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Revenants are harassing PvP for 6 years now - lets talk about some effective nerfs


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You know you are in a rev-complaint thread made by someone who doesn't actually know how to play rev when the major complaint is, of all things, "MUH TWO HEALSZ!!11oneone!11".


Bruh. Go and actually read those heal skills. The actual slot-heals on rev mostly just inferior versions of heals on other classes on longer cooldowns. For instance, Soothing Stone is an inferior version of Warriors mending with less healing and a longer cooldown in addition to costing energy. Mallyx heal is a bad version of consume conditions. etc. That is why Rev has two heals. It's just part of the profession mechanic of having two sets of utilities, balanced out by having them be worse versions of skills that already existed before HoT was released.


The actual things making Rev strong right now are:

1. Vindication is OP

2. Quickness in PvP is OP, and this is a bigger problem on Rev than most other classes.

3. The base lifesteal numbers on Ofela could be toned down from 328 to 228-ish

4. Inspiring reinforcement should be reverted back to 1.5 seconds of stability ( Was buffed to 3 seconds October 01, 2019 )



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> @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > Rev/Herald is fine, all forms of it.

> > >

> > > Ren right now is just plainly overperforming in too many categories to let it slide any further than the next patch. You'll hear a lot of conjecture on this topic concerning what should be nerfed yada yada. IMO though, it's the taunt. The taunt makes that entire build work. The taunt is what makes it dangerous. If it weren't for that frequent powerful 1200 range taunt, the build would be easily kited and it would be balanced.

> >

> > I feel like you say Herald is fine, because Renegade is worse. Once Renegades are done Heralds will do the same harassment to the community. Renegade just gets played more often, because it is more convenient. They share the same characteristic of high damage + high sustain through the mentioned defensive capabilities. I remember times before Renegade took off where teams packed 2/3 Heralds and that was just as bad. If he is a tank, he should do damage like a tank - if he is glasscanon he should go down like a glasscanon


> herald is fine because its just fine.. its not even that good anymore..



Only in low ranks heral rev is fine, try play it in plat + a good rev will kill you in seconds and survive everything.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> You know you are in a rev-complaint thread made by someone who doesn't actually know how to play rev when the major complaint is, of all things, "MUH TWO HEALSZ!!11oneone!11".


> Bruh. Go and actually read those heal skills. The actual slot-heals on rev mostly just inferior versions of heals on other classes on longer cooldowns. For instance, Soothing Stone is an inferior version of Warriors mending with less healing and a longer cooldown in addition to costing energy. Mallyx heal is a bad version of consume conditions. etc. That is why Rev has two heals. It's just part of the profession mechanic of having two sets of utilities, balanced out by having them be worse versions of skills that already existed before HoT was released.


> The actual things making Rev strong right now are:

> 1. Vindication is OP

> 2. Quickness in PvP is OP, and this is a bigger problem on Rev than most other classes.

> 3. The base lifesteal numbers on Ofela could be toned down from 328 to 228-ish

> 4. Inspiring reinforcement should be reverted back to 1.5 seconds of stability ( Was buffed to 3 seconds October 01, 2019 )




Uhmmm they are worst than other heals by design. Its becuase they have acess to 2 heals at anytime unlike those other heals you mention where the class can only have 1.

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> @"Exile.8160" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > You know you are in a rev-complaint thread made by someone who doesn't actually know how to play rev when the major complaint is, of all things, "MUH TWO HEALSZ!!11oneone!11".

> >

> > Bruh. Go and actually read those heal skills. The actual slot-heals on rev mostly just inferior versions of heals on other classes on longer cooldowns. For instance, Soothing Stone is an inferior version of Warriors mending with less healing and a longer cooldown in addition to costing energy. Mallyx heal is a bad version of consume conditions. etc. That is why Rev has two heals. It's just part of the profession mechanic of having two sets of utilities, balanced out by having them be worse versions of skills that already existed before HoT was released.

> >

> > The actual things making Rev strong right now are:

> > 1. Vindication is OP

> > 2. Quickness in PvP is OP, and this is a bigger problem on Rev than most other classes.

> > 3. The base lifesteal numbers on Ofela could be toned down from 328 to 228-ish

> > 4. Inspiring reinforcement should be reverted back to 1.5 seconds of stability ( Was buffed to 3 seconds October 01, 2019 )

> >

> >


> Uhmmm they are worst than other heals by design. Its becuase they have acess to 2 heals at anytime unlike those other heals you mention where the class can only have 1.


That's the trade-off. They get two but they're always inferior versions of other heals. Should they only get 1 at a time while having worse versions?

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> @"Exile.8160" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > You know you are in a rev-complaint thread made by someone who doesn't actually know how to play rev when the major complaint is, of all things, "MUH TWO HEALSZ!!11oneone!11".

> >

> > Bruh. Go and actually read those heal skills. The actual slot-heals on rev mostly just inferior versions of heals on other classes on longer cooldowns. For instance, Soothing Stone is an inferior version of Warriors mending with less healing and a longer cooldown in addition to costing energy. Mallyx heal is a bad version of consume conditions. etc. That is why Rev has two heals. It's just part of the profession mechanic of having two sets of utilities, balanced out by having them be worse versions of skills that already existed before HoT was released.

> >

> > The actual things making Rev strong right now are:

> > 1. Vindication is OP

> > 2. Quickness in PvP is OP, and this is a bigger problem on Rev than most other classes.

> > 3. The base lifesteal numbers on Ofela could be toned down from 328 to 228-ish

> > 4. Inspiring reinforcement should be reverted back to 1.5 seconds of stability ( Was buffed to 3 seconds October 01, 2019 )

> >

> >


> Uhmmm they are worst than other heals by design. Its becuase they have acess to 2 heals at anytime unlike those other heals you mention where the class can only have 1.


the dragon healing is very good ^^ again not op but really good.. if you already active the facet the healing skill is instant

and it convert alot of damage into healing its 3 seconds in which you dont take damage but also heal to full life and as i said its instant !

not to mention if people see that you already activated the facet many of them will be careful about attacking you .

the shiro healing is not amazing for sustain but its not as bad as some people might claim.. if you use healing with sword 3 it can heal quite abit while you are on the frame time and cant be attacked its just not the type of healing skillt o burst heal you when you gonna die.. but its not bad.. not to mention the amount of damage this healing skill do is amazing ^^ dwarf healing isnt too bad either yes its not as good as others but it does heal around 5.5-6k clean 5 conditions and give you 5 seconds retaliation its quite a good healing skill. not as good as traited mender for warrior but its not bad. overall .. i still dont see problem with herald/rev.

i do however think renegade is insanely strong but i think he is manageable im having worse time with the perm immoblize druid and with the stupid mobility of thieves

and with stealth..

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The only reasons Rev was ever relevant were:

* PvE Herald originally granted a passive 50% bonus to boon duration for any party (when this was nerfed, the class was basically replaced by a rune set).

* PvP Herald is literally just Thief with a better Defiant Stance.


It's such a fragile and shallow class, and it doesn't really contribute anything to GW2 on the whole. It's not that it isn't "good" in PvP, or that players can't be "better" than others while using it, but randomly deleting Rev from the game one day probably wouldn't really impact GW2 in a way which couldn't be made up with just another Mesmer, Thief or Engineer. It doesn't carry any weight, and its mechanics probably would have been better utilized if they were sprinkled onto the other classes rather than forcibly shambled together into what amounts to a lazy, nostalgia-bait advertisement for a half-baked video game expansion.

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OP, most of your claims are bogus. Boy I don't feel like writing an essay to debunk them all, should you actually read how bad has everything been nerfed to understand that Revenant is in a good and bad position, therefor balanced. Leave it alone.


Current Meta Kalla/Jalis is free food to Thief or anything that has AoE CC (Jade Wind is a terrifying counter to Renegade). They can't win 1v1's for anything given you don't afk in their skills OR faceroll when Weakness/Damage Reduction is effective, it's your job to not get hit by IR or CC'd that provides weakness for sustain so that you can melt them with your real damage. Absolute teamfight build only, worthless against those who know how to exploit Darkrazor and not be weakened to get free damage when they pull out the road, even if they get CM for RotGD after the road, there's still a long time before 50% is effective for more damage to put in.


The strategy is to not let them breath under their attempt to set the flow, the more chaos you bring while not falling in the vicious cycle of that 6 seconds of weakness or unable to stun them while Darkrazor is up, you'll have them down in no time. It's obvious when Soulcleave gets set up, you know the big stuff is coming, block it, dodge it just w/e you can, it's easy stuff to read. Jalis at peak is road and RotGD, it's the clear indicative that you should NOT waste your skills because of the damage reduction.


@"Master Ketsu.4569"

1. Not really, Devastation still has better damage by around 10% + the fact you have criteria's to fill to obtain that might.

2. Yeah well, without Quickness you're never gonna deal any damage, try it. At least give it back to Impossible Odds if we're going to gut all of it.

3. In PvP only, sure why not. Though it's honestly weak.

4. If you're going to nerf that, bring back the trait increase 33%. 1.5 does NOTHING and it was a clear fact when not traiting Retribution.


@"CutesySylveon.8290" Actually doing Core Condi again with sometimes Core support and it's fun, difficult but fun.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> Rev OP for 6 years


You must have missed the part where revs were so weak taking one in ranked got you laughed at/hate spammed for throwing.


This Rev OP discussion started with the buff to Mallyx that was quickly whittled down, and now has resurfaced with changes to sword/shortbow. Carry on though.

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