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No More keys from Map Completion?

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So anet.. I been doing map completion for 3 weeks while lving my chars and so far I only got **one key** and that was more than a week ago.. I would like to know if you guys removed it cuz I've done around 10 maps completion around one week and 0 keys found. Did you guys removed it or lowered the drop rate? and I mean **really LOW**.

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The chance for keys is still the same at 25% per map (with the exception of Southsun and cities) so you just hit a streak of bad RNG. I've found keeping a spreadsheet of whether I get a key or charge has helped lessen the disappointment of not getting a key for several maps since with the exception of a handful of characters, most of my (recorded) map comps sit at 4-6 keys total which puts them in the 25% zone. Streaks of bad luck are just more memorable than streaks of good luck.

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> @"forevergamer.7653" said:

> So anet.. I been doing map completion for 3 weeks while lving my chars and so far I only got **one key** and that was more than a week ago.. I would like to know if you guys removed it cuz I've done around 10 maps completion around one week and 0 keys found. Did you guys removed it or lowered the drop rate? and I mean **really LOW**.


It's random and you disprove validity of your own question from the title by saying you got a key recently.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"forevergamer.7653" said:

> > So anet.. I been doing map completion for 3 weeks while lving my chars and so far I only got **one key** and that was more than a week ago.. I would like to know if you guys removed it cuz I've done around 10 maps completion around one week and 0 keys found. Did you guys removed it or lowered the drop rate? and I mean **really LOW**.


> It's random and you disprove validity of your own question from the title by saying you got a key recently.


I got one key 2 weeks ago and since then no more.

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> @"forevergamer.7653" said:

> So anet.. I been doing map completion for 3 weeks while lving my chars and so far I only got **one key** and that was more than a week ago.. I would like to know if you guys removed it cuz I've done around 10 maps completion around one week and 0 keys found. Did you guys removed it or lowered the drop rate? and I mean **really LOW**.

Says he got a key a week ago

throws shade for removing the keys.



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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> Its merely luck, to be fair.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_completion/Drop_Rate

> This link is interesting, although the final data is not really accurate. But you can see how there are really unlucky players that get 6 keys out of 51 maps, and really lucky ones that get 19 out of 54 maps.


I guess it's pure luck too that suddenly many got unlucky lately. For years, every month I will buy 5-15 blc keys to try my luck when I see something I like in the BLC chests. And for years, I will get at least 1 uncommon drop out of every 5 keys I used, and even if the first 5 keys I got none, the next 5 will give me 1 to 2 uncommon drops. It's liked guaranteed. When the Vermillion Chair is out, I bought 20 keys, and i get nothing good, not even 1 uncommon drop. That never happened before. Guess you could argue that only now i got my bad luck? Ya, right.

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> @"forevergamer.7653" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"forevergamer.7653" said:

> > > So anet.. I been doing map completion for 3 weeks while lving my chars and so far I only got **one key** and that was more than a week ago.. I would like to know if you guys removed it cuz I've done around 10 maps completion around one week and 0 keys found. Did you guys removed it or lowered the drop rate? and I mean **really LOW**.

> >

> > It's random and you disprove validity of your own question from the title by saying you got a key recently.


> I got one key 2 weeks ago and since then no more.


Right ... it's random ... no issue ... /thread.


> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> > Its merely luck, to be fair.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_completion/Drop_Rate

> > This link is interesting, although the final data is not really accurate. But you can see how there are really unlucky players that get 6 keys out of 51 maps, and really lucky ones that get 19 out of 54 maps.


> I guess it's pure luck too that suddenly many got unlucky lately.


Yes, that is correct!

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I did 10 maps the other week and had 5 keys. That is the way luck works. Also remember that towns do not reward keys

A common mistake is that people expect that with a dropchance of 25% you are bound to have 2-3 keys when doing 10 maps. This is not how it works and is only true for averages of the bigger number. Cause the higher the number, the smaller chance there is the amount of keys deviate from chance. But the essence is that anytime you complete a map you have a 25% chance to get a key and 75% of not getting a key. This is a constant. So not getting a key the first time, doesnt change this chance the second time.

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The drop rate for BL keys from map completion is estimated to be between 25% and 33%. With those odds, the chances of the OP getting 0 keys from 10 maps are respectively [5.6%](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=25%25+chance+of+success%2C+10+trials%2C+less+than+1+successes) to [1.8%](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=33%25+chance+of+success%2C+10+trials%2C+less+than+1+successes).

In other words, bad luck.


If you take into account the 11th map noted by the OP (1 key in 11), then the odds change to between1.9% & 7.8%, also "bad" but not surprising.



Keep in mind that *someone* is going to have bad luck and someone is going to have extraordinarily worse luck. And sometimes, that someone is you (or me).


Also remember that *time* has nothing to do with this. It's all about how many times you roll the dice, not about how long you've been rolling. If you complete 20 maps in 5 weeks or 20 maps in 20 weeks, the odds are the same.



> I did 10 maps the other week and had 5 keys.

Using the same 25-33% chances, the odds of getting 5+ keys are 7.8%-20.6%. That's good luck, but not unusually good luck.


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