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How clean is your inventory?


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Always full of sh*t, especially since Anet for example decide to give an item to click on to give karma instead of just gives you karma, and many other things that should definetely be currency in inventory wallet but for some unknown reason are not. Also please let us stock more material than 250 and also let us stock trophy things and others in banks. I shouldn't spend my time organizing my inventory but playing the game.

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I am actually pleased with the organization and routines I have for cleaning my characters inventory. The bank is a garbage dump however littered with things from 5 years of playing, I am sure there is quite a bit of seasonal or historical/outdated objects that I could delete, but I can't be bothered with taking the time to clean it up. Perhaps if I leave it alone it will sort itself out? Yep sounds good. No worries. Totally not procrastinating.

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A mess, getting chests spammf even when afk for a few mins on WvW, tons of green items, rewards track chests, IDK... i tend to get encumbered quite a few times...


chest inside chests that came from chests.... my iventory is a mess, everytime when changing form EB to Bl i get 10-15 items on hoverflow list


I wich i could disable WvW rewards tracks.... sometimes i can spend more time cleaning the mats items and garbage items than actually playing.... most time it feels like i have several WvW reward tracks activated instead of one.....


i have to disable aoe bag collect and i tend not to care about bags unless its a wooden box.

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Well mine are organized but still half-full. It’s like the top few rows and left columns are for permanent items/consumables that i never fully use and the rest is frequently cleared out into merchants, banks, and the tp. But no invisible slots. All just regular 20-slot bags.

And my bank is very nearly full, but highly organized.

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> @reddie.5861 said:

> > @Celldrax.2849 said:

> > And of course there's always bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, empyreal fragments...

> i just delete those all the time

I may be too lazy to craft ascended equipment (gold requirement is just absurd), but I still don't like throwing that stuff away. So what I usually do is let it pile up a bit then refine it all and throw it in storage.



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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> I like to keep my inventory and bank fairly tidy and organised. Though at the minute I've probably got 10-20 bag inventory slots full of pointless Halloween crap like finishers, stupid tonics etc as I can't be bothered to keep discarding them so I'm just letting them build up so I can throw them all out once halloween is over.

I can't speak for the rest, but the finishers can be consumed to put in your finisher tab. Even if you don't PVP, it gets it out of your inventory into a useable form.

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Doing the crafting and then bank slots. And then inventory bags. Doing silverwastes, auric basin meta etc. Cleaning inv just gets annoying after a while. Now if arenanet gave better choices for the bloodstone dust. It would be nice. But when you have like 170 slots in inv you don't really worry untill something annoys you.

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There isn't a option that fit my situation so I just picked Mind your own business...

While I wouldn't say my inventory is a terrible mess, it's not exactly what one would call clean (1/3 of my bags are always filled). But I usually don't have issue with my bags unless I play for several hours without ever returning to a vendor. My Bank is a bit bad, but I tend to move skins and chests I won't open soon to a character that I don't play much (Like my Revenant).


![](https://i.imgur.com/4BkOISD.jpg "")


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I'm very OCD about inv space. I hate having things that I don't use frequently in there. So I deleted all tonics and endless potions etc. When ANET had that character slot sale, I bought about 7 more slots, so now I have 18 characters, 2 of each class. This is so I can make them wear all the ascended armors/weapons I collected over the years. It was exhausting, but fun at the same time to gear my characters into every single build possible.


I don't even make top tier food anymore because I hate seeing stacks of something.


![pic](https://i.imgur.com/qcjW8qp.jpg "")


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> @Dashiva.6149 said:

> Perhaps if I leave it alone it will sort itself out? Yep sounds good. No worries. Totally not procrastinating.


I keep so much junk in my bags. I hoard boosters that I never use. Why? What am I waiting for? I don't know, but surely there's a better time, a time that is most definitely not now, to use them - so they just sit there taking up space in my inventory! Why am I like this? I don't know, but surely I'll fix it Later™!

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I don't abide by Invisible bags or the like, but I do have a simple organisational system I use on all of my characters (and my bank). Anything I don't need in the immediate future that doesn’t fit neatly into my organisational system is thrown into a giant unorganised heap on my mule, but... I mean, who doesn't? Cheap bank spots, amiright?

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> There isn't a option that fit my situation so I just picked Mind your own business...

> While I wouldn't say my inventory is a terrible mess, it's not exactly what one would call clean (1/3 of my bags are always filled). But I usually don't have issue with my bags unless I play for several hours without ever returning to a vendor. My Bank is a bit bad, but I tend to move skins and chests I won't open soon to a character that I don't play much (Like my Revenant).


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/4BkOISD.jpg "")



Your inventory is pretty clean and organized it looks like. Clean doesn't necessarily mean bare. Just things in order and more empty space than filled spaces.


I'd say you fit in the "Clean, but my bank tabs are another story..." category. :)

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