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What is on your WvW List?


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As @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> on the "actual problems with WvW" list...


Kylden just using your quote as the creation of the curiosity in the question to people.


I think different people will have different lists. What is on yours? We have used Alliances as the crutch for a while now. So many things kind of got the 'wait till Alliance' flag that was curious where people are now. To all WvW forum goers, what is currently on your WvW list?


Mine would be:

* Maps (new & EoTM)

* New WvW content (kill quests, guild content, rankings, week-end participation, new combat methods, new map mechanics, new WvW game modes, rework unused tactics)

* Other half of skills patch (if there is one, & DS adjustments might be here too)

* Population balance (Alliances, partially addressed by downstate adjustments)

* Rewards


So if you have a minute and are willing to share, what's your own lists look like? Good gaming!

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Maps are superfluous. ‘Change’ and ‘new comes from different encounters. I would sooo much rather have a dedicated dev on top of balance running with multiple different guilds and commanders (fights, havoc, ppt etc)


- Alliances

- Alliances

- Alliances

- Then maybe continual balance with tweaks instead of nerf hammers

- Remove roadblocks to commanders being able to recruit

- Tutorials in EoTM instead of WvW proper (without skirmish tracks)

- Rotation of map position starts regardless of ‘placing’

- Once alliances, remove transfers for a month before doing a short tournament of sorts

- Allow multi server, multi tier and same servers GvG with a dedicated space to it large enough to actually allow it to occur


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> -Need a tropic islands type map with palm trees and azure waters.

> -A new trap and tactics thingy

> -Eotm turned into a giant PvX meta map


> Not going to ask for balance changes because they only make the gameplay feel worse.


Southsun would be a decent wvw map tbh

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > -Need a tropic islands type map with palm trees and azure waters.

> > -A new trap and tactics thingy

> > -Eotm turned into a giant PvX meta map

> >

> > Not going to ask for balance changes because they only make the gameplay feel worse.


> Southsun would be a decent wvw map tbh


Actually a lot of our PvE maps would be good WvW maps. Still think whenever we get a new LW map, move a copy to WvW as a fifth map and slap some objectives on it. Ties WvW into the living story and gives us new things to fight over that would have some rotations.

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* Remove _Daily WvW Veteran Creature Slayer_. Replace it with _yak defender_ or _escort supply caravan_. The veteran creature daily promotes afking at a veteran spawn point doing nothing for the matchup. Possibly put up _Daily WvW Caravan Disruptor_ at the same time as this daily to encourage engagement. **(priority: very high, dev effort: low)**

* Remove overgrown grub and raging arboreal spirit , it serves no purpose towards the matchup (i.e. reduce PVE-ing)

* Halve the WXP from Dredge/Ogre/Hylek on EBG to camp/tower levels. (i.e. reduce PVE-ing)

* Remove stonemist castle "defense" rewards for repairing outer walls against trebuchet fire (this is sort of a meme for obviously new players and if you tell them not to do it they see the rewards and may continue on ignoring everyone)

* Decrease participation gain / refresh from repair of walls to 5 minutes

* Remove all participation gain from killing veteran creature

* Remove the option to transfer to a link to consistently full servers , or reassess the server population more frequently to curtail stacking (i.e. whenever > 25 players transfers into/out of a server)

* Remove karka potion from WVW , it shouldn't even exist or nerf it in WvW to negligible levels such as +5 toughness (i.e. reduce PVE-ing) **(priority: high, dev effort: low)**

* Have "guard killer" mastery affect condition damage , condition damage isn't preferred anyway

* Possibly increase the amount of yaks required to T3 something if nobody is even attacking the camps and there is 5 people on the entire map (i.e. offhours or dead timezones)

--> Possibly reduce WvW _Presence of the Keep_ stat bonuses and restore the strength of tiered walls (especially where you can hit both inner+outer) to make T3ing worthwhile

--> Increase accountbound rewards for taking a T3 keep as the length held goes up (provided there is no outnumbered buff for defending team): holding a keep for an entire week is utterly boring for all parties involved

* Rebalance Guild Siege Golem supply cost to legitimize use of rams

* Reassess under-used tactics such as Auto Turrets

* Give players on burning oil a small defiance bar , since it's a death trap half the time

* Reassess any and all identified skills that may cause massive server performance issues possibly such as large AoE boons that reapply every 3s on heralds (does it really need to be every 3s, it could easily be every 10s or 15s+ in WvW to make boon rip more effective, no?) or any form of long DoT large AoE condition skills that hit more than 3 people (from condi rev , burn guards not so much, or necros) on short cooldowns (<15s)

* Periodically reassess any non-removable effects such as superspeed or auras (i.e. reflect could be reduced slightly to 3s instead of 4s , frost aura could be once per 2s since it's 2s duration of chill and can be comboed easily off of ice fields, shock aura could be cut to 3s, etc). It isn't a huge problem right now, but before putting out any patch this should be considered. Identify the weaknesses and counterplays to every non-removable effect , doubly so if it is applied in large AoE.

* Look at all skills that do multiple things at once in AoE to avoid pirateship meta (for example why are Thunderclap and Call to Anguish okay when Earthshaker and Drop the Hammer had all damage removed?)

* Shave down base heals on skills on weapons that may also be used for damage purposes such as tempest warhorn , elementalist staff, elementalist dagger, guardian staff (used on some burn guardians), or to a lesser extent revenant staff and increase heal scaling such that it is roughly the same total when accounting for Harrier/Minstrel/Magi/etc. This is a byproduct of hitting healing coefficients instead of the base heals. See Elementalist scepter , which had both coefficient and base heal hit in the Feb 25 patch as well as sword for weavers which had a substantial base heal cut. Doing this would mean healing builds are unaffected and people not running in a group need to pick between more sustain and more damage.

* Minor: Increase the time interval of passives such as Battle Presence on guardians to maybe 6s to match _Strength in Numbers_ to discourage class stacking , increase server performance, and promote diversity (see Soothing Mist on Tempests)

* Cap heal scaling on boons with med blaster (med kit 1) as scrapper takes far less position awareness to play effectively in a healing role than firebrand.

* Address/fix reported performance issues by the flashy backpacks that don't turn off even with model limit lowered. This directly affects some players with lower end machines apparently.




* Make weekly skirmish reward of grandmaster mark shards into grandmaster marks **(priority: high, dev effort: low)**

* Add a lvl 70 healing utility to Portable Provisioner and badge of honor vendor to make support builds more accessible (priority: medium, dev effort: likely low)

* Alternative Bountiful Maintenance Oil recipe that has ingredients readily obtained in WvW **(priority: high, dev effort: low)**

* Add lvl 80 accountbound Sharpening Stone Station recipe that relies on accountbound testimonies of heroics or emblems instead of ascended materials **(priority: high, dev effort: low)**

* Add a recipe to merge a +5 WvW infusion to a PVE +9 agony infusion so that people without legendary gear have a way to use them effectively

* The WvW rank was reduced for Mistforged armor yet the amount of WvW ranks to have full WvW masteries is **1226** currently. Strongly consider reducing the points required for tier 5 siege masteries or Warclaw masteries for example. (priority: medium, dev effort : low)

* Add a full set of guild siege to the guild mission rewards for WVW missions , it's already time gated and has infrastructure to require active play (priority: low, dev effort : low)

* Reduce the range and duration of the revealed debuff around untiered towers and keeps. It makes playing thief especially much more unwieldy.

* Alternative role-based commander tags similar to catmander that rely on or are augmented by maxed WvW titles , for example a shield icon for Keep Defender+Tower Defender+Camp Defender or a sword icon for Keep Capture+Tower Capture.

* More ways to spend testimonies of heroics would be an addition that would be worthwhile, perhaps an accountbound 32 slot siegemaster satchel meant for people that have consumables and siege.

* Have the transition from PVE maps that function similar to WvW better. Maybe have a tab on the vendor that exchanges a bunch of PvE drizzlewood siege into WVW siege. (priority: low, dev effort : low)

* Have Lion's Arch or some main hub that connects to WvW actually be your server or server+link only. This way people can be recruited from PVE. I'm not sure this is technically possible in the current megaserver system but it is something that should be considered.

* Introduce new reward track available to new WvW players < 100 WvW rank that pays out lvl 80 exotic armor stat select boxes with no particular skin.



* Have Armistice Bastion pass in the gemstore year round.

* Siege skins have been requested for the longest time. They could be thematically the same (i.e. in shape) but have colors/patterns/flags/emblems , not so much to the point of the Wintersday one that shoots presents out of the treb/cata (as that can mess with shield gen predictive usage).

* Add ability for skinning to the walls of a tier 3 keep or tower that is claimed by a guild. This would have no function other than aesthetics.

* 5x Equipment template pack for WvW players , 1 per customer at a discounted rate. 25-30% off as in prior sales but year round. Alternately have it full price but add the same number of minimum build storage slots and box of WvW supplies.

* Fix the atrocity of build storage monetization, 9+ slots per purchase is reasonable not 3.

* More warclaw skins that don't cost 2000 gems , ideally without extensive particle effects that cause performance dips.


**Minor concerns:**

* Possibly increase damage of aimed siege to other siege based on the wind up time (i.e. the distance traveled) and reduce the damage from catapults/trebuchets to players to reinforce the value of siege weapons against siege rather than using it as a way to CC an area. Right now ballistae are effective but trebuchets hitting other trebuchets is similar to playing _Battleship_ especially with shield gens thrown in.

* A new map with plenty of play-testing and stress-testing beforehand (no laser lagfest or fall damage killing players more often than battles) with the warclaw considered as part of its design, between the size of Alpine + Desert. It must have strategic value between camps/towers/keeps unlike Desert BL. Preferably containing no underwater combat on the map. This takes time + devhours. (priority: low, dev effort: very high)

* Add a 5th skill to arrow carts that has some interaction with warclaw for dismount.

* Swap _Saved by the Shell_ 15s cooldown and position with _Shell Wall_ on Centaur Banner. Invuln is far more potent than resistance.

* Ascended mistforged hero weapon boxes for each maxed WvW title or something similar.

** Not including Realm Defender which is spend 10 supply or Master of Disaster which is spend 10 supply on siege.

* possibility of upgrade option for mistforged weapons to legendary using similar methodology to Conflux

* GvG challenge board / bounty board in EoTM/Armistice Bastion similar to PVP tournament system? It seems players are incapable of doing this independently. Maybe leverage `/stats/:id/teams` in the API as it seems that it's no longer public (priority: low, dev effort: likely high)

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- Buff siege damage to siege by 100% (not ballistas) to fix the mistake they made doubling siege HP with conditions-affecting-siege change.

- Make shield gens not block siege fire, instead make the bubble pulse damage reduction that also affects siege or something

- Make guild golems cost 80 supply. They're a huge offender of very low supply cost for their strength.

#Objectives/Claim buff/Tactivators

- Nerf claim buff to 30 stat each and 10% movementspeed, current one is too strong giving up to 10+% damage and survivability to defender making objectives bad fighting spots unlike pre-HoT.

- Buff wall/Gate HP a bit, it got nerfed due to defending being overpowered after claim buff was introduced

- Increase upgrade times of keeps and castles by 100% and 200%. Make packed dolyaks not count as 2 but make it carry 3 times as much supply. More reasonable upgrade times.

- Rework unused/overpowered tactics and improvements slightly. Things like autoturrets, cloaking water, iron guards, hardened dolyaks, watchtower are all either overpowered or unused.

- Gliding speed should be reduced while in combat. Most people don't think of gliding when fighting but it is 100% guaranteed survival for defender that also allows them to move from point a to b faster. They could also disable gliding in combat.

#Meta: Boon durations and movement speed

- Nerf boon duration concentration gives in WvW, this would mostly touch minstrel players but not roamers

- Reduce durations of superspeed, scrappers/holosmiths upkeep is too high. 2 seconds instead of 3 seconds for both Gyroscopic Acceleration and Crystal Configuration: Zephyr traits is enough

- Nerf speed runes movement speed from 100% to 66% (for sake of sPvP as well), give it like 100 stats to make up for it

- I would also touch cooldowns of lot of boon and condition removal skill/traits/runes. Boon removals having such a low cooldown (f/e break enchantments, some necro stuff, nullfield and spellbreaker grandmaster trait) makes fights spammy. Condition removal requires no skill anymore because once you use whole rotation, your first skills come off cooldown on classes like Scrapper, Tempest and Firebrand basically making your party immune to conditions. Also things that convert conditions to boons Purity of purpose should have 1s or 2s cooldown/target to make boon conversion stick more.

#Map changes/additions

- Need more objectives that matter. Replace ruins with a castle or something that gives you very small global buff ON THAT MAP. It can be stats comparable to borderlands bloodlust or something unique that doesn't break the combat like mount speed.

- Replace EB NPC events with something that matters. Like mini towers without supply depots worth somewhere between sentries and towers but can't be upgraded.

- Maybe a new map, skimmer went underwater. Why don't we? The places within the objectives don't have to be underwater fights but underwater could be used to get inside the air bubble.

- I doubt 4 maps is the perfect amount, maybe 5 is better.

#Relinking and pop statuses

- Remove relinkings and make pop status count as total of the 2 servers together

**Why?** This would allow better districution of players, not everyone likes to be on a semi-blobby server so they would go to lower tiers, not everyone likes to build a community and then have it reset every 2 months. Also it would fix transfer costs and serverstacking as links aren't free way to stack.

- Possibly remove the links or keep them there "as a backup plan if some link gets too stacked".

- Adjust transfer costs to medium servers to 800 gems, High servers to 1200 gems and Very high servers to 1600 gems.

#Keep meta FRESH

- More numerical changes every 2 weeks, new blood magic barrier traits aren't even close to as enjoyable as biweekly patches where weak weapons/traits become viable and overpowered skills get tuned down.

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I've mostly accepted WvW as it is and am not really bothered by anything specifically, so I honestly don't know what I want, I haven't put much thought in to anything. I have a few ideas for things I'd love to see added though. Some of what others have written here is great and there's no need for myself to echo anything that's been said better than I could say it.


A few of my ideas are written below, some of which I'm sure would be game breaking or people would hate, but hey, they're just ideas. I don't think most of them would add anything of value to WvW, but who knows.




* A notice board is now available at each primary spawn. Players can place a bounty on other players that will award additional WXP, Karma and Badges upon fulfillment. The player that placed the bounty will be notified when someone has completed their task. Placing the bounty will require a small currency fee.

Bounties are timed missions that can be accepted _once hourly_ on individual players. Meaning if the task to kill a player times out or fails, a bounty cannot be accepted on that same player again for another hour. Being killed by the target will instead award them with the bonus and will notify them that the hit has been eliminated.

_Bounties cannot be placed on commanders or players below Bronze rank. Rewards are tripled on players who have been alive for 1+ hour._


**Mount integration**


* All mounts can now be used in WvW under the condition that they all behave the same as the Warclaw while in WvW. Same movement speed, same amount of dodges, same engage abilities, etc. (if mounts are here to stay, why shouldn't we be able to use all of our mounts, right?)


**Destructible objectives**


* Players can now speak to Tower Champions to initiate a structure evacuation. A minimum of 10 players must agree with this option for it to begin with no more than 5 of those players belonging to the same guild. A structure evacuation will; transport all supplies to the keep, remove all NPC's, walls and gates, add the objective PPT to the keep, promote the objective Yak to Elite rank, and will make the objective neutral ground until reversed via the same process at the keep Champion (this means enemy players can freely walk in and out of said objective). This process is not immediate and will have a 5 minute timer to fully complete. Capturing an objective that is being evacuated will cancel the effect. Promoted Yaks will behave the same and will not scale with nearby players, but will transport additional supplies by default and award additional WXP/PPT on kill.


**Profession specific ranks**


* Achieving X number of ranks with any given profession will grant the option to change a players' rank title. Eg. _"Blackgate Silver Paragon"._ Toggling this option requires a map change and can only be used on the respective profession (a Necromancer could not use a Ranger's rank title, for example). A new title will also become available for achieving X number of kills with specific professions. Eg. _"Ultimate Phantom"._ This title will be the same as any other and can be used interchangeably.


**Mercenary Sentries**


* Mercenary camps no longer fortify supply camps and instead replace Sentry's with x1 Veteran and x2 normal of the nearest captured Mercenary camp. Eg. Capturing Ogre camp would replace Durios, Bravost, Veloka and Ogrewatch Sentry's with x1 Veteran and x2 normal Ogres.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:


> * Reassess under-used tactics such as Auto Turrets


I like and agree with a lot of the things you've said, and appreciate the thought behind it all. This is the only thing I want to highlight though.


Others have also mentioned adjusting underused/overused tactics and I think it should be noted that some of the underused tactics aren't that bad, they're just heavily outclassed by other options. Reducing the strength of better tactics is what I think should be done instead of buffing underused ones.


Auto Turrets are quite good at stopping very small groups of players. You pretty much need someone to be spamming Stability on rammers or to have a Shield Gen. That can be pretty helpful, but because other options are so much better, like Iron Guards, it's almost never worth slotting. That's why I think some of the other things should be nerfed instead.

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In my Opinion:


* Server Population Balance system get abused by too many, ez solutions exist, so anet should focus on them

* conditions: burning dmg wise, and immobilisation are too strong right now,

* static aura is to strong since there is no counterplay to static aura stuns except stopping hitting enemy, and that would make it to an invulnaribility wiith way too much uptime for groups with eles

* firebrand as supporter TO important too strong, because too much cc, heal, boons, condi cleans and stability in 1 class on 1 build

* dismounting an enemy still too much cd or in general not enough options to do that

* and, most important: **downstate still broken mechanic for the greater groups**

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I'm a returning player so my view is through the lens of what I see now versus what WvW was like as I remember it in 2012-2013.


* First thing that I would like to see is a rework to conditions; either in damage, frequency of application, or methods to combat them. Ideally, all three would be applied to varying degrees, rather than something like "Conditions now deal 20% less damage" which I think would be an awful way to go about it.

* Participation, while a nice idea in theory, doesn't really work. Building up siege for defense in a tower doesn't contribute anything, scouting groups doesn't do anything. It's pretty much just "capture stuff, don't bother with defense, and skirmish" if you want reward track progress. I'd like to see the system taken out and a new method of doing reward tracks implemented.

* Currently there feels like there is little incentive to defend nodes. It costs nothing to upgrade things, so there's no feeling of real loss when you lose that tower or that keep or even that camp. It's more of an annoyance then anything, and just means more participation credit when you flip it back in five minutes. Maybe this isn't true in every bracket, but on my server this is how it seems to be.

* I for one miss the lord being on the second floor in SMC; in the early days it was moved because of arrow cart defense from the third floor was too strong for all but the largest of map blobs to take down. With nerfs to siege damage and I believe a global cooldown on the amount of hits an arrow cart can have per second, I feel like the biggest reason for this change has been fixed. I'd like to see some of the epicness of taking SMC return.

* I always liked the idea of there being some PvE elements to contend with in WvW, such as the shrine in the middle of the borderlands, but since they were removed and there is a lot of wasted elements still left, I'd like to see all the non-mercenary PvE elements removed. Ascaonian ghosts, champion grub and oakheart mobs that serve no purpose (besides memes), centaur and skritt camps in the borderlands, and all of the vista and hero point spots that are no longer necessary since map completion was removed and you don't have a use for the extra hero points (my warrior has over 400 extra hero points after being fully unlocked). It seems to be the consensus, at least among the players I've spoken with, that WvW players see most of these PvE elements as useless and would like to see them removed.

* I do personally miss the orbs you could hold in the borderlands and would like them to return in some way. Basically just another thing to contest over besides nodes, and another thing to incentivize defending your keep that controls it.

* I would say just remove the warclaw but I know it is far too late for that with all the money people have invested into skins for it, so please find a way to make this mount useful in PvE (even if not in any unique way) and maybe just remove it from WvW. Have it be a nice bonus for WvW players to show off in PvE, but the game play it has brought to WvW has not made my experience any more enjoyable, and I've heard the same sentiment from others.

* Please, please, please work on optimizing the WvW maps at the very least (if not the whole game) so that we can actually enjoy three way zerg fights; large scale action is one of the biggest draws to the WvW game mode and you still don't have the technology implemented so that players can actually enjoy this. Heck, I'd like to see more players per map, but that can't happen until you work out a way to optimize the game for better performance. If that means putting in DirectX 12 support officially and not through a third party addon, so be it. If it means coming up with new ways of doing effects that cause less lag, so be it. Bottom line is you've made the announcement of another expansion to the game, rather than a brand new game, so we as players expect that we'll be playing this game for quite a while longer at least. That being the case, the game needs to take better advantage of modern improvements in game development if it is to maintain or even grow its playerbase in the coming years.


Alliances have been mentioned for a long time and there are far more knowledgeable players that have commented on the topic so I will leave championing Alliances to them. I will say, however, that the more time that goes by and the more promises of Alliances being the fix to WvW we've all dreamed of, the greater the backlash will be if it does not deliver on the ever increasing hype around it.

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i agree with most of your list. i listed my stuff about this up too often, not gonna repeart all, but yeah:


> * Maps (new & **EoTM**)

> * New** WvW content** (kill quests, guild content, rankings, week-end participation, new combat methods (_not fully sure how u mean that_),

new map mechanics: big yes

new WvW game modes: maybe, possible split between serious and chill/kitten

rework unused tactics: idk what u mean here as well. new tactics overall would be sweet.


> i barely care about skills, don't think anet understand Wvw playstyle enough to balance them in a good way...

> * Population balance (Alliances, partially addressed by downstate adjustments)

> * Rewards YES

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■ this =>


with something like that => Wv-W-frontline


■ a visually upgraded snow borderland and EB maps. (like desert borderland).


■ alliances?


■ downstate balance (no rally bot, auto attack nerf whlie downed, standardized health pool depending on class and not on stats, unability to become stealthed by someone else while downed. only one person can help a downed ()instead of 5).


■ reduce warclaw unmount chain CD.


■ change the way tactics are being used. instead of having to wait to get a t3 or whatever, use the same system as planete side 2.

that is:

_a guild earn ressources each X seconds or minutes (or depending on dolyacks...) depending on the tagged structure.

_those ressources stack up to a maximum.

_use those ressource whenever you want (depending on guild permission) to unleash tactics.

basically that means that guilds that are more present in WvW and be able to hold on to a structure for a long time will be able to use tactics more often. and you will see less tactic waste since it will be dependent on ones ressource earned though structure defense and not having to wait a long time just to be able to use one, probably used by a random who sometimes didn't even know what he did.


■ why not airship to airship battle event and the winner drop directly on one of the edge of dtone mist castle (where the cannons are located on the top)

would cost ressources and activable only under special circumstances.


■ airship calling tactic for SM castle could be controlled by a player. (the airship could move slower and all the canons manually aimed by the player).

because right now it just hit everywhere, do not stay that long, is hard to synergize with a ocutner bus attack and the CC is dodgeable and kinda poor anyway when it target a big bus. the chill drones are way more usefull than the airships.

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- Boon/stat/exp-gain reward if you decide to run a regular party instead of a squad. (min. requirement 3 participants)

- Remove GOB from WvW. Give us a PvE reward track similar to the ones in Drizzlewood Coast.

- Remove Warclaw from WvW, give it a real purpose in PvE (e.g. climbing walls) + an idle animation playing with a ball of wool.

- Add a boon that increases reward track progress by 1 % for every different class you have in your squad. We have 9 classes = +9 % reward track progress possible.

- Add another boon that gives +1 % more, when you managed to balance your squad. Boon disappears when one profession takes more than 10 % of your squad-population.

- Slaying the same enemy player more then three times in 10 minutes, they will no longer grant kill progress or generate loot for you for 1 hour.

- Unclaimed camps give you -1 supply on pickup every 5 minutes they remain unclaimed. Minimum = 2. Cooldown to grab more supply = 5 seconds. PrOfFeSsIoNaLs Do NoT cLaIm CaMpS

- Using a Finisher has a 50 % chance to get more badges/loot. If the progress bar was 50% or higher when the target dies, the Finisher counts as landed = participation on the kill is granted.

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My List:

* Keep the promise of 4-6 week balance updates.

* Update the Older Maps, EBG and Alpine with new graphics and possibly some new layouts.

* Make Desert less widespread.

* Introduce a third map so there's finally no duplicates.

* Give more to defensive positions so it's not just zergs steamrolling everything, I.e limiting dragon banners to the area they spawn so they become a defensive tool or giving a better buff when outnumbered.

* Limit/reduce the effectiveness of ressing in a large group

* Rewards, WvW Rewards are pretty low it'd be nice to not have to leave the game mode if you want to get some decent rewards for your time.


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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> - Boon/stat/exp-gain reward if you decide to run a regular party instead of a squad. (min. requirement 3 participants)

> - Remove GOB from WvW. Give us a PvE reward track similar to the ones in Drizzlewood Coast.

> - Remove Warclaw from WvW, give it a real purpose in PvE (e.g. climbing walls) + an idle animation playing with a ball of wool.

> - Add a boon that increases reward track progress by 1 % for every different class you have in your squad. We have 9 classes = +9 % reward track progress possible.

> - Add another boon that gives +1 % more, when you managed to balance your squad. Boon disappears when one profession takes more than 10 % of your squad-population.

> - Slaying the same enemy player more then three times in 10 minutes, they will no longer grant kill progress or generate loot for you for 1 hour.

> - Unclaimed camps give you -1 supply on pickup every 5 minutes they remain unclaimed. Minimum = 2. Cooldown to grab more supply = 5 seconds. PrOfFeSsIoNaLs Do NoT cLaIm CaMpS

> - Using a Finisher has a 50 % chance to get more badges/loot. If the progress bar was 50% or higher when the target dies, the Finisher counts as landed = participation on the kill is granted.


u confuse this clearly with sPvp... whats the issue with people and the Gift of Battle? i get this trash every other day from the tracks lmfao.


it is just too late now to remove warclaw.


btw i don't get what "Boon/stat/exp-gain reward" is supposed to mean. but surely, cannot say no to a booncorruption setup like that. just don't make the next ragepost when your boonstacks kill u within a second after u meet a scrouge.


random silly boons for weirdosquads of "equality" are amongst the worst ideas. who make the rules of a "balanced" squad composition? after many changes i don't really trust anet in that point, they got no real idea of the meta i guess, nor what would like a fix. like may i remember the holo nerf. quite pointless, it was a pretty much smallscale class anyways and the big dps builds still exist.


also if i just read that... "using a finisher has .. change for more BADGES" ... why u need more badges? i have about 14k and i cannot even burn that many for anything. using finishers is more cheese than anything else since several classes can just activate stability or invulnerability or stealth or quickness and finish with no risk or skill needed that way :bleep_bloop: technically even every class, but some have better combos ofc.


idk why that would make sense - not every guild has the ability to claim camps. so if u have only 1 wvw guild, and the rest of servers slacks, you get punished for that. wouldn't help anyone, only annoy many, including me.


slaying the same player over and over quickly grants not a tons of wxp anyways. who really cares about that. people would just suicide for eternity into your then, and they yet do that kinda, so i see not what that would change. it doesn't make anyone klick their buttons faster, know their skills better, understand when to dodge better etc.

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