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We Should Have 10 Build/Gear Templates Instead Of Just 6

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^ Thread title says it all


I'd like to see the amount of build/gear templates rise from 6 to 10.


I feel that 6 is not enough as is right now, but after the expansion release and new specs, 6 is definitely not going to be enough. People like to build various prized setups and showcase them. Having 10 setups rather than just 6 would be perfect.

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"Should" is probably the wrong word. 10 templates were datamined before, so it's definitely possible but the economics or technical aspects (bugs?) of it probably stopped Arenanet from unlocking all 10.


Any equipment templates above 6 are probably only used by WVW players anyway. Most PVE players are very unlikely to run more than three or four equipment templates because you have berserker's (+ assassin's to reach crit cap) , viper's, and harrier (or diviner) for most classes other than chrono.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> "Should" is probably the wrong word. 10 templates were datamined before, so it's definitely possible but the economics or technical aspects (bugs?) of it probably stopped Arenanet from unlocking all 10.


> Any equipment templates above 6 are probably only used by WVW players anyway. Most PVE players are very unlikely to run more than three or four equipment templates because you have berserker's (+ assassin's to reach crit cap) , viper's, and harrier (or diviner) for most classes other than chrono.


Depends on how much you want to work the template system.


From a Ranger main standpoint here is what I have:


1. Sic Em Soulbeast - Designed for pvp, wvw, general pve map roam and living world content. This single build template can encompass all of these purposes.

2. Core Ranger Side Node - For pvp only. This setup is useless in pve or wvw.

3. Immon Druid vs. Condi - This can be used as an alternate Side Node in pvp for matches where there is heavy condi play that Core Ranger can't handle. This build is also very broken as a solo roamer in wvw due to pve gear/food options. This build can 1vX up to like 1v5s and survive if not kill all opponents in time, it has so much sustain and energy regeneration, nearly bottomless dodge rolling in wvw.

4. Power Soulbeast for fractals/raids.

5. Condi Soulbeast for fractals/raids.

6. Heal Druid for raids.


What I would like to have now even before the expansion gives us more specs and viable roles to save as templates, would be this:


* Another tab to set up for an alternative type of Core Ranger Side Node that uses Skirmishing over Marksmanship. This build is actually somewhat important in pvp to be able to toggle to quickly. It is annoying to have to keep manually altering the 2 tab from Marks to Skirm and swapping the weapon as such before a match starts. The thing in pvp is that people play mind games and sudden swap to different builds or different classes about 2s before a match starts. It is important to be able to swap your setups before a match starts at a second's notice. And no, I don't want to remove any of my other saved setups because they are just as important to have saved as anything else.


After the expansion drops, I'm sure we'll get new specializations to work with that will all have new roles to be added to the core classes. This likely means that upon the already existent Power and Condi variants for DPSing on Soulbeast, and Heal Druid meta pve setups, something new will be brought to the table from the new Ranger spec. It will likely not be a raw DPS options or another support. It may be have a lot of boon removal or maybe something that group quickness and alacrity on it, who knows. Either way the point is that it probably won't replace the existent 3 metas that Ranger players use in pve, but will add some 4th spec that everyone will want to have saved. The same goes for pvp and wvw, the new Ranger spec will likely present some new role that can be played in pvp and wvw, that won't replace the builds that are currently in use, but will be a viable selection to swap to if you need to fill a certain role for the particular match or the particular comp you're running with in wvw.


So you see, as it is now, I would like a 7th slot for the Skirm Core Ranger. Then the new expansion will likely add an 8th pve build, and then a 9th pvp spec to be used, and then a 10th one for wvw.


And all of this ^ isn't even counting people who use build/gear tabs for alternative fashions. A person could use all 6 slots for the same exact build with the same gear stats, but each template is setup to represent different fashion memes. A human warrior as example could have slot 1 as a Seraph design, then slot 2 as a Lion Guard design, and then slot 3 as an Ebon Vanguard design, and then slot 4 as a Bandit design, and then slot 5 as a White Mantle design, and then slot 6 as a Corsair design. You see what I mean.


But let's INB4 the "just do it manually" responses. Obviously we all know that we can store gear in our inventory bags and manually change build templates. That's besides the point of me writing this thread. The point here is that it would be nice to have more actual build/gear templates that can be hot-keyed, that can be toggled to at a moment's notice.

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Any equipment templates above 6 are probably only used by WVW players anyway. Most PVE players are very unlikely to run more than three or four equipment templates because you have berserker's (+ assassin's to reach crit cap) , viper's, and harrier (or diviner) for most classes other than chrono.

Before the current buil "template" implementation killed Arc templates, there were people doing raids that had over 30 build templates on a single character. Sure, many of those were just slight variations of each other, but if we're to talk about a proper template system, why artificially limit its usefulness? There's no point in template system even being there if in the end we have to tweak those loadouts by hand every time anyway.


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I understand that more is more and more is always better. So why stop at 10? Make it 15 or 20. Then after a while, when 20 are no longer enough, raise it to 40 or 100 or a fantastillon templates.


Would more slots be better for the few who need them? Yes. Will any number be enough for that portion of the playerbase? Probably not.


I have bought additional build and gear slots for my favorite characters that I play in different game modes. But I'd advise people to go for character slots instead. For the price of one gear and one build template you get a new character with two gear and three build templates, as a bonus you get to play fashionwars again or maybe experience a branch of the story you haven't yet. Getting the gear might be a problem if you don't want to move gear around between characters, but tbh, if you play multiple builds/setups on a few classes, you are probably playing content that provdes you with asc gear and/or gold.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I understand that more is more and more is always better. So why stop at 10? Make it 15 or 20. Then after a while, when 20 are no longer enough, raise it to 40 or 100 or a fantastillon templates.


> Would more slots be better for the few who need them? Yes. Will any number be enough for that portion of the playerbase? Probably not.


You’re right in that Anet has to set some form of a limit.


I think some (and I don’t know if OP is in this mix) are frustrated that ARC offered significantly more choice in build templates and was easier to utilize. Oh.. and it was free.


That being said, It’s Anet’s game...



> I have bought additional build and gear slots for my favorite characters that I play in different game modes. But I'd advise people to go for character slots instead. For the price of one gear and one build template you get a new character with two gear and three build templates, as a bonus you get to play fashionwars again or maybe experience a branch of the story you haven't yet. Getting the gear might be a problem if you don't want to move gear around between characters, but tbh, if you play multiple builds/setups on a few classes, you are probably playing content that provdes you with asc gear and/or gold.


That’s a great idea and point. I have two of most basic classes, which I have outfitted for different areas and it has worked for me.


But looking at what some raid players do, (and to a lesser extent some WvW players) this becomes almost prohibitive.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > I understand that more is more and more is always better. So why stop at 10? Make it 15 or 20. Then after a while, when 20 are no longer enough, raise it to 40 or 100 or a fantastillon templates.

> >

> > Would more slots be better for the few who need them? Yes. Will any number be enough for that portion of the playerbase? Probably not.


> You’re right in that Anet has to set some form of a limit.

Actually. no, they don't have to. They could have used a method that would not have such a limitation (like, for example, for gear loadouts offer an option of using gear from inventory, or, in case of build templates, let them be stored clientside, gw1 way).


All the limits in this system are merely a byproduct of Anet's desire to monetize it at the cost to its usefulness.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > > I understand that more is more and more is always better. So why stop at 10? Make it 15 or 20. Then after a while, when 20 are no longer enough, raise it to 40 or 100 or a fantastillon templates.

> > >

> > > Would more slots be better for the few who need them? Yes. Will any number be enough for that portion of the playerbase? Probably not.

> >

> > You’re right in that Anet has to set some form of a limit.

> Actually. no, they don't have to. They could have used a method that would not have such a limitation (like, for example, for gear loadouts offer an option of using gear from inventory, or, in case of build templates, let them be stored clientside, gw1 way).


> All the limits in this system are merely a byproduct of Anet's desire to monetize it at the cost to its usefulness.



Character limit

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Maybe they hold them back on purpose.

We currently have six ~~templates~~ loadouts for Core and two elite specializations, which averages to two per core/elite specialization.

The datamined ten ~~templates~~ loadouts could have had 4 elite specializations in mind, so maybe we get to buy two more with the upcoming expansion.


But that's just wishful thinking.

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