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Any word from the devs?

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Not to act spoiled and all, but it's october and aside from sunqua peak (which is pretty fun to play, not gonna lie), there's been no talk about the next living story episode, or anything a bit more specific about the expansion.

Sure it's very very nice that they're making a new expansion, but aside from "we're doing it", there's be no further discussion about it.

Also, no talk about the next balance changes either, the one they made previously this year was interesting a it felt like they were finally getting in touch with the players, but now it seems like we're back to almost total silence again.


Feel free to bash me but I was expecting some post this month for the next plans regarding gw2

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The expansion news was a teaser for the anniversary, I wouldn't expect any more info on it till at least some time into 2021.

As for the story it'd be nice for an update, I doubt anything will come in October since the Halloween festival takes up this month. Maybe an episode or vision in November, If not then January is my next best guess.

Balance changes, Yeah I wish they would've kept their plan of 4-6 week changes they had a while back but that's pretty much out the window. They did say on stream that a balance patch was being QA tested and might not make it, so maybe next update?

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I do wish they'd get on these forums and chat more in general. This is the one thing I think Blizzard does better than Anet. Talk to its players. Regardless, news or no news, Anet is the better model because of no sub fees. I'll keep checking the website every Tuesday in hope of an update. I'd be more pleased if the devs would show up here and shoot the breeze in general. Doesn't need to be an update, just participation in the community.

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I wanted to say "What about Alliances" but all my mind can conjure up is a crude drawing of stick figures fighting over a crudely drawn castle. Is it bad that I cant associate any Proper explanations and features to that supposedly coming WvW update that wasn't even part of the roadmap, not even discussed ?

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> @"Goettel.4389" said:

> Dev developing >> talking to users IMO


That's a given, I'm of the same opinion. That said though, a post here and there help keeping the community hooked, what with theorycrafting and speculations and more. At least a dev blog once a month should be expected, whether they have big plans or not. At least so they can give their view on all aspects of the game as time goes on.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> The problem has been when Anet posts on the forum, some people take what they say as gospel and when things don't pan out they're insulted and called liars. I blame the community here for the lack of developer interaction.


That doesn’t stop them interacting on reddit or discord which have the same problems.


Every gaming community has a loud section who do that. They can be ignored since the rest of the community shouldn’t lose the privilege of interaction because of a vocal few.


I’ve also noticed more dev interactions tend to calm things down because players appreciate it. The more abandoned the communication is, the more unrest


So I don’t blame the community for it since it isn’t the whole community - just a small group of facetious players who revel in the idea of slamming the devs at every turn no matter what.


All that said, the only real thing we are missing is a roadmap (which is likely due anyway) and a further response on the PoF/ls4 lag issues.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"MarkoGold.7126" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"MarkoGold.7126" said:

> > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > The problem has been when Anet posts on the forum, some people take what they say as gospel and when things don't pan out they're insulted and called liars. I blame the community here for the lack of developer interaction.

> > > >

> > > > if they promise something and not deliver then yeah they are liars nothing to do with the community.

> > >

> > > I think you missed my point. They don't promise anything, but people take what they say as a promise and then call them liars.

> >

> > they promised a whole set of legendary weapons day one with hot and didnt deliver on that for years and i still dont think we have every weapon in the game from hot legendaries promise. - example of one lie.


> So, they actually gave a specific date on when these things would be released and then they weren't? Also, situations change and business decisions change. Calling them liars means that they knowingly gave information on legendary weapons that they knew was false. I really don't think that is the case.


> But this example further supports my theory of why the devs don't communicate on the forum.


yeah they did they said with the release of hot all legy gen 2 weapons would be in and didnt deliver, and business decisions changing means nothing if they promise something they should deliver why do i care if they had some business direction changes i do not i only care that they deliver what they promise, which they almost never do and are willing to lie alot.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> The problem has been when Anet posts on the forum, some people take what they say as gospel and when things don't pan out they're insulted and called liars. I blame the community here for the lack of developer interaction.


Imagine having a customer service job where you can just stop answering phone calls and running the front desk if a few customers are rude.


I know precisely how forums are, but this isn't a realistic reason for why company communication is sparse. A better theory (in my opinion) is that ArenaNet simply doesn't think PR is important enough to assign someone to it on a regular basis. They know if they put something in the gemstore or release a feature they can usually just sit back and watch it get bought regardless of complaints. The effort to maintain steady communication is likely viewed as an optional garnish instead of a basic part of their branding equation.


As it stands, the dev relationship with the community seems to be based solely on what individual devs feel like sharing in their free time.


I take my hat off to the fractal team since I see them posting on the regular, but I think we'd all be happy to see more of a presence on the forum from devs in other areas of the game. Some people will always be sour no matter what a dev says, but it doesn't mean nothing should be said at all. I always appreciate a dev taking the time to post, even if it's just with a :) emoji.


They can't always share the details of what they're working on or address every suggestion and inquiry, but sheer presence is a huge deal for people like me.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> The problem has been when Anet posts on the forum, some people take what they say as gospel and when things don't pan out they're insulted and called liars. I blame the community here for the lack of developer interaction.


I do agree that this community has abused the devs quite a bit. That said, as a member of the hospitality industry, every major company interacts with thier population even if it breaks all the way down to pasted smiles and pre-determined responses. These folks just went mostly silent here on thier own forums. They need to take this territory back and tell us how things are going to be communication wise. They have to be pro enough to know that anything they say will generate positive and negative response and the negative people always yell the loudest. The other 95% of us love these devs!

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It doesn't matter if they are official or unofficial outlets in the slightest. If the issue was because they felt they kept being held to things, why would they interact more on Reddit or discord knowing they get the exact same problem there (and worse on Reddit where the abuse is 10x higher)? Therefore, I don't consider it an excuse if it is the reason.


I don't think we need to have perhaps the same level of interaction and chatting as Reddit and Discord gets - the devs obviously hate the forum format and prefer the other plaforms for conversation purposes (as stated a few times in the past), but where game breaking issues exist (like ongoing issues in PoF), then I think it is the responisble thing for them to be more communicative.


As for the roadmap, like I said I expect that to be forthcoming. probably just before Halloween




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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"MarkoGold.7126" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > The problem has been when Anet posts on the forum, some people take what they say as gospel and when things don't pan out they're insulted and called liars. I blame the community here for the lack of developer interaction.

> >

> > if they promise something and not deliver then yeah they are liars nothing to do with the community.


> I think you missed my point. They don't promise anything, but people take what they say as a promise and then call them liars.


They promised alliances, they promised faster content cadence EVEN THOUGH covid is an issue? They promised to be more upfront, for years and to talk to us and here we are with radio silence. They promised to keep track of PvP and to care, they promised NOT TO GUT CLASSES and yet warrior sits where it is. They SWORE that they'd finished the e-spec trade-offs and they promised that they'd talk to us here and on reddit more than they do currently. These are all things they said as if they were the gospel and yet here we sit and here we will remain.


I love guild wars, with all my heart as its my fave and main mmo. Sure I dont do absolutely everything when it comes out and my main focus is WvW; So maybe Im a bit jaded because I want more content for my mode of choice (I dont think this is a crime, im not asking for the moon and stars. I just would like a rock or two; A new map or something and an expansion alongside PvE as I do enjoy BOTH MODES) I feel neglected and honestly sometimes it feels like they want everyone but the PvE crowd to quit the game; If they dont do something with the new mmo's on the horrizon they may just get their wish.


I want this game to succeed, but its comforting when a dev posts. Makes you feel like (Even if it isn't true) that you somewhat matter as a customer and player; Right now everyone is likely feeling the burn and neglect. Probably is testing peoples patience as we know full well the expansion is likely still in early, early development as from august to the reveal of its existence they said "nah, living world is how we're gonna do it." and I love the saga.... wish more norn focus would be in it but hey. I like the norn; Not so much a charr fan as for me Ill always see the enemy who initiated the searing.( I like they as the bad guys. And I love rytlock so.... I mean I do like them, have two of them. But unless tengu come norn are my babies.)

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > The problem has been when Anet posts on the forum, some people take what they say as gospel and when things don't pan out they're insulted and called liars. I blame the community here for the lack of developer interaction.


> Imagine having a customer service job where you can just stop answering phone calls and running the front desk if a few customers are rude.


> I know precisely how forums are, but this isn't a realistic reason for why company communication is sparse. A better theory (in my opinion) is that ArenaNet simply doesn't think PR is important enough to assign someone to it on a regular basis. They know if they put something in the gemstore or release a feature they can usually just sit back and watch it get bought regardless of complaints. The effort to maintain steady communication is likely viewed as an optional garnish instead of a basic part of their branding equation.


> As it stands, the dev relationship with the community seems to be based solely on what individual devs feel like sharing in their free time.


> I take my hat off to the fractal team since I see them posting on the regular, but I think we'd all be happy to see more of a presence on the forum from devs in other areas of the game. Some people will always be sour no matter what a dev says, but it doesn't mean nothing should be said at all. I always appreciate a dev taking the time to post, even if it's just with a :) emoji.


> They can't always share the details of what they're working on or address every suggestion and inquiry, but sheer presence is a huge deal for people like me.


Worked in customer service and dealt with the rudest, scum that you can possibly imagine. But I was expected to maintain my composure and assure them that it wasn't an issue. I've been called names, even spit at within my job and sure we had to ask those people to leave and im not sure what caused them to behave in such a way. But for every rude and otherwise lacking person there were ten to twenty people who wanted my help; Joked with me and let me help them and even let me save them money. You CANNOT lump your customer base together; You can't sit there and say nothing and just let people do what they will do. People are inherently (Do not get offended, please this is just something as customer service employee/cashier that I've noticed..) entitled, lazy and often times they dont want excuses they want what they want without any consideration of how ridiculous it is. It is the job of those who hold the title of customer service to ensure they at the very least get an answer; With a smile even if they don't deserve it.


Many times I wanted to hit the person because their behavior was borderline abuse; And for where I worked and for the hours I worked (I had to work three or so jobs, this was just last year.) I felt I didn't deserve the treatment. But I took a deep breath and I braved those waters because IT IS MY JOB! What a concept. The very least they could do, is ensure we know that they listen. Saying that on a stream, on twitch is not gonna cut it because everyone here doesn't go over there and im saying that as someone who went to go see for myself (CmC stated they read every post or at least someone does.) But if the people who matter aren't then whats the point? So something needs to give either we need to abandon the forums and stop posting; Leave them with the same radio silence they leave us in. Or they need to as much as I hate to say it, put on their hat and brave face and traverse these waters that they have stirred up.


They are the ONLY ONES who can fix this; Not you or I or anyone else has the power to do so. So if they do in fact read the forums, please if anything post at least something once a week not necessarily in its own post but somewhere. Or make a post addressing the major issues such as lag, crashes and so on so that way we can at least understand to some lesser degree. Im not even saying leave it open for comment just make sure your customers know you're listening, which would sizzle a ton of this out because then half of the complaint is made void by that mere action. That or everyone needs to bugger off the forums and reddit and just either move on or push through the issues and leave them wondering why WE for once dont want to interact with them.


Despite all the crap I've given A-net over the years, I enjoy the interactions I've had with their dev's and Id like more of them. Whether in game or out of game; I love reading their posts and hearing what they have to say. As someone who has dealt with similar, trust me the worst thing you can do... is just sit on it and let it fester hoping that it will go away because it never does and the people who act as such only get worse in the silence. Which then effects everyone else~

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Let's take a look at the Icebrood Saga release cadence:

Bound by Blood, September 17, 2019

Whisper in the Dark, November 19, 2019, 2 months later

Shadow in the Ice, January 28, 2020, 2 months later

Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire, March 17, 2020, 2 months later

No Quarter, May 26, 2020, 2 months later

Jormag Rising, July 28, 2020, 2 months later

Sunqua Peak Fractal, September 15, 2020, 2 months later

Next release: November 2020


I guess if you don't count Sunqua Peak as a "release" there has been a delay, but since it was part of the road map, similar to Visions of the Past, it's safe to say that we are within schedule. Also take a note when Visions of the Past launched: right after the 2-map release of Bjora Marches was finished. Then Sunqua Peak launched after the 2-map release of Drizzlewood. What I'm getting at is that the second half of a map probably takes less resources and time to develop (as is evident by the cadence), which is why they can release the second half 2 months after the first one. But the first half takes longer because they need to design the concept for the area, the story, the mobs, of course the entire map design should be complete with the first half launch.


So releases will go like this: First half of episode - Second half of episode - intermission - first half of episode - second half of episode - intermission - repeat

Also, Steam release is coming around November was it's more than likely that they have to make certain preparations for it.

Chill, it's too early to panic.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Let's take a look at the Icebrood Saga release cadence:

> Bound by Blood, September 17, 2019

> Whisper in the Dark, November 19, 2019, 2 months later

> Shadow in the Ice, January 28, 2020, 2 months later

> Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire, March 17, 2020, 2 months later

> No Quarter, May 26, 2020, 2 months later

> Jormag Rising, July 28, 2020, 2 months later

> Sunqua Peak Fractal, September 15, 2020, 2 months later

> Next release: November 2020


All those others are part of the Saga's storyline, though. Is Sunqua Peak relevant to the story? I haven't played it yet. If it's not part of the story then it's not part of the Saga and I'd still expect a LS release in October sometime.


If anything I'd say the "delay" is due to getting the voice work in order again.


> Also, Steam release is coming around November was it's more than likely that they have to make certain preparations for it.


Sure it will, lots of work there but probably not a whole lot for the people who are developing the Saga. A landscape artist probably isn't much use in configuring servers, for example.


I'm sure we'll see another road map next week.

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