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Why this meta is not fun

Happy Yes.1453

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> I'm really bored in PvP, I find nothing but bunkers with zero mechanical skill, 0 map awareness, and just have to play "avoid pvp" in a pvp match anytime there's unkillable bunkers in the game. It's very boring.


> PvP shouldn't consist of me spending 90%+ of matches actively AVOIDING pvp.


more so because of the low population and most decent pvp player stopped playing, i haven't found a decent match during a single weekday for 2 weeks straight.

this season start you can already see the decrease in population.3 days since season start and top 250 was still 1200


i find the current meta is ok, but just people stopped playing and all you get is new players and cheesy builds

plat games meta is quiet enjoyable only if you actually get matched to a plat game for like once in 3 days.

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> @"kraai.7265" said:

> > @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> > > @"kraai.7265" said:

> >

> > > In this game that doesn't apply, broken builds are just broken, when skilled players grab those builds they ruin pvp for everyone who reaches past gold 2 from gold 2 to silver 1 all players just copy paste those builds and somehow climb, and the only players who play this game for fun and for choices, are stuck below silver 1 with meme builds they create, summit1g exposed this by trying the game a few weeks ago, the first 20 matches he had a great time, as soon as he was stuck in a match with somewhat decent players using those stupid builds it was all over for him, he left so fast anet couldn't even reach the patron stuff for him. And not because he was beeing mauled by more skilled players, he left because he quickly realized he had no future in this game because he wouldn't enjoy playing those annoying aoe builds.

> >

> > Eh. I doubt, with his mindset and approach, summit would have stuck around even in a different meta. I just don't think he likes the genre in general, and GW2 in particular (which is perfectly fine, they're not for everyone). His complaints amounted to "why can't my halfassedly built rifle warrior contest points?!?!", which is like someone who brings their rusted out station wagon to a drag race and complains that they can't win. If he cared at all about doing GW2 pvp, he'd at least learn a better warrior build, or figure out some other way to handle the aoes. I, for one, found it highly embarrassing how hyped the community got about some streamer who really doesn't care for our type of game. It was pretty obvious he wasn't going to stick around, at least to me.

> >

> > As for the aoe meta, I'm not a fan myself, but that's also why I only do unranked. There are still plenty of circles there, but at least it's less dominated by the same small number of builds.

> >

> >


> Dude, why? What steers gw2 players to keep making excuses to defend this game? It's so hard to accept our beloved game is trashed?

> 1. If summit doesn't like mmorpg, why is he trying out absolutely every one out there? And why is he still actively playing Elder scrolls online on off stream hours? And even pvping there?

> 2. Yes at first he was playing a meme roleplay build, and just having fun, that brief time playing on low tier motivated him to activate expansions, claim spellbreaker builds, and try to get as close as meta as possible without quiting the class he enjoyed to just join the braindead aoe spam meta train. He even watched the hole teapot video about combat basics on stream to learn what he was doing wrong.

> 3. As soon as he fought silver or gold players using those stupid builds he quitted the game, before that he was having a blast, and he actually stated that all the passive interactions between aoe's, unfair or cheesy passives, break out of jail unnecessary skills (holo's specially) and the fact that everyone he met was using either a perma stealth build or an inmortal bunker build forced him to quit the game.


> And I know that not only because he said it himself (he was even starting to doubt about quitting ESO to play gw2)but because when he came back and I saw the low tier pvp matches, I was encouraged to go back and try out this "balance patch" everyone was talking about, the only difference is my character always landed in plat 2, so I couldn't even enjoy that unranked phase were people play just for fun.

> I got in, played like no more than 5 matches, encountered nothing more than perma stealth thieves, condi spammers, bunker spammers, went to wvw, every one using the most cheesy stupid risk free build, the ones that let you just run away every single time you kitten up something, and uninstalled again.


> We have to face it, the game forces you to make a choice, die in silver playing what you enjoy, or join the freaking braindead train grab a meta bunk spammer build and hit your keyboard with your face as hard as you can every single match while staying on a node basically botting...


> EDIT1: well.. i was actually that bored, here watch this video, he litterally complains about endless aoes on the first 5 seconds...



> EDIT2: You said it yourself, if skill mattered then chaith would be able to kill you with a scrapper build, yet that's not the case, unless he runs holo meta build, ofc you need to know how to press buttons and move to still be effective on a meta build, but it would be insane to argue that today's meta builds are harder to master than the ones we got in last expansion or even core gw2, the skill cap is insanely lower, and on equal skill level builds define every single fight.


Dude, summit is a total cringelord when it comes to providing criticism. I wouldn't take anything he says as valid. I came to gw2 from ESO (cuz trash game) and he QQ'ed that game as well, because he couldn't git gud and 1vx people like those of us who were playing the game for years. His last video was just whining, whining and more whining about the game, while he was running into 4v1 and complaining why he died so easily. Literally what he said: "untill someone tells me how it is possible this guy is doing massive damage while mitigating all my damage, I'm calling bs". It's just the typical forumtard/zergling mantra and shows his mentality of "If I can't do it, it is impossible". He is the kind of guy that asks for a youtubers build, and expects to be good within a week. Of course he doesn't, but blames almost every failure on the game in stead of looking at his own mistakes. He is also extremely presumptuous about game mechanics and disregards things that people tell him just because he thinks he knows better. He expects instant gratification and thats just not how mmo's usually work.


Also, BIG LOL at the people calling gw2 trash. Do yourself a favor and visit ESO. You will come back here crying in a heartbeat, feeling stupid about what you said.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Bunkering and node domination in general is just the most unsatisfying way to win or lose.


> It stinks to the high heavens of spoilt cheese.


> Thief rotations are developed to counter this Bunkering strategy, which creates another form of dissatisfaction where Thieves basically run laps all match.


> Any other build far and few between?

> Decent if pulled off and played expertly.

> And if not?

> A huge burden.


> Gone are the days where build variety is one of the charms of this game.


> I used to enjoy theory crafting quirky builds to play with, but these days I find myself NEEDING to ensure my build follows a checkbox list (Enough Health, couple of cleanse, 2 Stunbreaks, enough boon generation etc.) and I HATE IT.



Well Bunkering I kinda understand(later) but node domination is just stay with your team don't run away in the middle of a fight if there are team mates. Basically you complain about how op teamplay is in a teamplay focused game mode.

This already starts to becomes a meme on this board (xD)a lot but not all complains breaks down to this. True in other games you don't share so much short duration boons which helps you to great a spike/bomb but the difference is not that much when you fight is superior numbers you always win quickly the fight so far nothing happens also we playing control point yes with the 2vs 2(no real team just 2 players) and 3vs 3 it was different but even Team Deathmatch is the same when you play 5 vs 5 you stay together in any game.


Bunker build aren't the norm any more since they nerfed the amulets true you can play heal fb bunkerish but that sole depends on the skills of the players. Problem is heal builds have now a really hard time to survive and giving enough condi clean that we have condi meta is one huge limiting factor ATM. In wvw this is solved by having 2 healers in the group for condi clean but in pvp you get 1 max and also I don't know if this even work teamplay wise. Actually more control of what kind of team we get is and old request in PvP and PVE(LFG define slots)


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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> I used to enjoy theory crafting quirky builds to play with, but these days I find myself NEEDING to ensure my build follows a checkbox list (Enough Health, couple of cleanse, 2 Stunbreaks, enough boon generation etc.) and I HATE IT.


You seem to have confused "theory crafting" with "equipping any old random set of stuff with no thought required".


Making sure you've got an appropriate coverage of health, cleanses, stunbreaks, boons, etc. that IS what theory crafting is.


And I don't know what mythical past you're referring to where there was such wide build diversity. Hambow and CEle meta? Chrono-bunkers and condi-zerkers? FB+Scourge?

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"Yasai.3549" said:

> > Bunkering and node domination in general is just the most unsatisfying way to win or lose.

> >

> > It stinks to the high heavens of spoilt cheese.

> >

> > Thief rotations are developed to counter this Bunkering strategy, which creates another form of dissatisfaction where Thieves basically run laps all match.

> >

> > Any other build far and few between?

> > Decent if pulled off and played expertly.

> > And if not?

> > A huge burden.

> >

> > Gone are the days where build variety is one of the charms of this game.

> >

> > I used to enjoy theory crafting quirky builds to play with, but these days I find myself NEEDING to ensure my build follows a checkbox list (Enough Health, couple of cleanse, 2 Stunbreaks, enough boon generation etc.) and I HATE IT.

> >


> Well Bunkering I kinda understand(later) but node domination is just stay with your team don't run away in the middle of a fight if there are team mates. Basically you complain about how op teamplay is in a teamplay focused game mode.

> This already starts to becomes a meme on this board (xD)a lot but not all complains breaks down to this. True in other games you don't share so much short duration boons which helps you to great a spike/bomb but the difference is not that much when you fight is superior numbers you always win quickly the fight so far nothing happens also we playing control point yes with the 2vs 2(no real team just 2 players) and 3vs 3 it was different but even Team Deathmatch is the same when you play 5 vs 5 you stay together in any game.


> Bunker build aren't the norm any more since they nerfed the amulets true you can play heal fb bunkerish but that sole depends on the skills of the players. Problem is heal builds have now a really hard time to survive and giving enough condi clean that we have condi meta is one huge limiting factor ATM. In wvw this is solved by having 2 healers in the group for condi clean but in pvp you get 1 max and also I don't know if this even work teamplay wise. Actually more control of what kind of team we get is and old request in PvP and PVE(LFG define slots)



Problem is sidenoder bunker stuff and there is only one sidenoder per team, i mean there is not skilled 1v1 anymore just a decap mender build or a bunker likr scrapper or decap druid


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Meta hasn't been fun since core.


Reason why?

They introduce new specs, like Scourge, Reaper, Dragonhunter, Holosmith, etc.


With no thought of PvP into it.

What counters this, who counters this, etc.

When they made the core classes, this game was pretty much designed #esports focused. Now that its not here anymore.


Lets just make a random class, not even consider "who can counter them, should they have limitations so others can counter them"

Thats why you have a meta where some professions are WORTHLESS, while others, like necro, have so many options.


Scourge great? Yes

Reaper great? Yes

Core necro great? Yes

core guardian great? Yes

Dragonhunter great? Yes

Firebrand great? Yes



core Warrior great? No, maybe good, probably bad

Berserker great? No, maybe good, probably is bad

Spellbreaker great? Good, almost great, almost


They make professions that used to be countered by another profession, more defensive, more pressure, etc. That their counters are no longer a threat. Meanwhile they still GREAT counters who they are supposed to counter.


Thats why this meta isn't good. They make new profession specs, but they don't think about the PvP portion of it, only "a deadeye would go good in PvE content, lets make em"


**I'm having so much fun making deadeye, its going to be a great spec.

Ugh, time to come up with a warrior spec, let me rush this spellbreaker we hardly even use in PvE**



Spellbreaker, Berserker, etc. CRAP


(just making these specs, so people don't whine "how come warrior didn't get a spec")

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1 balance is gbage

2 balance change are far to infrequent

3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

The pvp is a utter mess.

The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> 1 balance is gbage

> 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> The pvp is a utter mess.

> The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.


I'd say #3 is the most important part.


Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.


Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.


Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).


Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.


Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.


Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.


I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.


Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > 1 balance is gbage

> > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.


> I'd say #3 is the most important part.


> Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.


> Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.


> Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).


> Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.


> Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.


> Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.


> I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.


> Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.


Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"kraai.7265" said:

> >You said it yourself, if skill mattered then chaith would be able to kill you with a scrapper build, yet that's not the case, unless he runs holo meta build, ofc you need to >know how to press buttons and move to still be effective on a meta build, but it would be insane to argue that today's meta builds are harder to master than the ones we >got in last expansion or even core gw2, the skill cap is insanely lower, and on equal skill level builds define every single fight.


> The average skill caps of builds has not changed much, so no, it's not insane to say that. Seems that way because in core GW2 people didn't have years of game knowledge about how to create metas. Reaching skill cap on most classes entails the exact same thing it does now as it did in 2015, with the exception of Thief builds, which definitely are now all forced into lower risk/reward. There's always been a variety of ranges in skill caps between builds. Spirit Ranger meta, Turret Engineer meta, bunker Chrono meta, tank druid/scrapper side node meta, throughout the eras there has been medium to low skill cap builds in the spotlight from time to time. In equal skill, builds define every single fight? Yes, of course, it's not pong here, if equal skill, of course the builds will factor in - a completely overlooked skill here is knowing your matchups and for example, not take a fight against equally skilled players with a build that has lethal on you.


You also have to understand that the definition of "skill" according to these forums is "the build I play" while the definition of a faceroll build is "the guy who beat me."

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> >

> > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> >

> > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> >

> > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> >

> > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> >

> > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> >

> > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> >

> > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> >

> > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> >

> > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.


> Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.


Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > >

> > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > >

> > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > >

> > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > >

> > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > >

> > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > >

> > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > >

> > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > >

> > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > >

> > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> >

> > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.


> Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.


Really? In eso as long as u dont have a dot u simply reaply stealth, in wow uve got perma stealth at press of a button and 2 perms stealth buttons in combat stealth as long as u have zero dots, both can have super speed to disengage, eso with outfit and wow wish skill also while popping a skill to avoid spells, gw2 thief is actually the weakest rogue like I've played lol.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > >

> > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > >

> > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > >

> > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > >

> > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > >

> > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > >

> > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > >

> > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > >

> > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > >

> > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> >

> > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.


> Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.


Stealth is generally VERY LIMITED in combat(talking 3-5m cooldowns) and breaks when being hit/taking damage in other MMORPG's, too.


I literally hold nodes for 30+ seconds spamming dodges and I'm not even s/d, if I was s/d I could legit sit there dodge tanking the node for nearly a minute, lol. That just shows the sheer amount of evades(too many) that thief currently has.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > > >

> > > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > > >

> > > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > > >

> > > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > > >

> > > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > > >

> > > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > > >

> > > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > > >

> > > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > > >

> > > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> > >

> > > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

> >

> > Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.


> Really? In eso as long as u dont have a dot u simply reaply stealth, in wow uve got perma stealth at press of a button and 2 perms stealth buttons in combat stealth as long as u have zero dots, both can have super speed to disengage, eso with outfit and wow wish skill also while popping a skill to avoid spells, gw2 thief is actually the weakest rogue like I've played lol.


Been awhile since I played WoW, but when I did you could see players in stealth if they approach from the front. They didn't have teleports (or very limited?). They had one longer cooldown for re-stealth. I'd be surprised if they changed it to GW2's ridiculous version. Nobody likes this class! Thief players complain about being bad at 1v1 while everyone else finds thief annoying as hell because whether or not you're able to kill a thief is pretty much entirely up to the thief!

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > > >

> > > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > > >

> > > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > > >

> > > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > > >

> > > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > > >

> > > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > > >

> > > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > > >

> > > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > > >

> > > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> > >

> > > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

> >

> > Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.


> Stealth is generally VERY LIMITED in combat(talking 3-5m cooldowns) and breaks when being hit/taking damage in other MMORPG's, too.


> I literally hold nodes for 30+ seconds spamming dodges and I'm not even s/d, if I was s/d I could legit sit there dodge tanking the node for nearly a minute, lol. That just shows the sheer amount of evades(too many) that thief currently has.


Again neither of that is remotely true in the other BIG 2 mmo's lol, u even play em? Takes secs to be outa combat in wow to really permanently stealth and eso u really at will, both unless u have dots on u.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > > > >

> > > > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > > > >

> > > > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > > > >

> > > > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > > > >

> > > > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > > > >

> > > > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > > > >

> > > > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> > > >

> > > > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

> > >

> > > Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.

> >

> > Really? In eso as long as u dont have a dot u simply reaply stealth, in wow uve got perma stealth at press of a button and 2 perms stealth buttons in combat stealth as long as u have zero dots, both can have super speed to disengage, eso with outfit and wow wish skill also while popping a skill to avoid spells, gw2 thief is actually the weakest rogue like I've played lol.


> Been awhile since I played WoW, but when I did you could see players in stealth if they approach from the front. They didn't have teleports (or very limited?). They had one longer cooldown for re-stealth. I'd be surprised if they changed it to GW2's ridiculous version. Nobody likes this class! Thief players complain about being bad at 1v1 while everyone else finds thief annoying as hell because whether or not you're able to kill a thief is pretty much entirely up to the


Yes in stealth not invisibility if the player has high perception and u stand right in front u will be seen, only the 2 in combat stealth are full invisibility, vanish being 10 secs of full invisibility, if rogues stealth in wow was full invisibility I'd be pretty op given its perma and reapliable outa combat. I. I'm sure any gw2 thief would love the wow version of stealth in gw2 along with sin and now sub's bursts lol then have to sit their as a burst class and chip away slowly at another class if in a +1 or disengaging from most 1v1's.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > > >

> > > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > > >

> > > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > > >

> > > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > > >

> > > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > > >

> > > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > > >

> > > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > > >

> > > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > > >

> > > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > > >

> > > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> > >

> > > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

> >

> > Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.


> Really? In eso as long as u dont have a dot u simply reaply stealth, in wow uve got perma stealth at press of a button and 2 perms stealth buttons in combat stealth as long as u have zero dots, both can have super speed to disengage, eso with outfit and wow wish skill also while popping a skill to avoid spells, gw2 thief is actually the weakest rogue like I've played lol.


Stealth =\= what gw2 has, which is vanish or invisibility

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > > > >

> > > > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > > > >

> > > > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > > > >

> > > > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > > > >

> > > > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > > > >

> > > > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > > > >

> > > > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > > > >

> > > > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> > > >

> > > > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

> > >

> > > Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.

> >

> > Really? In eso as long as u dont have a dot u simply reaply stealth, in wow uve got perma stealth at press of a button and 2 perms stealth buttons in combat stealth as long as u have zero dots, both can have super speed to disengage, eso with outfit and wow wish skill also while popping a skill to avoid spells, gw2 thief is actually the weakest rogue like I've played lol.


> Stealth =\= what gw2 has, which is vanish or invisibility


That's right. If teef had wow stealth, and invisiblity as utility's skills I'd rather that, so would most thief players as u wouldnt be using ur resources going thru smoke fields to run around basically unseen permanently until first attack. The nerf stealth threads would poor in from this community haha

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> > > > >

> > > > > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

> > > >

> > > > Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.

> > >

> > > Really? In eso as long as u dont have a dot u simply reaply stealth, in wow uve got perma stealth at press of a button and 2 perms stealth buttons in combat stealth as long as u have zero dots, both can have super speed to disengage, eso with outfit and wow wish skill also while popping a skill to avoid spells, gw2 thief is actually the weakest rogue like I've played lol.

> >

> > Stealth =\= what gw2 has, which is vanish or invisibility


> That's right. If teef had wow stealth, and invisiblity as utility's skills I'd rather that, so would most thief players as u wouldnt be using ur resources going thru smoke fields to run around basically unseen permanently until first attack. The nerf stealth threads would poor in from this community haha


I would much prefer thief with strong openers but dramatically reduced disengage/mobility/stealth. Also better 1v1 capability without relying so heavily on endless evades. This is an annoying class whether it's effective or not.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > > > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > > > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > > > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > > > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.

> > > >

> > > > Really? In eso as long as u dont have a dot u simply reaply stealth, in wow uve got perma stealth at press of a button and 2 perms stealth buttons in combat stealth as long as u have zero dots, both can have super speed to disengage, eso with outfit and wow wish skill also while popping a skill to avoid spells, gw2 thief is actually the weakest rogue like I've played lol.

> > >

> > > Stealth =\= what gw2 has, which is vanish or invisibility

> >

> > That's right. If teef had wow stealth, and invisiblity as utility's skills I'd rather that, so would most thief players as u wouldnt be using ur resources going thru smoke fields to run around basically unseen permanently until first attack. The nerf stealth threads would poor in from this community haha


> I would much prefer thief with strong openers but dramatically reduced disengage/mobility/stealth. Also better 1v1 capability without relying so heavily on endless evades. This is an annoying class whether it's effective or not.


Issue is for how good rogues disengage potential is in wow almost every class in gw2 can disengage better. In gw2 mobility across ALL classes is comparatively higher than most classes in other mmo's do to the skill designs and class designs in gw2 therefore given teefs a rogue like and rogue are high burst/mobility, to have comparatively high mobility in gw2 u gotta be pretty mobile or u end up glassy high spike with the same mobility tanks do, that sound right? Think about how mobile holo's can be while also having stealth or a ranger or warrior lmao, only classes not highly mobile in gw2 is guards and necros and even necros have speed rune.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > 1 balance is gbage

> > > > > > > > 2 balance change are far to infrequent

> > > > > > > > 3 class identities are a mess and all over the place which is made worse by balance, ie anet devs have zero real vision of what they want each spec to really be as they seem to go to far or not near enough with each role they want to impart on a class, usually it's a mess like a tank that also bursts or other such classes that can excel in things ud think they wouldnt.

> > > > > > > > The pvp is a utter mess.

> > > > > > > > The every class can do all roles sounds good but is complete nonsense and far to complicated for anet to be even close to balancing given their resources.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I'd say #3 is the most important part.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Scourge, for example, is supposed to be a support, but they also want it to be a DPS, so it ends up being bad at both and people just play it as a bunker.....disgusting.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Deadeye is meant to be a ranged sniper, but it's burst is awful and it has ZERO AOE for no reason when weapons like longbow DH and longbow ranger(especially ranger) have AOE while also having the same single target burst. Makes no sense.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Druid is a condi bruiser, where it's main class mechanic is all power based and it's class weapon is also power based so you can't even take advantage of it's entire class at once which makes it end up being a subpar immob spam meme instead of a condi bruiser as it's intended(or it seems? it's literally the best role for it and makes sense).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Mesmer was the "control mage" in gw1 but in GW2 it's just a pink thief that gets farmed by thieves. Makes no sense.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Ele is supposed to be the mass AOE, glass cannon, master of elements, but it's just a support bot or zero fun invincible bunker because ele traitlines are too one dimensional forcing it into a single role where NO OTHER CLASS IN THE GAME has to deal with this.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Guardian is meant to be a holy warrior, but it's only DPS build is a holy longbow ranger with traps(really weird), so it ends up having no bruiser builds and only has pure bunkers from all it's weapons being too defensive with it's only good offensive weapons being longbow and gswsord, and even gsword is too unreliable in PvP to hit anyone with consistently.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I could go on, but you probably get the point. Basically, if someone wants to play a traditional RPG caster in this game, they can't because that option is far too weak to be playable. You can't really play a holy warrior which is also an incredibly common role people LOVE to play in MMORPGs, "dark mage" isn't even playable in PvE while in PvP base necro fills that role pretty well, but it's damage is too low and it's too bunkery imo but at least it's there.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yet, you can play thief, warrior, and be legolasz. Not sure why so many classic RPG roles are missing, tbh.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Warrior no longer feels like a warrior class, thief burst lower than ANY rogue like I've played in any of the 7 or so mmos I've played, sure thief plays like the other rogue likes yet its dps is weak as ...... compared to them. I donno guards have fb for thee support role and core guard is very effective as a warrior mage,mage as in deals with holly fire that is. Guards are meta in ALL modes or usually is and is by far thee most versitile class next to holo and core ranger. On fb needs some love in few areas. The games a mess non the less.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yeah, thief does burst lower than other MMOs I've played. Of course, in those MMOs it wasn't able to disengage endlessly or run literal circles around every other class. So there's that.

> > > >

> > > > Really? In eso as long as u dont have a dot u simply reaply stealth, in wow uve got perma stealth at press of a button and 2 perms stealth buttons in combat stealth as long as u have zero dots, both can have super speed to disengage, eso with outfit and wow wish skill also while popping a skill to avoid spells, gw2 thief is actually the weakest rogue like I've played lol.

> > >

> > > Stealth =\= what gw2 has, which is vanish or invisibility

> >

> > That's right. If teef had wow stealth, and invisiblity as utility's skills I'd rather that, so would most thief players as u wouldnt be using ur resources going thru smoke fields to run around basically unseen permanently until first attack. The nerf stealth threads would poor in from this community haha


> I would much prefer thief with strong openers but dramatically reduced disengage/mobility/stealth. Also better 1v1 capability without relying so heavily on endless evades. This is an annoying class whether it's effective or not.


So would a lot of former thief mains, but that would mean removing shortbow 5. Though I can guarantee you, the "thief with strong openers" would be *very* unpopular. Just look at what WvW had with its oneshot thieves for a while. Also reducing stealth is pointless if you want to improve thieves stealth openers, since thats the only time stealth is actually good. Also, "endless evades"? D/P theif evades at about the average level. This isnt sword weaver were talking about. S/D even doesnt evade as much as sword weaver. And thief needs some way of surviving, and theyre not getting blocks or invulns.

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