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What titles do you use?

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I use the title “Been there, done that.” because I’ve always liked that title (sounds cool) and what it represents (world completion). I remember that world completion was one of my big goals when I started playing, because it seemed like a big deal and every time I saw someone with the title “Been there done that.” I thought to myself ‘I can’t wait to do world completion’, ‘One day I’ll get that title too’, things like that. So I like to use that title because it’s meaningful to me, it kinda represents my growth in-game and how far I’ve come (even though I realize now that world completion is not that big of a deal).


So my final answer would be: personal fulfillment/satisfaction? :)

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"Been There Done That" on the second character who did it - the first wears Knight of the Thorn because she's the *only* one to have done that.


Kylara Nightsong, the purple Reaper, wears "Killer Queen" because, well, necro, female, nobility, blah blah blah.


Neranta Xelar is an Honorary Skritt because why not. ![](https://i.imgur.com/KADbHDn.jpg "")


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I use titles which I think suit the character. Some are fairly predictable like my sylvari using 'Knight of the Thorn' or my revenant using 'Veteran of the Mists', others are a bit more obscure. My human ranger uses 'Light in the Darkness' because her last name is Aurorel, which means 'dawn star'. So the title is a bit redundant but I like it.


The other possibility is I use titles which fit what they're doing, so things like 'Traveler', 'Avenger of the Dispossessed' and 'Distinction in Applied Jumping' get used a lot.


To be honest I rarely remember where a title comes from, so using them to show off what I've done would be pretty impractical for me.

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"I'm rich, you know" because I saved up a really long time to get that one. Also, like Danikat says, I tend to use titles that make sense to me for my toons. My ranger, for example, uses "The Hunter". I'm also a fan of "Been there, done that" on my toon that first finished map completion.

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Main Character - Volunteer: Because it fits. As long as it is not something against my principles, I pretty much engage into every activity that pops up. Easily attracted by downed/dead icons on the minimap and mapchat activity, enjoy to do HP/Events/Bounties/Collections with people who need them. Often end up pondering what I really intended to do that day.


JP Character - Finders Keepers: Because it fits perfectly to a treasure-hunter.


If I ever manage to obtain the Unhappy Camper, I am going to give this to all my gather-mules, because it would fit perfectly.

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