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What mount set-up do you use the most?

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Skyscale is really a sort of "all terrain" mount. It's surprisingly useful for a lot of situations with complex terrain. However, I don't think it's my most used mount.


If I try to get to a far place, I pretty much always start with the beetle and try to get there with the initial burst (as well as the stamina charge skill).


If I have a cliff in front of me, and I know my destination is likely below my starting point, I'll hop on the griffon and soar the skies to my goal.


If I need to cover a small distance quickly, I hop in raptor and triple dash (it's what can be done before fully running out of stamina).


If I am in an event, I'll either use raptor for the pull, or jackal or for the barrier.


If there's a body of water that I can't cross on my beetle (at high speeds, there's a good chunk of water you can bypass by using the jump bottom at the right time to bounce off the surface), I'll change to skimmer.


If there's a wall to climb, and I can easily see the path upwards, I'll use the springer, it's actually a lot faster to climb than the skyscale (as long as the terrain is easy to grasp, so you don't end up sliding off a tall wall on the springer.... grr).


If one knows the terrain, changing mounts will, almost certainly, do a better job than sticking to the skyscale. However, in case of doubt I always use it, because there's nothing worse than being stuck in combat because you got hit by some pebble just as you were in the middle of swapping mounts...


The way I see it, my skyscale sees less use the more experienced I get with the area's layout (with the only possible exception of dragon's fall as that map was designed with it in mind, but even there I find myself using more the springer for events and the griffon for the meta).

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In order of how much I use them.


Skyscale for random terrain

Raptor for short quick ground level lunges and jumps I just feel like using it on

Springer for cannon ball combat attacks and jumps I just feel like using it on

Griffon for high speed map crossings if I start at a high spot

Roller beetle for ground level high speed map crossing

Warclaw for WvW

Jackal for the extremely rare sand portal jumps.

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I'll get around to obtaining the Griffon and Skyscale soon™


Beyond that...


Jackal is my go-to all purpose terrain mount. Since, it's the fastest at going up slopes because it can teleport. It also has slightly higher base movement speed than the raptor.


Beetle for speed! Of course, if the terrain allows it.


Skipper for the yumps, probably one of my most used mounts just because I cheese everything by jumping up cliffs...


Skimmer for deep water or large areas of shallow water (For example, the water in Elon Riverlands) and of course, environmental hazards that require it (Quicksand, Brandstorm, Sulphur etc)


Raptor I rarely use these days and only for some very specific jumps that have a large distance and require maintaining or increasing height (Everything else can be done with Jackal...)


I do however, have all the mounts keybound to the numberpad, so I can easily swap between mounts as required.

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Prior to unlocking the skyscale, I spent most of my time between griffon and raptor. Outside of its niche dive-and-zoom, the griffon mostly serves as a means to get over terrain that the raptor can't easily navigate, but where the springer is unnecessary.


Since the skyscale, the griffon's role outside of its niche has been eliminated. The skyscale is much faster over short distances and has a practically unlimited vertical range, allowing it to simply fly over terrain obstacles (and enemies!) that force the griffon to detour or even swap to the springer. The springer now sees as little use as the jackal.

The raptor is still used as much as ever due to its speed over short distances and excellent engage ability.

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Depends really. Thanks to my fancy keyboard I have a readily available keybind for every mount. I use all of them for various purposes:


-Jackal is my most used mount nowadays. It's amazing on uneven terrain and for gathering runs. It's very versatile. Bond of Vigor is nuts with this mount;


-Raptor for maps where long leaps are necessary (for example Bitterfrost chest runs);


-Skimmer for watery stuff;


-Skyscale and Springer for exploring, sometimes on gathering runs to avoid obstacles. Both are a blessing in HoT, especially Tangled Mess;


-Bug for open maps, when I want to go to a specific place ASAP;


-Griffon is the least useful to me. I only use it for fun, when taking off peaks;


-I'd love some extras for the Warclaw in PvE land. The kitty looks great. I used to be a big time WvW player but that mode drives me away nowadays.

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I felt like I had to hit "Other" even though i use skyscale the most because I still know and feel like each mount has a niche use. I will probably never learn the sand portals well enough for Jackal to be worth it, but it gives you great shortcuts if you know them. Bunny is the best stun mount and I use it exclusively for Ley line. Raptor is best for the "lasso the hydra events" scattered here and there in PoF content (as I believe skyscale's flight breaks the lasso and isn't as fast), Griffon is the fastest aerial mount if you can start from a high point. Skimmer is great for quickly traversing over liquids and is faster than skyscale in that scenario. Roller beetle is the de facto fastest mount and I often use it to quickly travel great distances if I think I can manage over ground. I probably use Jackal the least, then raptor then Bunny. But they're all still useful and you're not bringing your a game if you don't undertand that.

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I have all the mounts and use them all at different times, but the generic mount button (which is bound to one of the side buttons on my mouse) is almost always set to the griffon because if I'm not taking the time to think about it I probably want to move quickly, over varied terrain and I've found that to be the best option in that situation. If, after I get going, I realise another mount would be better I can always swap.


Other than that I use the raptor or griffon for speed (depending on how high up I am when I'm starting) but I prefer the jackal for ground travel and the skyscale for air travel/general exploration specifically because they move a bit slower so it gives me more time to look around and spot things I want to investigate. The skyscale is especially useful for exploring because I can use it to get an overhead view even when I'm starting at ground level, or I can hover next to things for a different perspective.


And overall my favourite is the skyscale because it's a dragon and nothing else can compete with that. :D


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Just an FYI: Play4Free accounts can't post in the forums. Thus, there should be no votes for that option.


If it was possible to edit polls I'd suggest changing it to 'I don't have PoF' since it's possible for someone to still have a core game or HoT account, and they would be able to post on the forum. But as far as I can tell there's no way to edit poll options once you've posted them.

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I don't own either the griffon or the skyscale, because the achievements to unlock them seem to be kind of ridiculous without following a guide, and I don't find following guides fun. I've done most of the things needed for the griffon, but I gave up on the skyscale as soon as I saw the super-vague "clues" in the first achievement for it.


So I use whichever of the first four mounts is relevant for whatever I'm doing, and the beetle for some of the races. Also, I almost never use mounts in core Tyria, because those maps really aren't designed for them.


Looking at the votes here, I think it's a shame that so many people mostly just use the skyscale. When PoF was released, one of the best features of the mount system was that different mounts were better for different terrain. Nowadays, though, why bother worrying about terrain when the skyscale can just fly over it all?

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It took me far longer than average to get my skyscale (casual player with limited time) and I kept seeing people say how they use theirs pretty much to the exclusion of other mounts. I found that difficult to fathom as I found versatility and use for all of the land-based mounts as well as the griffon. Once I got my skyscale, I still didn't use it as much but over time I found myself using it more. Now, I understand what other players were saying about it. I use the skyscale for just about all mount-related travel or needs.

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I use skyscale the most, but i don't use the griffon rarely, just not as often. For land i use beetle the most, swapping to raptor/jackal for gathering runs or champ events (or bunny if more cc is needed). Skimmer probably sees least use, but that's due to it's terrain gimmick (the evade frames on it are very nice tho, ty jackal mastery^^).

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I would say I use beetle and raptor the most for general travel.

If I need to go up quickly I prefer bunny. Skyscale is ok, but its slow in mixed terrain because it grapples "ledges" so easily, its kinda slow for flying and also it cannot evade shit. Griffon is much faster in the air if you have elevation without too many obstacles, griffons evades are nice.


Of the two flying mounts I use griffon more than skyscale mostly because skyscale is so slow and the gappleing is goofy, that said the grappling is really nice when bunny or griffon wont cut it for some reason.


Skyscale is highly overrated imo mostly because it hovers.

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What I use depends on what I need. The beetle is fun but it deserves to get some proper race tracks which currently do not exist. Generally whenever I see something useful being added to the game I make unlocking it my top priority. That being said I have never bothered to unlock the skyscale and probably won't until I decide to go after Vision since unlocking it is one of the requirements for it. I used it in Dragonfall and it felt extremely clunky to use, then I looked at the masteries and didn't saw anything capable of solving the issues I had with it which pretty much killed off my interest for getting it completely.


Until they introduce other ways to fly the best flying experience you can get is still the griffon in low gravity.

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> @"JekthAvid.1408" said:

> They all have different strengths. I'm working on my skyscale (waiting for gorrik), but it sounds like maybe I should go for griffon?


I would say both griffon and skyscale are good options. I like my griffon, I had it first and very used to how to it works before skyscale was added which Im sure is partly why. Also skyscale is the easier mount to use of the two Id say. You can actually try both of them on certain maps. I wasnt trying to suggest people should get griffon over skyscale its just my personal preference if I dont, specifically, need the hover and climbing walls skills of skyscale.



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C, but with all mounts. I use them all with mixed degree depending on the situation. I probably use the tele-dog and rolly ball the least, with the tele-dog being used slightly more than the rolly ball. The rolly ball is for goofing and racing, which I just don't find myself doing all that much.


I would say in the newer maps I use the skyscale the most, but sometimes if I want to get across a section of map the fastest and I'm already up high enough or can get there quickly, and know I don't need additional elevation through the path, I'll switch to the griffon and wind up a speed dive before leveling off.


In the old world, if I decide to use a mount, it's usually the raptor, but I mostly just run around on foot still. I still enjoy being old world in the old world. In some cases, I'll take my time getting to vistas and such while map completing (which I still love to do), but admit I will sometimes cheat with a mount.

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> @"JekthAvid.1408" said:

> They all have different strengths. I'm working on my skyscale (waiting for gorrik), but it sounds like maybe I should go for griffon?


Did you ever see that episode of "Top Gear" where Jeremy Clarkson is trying to drive a Lamborghini through some old cobblestone streets with narrow alleyways? The car is designed to operate at high speeds and has a very low, wide, flattened body to reduce drag and increase stability. A compact car would have been a better choice there! But get those two cars on a track? Different story.


It's sort of like that, except the griffon is considerably more versatile than the Lamborghini. It is the second best all-purpose mount, defined by its ability to navigate varied terrain. However, the skyscale is also far better than a compact car! It is simply better than the griffon in every way except in the griffon's niche of rapidly descending and moving very quickly over long distances.


Naturally, the better all-purpose mount is going to see more use. But that is not to say that the skyscale entirely overlaps the griffon. In fact, the skyscale improves the griffon even while it carves out the majority of its role for itself. You can use the skyscale to reach places you simply can't go with any combination of the other mounts, specifically in the vertical direction. This allows you to quickly and easily reach places that allow you to utilize the griffon. The result is that you are able to use the griffon for its dive and zoom more often, even while you use it less because the skyscale is better at everything else.



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Depends on the situation and character.


Pre PoF characters I use the Warclaw over the Raptor and tend to use other mounts sparingly unless I can't be bothered to deal with WP travel cost or get upto a certain place.

Then I'll use Beetle, Skyscale, Griffon or Bunny just to save myself time.


Post PoF characters mostly use Raptor but sometimes Warclaw too and depending on the situation Skyscale or Griffon.


The mounts I use least of all are Springger and Jackel.

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