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Upcomming balance changes for Necromancer


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Oh, no 20% DPS buff for Reaper for raid help ... Quelle surprise!!! What IS really important to notice is that Rangers have this: _Damage-build soulbeasts have been unleashing numbers that are higher than they should be_. ... Just in case if there was ANY doubt Anet isn't aware of class DPS output ... now there should be no question.


Like the thinking behind these changes. Making more things interesting for more players.



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I'm a PvE player, and only a few months experience at that, but I see how some of these could have been useful in my earlier non-optimal builds. Blood Bank and Dread seem purely pushed toward sustain, (especially Shroud Camper) which is not something we needed a lot of help with anyway:

Blood Bank: Have all the life steal that would go to waste while in Death Shroud become barrier and protect your Death Shroud. Also good for keeping Runes of Scholar up.

Dread: Core Shroud Camper- combined with Soul Reaper's Fear of Death, this will synergize to give Shroud Campers more damage and sustain at the same time.


So a Shroud Camper with Spite, Blood Magic, Soul Reaper will see a significant increase here, gaining faster movement, quickness, fury, barrier and more life force to keep them locked in Shroud. Signet of Vampirism passive changing to life steal will also allow more healing in Shroud, (when using Signets of Suffering) and therefore more barrier. The Signet of Suffering change to only enhance stats in shroud is even more push toward a Shroud Camper.


Minion Mancer could find success with Blood Bank, too. All the extra life stealing should go towards something useful. I know when I played MM, I was looking at Rune of Sanctuary for building up a reserve for when bosses chewed through my minions.


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Unless one of the unlisted changes is:

> Removed quickness of reapers onslaught

Sure why not, Soulbeast will see a damage nerf in PvE. Time to neutralize Reaper in PvP and WvW then! I wouldn't even be surprised....


(For those who didn't know: a merged zerker soulbeast 100-0 nukes a 20k shroud in 2 seconds even when Spectral Armor is up - the latter can't even proc 2 times)

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > > > Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.

> > > > Why?

> > > >

> > > > You get Fury in Shroud (Only if your Fear hits! Have fun when it's blinded, dodged or blocked.), which you don't need as you either run Death Perception (Soul Reaping) or Furious Demise+Target the Weak (Curses). A build that does not run any of these is not viable and won't be with Dread.

> > > >

> > > > And you get Quickness in Shroud which you get anyway since Onslaught is the only viable GM trait for Power Reapers.

> > > >

> > >

> > > If you run spite then you would run soul reaping and reaper as other traitlines, so you have no source of fury. When you have no fury you either get it from rune like firework or make very high crit chance from full marauder or take a sigil that makes you hit crits like vision which are very unreliable. Just the fact that having fury on spite is extremely good for out of shroud damage cause you always want qol things on runes and sigils. For example speed rune and energy+absorption or something else. Just having 5 f***ing secs of quickness and 10secs of fury on a single fear is extremely insane.

> > If your 25s cooldown shroud3 skill hits and you leave shroud afterwards and you hopefully don't fight a build that can strip or corrupt... you get some benefit. Now that's what I call situational. A GM trait should not be situational.

> >

> > For my taste this is just another dumb and clunky option that cripples me more than it offers new options. To me even Close to Death provides more value.


> You wont say that when the patch lands. Fear ring+Staff5+Lich3 into autos+Shroud3+corrupts. I can already see it.


> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.

> > Why?

> >

> > You get Fury in Shroud (Only if your Fear hits! Have fun when it's blinded, dodged or blocked.), which you don't need as you either run Death Perception (Soul Reaping) or Furious Demise+Target the Weak (Curses). A build that does not run any of these is not viable and won't be with Dread.

> >

> > And you get Quickness in Shroud which you get anyway since Onslaught is the only viable GM trait for Power Reapers.

> >


> Unless one of the unlisted changes is:

> Removed quickness of reapers onslaught


Additionally the trait states that you get these boons if you inflict fear. If you hit for example a target with stability you also dont get any benefit which, in case of zerg scenarios is almost always.


What does worry me a lot is that the trait does not really change a whole lot, reaper has great quickness access while in shroud, and really thats the only situation where its really needed. The general problem: necro has very little baseline fear. Core necro shroud fear is there, however, while youre in shroud you are a sitting duck. Staff does not really benefit a lot from quickness at all, its AA sucks and the rest of the marks are spammed anyway. You can land Staff 5 into weapon swap into axe 2 or something, but this combo has been enabled by sigils already. Staff 5 also has a horrible long cooldown for its baseline effect, fear ring as well. The cooldown reduction is ok in PvE, close to useless in roaming scenarios, and ok / good in WvW zerging. The only really nice combo is with lich form for some strong burst. You would even be able to proc it twice as core nec with Shroud 3 into lich form, some AA, Lich 3 and continue to AA. Unless you are blinded, the enemy blocks, has aegis or stability.


This trait would be much better if it gave alacrity instead of fury.

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Oh, one more thing since I don't see it being stated outright- the reduction in Well times is like getting half of the Vampiric Rituals bonus. No protection anymore, but now everyone can enjoy the reduced recharge time. We can at least be thankful for that.

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I'm a bit annoyed about Vampiric Rituals being changed..

I have a Sustain based Wellmancer build that used it and that extra lifesteal + 5 sec protection I got per well was really useful to me.


Blood Bank better be an exceptionally good trait because I liked Wells and without Vampiric Rituals they are going to be pretty damn kitten now.


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I'm a bit annoyed about Vampiric Rituals being changed..

> I have a Sustain based Wellmancer build that used it and that extra lifesteal + 5 sec protection I got per well was really useful to me.


> Blood Bank better be an exceptionally good trait because I liked Wells and without Vampiric Rituals they are going to be pretty kitten kitten now.

Unfortunetly bloodbank is a slap in the face for sustain minion necros in PvE (blood isnt that often used otherwise). I mean the very point is being able to sustain damage but you're gonna drop below 100. From what I gather of the trait... it does not heal at all anymore nor provide any damage. Is the barrier "permanent"? Does it have a short lifespan? Does it have a cap? Who knows, but it doesnt sound alltogether usefull - I mean if you got max hp... why do you need barrier on top? I can only imagine it good for raiding where someone else does the heavy healing, *if* its still AoE for your allies like vampiric is (ie barrier half the raid as long as there is a healer too to keep pumping in the heals)... If it's just the player, then worthless.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I'm a bit annoyed about Vampiric Rituals being changed..

> > I have a Sustain based Wellmancer build that used it and that extra lifesteal + 5 sec protection I got per well was really useful to me.

> >

> > Blood Bank better be an exceptionally good trait because I liked Wells and without Vampiric Rituals they are going to be pretty kitten kitten now.

> Unfortunetly bloodbank is a slap in the face for sustain minion necros in PvE (blood isnt that often used otherwise). I mean the very point is being able to sustain damage but you're gonna drop below 100. From what I gather of the trait... it does not heal at all anymore nor provide any damage. Is the barrier "permanent"? Does it have a short lifespan? Does it have a cap? Who knows, but it doesnt sound alltogether usefull - I mean if you got max hp... why do you need barrier on top? I can only imagine it good for raiding where someone else does the heavy healing, *if* its still AoE for your allies like vampiric is (ie barrier half the raid as long as there is a healer too to keep pumping in the heals)... If it's just the player, then worthless.


Not wasting any healing while you're at max health is pretty useful all around and has a bunch of merits in a variety of game modes. Its would be more interesting to see how it interacts with shroud.



>Is the barrier "permanent"? Does it have a short lifespan? Does it have a cap? Who knows

Its still barrier so expect it to behave like barrier.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I'm a bit annoyed about Vampiric Rituals being changed..

> > I have a Sustain based Wellmancer build that used it and that extra lifesteal + 5 sec protection I got per well was really useful to me.

> >

> > Blood Bank better be an exceptionally good trait because I liked Wells and without Vampiric Rituals they are going to be pretty kitten kitten now.

> Unfortunetly bloodbank is a slap in the face for sustain minion necros in PvE (blood isnt that often used otherwise). I mean the very point is being able to sustain damage but you're gonna drop below 100. From what I gather of the trait... it does not heal at all anymore nor provide any damage. Is the barrier "permanent"? Does it have a short lifespan? Does it have a cap? Who knows, but it doesnt sound alltogether usefull - I mean if you got max hp... why do you need barrier on top? I can only imagine it good for raiding where someone else does the heavy healing, *if* its still AoE for your allies like vampiric is (ie barrier half the raid as long as there is a healer too to keep pumping in the heals)... If it's just the player, then worthless.


Yeah.. Regen won't effect it so I assume Lifesteal also won't so for minion builds the trait is completely useless since you'll never be able to activate it unless you got a Druid healing you or something.

If Lifesteal does effect it then chances are it will need a CD, duration or a Max barrier cap or MM's could build up essentially infinite Hp with barrier lol

Most barrier only lasts 5 seconds so chances are Lifesteal isn't going to contribute to it all that much.. unless each lifesteal refreshes the duration of the barrier hence the need for a cap or CD.

Either way I really don't see this being all that useful at all, least not in PvE.. and even in Strikes/Raids etc where 1 shot mechanics are a thing or your HP being unlikely to remain full for any period of time where you can build up a 5 sec Barrier that's actually useful.

I'd much rather have the 33% damage reduction from the 5 sec protect boon we get on Vampiric Rituals, that's far better than barrier in any circumstances, and it was available to allies giving Necro some pretty decent team play, specially combined with Ritual of Life that drops a healing/rez well on a downed ally.. giving them and nearby allies protect as well.

They could at least move the protect on wells to this trait instead of just removing it entirely.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > I'm a bit annoyed about Vampiric Rituals being changed..

> > > I have a Sustain based Wellmancer build that used it and that extra lifesteal + 5 sec protection I got per well was really useful to me.

> > >

> > > Blood Bank better be an exceptionally good trait because I liked Wells and without Vampiric Rituals they are going to be pretty kitten kitten now.

> > Unfortunetly bloodbank is a slap in the face for sustain minion necros in PvE (blood isnt that often used otherwise). I mean the very point is being able to sustain damage but you're gonna drop below 100. From what I gather of the trait... it does not heal at all anymore nor provide any damage. Is the barrier "permanent"? Does it have a short lifespan? Does it have a cap? Who knows, but it doesnt sound alltogether usefull - I mean if you got max hp... why do you need barrier on top? I can only imagine it good for raiding where someone else does the heavy healing, *if* its still AoE for your allies like vampiric is (ie barrier half the raid as long as there is a healer too to keep pumping in the heals)... If it's just the player, then worthless.


> Yeah.. Regen won't effect it so I assume Lifesteal also won't so for minion builds the trait is completely useless since you'll never be able to activate it unless you got a Druid healing you or something.

> If Lifesteal does effect it then chances are it will need a CD, duration or a Max barrier cap or MM's could build up essentially infinite Hp with barrier lol

> Most barrier only lasts 5 seconds so chances are Lifesteal isn't going to contribute to it all that much.. unless each lifesteal refreshes the duration of the barrier hence the need for a cap or CD.



>. It creates a health barrier that takes damage prior to the health bar. Barrier disappears 5 seconds after being applied. Applying a barrier while one is already active will add to it, **but the previously-existing barrier will still disappear 5 seconds after it was originally applied.** The amount of barrier generated is based on the source's healing power, and **is capped at 50% of the recipient's maximum health.**



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Oh, no 20% DPS buff for Reaper for raid help ... Quelle surprise!!! What IS really important to notice is that Rangers have this: _Damage-build soulbeasts have been unleashing numbers that are higher than they should be_. ... Just in case if there was ANY doubt Anet isn't aware of class DPS output ... now there should be no question.


> Like the thinking behind these changes. Making more things interesting for more players.




The problem with that. The changes maybe only will lower dps by like 0,5% so...


Wait I missed an actual dps buff for reaper?



Edit: no I didn't. Nothing changed. Even the meme dread comp is removed

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I realize I am not the best at theory crafting...Just some random thoughts.


End Game PVE:

Reaper: Are they trying to make Reaper a viable tanking spec? I might be reading to much into this, but it's an interesting idea. I am not seeing much of a boost to DPS.

Scourge had a welcome quality of life change that I could get behind.


All eyes are on Signet of Vampirism. It will have to do more damage/healing than the minion to be viable.


WVW/PVP: I see Scourge coming back. Reaper received some interesting PVP tools.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > I'm a bit annoyed about Vampiric Rituals being changed..

> > > > I have a Sustain based Wellmancer build that used it and that extra lifesteal + 5 sec protection I got per well was really useful to me.

> > > >

> > > > Blood Bank better be an exceptionally good trait because I liked Wells and without Vampiric Rituals they are going to be pretty kitten kitten now.

> > > Unfortunetly bloodbank is a slap in the face for sustain minion necros in PvE (blood isnt that often used otherwise). I mean the very point is being able to sustain damage but you're gonna drop below 100. From what I gather of the trait... it does not heal at all anymore nor provide any damage. Is the barrier "permanent"? Does it have a short lifespan? Does it have a cap? Who knows, but it doesnt sound alltogether usefull - I mean if you got max hp... why do you need barrier on top? I can only imagine it good for raiding where someone else does the heavy healing, *if* its still AoE for your allies like vampiric is (ie barrier half the raid as long as there is a healer too to keep pumping in the heals)... If it's just the player, then worthless.

> >

> > Yeah.. Regen won't effect it so I assume Lifesteal also won't so for minion builds the trait is completely useless since you'll never be able to activate it unless you got a Druid healing you or something.

> > If Lifesteal does effect it then chances are it will need a CD, duration or a Max barrier cap or MM's could build up essentially infinite Hp with barrier lol

> > Most barrier only lasts 5 seconds so chances are Lifesteal isn't going to contribute to it all that much.. unless each lifesteal refreshes the duration of the barrier hence the need for a cap or CD.


> [barrier](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Barrier):

> >. It creates a health barrier that takes damage prior to the health bar. Barrier disappears 5 seconds after being applied. Applying a barrier while one is already active will add to it, **but the previously-existing barrier will still disappear 5 seconds after it was originally applied.** The amount of barrier generated is based on the source's healing power, and **is capped at 50% of the recipient's maximum health.**




Yeah hence why lifesteal will not usefully contribute to it unless it can refresh the duration.. tons of mini hp barriers on 5 second durations is going to be pretty trash.

And if it did refresh the duration it would be far too OP allowing Necros to stack up an extra 15K+ Barrier and sustain it pretty easily.


So yeah.. this trait is useless to a decent amount of Necro builds imo.. at least far less useful than Vampiric Rituals was.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > Dread is extremely good for all power roaming builds., specially reaper.

> Why?


> You get Fury in Shroud (Only if your Fear hits! Have fun when it's blinded, dodged or blocked.), which you don't need as you either run Death Perception (Soul Reaping) or Furious Demise+Target the Weak (Curses). A build that does not run any of these is not viable and won't be with Dread.


> And you get Quickness in Shroud which you get anyway since Onslaught is the only viable GM trait for Power Reapers.



This is a buff for core power roamers.


Honestly the signet of vamprism change is a nerf though and so is the signet of suffering trait change. I ran SoS on my reaper for the shroud uptime but also to build up and have SOMETHING available to use if my opponent is great at dodging / blocking.

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I don't know but blood bank seems like a completely useless trait to me.


This trait might only see play in spvp, together with a pocket healer or some extremely annoying bunker builds. Which might be an extreme problem.


But then there's just the option if it's going to be played with pocket healer, that you just use faster classes to counter the slow necro.


So I don't see any reason at all to introduce that trait


Also there might be some unwanted interaction with abrasive grit.


The new dread trait is nice for PvP modes and maybe for open world. But sadly doesn't change anything for pve endgame content.


Btw. CMC just announced on stream nerfs to maybe shade target cap and wells for wvw as hotfixes

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> The shade change should have been PvE/PvP and not in WvW. That or have WvW shades only affect 3 targets instead of 5.


> With the well changes, the well bombs will be even more potent as well of darkness had chill and damage added.


And what do you want to cut for well of darkness from current meta builds?

Corruption well isn't cut-able

Same for well of suffering

And trail of anguish provides a stunbreak and corrupts as well.




I don't think this well will see play in wvw. As I think that the dmg numbers won't be very high as it's basically a cc skill.



This might purely be a dps increase for condi reaper in pve.


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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > I'm a bit annoyed about Vampiric Rituals being changed..

> > > > > I have a Sustain based Wellmancer build that used it and that extra lifesteal + 5 sec protection I got per well was really useful to me.

> > > > >

> > > > > Blood Bank better be an exceptionally good trait because I liked Wells and without Vampiric Rituals they are going to be pretty kitten kitten now.

> > > > Unfortunetly bloodbank is a slap in the face for sustain minion necros in PvE (blood isnt that often used otherwise). I mean the very point is being able to sustain damage but you're gonna drop below 100. From what I gather of the trait... it does not heal at all anymore nor provide any damage. Is the barrier "permanent"? Does it have a short lifespan? Does it have a cap? Who knows, but it doesnt sound alltogether usefull - I mean if you got max hp... why do you need barrier on top? I can only imagine it good for raiding where someone else does the heavy healing, *if* its still AoE for your allies like vampiric is (ie barrier half the raid as long as there is a healer too to keep pumping in the heals)... If it's just the player, then worthless.

> > >

> > > Yeah.. Regen won't effect it so I assume Lifesteal also won't so for minion builds the trait is completely useless since you'll never be able to activate it unless you got a Druid healing you or something.

> > > If Lifesteal does effect it then chances are it will need a CD, duration or a Max barrier cap or MM's could build up essentially infinite Hp with barrier lol

> > > Most barrier only lasts 5 seconds so chances are Lifesteal isn't going to contribute to it all that much.. unless each lifesteal refreshes the duration of the barrier hence the need for a cap or CD.

> >

> > [barrier](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Barrier):

> > >. It creates a health barrier that takes damage prior to the health bar. Barrier disappears 5 seconds after being applied. Applying a barrier while one is already active will add to it, **but the previously-existing barrier will still disappear 5 seconds after it was originally applied.** The amount of barrier generated is based on the source's healing power, and **is capped at 50% of the recipient's maximum health.**

> >

> >


> Yeah hence why lifesteal will not usefully contribute to it unless it can refresh the duration.. tons of mini hp barriers on 5 second durations is going to be pretty trash.

> And if it did refresh the duration it would be far too OP allowing Necros to stack up an extra 15K+ Barrier and sustain it pretty easily.


> So yeah.. this trait is useless to a decent amount of Necro builds imo.. at least far less useful than Vampiric Rituals was.


I don't think its any more or less useful that VR was but its a lot more interesting to me. I'm just waiting to see how it interacts with shroud when you're at max hp because you still get healing in shroud you just don't benefit from it. Like how the rune of sanctuary still generates barrier for you.



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The reduced CD on the wells might see Well of Suffering AND Well of Corruption being used for the regular raid rotation rather than just being a burst rotation. I think we MIGHT see a 500-1000 dps improvement on our benchmark...if SC even bothers to try it out. Reaching for the sky....one inch at a time XD


The Signet of Suffering change is not great at all, especially with the player needing to be in shroud to reap its benefits. It would have been better to leave the current buffs to signets and then having those buffs doubled in shroud (though Signet of Undeath would be a problem for pvp/wvw I suppose).


There's no scenario I can think of in late game where Blood bank will be useful. I think this is more of a trait to help with levelling by using minions to siphon health IF that counts towards overhealing. Also seems like a way for non-scourge necros to get some barrier. But it seems to go against the very concept of barriers to me. It would work better if Bloodbank was profession buff that applied to allies as well. But that would mean taking it over Transfusion, and as far as support goes, Transfusion will always win out.


Dread will be useful for pvp, especially on core and scourge since they don't have access to quickness.


I doubt the new Signet of Vampirism will beat out Blood Fiend, but I do hope to be pleasantly surprised...It will be nice not having any minions in the build...they are ugly, underpowered and dumb (and I was a passionate Minion Master in GW1).


I am very glad they reinstated the old shade mechanic. This will not lead to 20 people target in WvW because the target cap for Sand Savant was reduced to 5. Now it will be like how it was before with targeting 10 people sans any meaningful damage. But great for support builds!

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> The new Dread GM trait is super redundant. Not a single viable necro build gets any value from this trait and the cooldown reduction part is just random trash you can not control in the competitive modes and so it ends up as a gimmick.



I think it's aimed at making Spite compete with Blood for core Terrormancer in PvP.

Basically a decision of sustain and cleanse with Blood's leech and Martyr, or Spite's Quickness and Might Dhuumfire Spam after Fear with Dread.


Not sure if it's worth giving up Blood (or Curses) though.


> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> I don't know but blood bank seems like a completely useless trait to me.


> This trait might only see play in spvp, together with a pocket healer or some extremely annoying bunker builds. Which might be an extreme problem.


Blood Bank worries me as well, it seems either entirely useless, or will make for a sheer unkillable teamfight duo with something like a Mender's Sanctuary Bunker Scourge + support Tempest.


But overall it seems like once again Necro is kind of left in the dust for PvE, solid in PvP and way out of line broken in WvW.

One would think over the years they would find a way to balance it out between modes, instead of just going back and froth with the same things, or making way too OP to then be nerfed into uselessness or dead on arrival changes.


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > Theorycrafting

> >

> > The Cancermancer:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSgAYFlJwaYYMFWJOuLbNVA-z1IY8oi/MqUK0pKwnDA-w

> >

> > Maxxed out chill and bleed spam and a some boon strips and corrupts... (remember: Locust Signet will strip two boons)


> Problem: zero mobility, no stunbreaks

This is not a solo roaming build but a smallscale lockdown build - three chilling fields and tons of area denial.


> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> This might purely be a dps increase for condi reaper in pve.

Viper Reaper might actually top at 30k dps and be on par with Power Reaper with the Well of Darkness rework. Someone has to try that out.


Would still be less flexible since it relies on targets standing in the chill aoe, but could use Epidemic.

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i don't understand why you guys don't understand why the new gms will be op.

blood bank - yes any heals will give barrier. this is anet. ofc they won't differentiate between the necros heals and everyone elses.

dread - core power/ condi bunker just got plenty of quickness. scourge just got plenty of quickness. how is this not going to make everyone rage. quickness empowered scepter spam will flood the forums in tears along with the new scourge + tempest duo bunker kings. the recharge will proc often enough in team fights to give reapers a decent survivability increase. path of corruption will be ez quickness uptime. popping an elite with stab will be a death sentence.

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