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Tengu could be a useable races on EOD

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > > I don't get all the love for Tengu, walking around like an advert for KFC is just not my thing, give me the Awakened as a playable race, I want to play an Undead ~~Rogue~~ Thief again.

> > >

> > > As everyone tells me when I want shapeshifting, go play WoW. Because its there in that game and "GuIlD WaRs Is UnIqUe REEEEEE!"

> >

> > We got it here aswell necromancers shapeshift and norn racial elites.

> > Edit

> > I think there is a good reason why anet wouldent want animal shifting because it would kill fasion wars and those players wouldent buy the new shiney from the gem store.


> I mean The racial elites are hot garbage, Necromancer really shouldn't count as Im not talking about a timed form that is only there for a moment. Im talking about being a giant monster all the time and that being the playstyle; Like I said he should play wow because thats whatever one else says when anyone askes for anything. "Go play this, go play that" rather than allowing people to ask A-net for anything. Like me he isn't welcome here, nor is anyone who wants anything different than what is and what has been because guild wars 2 will never be more than that.


> Accept that and move on.


Yes and when your the 10 ton gorilla in the game, is it then time to demand that armor parts is made for that shape shift and then the next shapeshift because someone else wanna play a kitsune or a centaur.


Were do the cosmetic demands end?


Honestly anet should just release a combat tonic similar to the kodan one and you can play what you want with that one outfit per tonic

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:



> No big deal to you, perhaps, but I can imagine a lot of players complaining about not having their Tengu able to be represented by past content.


I see your point but at the same time the dev team can alter the voice of an already existing VA to sound different for tengu so they can play through past stories and that would bypass a very large problem of having tengu play through past content. However, they did get a new VA for male charr a while back and he not only had to reread old lines but also had to do new lines as well. I see how you think this can be a big hurdle, just pointing out how Anet (who has been rather creative at solving problems like this) can bypass that issue.


Alternatively they can go the "non-lore breaking" route and have tenug join in EoD and bypass that problem entirely.

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> @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from.


> The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts...


The devs once said that there will be alliances in WvW adn we are waiting to this ay for it. So your argument is?

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To be honest, I don't see adding the Tengus as a bad idea and it could probably work if they:

* Didn't focus on making previous gear fit them and gave them different ones, while looking into making the others fit them perhaps down the road.

* Since they wanted nothing to do with the rest of the races, their story can start in HoT/Cantha so then they wouldn't have to come up with so much back story in regards to Zhaitan etc...

But as many others have said, it likely won't happen and I wouldn't be bummed if they weren't going to be added. I 100% welcome the idea since Tyria seems to be flooded with people picking mostly Human toons. Overall, Tengu isn't really a priority and I would rather them focus on Elite Specs.

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Adapt current model as a character to move around and play with, figure out the whole story thing, adapt every single piece of light, medium and heavy armors and outfits to the model...


Oh boy, do it. DO IT! I want to see if I'm going to be split in two laughing when I put something [like this](https://i.imgur.com/8wr9Z1J.jpg) on my Tengu. Infact... Would they be able to wear even a small fraction of all the armors we have?

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> @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from.


> The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts...


Do you have a source stating that it was not an option?

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> @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from.


> The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts...


The devs said they would not be in game at launch. They never said they weren’t an option at a later date. If you have a dev quote saying that they would never be in the game then you should post it.


> Eric (Flannum): Any of the major (non-capturable) waypoints that a player has unlocked can be travelled to regardless of the distance involved. Prices do vary depending on distance though, and asura gates are free, so a player might find it advantageous to use asura gates in some circumstances. Other than waypoints and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 **upon initial release.**

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> @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from.


> The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts...


You got a source on that since, I dont remember them ever saying that it was us players.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> > @"Dragon.4782" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > No chance they being playable but probabely one of the allies we rep up get help from in dragon respons mission and buy stuff from.

> >

> > The Devs once said that mounts were not an option. Now we have eight different mounts...


> The devs once said that there will be alliances in WvW adn we are waiting to this ay for it. So your argument is?


Alliances for the original gw were introduced in Factions, which also introduced Cantha. lets wait and see if we both get our wishes :)

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> @"Tseison.4659" said:

> Bumping. Here’s a question: What would everyone do/say IF they actually were going to introduce the Tengu as a playable race, starting their story in the Cantha region and also unlocking the Domain of the Winds in EoD??


I would make a tengu to see their story.

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> @"Tseison.4659" said:

> Bumping. Here’s a question: What would everyone do/say IF they actually were going to introduce the Tengu as a playable race, starting their story in the Cantha region and also unlocking the Domain of the Winds in EoD??


I would make several Tengu characters haha! I've been wanting the race ever since launch. I have several characters that were originally name saves for tengu that I ended up falling in love with. They're such a cool race and I really hope we get to see a lot more of them lorewise in EoD!!


It would motivate me to open up my wallet for those fancy gem wings I see people getting, and mount skins to suit the new looks. They managed to pull off limited mounts extraordinarily well, and I believe they'd be able to implement Tengu as a playable race despite the uphill challenge it would be. (and I really hope they do my tengu savings need to be spent please I need my army of bird characters)

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> @"JUN YANG.4328" said:

> base on the new trailer. anet given multiple "looks" "colour" of Tengu. i think it will be big chance, Tengu is the next useable races on EOD. and share the outfit/ layout with charr.

Based on the trailer, it is exactly as likely as Exalted, or Dwarves. So, pretty much unlikely.


Look closer, Tengu are just suggested as another ally faction - and as for different tengu looks, it's not a recent thing, they have been tweaking/adding new tengu looks every now and then since very, very long ago. Every single time it happens someone thinks it is a sign they will be introduced as a new race, and every single time it turns out to be a false alarm. So, don't raise your hopes too much - at this point in the game, considering its effort to gain ratio, adding a new race is just extremely unlikely.



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I would be slightly disappointed if I don't see tengu as playable race in EoD, but not devastated.

I can understand why they wouldn't implement it, since it will take a lot of work, but there are also factors that really support the idea that they could become playable.

1. They were initially planned to be a playable race before vanilla's release.

2. They have a main city.

3. We don't necessarily need to have voice acting or a lengthy story mode, since I doubt many people enjoyed the vanilla core story.

4. We don't need to have voice acting for past content, Drizzlewood's release wasn't horrible without VA, and so many people skip dialogue in dungeons and past content from the vanilla game anyway. Just focus VA on new content.

5. The have new improved model and animations since HoT which look really great.

6. Mounts, Elona, Cantha and Gliding all came true, regardless of people saying it wouldn't come.


Other than that, I don't see any other races becoming playable as much as tengu could.

My points I listed aren't necessarily the strongest, which means I don't wouldn't be surprised if tengu don't become playable.

Don't get your hopes and don't have high expectations. Just be pleasantly surprised if it does come.

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> @"Ogwom.7940" said:

> 1. They were initially planned to be a playable race before vanilla's release.

Which was back in 2012. Probably none of the original devs works at ANet anymore and the game has so much spaghetti code that they would most likely have to design from scratch so that none of the work done prior to 2012 counts for anything.


> 2. They have a main city.

No they don't. There's a place on the world map where the Tengu city would have been and there's lore behind said city, but the map isn't designed, tested or anything yet. So again, ANet would have to build from scratch.


> 3. We don't necessarily need to have voice acting or a lengthy story mode, since I doubt many people enjoyed the vanilla core story.

Let me tell you about the Revenant class, that was released with the first expansion and ANet decided to cut exactly those corners. Revs still to this day, don't get to use racial skills and not so long ago more than half of the classes skillswere locked underwater because "I doubt many people enjoy so why bother". Rev still feels like the fosterchild of GW2 classes to this day ad I doubt that designing a new race with that mindset would go down well with the community. After all people want to play birbs.


> 4. We don't need to have voice acting for past content, Drizzlewood's release wasn't horrible without VA, and so many people skip dialogue in dungeons and past content from the vanilla game anyway. Just focus VA on new content.

What about the people that like voice acting and the threads of people that demanded VA for drizzlewood sooner? Those don't count because you are not one of them?


> 5. The have new improved model and animations since HoT which look really great.

That's true, but is not argument for a new race to be implemented.


> 6. Mounts, Elona, Cantha and Gliding all came true, regardless of people saying it wouldn't come.

All these things added stuff to the game while a new race would stop mattering after an hour of gameplay. But I know...muh mounts...


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I already specifically said that my points weren’t very strong.

Your replies are worded in a slightly passive aggressive tone, but anyways for the most part I already completely agree with a lot of your points.

I was just giving examples as to why tengu could be viable.


Also, just because Anet may not have built or will never build the Dominion of Winds, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist lol.

Lore wise it is canon that the tengu have main city, regardless if you want them to or not.


This is just anecdotal but I haven’t met a person who actually enjoys the cutscenes from the vanilla personnel story.

I haven’t met a person who constantly replays the vanilla story and in fact lots of people I know just skipped it.

I am not saying that this is GW2’s whole demographic and I should have presented actual statistics before commenting on this conversation.

In my previous reply I meant to distinguish between the voice acting of new content versus the old content.

Do more people play living world story and content more than vanilla’s story? I would think so, though I may be wrong. Again we would have to look at statistics.

When I did play Drizzlewood when it first released, it was quite packed and I saw numerous people. That’s why I also think that the people who really want voice acting could be the vocal minority?

Again my example there is only anecdotal.


To me, it would be really cool to play as and customize a new race, but I am hesitant even with that since we barely get new hairstyles, faces, horns tattoos and etc.

I guess they did update hairs with PoF, but that was just for humans mostly with reworks on chart horns.

I would have liked to have seen more born customization for IBS.


To go back to tengu, I also see that they are using them as allies in the new content, similar to the ebon vanguard, crystal bloom and etc, which makes me think they will just be NPCs sadly and nothing more.

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> @"Ogwom.7940" said:

> I am not saying that this is GW2’s whole demographic and I should have presented actual statistics before commenting on this conversation.


It's really easy to criticize any subject that's put on the spotlight, granted lohk has placed valid points, I agree the tone is in the disfavor of discussion. It comes off as 'just stop talking about this'. There's no harm in speculation and talking about what we hope to see in the game. I understand the pessimism, being a player from launch and seeing some of the downfalls first hand. However, I'm still very open to discussion from either side of the point as long as it's not explicitly dismissive and has something to add rather than trying to shut down the conversation.


> Do more people play living world story and content more than vanilla’s story? I would think so, though I may be wrong. Again we would have to look at statistics.


That's a hard one for me. If you look at it from a veteran player only, yeah I don't go back for my own characters. However, I've been in story instances so many times for new players I either help out or invited into the game. (Currently trying to recruit my brother and his friends, they're waiting for the steam release!) So unless I'm the only one doing that, it would be towards latest content yeah.


It did get me thinking about what a new player content would look like if they did add Tengu into EoD. All the veterans joining in with their new player friends to check it out and see. What ways could they optimize the levelling experience and have it intertwine with existing stuff. Along with the hefty task of introducing all the mechanics of the game in an orderly manner that isn't too overwhelming. I'd honestly make several new characters just to see that (even if tengu isn't added)


I have low expectations for them actually adding tengu as well, but I like to think that means I'd be over the moon if they actually announce it.



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> @"Gimli.9461" said:

> I am convinced that they are teasing us with these colourful Tengu as a preview for how customizable they'll be in character creator.

> All the Tengu in the core game were brown/greyish with not much color.


> The first Tengu that caught my attention was in Drizzlewood coast, the one you do Etchings of weapons for. He was green and stood out much more than core tengu.

> Now the latest trailer has me convinced :grin:


> I am also very curious to meet a female tengu! So far all of them have been male.


female tengu look just like male tengu.. but bigger.

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> @"Jozuan.5871" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Its just a cosmetic choice , combat tonic is enough.


> No, it's not. We eant to customize our Tengu, choose colors, feather patterns and stuff.


Easy 5-10 tonics with colours, feather patterns and stuff done.

And they can put them behind a gold gate like the ice infusion as well win win for anet.


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