the log because you get one hit per stack of a condition on your per second.


> **There are a few more points I could make about the log but all in all it's not intuitive and a lot of the screenshots people post are interpreted incorrectly**


Hate to quote myself but bold sums up the OP pretty well. The first two screenshots especially. Top skills is very misleading when it comes to conditions.


@"youle.5824" this person gets it.


> @"snoow.1694" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > snip

> >

> > I don't know, 1 stack of burning with 1000 condition damage hits for 286. If you somehow get hit by 20 burning only then you will be hit by 5.7k ticks.


> So you are trying to tell me you have ONLY burn on you in a teamfight? Add 2 stacks of burn to 3 stacks of torment, 1 stack of poison, 4 stacks of confusion and we get into typical teamfight territory.


And packets of power damage are also everywhere in team fights. Don't see the point.


>I can only repeat myself, it is a fact that there are more ways to recreive condition damage than to avoid, which puts conditions at a huge advantage.


This isn't really true.


>That will hopefully change and conditions return to their true purpose - steady damage over time


The only notion they should be steady over time is some preconceptions people have since it's a DoT. If you don't avoid repeated skills or strong skills you will die quickly, regardless of damage type.



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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > Sorry they aren‘t fine when a tick does 7-8K damage.

> I think confusion and burning together ("burst conditions") might reach 5kish damage on skill use, in extreme cases.


> > reducing the stacks applied of every condition on every skill and prolonging their duration would be a start.

> This might be something to consider with the next expansion, but not right now.


Ironically its easier to take 5k/tick from burning then 5k/proc from confusion.

Quick calculation, Mesmer needs to use carrion amulet ( 1200 condi ) and fully proc clone summon dmg bufff to 10%, to deal 4,9k dmg/proc at 25!!!! stacks of confusion.

Confusion is way too weak for how rare condition it is :/

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed group condition removals on classes like Firebrand


Show me any single condition application skill that will do more damage in a single tick than as roughly equal power skill.


I think the nearest you might get is torch on guardian. What people don't factor in when they see 3 conditions ticking for 3-4k is that it's the result of multiple attacks usually so the equivalent power would be getting hit by 4-5 attacks, you'd have 0 health from the power attacks.


Some condition application does need toning down like burn guardian and torment should become a bit more rare, condi thief could do with being less front loaded etc but in general condition is actually pretty fine, it's a few outliers that are the issue which everyone abuses because the GW2 player base after 8 years cannot cleanse properly.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > I think the nearest you might get is torch on guardian.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Zealot%27s_Fire

> This has higher power coefficient than ranger gs2 btw


> Same goes for P/D 3 on thief, it has likr 1.6-1.7 coefficient and repeater has 1.5 coefficient.


> Hybrid OP.


Yeah I thought it would be torch, wasn't sure on repeater though. The condition component won't tick as high as power damage though.

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