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Resplendent Avialan raptor Feedback

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Taking the risk of beating up a dead horse, i'll have to address the issue with this:

# It's not worth 2000 gems.


Come on Arena Net... This again?

Look, here's the deal, the skin is kinda neat, and all, but it's not GREAT, i might use it on my mesmer, because mesmers are peacocky and all, but that's it...

Now do you really think that a **SINGLE SKIN** is worth the same amount of gems as a pack that holds an **outfit + glider + back skin + dyes + Total Make Over Kit + Unique-ish weapon skin**, not to mention the same value as a pack of **5 different mount skins**?

Did you sell enough of the Warhound to make you think that people will buy stuff at this price? I personally saw like 3 Warhounds in-game since they were released, so i'm assuming not that many were sold.

Or is this pettiness over the feedback on the previous mount skin release?

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If this is how they want to price them, they can price them as such, that's their choice. But I'll at least leave some feedback as to why I won't touch these beyond voting with my wallet; the cost. It's not because I don't like the way they look, it's purely and simply the cost. These skins are way too expensive for "horse armor". 25 Euro translates to about 30 USD for one, and I'll rather spend that kind of money on a game (or more) which I don't already own, (in the past I'd easily spend it) on a multitude of items in the Gem Store, or on unnecessary junk food for an entire week. If they are selling as-is, all the more power to ArenaNet, but I won't be buying them at these prices. To be honest, I'm finding it harder and harder to be motivated to support the game through Gem Store purchases lately. Things are just too expensive, or predatory (aka. random gambling). The recent practices has made me far more aware of my purchases too and I am refraining from doing impulse purchases as a whole. I feel disappointed somehow. This in turn is hampering my feeling of attachment towards the game, and I find myself logging in less and less. Strange how that works out.

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I think they're trying to reinforce the idea that we're getting a great deal by gambling on a random mount skin. That and this one probably did require more work than the ones in the RNG box.


Objectively I don't think it's a bad skin. It's certainly original and will stand out, and dyed well it could look really nice (fluorescent pink is not my thing), but I don't love it and it wouldn't really suit any of my characters which means I feel like I can't justify spending that much money on it.


Which is a shame. I was hoping this release would include a 5 pack of mounts without too many gimmicky details or flashy effects (the skeleton patterns and weird clouds put me off the Halloween ones) and if that was the case I'd have already bought them. It doesn't need to be anything that special, some fairly plain skins with 3 or 4 dye channels (like the Savannah Monitor, Tawny Hare, Oasis Skate, Banded Mystic and Spotted Sylph from the RNG packs) would be perfect for me.


Now it looks like I'll have to wait for Wintersday, but then we'll probably get ones with constant flicking frost/snow effects, and I'll be stuck waiting again.

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Yeah, like the previous Warforged one it's too much of a niche skin for the cost.


It's funny how there's been no consistency with mount skins. I _really_ thought the Halloween pack was setting the bar, where 5 decent skins would cost 2000 gems. Then they threw the RNG and 'prestige' single skins at us. I'm hoping they're just trying to get the whales to splurge for a time before putting out another decent 5-pack, but one a normal player would use day to day.

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I think the skin looks great. Its not my taste, but the detail and such looks solid. I can't wait to see them in-game. I do agree the price tag is a little steep...I think its well worth 1000 gems...maybe even 1250. But it all comes down to how much is it worth to those who REALLY want it. Same reason I did not go with the RNG skin boxes...not worth it to me.


(Full disclosure: I did buy the Halloween skins pack. That deal was worth it to me.)

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At first I thought it was very cool-looking, although I will never spend 2000 gems on one skin. Then I saw a video of it on YouTube, and in motion all I could think was to agree with the person who said "Butt cape for mounts!" So now I'm not even tempted. I wish they'd list a few 400-500 gems individual non-random mount skins in the GS, and yes, I already posted that in Gemstore Suggestions. Until they do, my Spooky Pack of mount skins, which I tend to dye all one color, suits me just fine.

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> @ReaverKane.7598 said:

> # It's not worth 2000 gems.


Someone in marketing compared cosmetic (I keep typing *COSTmetic* first, I wonder why...) mount costs in WoW and decided to apply that to the gem store.

I'm just going to say, I'm not a fan of it, never was, especially because cash sales are done in lots of $10, so this is even a worse cash grab. Gotta :-1: this one, sorry.


Still, it's a pretty skin, unique and has good color potential. Not a fan of the feathers blocking the feet; that'll mess up some precision jumps, but otherwise, it does look good, and I bet it'll get its share of sales.


I'm just not comfortable with where this trend is going. If I had a choice between a 2000 gem single skin or 5 tickets, I would very like take my chances and still end up with 5 unique looks.


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The new skin is lovely - good job to the artists/devs who created it. However, at 2,000 gems (aka: $35 US dollars) I will not be purchasing it. But please know that I will fully appreciate it if I see someone else using it.


Why aren't these skins prices in line with glider skins? I've spent a lot of money in this game purchasing various skins and outfits - but I just can't justify the real dollars cost you are trying to sell these individual skins for. The opportunity cost for these is just too much.

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I agree that 2000 gems for one skin is too much.


My guess is that what we'll see for the next few months will be additional one-off purchase skins for the remaining three mounts, all at 2000 gems, and the current RNG licenses will remain, none of which I'll buy. We might see a Wintersday and/or a Lunar New Year bundle similar to the Halloween bundle, which I found entirely reasonable and bought. Those will likely be gimmicky (not necessarily bad), and whether I buy those will depend on how many dye channels they have, and how much dye choices can mute the gimmicks for everyday use.


Once we've cycled through all the mounts for their first one-off skins, then we _might_ see some alterations made to the One Skin For 2000 Gems/One Holiday 5-Pack For ~~2000~~ 1600 Gems/One Random Skin For 400 Gems pattern, but I doubt very much that we'll see any deviation before then, and I'd be shocked to see any in-game rewards of mount skins before then, either.

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I must be seeing a different mount skin. I think it's hideous. I still wouldn't pay 2000 gems for the best looking skin in the world. 1000 gems would be pushing it. I stand by my thought that mount skins should cost in the same ball park as glider skins.


And no, I won't be tricked into thinking the mount adoption license skins are a good deal when compared with the overpriced ones. Here's hoping they come to their senses and offer this Wintersday a reasonable package like they offered during the Halloween event.

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