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Should there be a GW 3? - [Merged]


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> @Noa.7490 said:

> Of course they *could* make a sequel with a new engine with all the bells and whistles but I believe it would be a bad idea. From my point of view the transition from GW1 to GW2 wasn't at all what I expected and believed it should have been made better. I don't want to see the same thing happen again. Now look at the image below. This was a montage done back in the time of GW1 which showed just how little of Tyria we had explored. In GW2 we've explored less since the bottom portion is Cantha. There's plenty of lands we haven't explored yet, lands we've never seen, even in GW1 so if anything, this is the direction GW2 should take; expand, explore, polish.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/TF9tejf.jpg "")



wow, only that we have explored in GW1 and GW2? ... if they dry GW3 they should have enabled the whole world already ...


Apart, I do not know, go back to explore what was already seen in gw1 but only more modern, it does not have much appeal ... I always said that they should have enabled everyone to explain ... or continents that were never seen in GW1 ... will we see more continents someday? New races, like elves, dwarves (not stone). people with cat ears, wolf, fox, rabbit, etc etc etc ...

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Eventually, the engine will become so outdated that they won't be able to do things they want to do with it without completely overhauling it, as new technologies emerge and games evolve. It probably won't happen for a long time, but it will happen.


At that point, they should consider a GW3, because completely rebuilding the engine and then just applying it to GW2 probably wouldn't be cost-effective. They're going to need to recoup those significant costs associated with a complete rebuild by selling a new game with new systems in place and new gem store offerings.


Until we reach that point, however, they should just keep supporting GW2. They shouldn't even be thinking about GW3 until GW2 just becomes so outdated that they can't sustain it the way they want to.

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> @Electro.4173 said:

> Eventually, the engine will become so outdated that they won't be able to do things they want to do with it without completely overhauling it, as new technologies emerge and games evolve. It probably won't happen for a long time, but it will happen.


> At that point, they should consider a GW3, because completely rebuilding the engine and then just applying it to GW2 probably wouldn't be cost-effective. They're going to need to recoup those significant costs associated with a complete rebuild by selling a new game with new systems in place and new gem store offerings.


> Until we reach that point, however, they should just keep supporting GW2. They shouldn't even be thinking about GW3 until GW2 just becomes so outdated that they can't sustain it the way they want to.


Tell him to Blizzard and his graphic engine of the 2004 :s :s :s :s :s

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> @Thanatostasis.4562 said:

> I strongly believe that MMOS, especially those that become a money sink, should be treated as long term investments, and with respect to the players who have churned out wads of cash for cosmetics and items, should at least see the game live on for at least 10 years, this means constant support, patches, expansion packs... We're only two expansion packs into this game and you're asking if it's the right time for GW3? Never in the world, bad, bad, terrible idea, I would put that whole concept in a box and lock it in the basement for some 5 years, and then we can just start to consider if we open pandoras box...


> I also believe, our gold and gem expenditure, should somehow be transfered, not entirely, but lets say depending on how actively you spent you should at least be given a heads up in the next game and rewarded something... Something decent... This means not minis, finishers, titles... Something, starting from simply a voucher for a cosmetic if you didn't spend much, and working the reward track up for big spenders, more vouchers bundled with expansion slots, dye pack (Actually I'd like the current dye system to be removed entirely and be replaced by a wheel of colors and palettes, and have us buy slots for palettes that we can fill and name for convenience sake, rather than have us slave hours into this game for rare dyes costing up to 200 gold)


They should just run the game on life support for 20+ years just because ppl put money in the game. Id much rather see them usimg that money on making a new better game.

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I'm somewhat despondent on the game at the moment and really only keep playing mostly out of habit. I'm not sure it really matters to me right now given ANet's recent missteps with the RNG mountskins and over priced mountskins then following it up with a message that basically equated to them saying "my bad" but not offering a fix. The whole thing is a slap to the face of players who pre-purchased PoF and/or bought the ultimate package.


For myself there are other things that bug me about the game atm. Things like constant lagging/low frame rates, lack of gliding support with updrafts and ley-lines in PoF or not updating core Tyria, the griffon not being able to use updrafts or at least allowing players to dismount the griffon in flight to use updrafts, the invisible walls and death zones (be more creative please), adding volatile magic instead of just using unbound magic, etc. I would have been ok if they said that all players get unbound magic unlocked so they could use it all over Tyria. There are too many currencies in the game.


Given how things stand at the moment I'm sure I won't purchase another GW2 expansion, at least without ANet fixing things before hand. I'm certainly not going for the gem purchasing with real money or maybe even not in game gold given that they haven't fixed the mount license thing yet by allowing players to purchase skins locked in the RNG they want at a reasonable price. If ANet wants my money they need to earn it by fixing things and making changes for the better.


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There are SO MANY basic issues with GW2 (From armor, weapons, dyes, backpacks and other cosmetics being so clumsily arranged and unmanageable, to megaserver, lgf, taxi-ing and multi-map technical and cultural problems, to the eternally elusive and impossible to fix meta/balance/e-sport dilemma, to the absolute lack of guild focused development in a game called "guild something", to the proper interaction between stats, to the handling of the npc AIs...) that creating a GW3 at some point is the only way I see for the game to actually evolve and mature.


When, however, is another matter. IMO GW2 is a really good game right now, even with all the cited base problems. We have still a bunch of years before the unsolvable issues and the advances of the competence makes the situation unsustainable.

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Just as side-note:

The game does not need to be completely new in order to have an updated engine. A new or updated game engine could be made for the current game. But as the developers have said, it will require a big investment to do so and I doubt of the large, mostly casual player base is willing to pay this.

And even when the game uses older DirectX 9 technology and not optimally uses multiple cores, I still think Guild Wars 2 looks absolutely amazing. This game is really a tribute to what amazing things are possible with Shader Model 3 and DirectX 9.0c.


Sure, I would directly pay EUR 50 for an improved game engine with better multicore support and DirectX 11/Vulcan rendering, but again, that's just me and I'm not your typical GW2 player.

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> @TheQuickFox.3826 said:

> Just as side-note:

> The game does not need to be completely new in order to have an updated engine. A new or updated game engine could be made for the current game. But as the developers have said, it will require a big investment to do so and I doubt of the large, mostly casual player base is willing to pay this.

> And even when the game uses older DirectX 9 technology and not optimally uses multiple cores, I still think Guild Wars 2 looks absolutely amazing. This game is really a tribute to what amazing things are possible with Shader Model 3 and DirectX 9.0c.


> Sure, I would directly pay EUR 50 for an improved game engine with better multicore support and DirectX 11/Vulcan rendering, but again, that's just me and I'm not your typical GW2 player.


I agree, it could benefit from an updated engine. The Unreal 4 engine would make GW2 visually awesome while being cross platform. At the same time they could incorporate GW1 into it also as time layered game play.

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Honestly I think they could do a GW3 hack and slash with 1-5 player teams, instanced based.


Why make gw3? I think they can broaden their ip into other game formats. AND THEN go back and continue development on GW1 aswell.

A mistake I believe they made was suddenly dropping gw1 development like gw2 made it obsolete. Gw2 didn't make gw1 obsolete, lack of development did.

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I think a GW3 (well, maybe not Guild Wars 3 so much as Guild Wars: X) would be fun if they somehow found the time to make a single-player game where you could play as a human and explore the human history from setting foot in Tyria and then expanding to every corner of the continent.


Other than that I don't see much that GW2 couldn't offer aside from major visual overhauls.

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> @Mea.5491 said:

> No. Improve GW2 and release more content. It's only 5 yrs old. WoW is like what, 13 yrs old and still no WoW2. So let's talk about GW3 maaaybe around 2030.


See I'd much rather prefer that ANet found a good financial campaign so that they could release "Guild Wars" akin to WoW's Warcraft games. Idk what they'd call them, if they'd want to retain the signature or not. But that will never happen on their current budget.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> Obviously, i voted No


> To those who voted Yes, what memories will you bring with you to Gw3?


> Be honest


LOL. I've been playing MMO's sine EQ day 1. Oh the Amazing Memories I could share with you from all the MMOs I have played, and I've moved around quite a bit.


So unlike all the people voting NO, or what have you, I know that there will come a time when this game ends, I started playing it, knowing that was inevitable.


**The question now becomes, why didn't any of you?**


Did you really think this game would last forever? Did you really think this would be your last MMO? I mean, really, Do you even think you will be content in a few years to play a game with old dated graphics, as newer and better MMO's spring up all around you and the people you know in game move on to those games, leaving you alone here?


A game is all about the people you meet, the laughs you have, the jokes you tell, and things you can look back upon in a few years, no matter the graphics, the loot.


I know what memories I tried to invest in.. what did you invest in?

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Not now, maybe at least 5 years later. I want to see them implement huge engine-specific performance updates to current Gw2.

Maybe adding Dx12 support, or utilizing GPU power better to have good FPS values. (instead of demanding CPU)

Path of fire maps clearly look better and sharper than base tyrian maps, they have better textures and effects. So we know that Gw2 can be

upgraded in itself graphics-wise. The only thing I really expect is Dx12 support and improved GPU performance. And ta-da you have Gw2.5.

Gw2 can be modernized.

Swapping to a new game would erase all that accumulated content over years and give you a vanilla game again. I'm happy with the development of Gw2,

I just want new content, expansions and features in Gw2.

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WoW has been going strong for 13 years. GW2 is barely 5 years old. Its clear that a well run MMO can remain successful even after a very long time. I don't think there will ever be a huge need for GW3 outside of a massive engine overhaul, but depending on how late in the development of GW2 that is, it might make more sense to do it and revamp all of GW2 to fit the new engine than the have to start over from scratch.

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People keep thinking a new game is about graphics. It can be a logic addition, true, but IMO, the basic planning, the innermost structure of the game, and all the development tools linked to that, are many , many times more important.

Just 1 example: Dyeable weapons. They CAN'T make dyeable weapons for GW2. They will never can. GW3 HAS to have it.


Masteries from the beggining.

Elite Specs balanced from the start.

Independent armor rigs for each race.

Compatible armor pieces from the base.

Dyeable backpacks and weapons.



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