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the grind for mounts needs to be toned down


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I have all the mounts except the Warclaw. The only mount I found to be grindy was the Skyscale. The others I finished really quick.


As for reducing the grind, and I feel sure you are on about the Skyscale, I would have to vote no. Yes, it took me 2 weeks and I took advantage of the game provided shortcuts and had not unlocked Bjora Marches or the Griffon yet. After finally getting the Skyscale and unlocking all the masteries for it, I can say the effort is most definitely worth it. This can be seen in just how many players have their Skyscale.


People also complain about how grindy the Roller Beetle is. Really? The collections to get any other mount in this game pales in comparison to Skyscale.


Again, I vote NO on reducing the grind for acquiring any mount.



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Well players spent years insisting that they only wanted horizontal progression. With no level cap raise and no additional gear tiers beyond extra Legendary-quality equipment which isn't any better than Ascended, this was the only way the devs were left to add any kind of progression to the game; excessive horizontal grinds for mostly optional stuff.


The most we've received for vertical progression was four-stat gears and Elite specs.


The sad part is, it wasn't neccessary. Vertical progression in other games is bad because they lack features like downscaling. In GW, it probably would've worked because for example a level cap raise wouldn't just leave lv80 players behind.


But there was no foresight for how such a system would work for GW franchise, so instead we have shiny carrot chasing.


Its always been the weakness of this game that the devs always tried to be original, but didn't know when to say "lets just go with what works". They deviate from established systems at every oppertunity, even when its probably not a good idea.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> You probably don't remember, but in the years since Path of Fire, there was a push on the forums to "make content mean something". tl;dr: They wanted the various skills learned and unlocks achieved to be attached to questing, have their own stories, etc., etc. to make better use of the Mastery systems and drive engagement in expansion content. Folks were unhappy that their skills and abilities just happened, with no cause or reason.


> This is the result.


Yeah give the vocal minority everything they want and screw everyone else is the GW2 moto.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Well players spent years insisting that they only wanted horizontal progression. With no level cap raise and no additional gear tiers beyond extra Legendary-quality equipment which isn't any better than Ascended, this was the only way the devs were left to add any kind of progression to the game; excessive horizontal grinds for mostly optional stuff.


> The most we've received for vertical progression was four-stat gears and Elite specs.


> The sad part is, it wasn't neccessary. Vertical progression in other games is bad because they lack features like downscaling. In GW, it probably would've worked because for example a level cap raise wouldn't just leave lv80 players behind.


> But there was no foresight for how such a system would work for GW franchise, so instead we have shiny carrot chasing.


> Its always been the weakness of this game that the devs always tried to be original, but didn't know when to say "lets just go with what works". They deviate from established systems at every oppertunity, even when its probably not a good idea.


Your post really speaks to me and I think that is how i see the game too.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> You probably don't remember, but in the years since Path of Fire, there was a push on the forums to "make content mean something". tl;dr: They wanted the various skills learned and unlocks achieved to be attached to questing, have their own stories, etc., etc. to make better use of the Mastery systems and drive engagement in expansion content. Folks were unhappy that their skills and abilities just happened, with no cause or reason.


> This is the result.


Tedious fetch quests does not equal interesting content, just saying. For me tyria was fine i still play there 8 years later.. Not all of us are content locusts.

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I don't think any of the original 4 mounts are grindy. I just got them all in the past couple weeks as I went through the PoF story. Also the PoF masteries seem a lot less grindy than the HoT masteries (which I have yet to complete), although I am not sure why.


I'm currently in the middle of my Griffon mount quest. I just finished getting all the runes that require group events, etc. It was a little tedious, but is very different from how I usually play (mainly casual map exploration and story completion), but I didn't mind the change of pace. It was actually kind of fun to camp out with others trying to do the quest and pinging the map for other helpful players. Now I can go back to my chill style with the griffon egg hunt. Biggest problem for me is the the 250g I will need. But I am just taking it slow, selling mats, etc. I guess I don't expect the get the mount right now....I really don't want to burn myself out playing a game although I can't wait to "fly". The important point being that I don't need to do any of this to progress with the game, it is just optional because I want it.


There seems to be 2 complaints in the community: that GW2 lacks content or that some things take too long and are too hard to unlock. I guess it is just one more paradox to add to our existence. After all, long achievements are longer game-play time, are they not?


The time-gating thing I don't care about much, but that is most likely because it is easier for me to play an hour or two every day rather than 6+ hours a couple days a week. I could see how this may be frustrating for others with different gaming schedules though. A lot of the time-gating seems that it can be bypassed buy buying related items (E.g., food, grow lamp off the TP for the skyscale) which more 'hardcore' players are maybe more likely to have the gold for? I also think these kinds of daily time gated items are a great economic factor to help low playtime players (like me) make some gold on the TP by spending an hour or so crafting or collecting such time gated items. That's my hope anyway. But maybe I am even too causal for this, because it hasn't worked so well so far. But honestly, I never really understood the reason to rush through a game to get something. The whole point of a game is to enjoy the time your playing it. I like that their are varied levels of difficulty for achievements that I need to mix up my play style a bit more. I know once I get my griffon that it took coordination with other players, a scavenger hunt, and collecting funds. I know it required a bit of work, and in the end that is kinda what makes the mount valuable imho.


So, basically, I like the "grinding" for the mounts and I am sure I am not the only one. I am of course down with more interesting and engaging story telling with the collections, even though the current ones aren't awful.


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> @"KAipurge.2147" said:

> I have been an avid Guild wars player since guild wars 1. Over time the mount unlocking in this game has become worse and worse to the point where even just unlocking the new mastery for one of the oldest mounts in the game has become a grind with the XP requirement. The world trek-ing the figure out where the clues lead was enough but tacking the extra XP requirement after all of that is just too much. I could understand if all the mounts were always of use but so many replace others making them useless that making such a grind for a mount that would be useless after another one releases that does its job better makes no sense to me. There are MMO players from Super grindy MMO's like WoW and BDO even saying that they would rather do crazy grindy things in those games than deal with the way guild wars 2 handles mount grinding.


> And I know what people will say to this already. They will make the same tired excuses for why Anet decided to handle mount unlocks such as Griffon, Rollerbeetle, SKyscale, and even the new MASTERY(which isn't even a new mount)for the skimmer. I guarantee the next expansion will have a new mount that makes all those other listed ones that you spent all your time grinding for obsolete.


> and then there are those that have them saying that you don't need them whilst they fly away leaving you behind in map runs because the Original 4 mounts cant keep up with the newer ones thus the game tries to force you into participating in the long boring several day time gated rng based grind for the newer mounts.


I do not agree with a single thing you wrote here. Also, so far not a single mount has made another mount obsolete either, they all compliment each other in one way or another. Personally I am very happy that they simply added a feature to a water mount to make it more useful than just being able to travel easier over certain fluids. This is much more useful than adding a dedicated underwater mount so that you have to upgrade 2 mounts to max tier that you barely use as it is. If 2 million xp is a grind for you I think it's time to upgrade your playing skills instead of writing long posts on the forum.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Well players spent years insisting that they only wanted horizontal progression. With no level cap raise and no additional gear tiers beyond extra Legendary-quality equipment which isn't any better than Ascended, this was the only way the devs were left to add any kind of progression to the game; excessive horizontal grinds for mostly optional stuff.


> The most we've received for vertical progression was four-stat gears and Elite specs.


> The sad part is, it wasn't neccessary. Vertical progression in other games is bad because they lack features like downscaling. In GW, it probably would've worked because for example a level cap raise wouldn't just leave lv80 players behind.


> But there was no foresight for how such a system would work for GW franchise, so instead we have shiny carrot chasing.


> Its always been the weakness of this game that the devs always tried to be original, but didn't know when to say "lets just go with what works". They deviate from established systems at every oppertunity, even when its probably not a good idea.


Highly disagree, vertical progression is entirely pointless if you actually think about it. All it does is give you more stats to hit something new that also has more stats, ultimately making you hit it for about the same amount by ratio. And if you're going to make it downscale for old content then why even add a gear treadmill? And even if there was vertical progression that downscaled, the rewarda from that old content are probably now obsolete if it's anything gear related. I personally don't need or want to have to keep chasing a new tier of gear just to stay at baseline. Me and many others like the horizontal progression because it still gives you ways to unlock new things for your characters while keeping it easy to come back to the game at any time. If you want vertical progression go play like literally any other MMO.

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> @"KAipurge.2147" said:

> ... and then there are those that have them saying that you don't need them whilst they fly away leaving you behind in map runs because the Original 4 mounts cant keep up with the newer ones thus the game tries to force you into participating in the long boring several day time gated rng based grind for the newer mounts.


Have to say, this particular part isn't true for me. I've got the four basic mounts and the warclaw. Never bothered with the other ones and haven't ever missed them. The only time I notice the griffon being faster than me is when I'm doing daily bounties on PoF maps. While they do get to the bounties quicker, I also get there in plenty of time to join in. So my mounts don't feel obsolete at all and I feel no pressure to get the grindy ones I haven't bothered with.


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> @"KAipurge.2147" said:

> There are MMO players from Super grindy MMO's like WoW and BDO even saying that they would rather do crazy grindy things in those games than deal with the way guild wars 2 handles mount grinding.


GW2 is far more grindy than WoW, back in the day I was the first person on my server to become High Warlord and the first to get "The insane" titles in WoW, even putting both those grinds together just pales in comparison to the grind for Diamond legend here.

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I'm actually thankful for the amount of effort required. It adds more meaning to the game for me. I got the skyscale a while ago and now my kids want one. I sat down and made a spreadsheet to track thier progress. Now they can check off boxes as they move towards thier goal. They are learning to set a goal, track it and cope with delayed gratification which is something everyone could use more of. The new skimmer mastery will be a drop in the bucket for them after they pull off thier skyscales.

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Some people here seem to forget that not everyone can sink hours upon hours each day. For those people, grinding to get 250 resources can get really tedious, not to mention boring. Do you remember when we got the raptor in a snap because, hey, he likes you, keep it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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> @"Noa.7490" said:

> Some people here seem to forget that not everyone can sink hours upon hours each day. For those people, grinding to get 250 resources can get really tedious, not to mention boring. Do you remember when we got the raptor in a snap because, hey, he likes you, keep it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Do you remember when you had long term goals in games?

Gamers remember.

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> @"KAipurge.2147" said:

>Over time the mount unlocking in this game has become worse and worse to the point where even just unlocking the new mastery for one of the oldest mounts in the game has become a grind with the XP requirement. The world trek-ing the figure out where the clues lead was enough but tacking the extra XP requirement after all of that is just too much.


What are you talking about? Masteries _always_ needed exp, that's nothing new.


> I could understand if all the mounts were always of use but so many replace others making them useless that making such a grind for a mount that would be useless after another one releases that does its job better makes no sense to me.


There is not a single mount in this game replacing another one. Again, what are you talking about?

And what "grind" are you talking about?



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> @"Noa.7490" said:

> Some people here seem to forget that not everyone can sink hours upon hours each day. For those people, grinding to get 250 resources can get really tedious, not to mention boring. Do you remember when we got the raptor in a snap because, hey, he likes you, keep it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


So you just want to get everything in a snap. Then what is the point of playing anyway. To obtain the special mounts I did not spend hours upon hours each day at all. I even did my Skyscale collection during the 3 day time gated feeding and that didn't really bother me that much. You know what makes people loose interest in games......if you get to the end in a snap without real effort or some level of dedication.

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> @"Nubarus.9268" said:

> > @"Noa.7490" said:

> > Some people here seem to forget that not everyone can sink hours upon hours each day. For those people, grinding to get 250 resources can get really tedious, not to mention boring. Do you remember when we got the raptor in a snap because, hey, he likes you, keep it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


> So you just want to get everything in a snap. Then what is the point of playing anyway. To obtain the special mounts I did not spend hours upon hours each day at all. I even did my Skyscale collection during the 3 day time gated feeding and that didn't really bother me that much. You know what makes people loose interest in games......if you get to the end in a snap without real effort or some level of dedication.


Reminds me how effortless it was for me to get all those collection currencies for the Skyscale. However a lot of players do not understand the reasons behind Anet's methods of heart vendors and why their character slots seldom are on sale. Its basically a cheap investment you can build up over time that allows it to become easier to get things done. So when I was doing those Skyscale collection requirements take me anywhere from 30-60 minutes each day doing a specific map to get all 250 from that map. Its why there are somewhat boring or dumb things like throwing a rock at some target dummies or mount stomping some ambient npcs and after a minute of doing it you get rewarded with like 5-10 of an item.


So to me this is in no way a grind game I've played those where a year was a good turn around time for one character to reach max level or for instance a version of a guild hall taking a large group of player 3-5 years to complete one. Now those are actual grinds but its basically Anet rewards you with character slots in Living World maps in ways most people don't even see because their whole aspect depends on a large group of players being herded around like blind sheep and if they don't find a herd then they consider it to be dead content. Although this investment method is basically how they will allow you to bypass *some* time gates based on how much you have supported the game. However my gripe with Anet is how they limit individual progress in other parts of the game just to please people who either are only playing this game up until one of their friends decides to quit and then they all go so they have made the choice to remove aspects from people who support this game for those who do not.

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