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Insanely low bag count in labyrinth


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There's no such thing as lucky or unlucky accounts so I can only assume you aren't tagging things with enough damage to get credit. 30 mins with only 36 bags is incredibly low for tagging everything. In fact it's nigh on impossible if you are tagging every mob and doing enough damage


Fast aoe will make a big difference on the door events - I can get 20-30 on an ele or reaper use sweeping cleaves and flaming aoes. I don't stack magic find at all, so no idea what effect that has on ToT bags if any (ToT bags aren't rare items so I'm guessing MF doesn't improve it?)

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I can only assume you aren't tagging things with enough damage to get credit.


> This ^


> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > Run a Venom build and you should have no problem getting credit.


> Not this ^


> Run Berserker or Marauder.


They clearly have the damage but aren't managing to get credit most likely due to lag, targetting issues or anything else that prevents them from tagging the mobs quickly enough. The suggestion was to add group skills in order to leech extra credit.

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Were you in squad? The low damage is for being in squad because you need less damage then if you out in front solo tagging stuff you might not be getting credit. Also on my alts I have the 80 boost defensive gear exotics and having no issue but get less loot because they don;t have auto loot so if the mob doesn't die fast then my loot sits on the ground even as I spam f all the time thru but I just do daily kill 40 mobs type thing so not like I'm farming for a couple hours. So if you don't have auto loot then that could of been the issue too

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> Were you in squad? The low damage is for being in squad because you need less damage then if you out in front solo tagging stuff you might not be getting credit. Also on my alts I have the 80 boost defensive gear exotics and having no issue but get less loot because they don;t have auto loot so if the mob doesn't die fast then my loot sits on the ground even as I spam f all the time thru but I just do daily kill 40 mobs type thing so not like I'm farming for a couple hours. So if you don't have auto loot then that could of been the issue too


yup...always squad up when doing the Lab. Run builds that can tag. Bags galore...

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> @"IGN.7125" said:

> Apparently I had to do more damage so from now on I will just use my full gear.

Good idea.

Keep in mind the overwhelming majority of people telling you to take your gear off in the Lab that aren't doing it for "the good of everyone" but are actually using you to upscale the number of mobs from doors while they do full damage and reap the rewards.

They harass you to take off your gear while they and their guildies go full zerkers.

Running Arc during these events will prove this out.


Someone tells you to take gear off, find another comm.

Someone who beaks off about how you should do this on the forums or reddit is just showing their true colors.

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I only take off my trinkets if I notice I genuinely am taking a huge chunk out of things ad the first hit, but most of the time that isn't the case. You really don't have to do a ton of damage to get credit, as long as you're in a squad. But you shouldn't have to take off most of your gear if you really are only hitting things once or twice.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> There's no such thing as lucky or unlucky accounts

Pff, I will still maintain that your statement is false.


In the early days of GW2 there was a fairly well known issue with accounts not being able to get rewards - and thus tags - from events. Where one account could kill a couple mobs and still get gold - which is pretty much the norm - there where accounts that could kill dozens upon dozens of mobs, do the whole event chain and still only get bronze. And it was consistent.


That showed that not all accounts are equal. Who knows what shenanigans is still going on in the account backend.


In regards to gear, yep just equip it again. I've been in the lab with no trinkets and gotten too little loot because I do too little damage. I just reequip the trinkets and bags skyrocket. Unless it's a very organized commander, people dont really follow the lower damage builds. Also since people want to kill bosses now, it only gimps people anyway.

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AoE and Cleave are your best friend in the Lab, you'll want to hit as many targets as possible with single hits.


Years ago we had Guardians with Staff auto spamming as the main best thing for Lab farming, hence the term "Loot stick" if you've heard of it but that's no longer a thing since the changed the Skills on Guard Staff.


Best i've found and what I use personally is Necromancers Greatsword, aside from the auto which hits 3 targets you can also put down a growing AoE with the 4th skill and it has a pull for when people knock mobs away with CC or just when they level up.. really good weapon for Lab farming imo

Plus Reaper has AoE shouts too and wells so there's tons of options for tagging a lot of mobs, I get tons of bags with my reaper.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > There's no such thing as lucky or unlucky accounts

> Pff, I will still maintain that your statement is false.


> In the early days of GW2 there was a fairly well known issue with accounts not being able to get rewards - and thus tags - from events. Where one account could kill a couple mobs and still get gold - which is pretty much the norm - there where accounts that could kill dozens upon dozens of mobs, do the whole event chain and still only get bronze. And it was consistent.

That "fairly known issue" was a myth. There was only at best anecdotal evidence (which was inherently flawed, see below), it was never supported by any hard data.

Yes, originally tagging was harder, but that was due to tag threshold being higher (which affected everyone equally), and due to many things that do count now not counting then (for example, if you were a condi build, you had a lot of trouble tagging anything because condi damage didn't count. Minion damage didn't count either, with predictable results for rangers and mesmers). It was "consistent" mainly because a ton of people were running low damage builds (or those classes that had problems due to their main mechanics not counting), so yes, they consistently didn't manage to get past tag thresholds. Because they consistenly were using the same class and build. Which had nothing to do with account itself.




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Been running [Metabattle's Tag Devil](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_TagDevil) build in the lab this year and have been really happy with it.


EDIT 10/18/20: Timed it today and in a 45 minute run with a group that avoided the big bosses except for one fight with Steve, I gathered 335 ToT bags using that shortbow daredevil build from Metabattle. Don't know what kind of numbers other folks are getting but I was satisfied with that as well as with the 3 BL chests and 68 Teal Petals I also garnered on that run.

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> @"Chichimec.9364" said:

> Been running [Metabattle's Tag Devil](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_TagDevil) build in the lab this year and have been really happy with it.


> EDIT 10/18/20: Timed it today and in a 45 minute run with a group that avoided the big bosses except for one fight with Steve, I gathered 335 ToT bags using that shortbow daredevil build from Metabattle. Don't know what kind of numbers other folks are getting but I was satisfied with that as well as with the 3 BL chests and 68 Teal Petals I also garnered on that run.


That's nuts. I'm using the same build with the gear suggested for Lab. I tried it for a few minutes and noticed I got a really low amount of bags from when I was running zerker and short bow. Like I came here after killing a few doors in a squad and only getting like 5 bags for one of them when I'm used to a few tens of them per small mob door. I think the Lab build for tagdevil causes damage output to be too low, and the person above who suggested running zerker gave good advice.

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> @"psychogears.3509" said:

> That's nuts. I'm using the same build with the gear suggested for Lab. I tried it for a few minutes and noticed I got a really low amount of bags from when I was running zerker and short bow. Like I came here after killing a few doors in a squad and only getting like 5 bags for one of them when I'm used to a few tens of them per small mob door. I think the Lab build for tagdevil causes damage output to be too low, and the person above who suggested running zerker gave good advice.


Ah, sorry, I should have been clearer. I am not running their specific lab variant but the standard tag devil with marauder gear. Nor am I taking off trinkets. With that set up I'm doing damage but am not one-shotting anything, nor hogging kills. For me, both magic find and the playstyle of the commander/group make a real difference too. I seem to do best with a MF around 600 or higher and a commander/group that skips the Viscount and Lich but does open mob/vet doors, while not using mount skills to kill mobs.


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Bag counts depend on a number of factors, that can be simplistically divided into four categories:

* Build

* Map/Commander

* Magic Find

* Playstyle


A player could have the best build in the world, but not be using it in a way that maximizes bags, run low magic find, and be on a "bad map". Likewise, on a "good map", some people can get 500 bags/hour without trouble, while others will struggle to get 100 bags/hour.




**Build requirements:** AoE & mobility

Rapid fire, AoE, mobility, & a DPS option when dealing with ~~Colin~~ Steve. The so-called Tag-Devil *can be* great, if everything else (below) is also true.


**Magic Find:** add at least 250%

Boost it with food & oils, fireworks, boosters, etc. If you aren't *adding* at least 250% to your base MF, [check the wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magic_Find#Maximizing_magic_find). Veterans should aim for +400% (not necessarily achievable by everyone).


**Playstyle:** "tag" rather than DPS

Tagging-for-loot requires different tactics and behaviors than raiding, WvW, PvP, story instances, or PvE meta events. Running the Tag-Devil will yield less unless you are actively swapping targets, staying near the front of the zerg, and focusing on "tags", rather than damage. Accordingly, there are [other builds](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Category:Open_World_Tagging_builds) that might be more suitable for some players.


**Map/Commander:** map hop early & often

Don't assume the first map you find will be "good" and don't assume it will remain that way. Swap maps as often as needed to ensure that you have a commander that knows the profitable route(s) (more time in the middle than on the edges), that the zerg stays mostly together, that no one is opening doors "too soon", and that there aren't too many people spreading out mobs (which reduces the kills/minute by increasing the time-to-kill for the stragglers).



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I guess I didn't mention it, but I wasn't even getting XP for the mobs I tagged. I'd see the white damage number fly out, but when they'd die, most of the time I would not see any XP number pop up, so I know I wasn't even getting a loot roll. It wasn't until I switched to zerker gear and stuck on a target that I'd actually get credit.

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