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I opened 1,000 Black Lion Chests - Here are the results.

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Cost : 24,000 Gold (Gold to Gems)

Loot : 8,000 Gold (including Black Lion Ticket, not including any skins unlocked)


- 69 War God's Weapons

- 29 Equinox Weapons

- 138 Black Lion Tickets (including guaranteed Scrap Ticket for each Chest)


- 179 Guaranteed Unlocks

- 471 Dyes Kits


- Etherbound Backpiece/Glider

- 2 Mithril Mining Nodes

- 2 Lotus Harvesting Nodes

- 1 Glyph of the Forester


Full opening & detailed loot are available at 30:00 in this video.




Yes, not a single Super Rare / Permanent Contract.





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I think I was extremely lucky when got Permanent Bank Access Contract which helped me to finish legendary, buy some fancy things and keep my wallet healthy... As well as Etherbound Glider, favorite one. And both are from free keys I was farming weekly when I had an empty character slot.


Damn, you either unlucky as choya, or chances are really low as fuck.

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Thanks for this, love to read these posts. :) That is a pretty bad outcome. I think I would have waited for another type of Chest to come by, but maybe you chose this one because of the guaranteed ticket scrap.


I would have loved to open a thousands chests when the Year of the Rat chest was active, where you could get this as an uncommon: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusive_Mount_Selection. Owning all expensive 2k mounts would have been cool, but I guess that is personal. :)


Btw, I got one of those Mount Selections with a keyrunner. So yeah, I am sticking to keys from runners.

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Damn I’ve always wanted to buy 1,000 just for the heck of it! Haven’t watched vid yet but your summary in the post was all about gold and didn’t include the real value: wardrobe unlockers! That’s why anyone buys them right? At least to me, and you can get your value back several times over if you value account progression

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> kitten I’ve always wanted to buy 1,000 just for the heck of it! Haven’t watched vid yet but your summary in the post was all about gold and didn’t include the real value: wardrobe unlockers! That’s why anyone buys them right? At least to me, and you can get your value back several times over if you value account progression


I did not calculated the exact prize, but I got about 8,000g from the skin unlock.

Sadly I was too lazy & stupid to buy the cheapest skin before opening. Made me lost few thousand gold more probably.

But anyway, it would still have been not worth it.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Its almost as if bl Keys arent worth buying!


> And no one is going to sum up this subject better than that!


I agree, This is why I will only farm them or may occasionally buy one if I have a few keys already and some spare gems but I will not spend money on keys anymore.

My money is better off going on skins and stuff instead, far better value and I get what I pay for.

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I know this is the 1000th thread like this and I'm not the first to say this and it's going to fall on deaf ears but...


Why is everyone so obsessed with the idea of gem store items (especially keys) being "worth" something? None of this is worth *anything.* It's all for entertainment. This isn't an actual investment you need to pay off to keep up with your bills or fund your retirement. Do you like gambling for fun? Does the idea of a chance at something shiny appeal to you and you're ok with some cracker jack prizes as a consolation if you don't get the jackpot? Congrats, keys might be a fun way for you to support the game. You don't need to "beat the system." Just do what is fun, and if you can, buy something with gems now and then to show your thanks.


Nothing on the gem store is designed to be "profitable" in any way, because that would defeat the purpose of a cosmetic/convenience only pay shop and bring out the "pay to win!" cries. SMH so much at people calculating ROI on whether your magical mystical garden plot will sprout enough fairy dust to justify your sparklegem venture capital. Did everyone forget what fun means?

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Sorry, the video is a bit too long for me to watch for one thing I want to point out: I am guessing you already unlocked the Vermillion Tail Feather Skin (Torch) and the Seven Reaper Grasps Skin (Gloves)? Those skins are honestly the only reason why I use my keys (either from map completion, weekly level 10 story and sometimes bought from Gem Store when they are in discount).

I can not believe you didnt get any of these two skins with 1000 keys. You might want to edit your post with this as I think there are more people who are aiming for these kind of skins only.

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It's just like gambling business, nothing more. Hole purpose of item shop is just to lure people to spend as much of money than possible. If they would really want people to get what they want as payed service, then the stuff what you really want could be buyed directly. Why you think hole chest system with keys even exist. It's very good way to lure people to spend more and more money.

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Hi Cello, enjoy your videos.

I think we've always known that BLC's are terrible, all of the RNG cash shop things in GW2 have always been bad, I seem to remember at launch there was a big backlash against not only BLC's but also against the random dye packs that were in the cash shop. Such a backlash that Anet even responded to it and maybe even adjusted the rates slightly(?)

Anyway, I think it's good for newer players to know that these boxes are awful from a consumer's perspective, and that if they want to spend money on the game there are more beneficial options for them to do so, but the boxes/keys can stay for the whales who have everything they need already but enjoy supporting the game financially.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Ah yes, but you didn't mention the amount of norepinephrine, serotonin, or dopamine you received while opening those 1000 chests, which is really what you are paying for in the first place.


> But thank you for doing this..FOR SCIENCE!


I receive 0 because I only expect garbage and get garbage, I also got 0 norepinephrine/serotonin/dopamine when I got a random mount skin I don't like, so what am I paying for again ?

I would rather trade keys for a fixed amount of statuettes rather than open lootboxes.

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