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Why do we keep falling for ANET's bait and switch?


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How many times over the past 8 years has it been the same song and dance.

-"Listen up fans! Huge focus on PvP and WvW coming! We're going to do more frequent updates! Communication is going to improve! Amazing changes inbound."

Then what? Remote silence. Drip fed updates with no explanation of buffs, nerfs, what's coming, or their reasoning.


I'm sure someone is going to blame it on COVID, but that doesn't cut it. You don't need to be at an office to log on to the forums and say "hey, things aren't going as planned due to the pandemic, but we're still here."


The only redeeming quality that I can see is how easy it is to PvP vs other MMOs. I don't have to PvE to gear up and I can instantly join on a fresh character with any build. The struggle I have is asking my self, is it worth it?


Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side.

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Other companies are doing fine with regular 2week-1month balance patches as they did before all this muh corona. Its truly not an excuse. Same lies as always, after 8yrs ppl should learn their lessons by now but some are still naive it seems hanging out on the hope that things will change. If you are playing this game for anything other than pve you are doing something wrong.

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> @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

> Other companies are doing fine with regular 2week-1month balance patches as they did before all this muh corona. Its truly not an excuse. Same lies as always, after 8yrs ppl should learn their lessons by now but some are still naive it seems hanging out on the hope that things will change. If you are playing this game for anything other than pve you are doing something wrong.


+1 Helpful


_Refusal To Learn_- Allowing yourself to Hope, Believe, Trust

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> How many times over the past 8 years has it been the same song and dance.

> -"Listen up fans! Huge focus on PvP and WvW coming! We're going to do more frequent updates! Communication is going to improve! Amazing changes inbound."

> Then what? Remote silence. Drip fed updates with no explanation of buffs, nerfs, what's coming, or their reasoning.


I would be really interessted what the problem is.. Do they not have enough people to actually deliver/too much workload? Not worth the resources? planning falacy? Is it management which pulls the plug? I mean surely when they announce fundamental changes they plan on delivering.

In the beginning everything was released pretty much as expected. So I assume that CMC is capable of delivering somewhat around scedule. What changed?

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Well the last big patch though large itself really wasn't some well thought out balance patch, it was literally a blanked % power drop among all classes, literally thee most lazy method to lessen powercreep there is other than doing nothing so I never understood the praise the white knights gave them for it. They stated they knew that a blanket drop in power would create issues like nerfing already weak or un used skills and so forth but have not done the follow up to accommodate the issues a large blanket decrease in dmg would inevitably cause and with their history it shouldn't surprise anyone. This company is extremely poorly managed and has been for a very long time. Look at the passive traits they basically erased, 6 months or so still not redesigned or properly balanced into traits even close to worth taking. That's unacceptable to say the least. People say nc soft are the devil but I'd say the devil must be very patient and forgiving then. The players eat up any scraps the devs give then praise them until they realize it was mere scraps they received and when they get more scraps they repeat the cycle.

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> @"Ghostof Luzifer.6159" said:

> I would be really interessted what the problem is.


its a combo deal probably, and much of the same stuff. there are some core philosophies that are bad (such as the view point that there should be only one game mode, thankfully somewhat changing, and no sense of urgency for fixing broke things), understanding of class dynamics and balance is bad (again, changing and getting a better), and this limited scope of 1 up 1 down balancing. the last one is not really talked about but I think it has a lot to do with how chaotic and uneven that game has gotten over the years. instead of this 1 up 1 down policy I think it would be better to do your best to get classes within an acceptable margin of each other and then change mechanics every once and a while (within acceptable ranges).

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Ghostof Luzifer.6159" said:

> > I would be really interessted what the problem is.


> its a combo deal probably, and much of the same stuff. there are some core philosophies that are bad (such as the view point that there should be only one game mode, thankfully somewhat changing, and no sense of urgency for fixing broke things), understanding of class dynamics and balance is bad (again, changing and getting a better), and this limited scope of 1 up 1 down balancing. the last one is not really talked about but I think it has a lot to do with how chaotic and uneven that game has gotten over the years. instead of this 1 up 1 down policy I think it would be better to do your best to get classes within an acceptable margin of each other and then change mechanics every once and a while (within acceptable ranges).



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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> To be honest and this is just a random thought but for all we know the pandemic could have effected ncsoft and its investors revenues and I'm sure gw2 at this point isn't a must save project for them. Not doomsdaying here or not trying to just in reality such things can happen.


Maybe. But looking at what's going on in the game right now, I'd be surprised if GW2 didn't have one of the best quarters they've had in years. The expansion maps are currently packed with new/returning players.



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After 4 years, I've learned to conclude this playerbase is impossible to please. Game hasn't been this healthy until now and people keep whining. They've even took care of stupid outliers and we still hear moaning. It's extremely depressing.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> White knights showing up ^^^ enjoy the game :)


Yeah everyone is good at the game and the devs are all at fault for not doing anything to balance their game around those really good players. Shesh, I must be the only scrub here.

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> @"Drennon.7190" said:

> How many times over the past 8 years has it been the same song and dance.

> -"Listen up fans! Huge focus on PvP and WvW coming! We're going to do more frequent updates! Communication is going to improve! Amazing changes inbound."

> Then what? Remote silence. Drip fed updates with no explanation of buffs, nerfs, what's coming, or their reasoning.


> I'm sure someone is going to blame it on COVID, but that doesn't cut it. You don't need to be at an office to log on to the forums and say "hey, things aren't going as planned due to the pandemic, but we're still here."


> The only redeeming quality that I can see is how easy it is to PvP vs other MMOs. I don't have to PvE to gear up and I can instantly join on a fresh character with any build. The struggle I have is asking my self, is it worth it?


> Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side.


GW2 is the only MMO with serviceable PvP that at least has some dev support. It's the reason I keep coming back. When a better multiplayer ARPG comes out, I'll be there. But right now when you look at other MMOs, GW2 looks pretty damn good.


I thought Battlerite was better in every way, but it's dead unfortunately. Look at Crucible that just came out - complete trashfire.


Give me a better game, and I'll be there.

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> @"mistsim.2748" said:

> > @"Drennon.7190" said:

> > How many times over the past 8 years has it been the same song and dance.

> > -"Listen up fans! Huge focus on PvP and WvW coming! We're going to do more frequent updates! Communication is going to improve! Amazing changes inbound."

> > Then what? Remote silence. Drip fed updates with no explanation of buffs, nerfs, what's coming, or their reasoning.

> >

> > I'm sure someone is going to blame it on COVID, but that doesn't cut it. You don't need to be at an office to log on to the forums and say "hey, things aren't going as planned due to the pandemic, but we're still here."

> >

> > The only redeeming quality that I can see is how easy it is to PvP vs other MMOs. I don't have to PvE to gear up and I can instantly join on a fresh character with any build. The struggle I have is asking my self, is it worth it?

> >

> > Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side.


> GW2 is the only MMO with serviceable PvP that at least has some dev support. It's the reason I keep coming back. When a better multiplayer ARPG comes out, I'll be there. But right now when you look at other MMOs, GW2 looks pretty kitten good.


> I thought Battlerite was better in every way, but it's dead unfortunately. Look at Crucible that just came out - complete trashfire.


> Give me a better game, and I'll be there.


Lmao gw2 is literally thee most trash pvp game there is, u are confusing great pvp potential due to combat mechanics with actually good pvp. Though that's easy to do. There far better mmo to play for a better overall experience,few have the pvp potential gw2 has but gw2 doesnt even scratch that potential due to pure lazyness and lack of any REAL support. Support in game modes and fixes are so bad in this game its players form a type of Stockholm syndrome where they complain but when they get scraps they praise anet like gods lmao. The pvp is so bad players get used to the mechanics and have a hard time going to other mmo pvp iterations but instead stay and end up being completely toxic hence all the toxicity in pvp. Gw2 could have been the best pvp experience but it is far from it, have good combat mechanics lending to a potential for great pvp means very little when that fast fluid combat through the years gets dumbed down into literal brainless aoe condi spamming clown fiesta of carry builds that destroy any builds built out of creativity. Yeah theres other mmos which far worse combat mechanics but at least the pvp in it doesnt make u want to delete the game after every third match, gw2 is the king in that regard at least judging from threads/posts on the forums reddit, yes all games/forums suffer from this but the degree gw2 does is significantly honestly higher and it's easy to see that. the skill designers and balance team if I were ncsoft would be gone and names blacklisted, after this many years its absolutely incredible this games survived but in a few pvp matches u can tell the players that left are loving thier time spent lmao. Honestly ncsoft even with lay offs have been very generous with anet. The pve oh the pve is meme worthy on top lol. This mmo is thee meme mmo around mmo circles for a reason.

BUT as a casual budget mmo u cant deny its decent at any rate just as long as u know what to expect.

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the fact that the only form of communication when it comes to pvp I could get to was some random screenshot from unoficial discord shows how much crap is given,

I have standards for the games I play, there are games that I played WAAAY less then GW2 and spent much more money on, because I like the way I am treated, I am shown respect and I show my gratitude back. I dont play PoE much but I like their devs and the way they communicate, and I will spend my money for a stupid portal skin that I will never use but refuse to spend anything on gw2.

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> @"Starbreaker.6507" said:

> As someone said over the weekend in Chaithh's twitch - the fact there was an mAT going on and the official GW2 channel was playing soundtrack music speaks volumes on what they think about PvP


True, I'm just surprised after all these yrs when its pvp that sets it apart from other mmos, even tho the pve gets more population which again is surprising cuz it's one of the worst mmo stories/pve content I've played in a mmo ud think they'd focus on the aspect that sets their game apart from others in the genre,if done right the pvp population coulda been much larger and gw2 thee pvp mmo to play. Again it's all subjective but I'm surprised at the games pve population and not surprised at the pvp population lol

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