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Inventory Buttons - [Merged]


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> @"Gunjoe.8742" said:

> 8 years of muscle memory had me clicking the show rarity the first time but honestly im really happy with the change, it saves me a few seconds every time I deposit and compact, 2 clicks instead of 4 and easier to click too. It shouldn't take too long for most vets to get accustomed to the new buttons i'd assume.


Unless your a veteran that never use the compact because you like stuff in your bottom normal bag.

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Improvements like this make me wonder if Devs even play the game they work on. Hardly anyone used the Compact All option. I have hit it a couple times already, like others. I had to stop and rearrange my bags back to the order I like. PITA!

I do like the Deposit button out separate. Glad the top button on the gear (Show/Hide rarities) doesnt change much because I have hit it several times too.


As most all here say....put the Compact All back on the drop down (not at the top).

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I fail to see an issue. The compact and deposit buttons were in a pull down menu, next to each other, now they are one level higher, next to each other. I do not remember ever misclicking them before, and doubt I will now. I have 15 shared slots for most of what I ~~need~~ want to carry with me. Each character has 2 regular bags for daily hunting loot, then the rest are invisible bags. Invisible bags are not affected by deposit or compact. After I sell junk, and deposit the actual junk that will not sell, I compact and if there is room in the bag I keep killing critters. Inventory control has never been an issue.


I rather like the new placement. I did not ask for it, but I would have, had I thought of it.

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> I fail to see an issue. The compact and deposit buttons were in a pull down menu, next to each other, now they are one level higher, next to each other. I do not remember ever misclicking them before, and doubt I will now. I have 15 shared slots for most of what I ~~need~~ want to carry with me. Each character has 2 regular bags for daily hunting loot, then the rest are invisible bags. Invisible bags are not affected by deposit or compact. After I sell junk, and deposit the actual junk that will not sell, I compact and if there is room in the bag I keep killing critters. Inventory control has never been an issue.


> I rather like the new placement. I did not ask for it, but I would have, had I thought of it.


They were not next to eachother if you clicked the option to put compact a the very bottom of list something judging by the many many many threads about them alot of people did.


I seen people saying they have 1 top or 1 bottom invis bag but your saying you got 2 what do you have that take up 40 invisible slots?

Edit 2

It affects people like me who have only regular bags in all slots and still want stuff at the bottom.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> So what do you do when not using compact?


Short answer: I sort it manually, which makes sure I actually do it.


I have several things I keep in my character's inventories. I have 22 shared slots which are full of things everyone uses like instant bank/merchant consumables, teleport to friend, revive orbs, silverwaste shovels, salvage kits, portal tomes etc. and then a small number of items each character keeps in their inventory, either because it's soul bound or specific to them (like food and utilities). These are in different positions, grouped by function or when I'm going to use them, the position helps remind me what it's for (e.g. what's a weapon my character uses sometimes vs. a weapon I can't sell or salvage that needs to go in the Forge when I have enough) and means I have quick access to things like food and utilities without it being mixed up with items I rarely use but want to hold onto. That's the stuff I don't want to move at all.


When I'm sorting my inventory I open any containers I see (except unidentified gear which goes into the invisible bag at the bottom to sort later), deposit materials, sell anything I can on the Trading Post (looking out for things I don't want to sell, like exotics I don't have the skin for), salvage all rare and lower tier equipment which is left, deposit materials again and then scroll through from the bottom to the top looking for anything which is left over and isn't normally there. As I find things I decide what to do with them, based on what it is. If I could just dump it all into the top of my inventory it's too easy to just see it as I've cleared the bags and I'm starting over filling them, except now I've got a bunch of stuff that won't ever get cleared by the normal process. I'd rather sort those when it's just a few at a time than let them build up until it's annoying or seems like too much to deal with.


> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Hopefully this was an inexpensive change. Many things, just as minor, that I would have rather seen. Still, glad for those who like it.


I could easily see this being one of those things which is one dev's pet-project, being worked on a tiny bit at a time whenever they had a few moment. Especially if the idea did come from that 2017 suggestion someone linked earlier. If that's the case it could be that whoever did this is specialises in this sort of thing and can't do many of the other small QoL changes which are suggested.

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> @"areliorn.3165" said:

> I totally agree. And it seems we have at least two threads for this now: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/117287/compact-option-again-right-next-to-deposit-option


We've had loads of topics about this recently, which is why one is called 'inventory buttons - merged'. The moderators periodically merge all the other topics in there.


I'm hoping they're doing that so all the feedback is in one place and it's easy for the relevant people at Anet to see it, as well as to stop this one issue taking over the forum. That way there's more of a chance they'll re-enable the option to separate deposit and compact so people who only want to use one of the two don't risk hitting the other by accident and people who like having both together will just need to never enable that option and keep the system we have now, like it used to be.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> I seen people saying they have 1 top or 1 bottom invis bag but your saying you got 2 what do you have that take up 40 invisible slots?


Oh, you know, stuff you don't want to sell, salvage-all or deposit.


And I mostly only read about people being top or bottom-focussed. Am I the only one that has special places for things not only at the top and bottom, but basically all around the edges, where they are easy and most of all fast to find?


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> @"areliorn.3165" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > I seen people saying they have 1 top or 1 bottom invis bag but your saying you got 2 what do you have that take up 40 invisible slots?


> Oh, you know, stuff you don't want to sell, salvage-all or deposit.


> And I mostly only read about people being top or bottom-focussed. Am I the only one that has special places for things not only at the top and bottom, but basically all around the edges, where they are easy and most of all fast to find?



That sounds chaotic to me lol


Most of my stuff is in the bottom with the top bag for a few quick use bits.


Everything in the middle is the gap where loot goes to be sorted. Would be too confusing for me to have diff bags for diff things with gaps everywhere loot could mistakenly end up in - esp after a long farm - or a border round the edge for quick use access

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> @"areliorn.3165" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > I seen people saying they have 1 top or 1 bottom invis bag but your saying you got 2 what do you have that take up 40 invisible slots?


> Oh, you know, stuff you don't want to sell, salvage-all or deposit.


> And I mostly only read about people being top or bottom-focussed. Am I the only one that has special places for things not only at the top and bottom, but basically all around the edges, where they are easy and most of all fast to find?


No you're not the only one.


Exactly what I keep varies by character, but some common groups include:

* a row of food/utility and other consumable items on the bottom of my first bag so they're easy to find,

* a row of lesser used consumables in the top of the next bag down so they're slightly hidden (I keep my inventory in a 5x4 grid, above the chat box) but still quick to get to,

* 'personal' items I rarely use in the top row of an invisible bag at the bottom of my inventory,

* bound items which also can't be sold to NPCs or salvaged in the bottom row of the bag above the invisible one, so they're like an overflow of the saved items but not wasting invisible bag slots when they don't need that 'protection'


I wonder if part of it is a difference between people who keep their inventory divided into bags and people who merge it all into one long list. If mine wasn't split by bags (and wasn't arranged as a small grid) it would look like random items scattered all over the place, but when you can see clearly where one bag ends and the next one begins, and know my method for sorting things, it all makes sense.


My bank is the same. I have tabs or rows dedicated to different types of items, so to other people it probably looks like I have random empty spaces at the end of rows which 'should' be filled with items from the row below. Sometimes there's even a gap in the middle; for example my 'nostalgia' items tab currently has a gap right in the middle of an otherwise full row because the low level version of Mad Memoires is on loan to a long-term but still temporary character and I want to keep the space so I can put it back, and so I remember she has it and to make very sure it goes back before I delete her. Seeing that gap whenever I'm looking at that tab reminds me it's 'missing' and where it is, so I'm more likely to remember to put it back when I eventually delete her.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

> > Moving your mouse pointer a few pixels to the left is so inconvenient that you felt the need to open a thread and demand a change? Seriously? O_O


> 1. suggesting something <> demanding something

> 2. Yes, seriously. Obviously, I am not the only one in favor of this. Now try to figure out why that is before posting another needless comment.


I tried to. But since i only clicked the wrong button once out of habit before i got immediately used to the new setup, i really don't understand what's so inconvenient about it. Seems pretty easy to understand to me. :/

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> @"areliorn.3165" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Would be too confusing for me to have diff bags for diff things with gaps everywhere loot could mistakenly end up in


> Maybe one of the differences is that I do hide bag boundaries. I have one, big, almost-square inventory. Saves a lot of screen-area.



Ohh that's interesting

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > > I already keep hiding my rarities by accident when I mean to deposit.

> > > Last night one time I turned off and on my rarities 4 or more times in a row before I realized what I was doing... So much fail.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yup 50 times now. I'm slowly adjusting but do players actually use those show rarity options. I never could think of any reason I wouldn't want to show rarity


> Its one of the most important features while salvaging.


Right, so why turn OFF rarity?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Bunter.3795" said:

> > Most of us are used to "Deposit All" being in the upper right of the screen. The Compact all button is the new button. An easy way to solve this would be to put the deposit button where the gear is, put the gear in the center and put the new compact button (which everyone has to get used to) on the left where the deposit button is now. It would solve all issues. No one really cares that there is a compact all button (of those that don't use it) but they do care that it is so close to deposit all. This way everyone could be happy, all three buttons would be there, all three could be used and yet the chance of clicking the wrong button greatly diminishes.


> Compact isn't new, if I remember correctly that option has been in the game since the beginning. Originally it was in the menu right below deposit, but following player feedback (and a streamer effectively demonstrating just how frustrating it can be when you use it by accident when it happened during a steam) Anet added an option to move compact to the bottom of the list so there was almost no chance of hitting it by accident.


> They made that optional because whilst some people requested a way to separate the two other people said they like them being close together because their inventory sorting process involves using them both one after the other - deposit materials then compact everything else - so it's more convenient to have them next to each other and they didn't want it moved. Making it an option players could switch on and off allowed them to accommodate both groups.


> I assume whoever made this change is that second type of person - they usually use both deposit and compact and so putting the two buttons side by side is more convenient for them because they can quickly click one then the other.


> > @"Zet.9130" said:

> > So many questions; Was and or Who vetted this decision? Is game design headed by a Type A that wants the world orderly? Has a seperate materials button been requested by players for years? Was making changes to the UI the best use of resources. .... Zet


> I do remember seeing this suggested by players occasionally, mainly as a way to make it quicker to get to those options. Some have gone further and suggested adding all the inventory options as buttons along the top.


> But I suspect that @"Gopaka.7839" is right that the main factor was probably new players not knowing the options are there. It's not uncommon for a new players first post in this forum to be complaining about a lack of inventory space and the cost of bigger bags or more bag slots (which is a lot for someone just starting out). The solution always involves making sure they're aware of the deposit button and aren't trying to carry around loads of materials. (And then other things, like making sure they know not to keep event items and to sell junk to merchants.)


@"Danikat.8537" The button is new. I wasn't referring to the function, I was referring to the button. No matter what you wanted to do, you had to click on the gear in the upper right so that muscle memory is ingrained in most people. Even the people who use the compact button say they salvage, deposit, then compact so my idea wouldn't be a problem for them as the button where they are used to clicking would still be first on their list of the two buttons and those that only deposit wouldn't have to relearn the muscle memory. The three buttons would still be on the top of the inventory with compact on the left, gear in the middle and deposit on the right. The gear separator keeping problematic clicks to a minimum.

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> @"Lottie.5370" said:

> I literally compact my inventory every single time before I close it (kind of a habit thing), it would be really annoying to have to "confirm" every time, especially when there are SO many types of bags that make it so you can't compact your items. Seems like a way easier fix to just use those tbh.


Yes, let's all go and craft another 32 slot invisible bag for about 100g because of a change that took away our option to move the compact button away from the deposit all button... I'm sorry if this is "fine" for some people, but it's a point of contention for many of us and having to do something like that is rather time consuming and pointless imo.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:> > Apparently this was requested a few years ago: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1333/suggestion-deposit-all-materials-one-click-button> -> > @"Linken.6345" said:> > Just fail to see the suggestion that compact button should be there as well.> >

> > really Anet? working on something that's 3 years old, with 3 thumbs up?> > should have worked on mine that's got 13 thumbs up, and will bring you a lot of $$$> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1294530#Comment_1294530> > ... and it's not even to specs, time to put a job advert out for a Business Analyst with CBAP certification> > > less risk of accidentally clicking Compact or something,> > the original poster wanted a toggle button to auto-deposit to material storage so that he doesn't accidentally click on Compact> > > > I went back and gave you a 14th thumbs up because you deserve it!

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> > > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > > > I already keep hiding my rarities by accident when I mean to deposit.

> > > > Last night one time I turned off and on my rarities 4 or more times in a row before I realized what I was doing... So much fail.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yup 50 times now. I'm slowly adjusting but do players actually use those show rarity options. I never could think of any reason I wouldn't want to show rarity

> >

> > Its one of the most important features while salvaging.


> Right, so why turn OFF rarity?


Players here seem confused, likely from playing so long. Show Rarity isn't on by default, because the devs like to avoid "information overload" in their game, which is why the entire user interface is so simplistic. You need the option to turn it on, not off.


Too bad they don't care about these same policies in regards to visual effects.

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