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Timegates that can be avoided?

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I'm sure you've come across this: you finally decide to start a collection and realize a timegate is waiting for you - one you could have done leisurely ages ago if someone told you about it. That's why I would like to make a list of things you can do early to avoid frustrations later on. Cheaper/easier material collection, early merchant unlocks, whatever.


Few things that come to mind for starters are (will update with your input):



One person contributed something useful, the rest started discussing the stuff that's already listed.

And my absolute favorites were the ones that decided to "contribute" their opinions, which I did not ask for in the slightest, instead of facts.

I see no merit in keeping this open, I'll share the info with my guild instead.

Thread can be closed.

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You can find a list of things which are affected by daily and weekly resets here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Server_reset

Although that only covers things which are literally timegated, as in once you've done it there is a strict count down until the game will let you do it again. I'm not sure how many other things there might be which some players consider to be technically timegated because it's difficult to do it multiple times in one day.


But I also don't think it would be practical to try to do everything which is timegated or otherwise restricted on a regular basis just in case you need it later on. Otherwise you could easily spend all your time on that and never need any of the things you're collecting because you never get around to doing anything else.


Instead my approach is to plan ahead when I start a goal. If I'm about to start on something I know is complicated and/or expensive, or I'm not sure what's involved I'll use the Wiki to find out so I can work out the best way to go about doing it. When I'm making a legendary I'll actually make a spreadsheet of everything I need in the order I'll need it and then colour code it to show things I've already got, things I've made some progress on and things I should prioritise getting. Partially that helps reassure me that it's not as daunting as it seems because I've already got some stuff, but it also helps me keep track of of things like which materials I shouldn't sell because I'll need them later on and what I can start doing now so I'll have it ready when I need it.


For example when I made the Claw of the Khan-Ur two of the things I did first were start playing WvW more with the Gift of Battle reward track active and assign a character to Vabbi to do hearts for Funerary Incense. I wouldn't need either of them until the final stage, but I knew it would take a lot of time and I'd get bored with it and want breaks, so I started right away to give myself more time to do it.


And sometimes I just have to remind myself that it's a game and if something takes longer because I'm waiting for a timegate it's not a big deal. Especially since it's a game where very, very little is dependant on having specific items, so I can still continue to play the rest of the game while I'm waiting to finish whatever I'm making.


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> People dont like it, but the only way to avoid timegates is actually doing the timegated things.


There are some exceptions. For example the timegated ascended materials can all be bought from the TP (or rather the finished product, you can't buy lumps of mithrilium but you can buy Deldrimor steel ingots). But they tend to be relatively expensive, and if you need a lot the cost adds up quickly. Although the benefit to that is you can also make gold by selling the same things to other players. I know some people use a sort of 'credit' system where they buy ascended materials from the TP when they need them, then get the gold back by crafting and selling them later on. They still go through the same process but don't have to wait to get the finished product.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> People dont like it, but the only way to avoid timegates is actually doing the timegated things.


That's the whole point of this thread... To do those things ahead of time, not starting the moment you happen to need it and being forced to wait for days or weeks. It's also a lovely thing if you don't have to incorporate a 7 day timegate into your plan for a collection imo.

I wanted to buy a simple recipe and found out I can't even interact with the merchant unless I wait a whole week. Wish I knew that sooner. Also, I'm not insane enough to read the whole wiki in search of such things, hence I asked here.


Simple things can be incorporated into daily routine and save you a lot of trouble, waiting and effort later on like in my examples above.

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If you ever find yourself in Draconis Mons, do all the hearts that day and buy the 5 druid runestone fragments. You'll need to do that 16 times to complete the Wayfarer's Henge which is required for Aurora.


Or you could just buy the one from Supplymaster Hanjo if you can't bother with the hearts, have plenty of magic, and can wait 5 times as long for all the pieces needed.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> * Asc. Catacombs and Twilight Arbor dungeons - only places where you can get the necessary account bound runes for some classes, run the easy paths if you're free


Not the only places. You can do any 8 paths and get 150 tokens from that. Limited only by how fast you can complete them. So that can be extended to easy paths of any dungeon.

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> @"kiri.1467" said:

> > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > * Legendary raid armor - requires 250 provisioner tokens, can save gold by doing only the cheap exchanges daily


> Isn't it 300? 50 tokens per Gift and 6 pieces.




Yea I seem to recall it being 300 since I done 6 of the gifts and collected 600 more for when I plan to do the other 2 weights.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> I'm sure you've come across this: you finally decide to start a collection and realize a timegate is waiting for you - one you could have done leisurely ages ago if someone told you about it. That's why I would like to make a list of things you can do early to avoid frustrations later on. Cheaper/easier material collection, early merchant unlocks, whatever.


A lot of these are completely irrelevant if you put them into your daily schedule as you mentioned


> Few things that come to mind for starters are (will update with your input):

> * Skyscale - requires 250 of each LWS4 currency, 22 charged quartz


Map Currencies - Make sure you buy the home instance node from LW maps, and do home instance every day, it only takes ~8min; only spend the overflows

Charge Quartz - I personally put DT quartz into my daily farming route, and have a toon parked at place of power converting 1 every day.


> * Legendary raid armor - requires 250 provisioner tokens, can save gold by doing only the cheap exchanges daily


Obsidian Shard, Auric Ingot, Chak Egg are by far the cheapest ones to trade in

... maybe Mystic Forge Stone too if you arent a big gambler of Mystic Toilet like me


as for the weapons, the cheapest are

craft the krait weapons Assassin Sword, Carrion Great Sword, Carrion Axe, Valkyrie Shield, Valkyrie Mace, Rampager Axe, Knight Hammer


combine with the 4 above, you have enough provision tokens for a full set of legendary armor in 27.3 days


> * Merchant unlock for vision and astral weapons - Yasna in Domain of Istan, takes 7 days to unlock her, sells you kralkatite ingot recipe, good idea to start crafting ingots early instead of consuming the currency

My experience isn't the currency, but the Rose Quartz Powder which can only be obtained from meteorites, and the chance to obtain more can only be increased through players collaboration by max marking the impact site, else you will end up with loads of useless dragonite ores.


There is a ~30 meteorites limit per day, which is about sitting in-front of your PC for ~9 hours



> * WvW dailies - very obvious time saver unless you completely avoid wvw like i used to: with 80 potions you can instantly complete a reward track

the thing is you can only get them from WvW dailies :lol:

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The easiest and most relaxing approach to time gates, works on every current and future content:

**Stop worrying and trying to finish everything the second you think about it. Learn some patience.**


Works every time and funny enough, once you stop worrying how long it will take you to complete something, you can enjoy the process of finishing it a lot more. There is nothing in this game which takes an exorbitant amount of time to complete even when starting from scratch, not even legendary items. 7 days? Big whoop, or were you planning on dropping the game after a week? 16 days for the Wayfarer's Henge, probably the longest actual time gate in the game? A drop in a big ocean for players who intend to stick with a MMORPG.


The biggest problem many people (yes, not players but people) seem to have is a frightening inability to be patient.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The easiest and most relaxing approach to time gates, works on every current and future content:

> **Stop worrying and trying to finish everything the second you think about it. Learn some patience.**


> Works every time and funny enough, once you stop worrying how long it will take you to complete something, you can enjoy the process of finishing it a lot more. There is nothing in this game which takes an exorbitant amount of time to complete even when starting from scratch, not even legendary items. 7 days? Big whoop, or were you planning on dropping the game after a week? 16 days for the Wayfarer's Henge, probably the longest actual time gate in the game? A drop in a big ocean for players who intend to stick with a MMORPG.


> The biggest problem many people (yes, not players but people) seem to have is a frightening inability to be patient.


It's not up to you to decide how someone wants to play the game.

That being said this is completely off topic, if you have nothing to contribute please stop. Ty.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The easiest and most relaxing approach to time gates, works on every current and future content:

> > **Stop worrying and trying to finish everything the second you think about it. Learn some patience.**

> >

> > Works every time and funny enough, once you stop worrying how long it will take you to complete something, you can enjoy the process of finishing it a lot more. There is nothing in this game which takes an exorbitant amount of time to complete even when starting from scratch, not even legendary items. 7 days? Big whoop, or were you planning on dropping the game after a week? 16 days for the Wayfarer's Henge, probably the longest actual time gate in the game? A drop in a big ocean for players who intend to stick with a MMORPG.

> >

> > The biggest problem many people (yes, not players but people) seem to have is a frightening inability to be patient.


> It's not up to you to decide how someone wants to play the game.

> That being said this is completely off topic, if you have nothing to contribute please stop. Ty.


I gave my opinion on how players can deal with time gates, on a topic about time gates, on a free and open forum. You don't get to chose which advice I give. Ty

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I would say skyscale isn’t anywhere near to how bad it was in the beginning. The charged quartz can easily be worked around by buying the supplies on the tp. Also strikes make it so you don’t have to farm any map to get currency. Just farm strikes and convert to the currency you need. I actually finished skyscale within 2 days. If you do your collections then feed the skyscale first time before reset you can actually feed him twice in one day the first time. Then wait the next reset to feed him the third time and there you go. However skyscale is annoying to do for the collection. A lot of pressing F.


Provisioner tokens are actually better than what it was before. Before you could only get 12 a day. Now you can get maybe over 20 a day. However if you have a lot of mithrillium, spools, glob of elderwood. You can actually get all 300 tokens in 1 day if you made those daily. If not you can still make more than 20 a day. Which you can get 1 full set in 2 weeks. Rather than 25 days.


As far as timegates go for dungeons I guess the only way would be to make legendary runes “kappa” don’t do that. I don’t think those are timegates but rather how much you farm dungeons daily. Just do 5 different dungeon paths including the dungeon you need for currency and you get an extra 120 currency. You can get about 400+ first day if you tried. So 2 days for grinding runes aren’t bad. There are other things worse in game then that. And dungeons are really easy. If you need to know easy paths spam twilight arbor and ascalon for finish for the chest.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The easiest and most relaxing approach to time gates, works on every current and future content:

> > **Stop worrying and trying to finish everything the second you think about it. Learn some patience.**

> >

> > Works every time and funny enough, once you stop worrying how long it will take you to complete something, you can enjoy the process of finishing it a lot more. There is nothing in this game which takes an exorbitant amount of time to complete even when starting from scratch, not even legendary items. 7 days? Big whoop, or were you planning on dropping the game after a week? 16 days for the Wayfarer's Henge, probably the longest actual time gate in the game? A drop in a big ocean for players who intend to stick with a MMORPG.

> >

> > The biggest problem many people (yes, not players but people) seem to have is a frightening inability to be patient.


> It's not up to you to decide how someone wants to play the game.

> That being said this is completely off topic, if you have nothing to contribute please stop. Ty.


Actually what Cyninja said is one of the most useful advice of how to deal with the timegates. You may not like it, but try not only to read something, try to understand too. And you will see that in a game based on timegates, the best thing you can do in order to preserve the joy of playing is to do how Cyninja suggests - I mean - quote: **Stop worrying and trying to finish everything the second you think about it. Learn some patience.** I will add this: GW2 is a long game. It will not end tomorrow. Why you want to complete everything today?

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > The easiest and most relaxing approach to time gates, works on every current and future content:

> > > **Stop worrying and trying to finish everything the second you think about it. Learn some patience.**

> > >

> > > Works every time and funny enough, once you stop worrying how long it will take you to complete something, you can enjoy the process of finishing it a lot more. There is nothing in this game which takes an exorbitant amount of time to complete even when starting from scratch, not even legendary items. 7 days? Big whoop, or were you planning on dropping the game after a week? 16 days for the Wayfarer's Henge, probably the longest actual time gate in the game? A drop in a big ocean for players who intend to stick with a MMORPG.

> > >

> > > The biggest problem many people (yes, not players but people) seem to have is a frightening inability to be patient.

> >

> > It's not up to you to decide how someone wants to play the game.

> > That being said this is completely off topic, if you have nothing to contribute please stop. Ty.


> Actually what Cyninja said is one of the most useful advice of how to deal with the timegates. You may not like it, but try not only to read something, try to understand too. And you will see that in a game based on timegates, the best thing you can do in order to preserve the joy of playing is to do how Cyninja suggests - I mean - quote: **Stop worrying and trying to finish everything the second you think about it. Learn some patience.** I will add this: GW2 is a long game. It will not end tomorrow. Why you want to complete everything today?


It's useful advice but this thread is still good as a point for people to learn of what's to come in terms of time gates to ready their patience, rather than bumping into it like coming back to the car and finding a parking ticket on it. Can we all agree that it's easier to complete a goal if you know what's going to be needed beforehand? As in easier in the mental preparation and actual goal completion.

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Again, if it's for a specific goal, look up what's needed in the Wiki, first thing.

If the thought is, 'to be generally ready for anything', then it seems one would spend all their playtime doing all the things that are 'time-gated', with very little time left over for playing-for-fun. As the Wiki shows, there are a heck of a lot of 'time-gated' crafting items/gathering items/content/etc. for each day/week.

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When i did skyscale, i didn't know those charged quartz crystals even existed so it was hard to prepare for it. Of course, even if i knew, it would have still been unbeliveably dull to do everyday. What i'm saying is, even if you start doing it before hand, it's still going to add nothing to the collection. I still did it but... I hope anet won't make more of these (oh, who am i kidding?).

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