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Following the latest Canthan expansion trailer, how are you feeling?

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I want it. I have played from release until end 2013. Came back June 2019. Now catching up on GW1 for the lore and in GW2 next is PoF for me. Still a lot of stuff to catch up. I might have played through all older stuff (the main content and achievements- which take some time) by the release of this one.


Probably pre-ordering and getting the Ultimate edition for some additional gems. I just hope that this will be the last one. All major regions of the world that had been used in GW1 seem to be covered by then. And some underground maps for Primordus might get added as living world.


The game has tons of stuff. 3 expansions feel like the right amount to end it. (With "End of Dragons" not much might be left besides smaller or other plots - which still culd be interesting though.) Main concern is about balancing because people request more and more elite specs. (Can't be content with some nice maps, story and a few JPs.)


After that they should take their time to flesh out the WvW and PvP a bit more. With Steam hopefully bringing a few new players (TP issues fixed by then hopefully) and Cantha in the GW1 being the campaign that was prominent for the PvP ...


PvP (and WvW) should definitely be re-visited by the devs. (And I don't mean the just balancing updates. New game modes and stuff - different types of maps and mechanics..)

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I screamed KUUNAVANG almost as many times as I screamed BANJO last year at E3.


I am insanely hyped for this. Factions was my favorite expansion. I liked (almost) everything about it.


I also really hope we get something similar to Urgoz/Kanaxai. Not really raids, but more dungeon oriented.

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Not gonna lie, gonna preorder without aby expectations and pretty convinced I am going to have hell of a fun. I just hope we get news especs.


New expac and steam arrival. Future is pretty interesting for this game. 5 months ago everyone thought GW2 is dead for good. And here we are, excited.

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