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Taunt for warriors and guardians


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I always felt like taunt was missing from shield carrying warriors and guardians. Here is my idea:


For the warrior shield talent (Shield Master) add when your shield is equipped stuns and interrupts also taunt your target.

For the guardian shield talent (Stalwart Defender) add when your shield is equipped you taunt your target when you cast aegis.


I think that small change would open up a lot of group game play options for these two classes.

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It's an interesting idea and I can see the reasoning behind it. I do think it might be stacking too much onto Warrior shield which feels pretty good already with interrupts, stun and reflect already a strong defensive option.


Guardian shield needs something for sure. Not sure if taunt is thematically correct for it, although again it's an interesting enough proposal

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A new elite Shout skill for Warrior could solve this handily. Big massive AOE taunt,*[Come At Me, Bro!],* that has a very long duration. Prepare your defenses, or just kite your enemies into the sea of Elementalist bombardments (and I guess the one engineer still running turrets).


As for Guardian, I'm not sure. They feel more like front-line support / defense, more than Warrior's offensive split, so taunting might not fit very well.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

>... Warrior shield which feels pretty good already with interrupts, stun and reflect already a strong defensive option.


That's the idea. Both classes have great defensive options but you hardly get to use them in group content (where it's most useful) because aggro is weird in this game. Having a taunt would increases the value of those skills and would bring some life to maces as well.


In my head the it wouldn't be a long taunt just enough to get the enemy's attention and try to keep it. It would only affect one target and the enhancement would only work if you select a specific talent and have a shield equipped; really trying hard to make a tight recommendation that wont break anything.



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> @"nopoet.2960" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> >... Warrior shield which feels pretty good already with interrupts, stun and reflect already a strong defensive option.


> That's the idea. Both classes have great defensive options but you hardly get to use them in group content (where it's most useful) because aggro is weird in this game. Having a taunt would increases the value of those skills and would bring some life to maces as well.


> In my head the it wouldn't be a long taunt just enough to get the enemy's attention and try to keep it. It would only affect one target and the enhancement would only work if you select a specific talent and have a shield equipped; really trying hard to make a tight recommendation that wont break anything.




As was mentioned. An Elite Shout that taunted foes would work. That or some trait somewhere could be reworked so that when you hit with a burst attack you also taunt foes in the area. Would be VERY OP in competitive play though.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> As was mentioned. An Elite Shout that taunted foes would work. That or some trait somewhere could be reworked so that when you hit with a burst attack you also taunt foes in the area. Would be VERY OP in competitive play though.


I saw that. It's not a bad idea. I just prefer a more controlled approach to game changes.

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If you want these classes to work as typical MMO tanks - just change the current 4 or 5 abilities to apply taunt instead of their current effects.

I would argue the 4 as a single target with a 3 second duration.


You could then add a new control effect that is PvE only - aggravate. Aggravate would last 25 seconds when used from '4' and 30 seconds when used from 5.

On the 4 if you just force your current target to only attack you. On the 5 it would force 5 enemies that are NOT your target to attack you. Aggravate would NOT be a CC and the effected enemy could use ANY of their abilities. They would also do 5% more damage to you, and 2% less to others, while under this effect.

- and then you have tanks...

- Put aggravate on all shields for any profession that can use a shield.


But... GW2 isn't supposed to have a trinity... even if it kinda does in raids... so... what are we doing in this thread anyway?


**(as in... if we're going to do this, lets do it all the way, with something like my aggravate effect, otherwise, lets avoid this alltogether and not create a 'half baked' tank.)**


A half-tank would just annoy players that want trinity game play and also annoy those that don't want it... we'd be 'halfway in the door' and not in either room... go all the way in, or shut that door.



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> @"nopoet.2960" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> >... Warrior shield which feels pretty good already with interrupts, stun and reflect already a strong defensive option.


> That's the idea. Both classes have great defensive options but you hardly get to use them in group content (where it's most useful) because aggro is weird in this game. Having a taunt would increases the value of those skills and would bring some life to maces as well.


> In my head the it wouldn't be a long taunt just enough to get the enemy's attention and try to keep it. It would only affect one target and the enhancement would only work if you select a specific talent and have a shield equipped; really trying hard to make a tight recommendation that wont break anything.




Only work in content where you are fighting through a sea of trash mobs since anything with a breakbar will ignore you. So the entire idea fails when fighting anything of significance.

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One thing I can not get my head around is 'Fear me' Why don't they make this skill cause taunt rather than fear? The shout still makes sense, as now you are taunting them with the words 'fear me!' as if to fear the attack the follows.


Fear on warrior feels so out of place, taunt would be more fitting (and im not talking about the pathetic durations of taunts we currently have:







For the PvE side, it would be nice to see a boss that needs a player to have a shield, say a boss must be taunted to grab its attention, the boss will then perform a very powerful rapid undodgeable attack at that person, which will kill the player but can only be blocked. This would then give the shield purpose within the PvE enviroment.


Admitivly this would mean that only classes like Warrior, Mesmer, Ranger and Revenant could do this (guardians blocks only last 1 attack) but at least then it gives classes a fleshed out role in dungeons/fracs or what ever content anet decides to do and drop shortly afterwards.

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> For the PvE side, it would be nice to see a boss that needs a player to have a shield, say a boss must be taunted to grab its attention, the boss will then perform a very powerful rapid undodgeable attack at that person, which will kill the player but can only be blocked. This would then give the shield purpose within the PvE enviroment.


Sounds like you're looking for the FF14 boss-fights, where this kind of thing is normal.

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> @"fluffdragon.1523" said:

> > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > For the PvE side, it would be nice to see a boss that needs a player to have a shield, say a boss must be taunted to grab its attention, the boss will then perform a very powerful rapid undodgeable attack at that person, which will kill the player but can only be blocked. This would then give the shield purpose within the PvE enviroment.


> Sounds like you're looking for the FF14 boss-fights, where this kind of thing is normal.


FFXIV boss fights actually make me want to snooze. This this mechanic, it would give complexity to the bosses in gw2, make players act quickly or be killed (say a 1-3s window to cast the taunt).


The bosses we fight need to have some kind of complexity to them rather than this big circle AOE knockdown attack that seems to make its way onto every single boss. Give them frontal cone attacks, get out the way or be hit by a powerful attack that will deal 90% max health damage. Or Taunt the boss or the person with the highest power rating is targeted with an undodgable onslaught of attacks which will cause the player to be downed/defeated.

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