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So... CANTHA? Would you like to explore Cantha in the next expansion!?


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Hell no. Enough with the Human content. It is time to focus on Jormag and the Norns.


EOTN Gw2 :) that would add a new playable race, Kodan.

Canthan expantion would add Tengu's.


Note: Kodan and Teng's would have only 1 specialization role, each one to fix each own racial atributes and mechanichs, this ould avoid to remake the skeleton to work will all classes animations.

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Faction was by far my favorite expansion in GW1, so yes, Cantha would be great. The problem i have, tho is that it'll be 3-5 new "even larger" maps, but they'll be completely pointless to even explore. The expansion will run out of content in under 1 week and then, Cantha or not, the game will be dry out of content like it is currently. They should look at gw1 expansions and see what made them so good and have great content longevity. Their currently expansion design is garbage. I don't spend $30-50 for an expansion to be alt tabbed 80% of the time doing collections...

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Still no interest in the 7625897613057893465th cultural misapropriation of asian culture in gaming. I don't need to be a ninja.


Then don't play a ninja. Problem solved.

Most of the content within this game has been taken from one culture or another. To be outraged now for content that is not even available is a bit hypocritical.

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The social justice bunch like Kotaku, Waypoint, PCGamer, Polygon, etc... are flying in circles above Anet like vultures, looking for another phenomenal non-issue to jump on. An Asian-ish area would be awesome, but I can imagine them screeching that Anet is now also racist against Asians for culturally appropriating and mixing up various Asian cultures (mostly Chinese and Japanese, judging by that video?) or something ridiculous to that effect.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Still no interest in the 7625897613057893465th cultural misapropriation of asian culture in gaming. I don't need to be a ninja.


> Then don't play a ninja. Problem solved.

> Most of the content within this game has been taken from one culture or another. To be outraged now for content that is not even available is a bit hypocritical.


I'm not outraged, just bored. I get that ppl want to revisit something they are nostalgic about and I believe lots of ppl think that introducing a new playable race will change anything about the game. I just can't share it and I would like ANet to spend their ressources into something new and fresh, something we haven't seen before. Sure some things in GW2 are typical fantasy-tropes and by that are somewhat inspired by many existing cultures. But ANet has proven that they can invent new stuff and I would like them to continue with it rather than revisiting the things from the past or catering to all too popular tropes of the genre(I won't go into detail on how nothing is really ever invented or new because it's all existing tropes hurled together in new patterns therefore no real creativity, making something out of nothing, referencing nothing is ever possible).

Also, on a side note, there is no trace of cantha in GW2 because of the misapropriation of asian culture, the korean overlords from NC soft had the canthan quarter removed from DR because of that same reason, so there is a point here, not just my personal opinion on the subject.

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Honestly, we had an Expansion that rode on nostalgia already with PoF, another nostalgia expansion would be too soon. And lets be honest, there is A lot of space that Anet could use for their expansions, not only that but also fill those spaces with lore, cultures, etc.


Also with Cantha. What would that continent look like? Don't forget that Kaineng is a megacity and most of it was one big slum and after around 200 years, that slum would more or less even bigger and still being ugly as fuck. After Kaineng we have the jade sea and echovald forest and they may be not the same places anymore. There are rumors that the sea at least is liquifying again. Also there wouldn't be faction wars there since Kurzicks and Luxons were conquered between GW1 and GW2, oh and Tengu won't be there either.


Again, its time for an expansion to take us where we have never been and explore the unknown instead of having another nostalgi expansion.

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I wish Cantha sees, the day, at least, the human narrative arc will be finished in a large majority! In addition, there is much to be imagined to do there, concerning the Humans, it could continue with the bow on the Human Gods, because Cantha South, is where the Humans appeared, brought by the Gods, possibility that he can there be even a portal there? In short, it's a mystery to clear!

More than once, we can very well for a future extension imagine this:

Cantha Extension: The Deep Sea Dragon + Largos + Kraits + Quaggan.

HV5: The emperor and the empire of the winds (Tengus), as well as the liberation of Cantha.

In short, there are plenty of things to imagine, if they made a map to Cantha, the area would necessarily be on some areas of the maps, still corrupted, which would give an interesting effect for mastery as: cross the ocean Jade, be able to remove corruption for a few minutes to cross a "wall" of Jade stone, etc ...

there is a lot to work :) I am for, at least we can say: We will have traveled around the world almost, it will be missing only the East & North (roughly).


**Besides, I come back to it, but one thing intrigues me, why extend the east, which leaves the width for Cantha. And why the direct cut of Istan, leaving the islands of battle (antagonistic islands).

Strange no? it could predict what is below ...

We will see it well, I cross my fingers!**


I am convinced that if Cantha arrives, Anet will highlight Marjory Delaqua, who still had ancestors of Cantha. :p


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As Cantha is the most wanted place to visit since the launch of GW2, I say heck yes it's time! Expansion could launch with the four zones from the first game: Shing Jea Island, Kaineng City, The Jade Sea and of course Echovald Forest the one I'm most excited about as this game desperately needs a darker and moodier zone, and the living world would introduce us to the all new and previously unseen parts of Cantha! But let's also not forget about Assassin and Ritualist who could return as the Elite Specializations for Thief and Revenant respectively.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes ! Cantha is a must! And the fact that some Korean Director sew it as a cultural mix aberration, it's not a justification to eradicate it from the game!

And IMHO all the SIlence from Devs about all this theme it's a slap with a white glove in the face of the game fans.

Bring Cantha again!

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I would like Cantha, but after looking at the [Tyria Map, ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/46/Tyria_map_%28clean%29.jpg "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/46/Tyria_map_%28clean%29.jpg")I can see some areas in the east beyond what looks like a mountain range, and an area in the northwest that looks fun but might not appeal to everyone.


While I don't expect them to introduce new playable races anymore (sadly), I do hope they introduce some new non-playable intelligent races (perhaps a future gw2 project if gw3 is not a thing, or vice-versa).


Cantha would be exciting but I can see how it would upset non-human player, and those that don't really care but can appreciate variety.


Now, I personally think that most, if not all of the races don't really have anything to add **at this time** as a standalone XP, and so I believe a story in other areas involving new (non-playable) races and everyone of the known playable races(charr, human, asura, sylvari, and norn) working together to help them due to some unified goal.


The area that I mentioned in the northwest looks like a lot of water; imagine so windwaker styled campaign or some underworld bubble cities with more of the Largos peole and the like, maybe some hidden lost mursaat alone the coastal parts?


The area to the east, like the whole area, has what appears to be alot of variety in landscapes (and potential stories). Plenty of opportunity to go a variety of directions an it is unthinkable that there are no intelligent races to be found that way.



**Cantha would be fine, but if not go to any area on** [Tyria Map, ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/46/Tyria_map_%28clean%29.jpg "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/4/46/Tyria_map_%28clean%29.jpg")**that hasn't been explored yet. Avoid a focus on any race that is already introduced, and if possible add a new(non-playable** **race) for variety.**


Edit: I voted when this poll first came out, but I have rethought my position to what I have currently posted.



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Cantha made me fall in love with this series, I will always want to go back to Cantha. However, with Path of Fire and the current living story going back through Elona, I think I'm ready for a break from retreading GW1 locations. I love things that weave GW1 lore into the world of GW2 but at the same time I'm kind of ready for something entirely new. There's so many unexplored lands hinted at on the Whisper's globe and the Priory's map that are just waiting to be explored for the first time.

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