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[Suggestion] Stop making Story Bosses Hard (LS4 Spoilers)

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I am all for the difficulty in these fights, but the HP should be massively cut. In the final PoF fight I retuned my build and got the boss to about 80% with no problems when I realized I could just face roll, kill his minions and just keep face rolling...literally just spamming 1-5 on the keyboard while watching tv...die, repop, face roll. That 20% I got off was fun, challenging even..but it just took so long...it felt like I was playing a game under leveled or geared (full exotic armor/ascended accessories btw).


I was honestly expecting something to happen at maybe 75% to change the fight scene but...nope.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> >

> > Further, the compRomise already happened. They made more exciting encounters, but with encounters that don't reset when the hero dies it is virtually impoSsible to fail.

> >


> I actually hate this. Last fight of PoF was very annoying to me. I went into it on a completely stupid build on my engy and died alot. I wanted to start over with the changes I knew would make a huge difference but nooooo just respawn over and over with his hp staying at whatever I got him too. I could quit of course but then i'd have to do that entire very long instance all over again.


> I'd like challenging fights to stay challenging, but be their own seperate part you can restart without all the tedium of a long instance also needing to be redone.


> As a side note, when I started gaming forums were often full of people asking for advice on how to beat a specific encounter. Now they're full of people demanding it's nerfed D:



That doesn't make any sense ...


People have already mentioned that it is a separate instance but even if it wasn't you could have just changed your build after you died *then* respawn. There was no need to quit. Also with the Sohothin you can do that fight with anything including while naked which has been done already.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > My issue with story bosses is not so much the difficulty of the fight but the overuse of gazillions of circles on the floor and way too much HP. I just get bored halfway the fight and it kills any replay value for me because it's so tedious.

> >

> > I found that my alts can go to HoT maps without doing the story and I'm hoping that for PoF I only need to start the story to go across the ocean and can then do the same. I just really don't want to go through those stories again. Even the conversations take too long and Taimi yelling through that communicator has done damage to my eardrums I think...


> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I'd be pretty happy with a health pool nerf on scruffy. It's not so much the difficulty - I can live with that despite the over use of things going on screen. It just takes far, far too long. Sure, raider/high end dpsers might be able to obliterate such bosses v quickly, but story isn't at that level nor should be trying to bridge any gaps. Challenge to an extent is fine, but encounters don't need to take forever for the average person or have a million things going on on screen. Scruffy's main issue is the health pool size dragging out the encounter after a lengthy build in.


> But how long is "too long"? The levels are already notoriously short, and most fights basically scaling on your DPS suggests its logically scaling with the safety level of your build. I spent maybe 5-7 minutes on the Joko fight, and thats mostly because I got lost a little bit trying to figure out a mechanic, and not having enough CC skills loaded at the start.... but I still cleared it on the first attempt. I saw a video on TY where someone cleared it in roughly 10min using a not-damage oriented Druid build, and was fumbling around most of it (very likely a first attempt), not played to raid level efficiency.... but still cleared it in that single attempt.


> Even in the Scruffy fight, I spent more time with the gate nodes then Scruffy. But whats confusing me is that you're implying that the fights need to be even shorter when going in with no knowledge of the fight before the chapter starts, when its arguably so easy at this point that the only thing that drags out of a fight is lacking DPS at level below that of average player builds (which is already pretty low on the buildcraft ladder). If the take away from anything, I'd make the case that there should be a minor DPS check prior to the boss fight, so players have an opportunity to adjust their build before hand.


There is no set time in minutes that makes a fight too long.. I talk about the experience. What happens is that boss fights are made artificially longer by having more repetitions of phases and high defense and/or big hit points. If a fight is interesting then it can be longer without feeling long. To me this is the issue. I just find my thoughts veering off because the fight gets so repetitive and then I see I'm not even half way the boss's hit points.


Although there are some different mechanics, almost all boss fights use the staples of big hp and lots of circles in all kinds of shapes and sizes. That dance is old, but it's there every time and you have to do it a lot. Now I've played a lot of SWTOR and I did the hardest levels (Nightmare aka Master Mode) and some of these fights can last a while. There is a boss that has an enrage timer of around 20 minutes in Nightmare. But I never felt like falling asleep during the fight.


Now that's group content in trinity gameplay where you have a role (I was healer) and after doing certain boss fights a number of times, particularly the easier modes, you could get into that zone where you can do the fights without thinking and after many repetitions that can even get boring at some point when it's an easy boss. However, here in GW2, these bosses can feel like taking half an hour when in fact it takes 5-10 minutes probably.


And I know I'm pretty analytical, so I have fewer illusions about things in general, but the simple truth is there for me, that the boss fights in GW2 are boring because it's about repeating things just too many times. Not because it's hard but because it's tedious and boring in my view.


But let me be clear about this, because I didn't address this properly. It's not just the boss fights. It's my main gripe about the game that it feels like they made something cool and then add 50-100% artificial length to it, so that people take longer doing it. The whole story line feels too long. The conversations take too long. The fights leading up to bosses take too long. In fact even just leveling your character to 80 has been too long from the start.


When you look at the 80 levels, and how the character progresses, you're actually done around level 35 and then it's pretty much just leveling for levels and skill points. And well even at level 80 you still get more skill points for the elite specs and stuff so it doesn't need leveling to do so. I also feel they should've started with way fewer zones and more xp gain and fewer levels.


I enjoy the game more than before. In essence I got the game when it came out and played for 3 months and got bored. Then I came back a year later. Tried it for a couple of months and left again. Then a while after HoT was out I tried it again...lasted a couple of months again. But I will say that this time around it's been a couple of months and I expect to hang around longer. However, I will not play the stories more than once and because I have older characters I have birthday presents so I welcomed the level 50 tokens and use tomes to ease the leveling pain. Not because it's hard but because it's tedious.


What I do like is crafting ascended gear, which involves a lot of gathering of course and doing open world stuff like map completion, map bosses, collections and meta events. And farm daily zones for trinkets.


But I just do the minimum necessary on alts to get access to the maps. So I got the travel passes for the daily areas. HoT maps are accessible directly and PoF requires just one quest to get me to Amnoon and there I am. I don't even do the core story or any of it...because it bores me. And it's all because of the artificial length. So for me it's odd because if the stories were less tedious and didn't have this artificial length added to it, I would do them on my alts. So their goal was to make a player spend more time on it, but in effect I spend less time on it because I only do it all once and then never again.


Of course that's me. But I can only speak for myself. From some of these discussions here I have to conclude that there are people who enjoy what I call lengthy, repetitive, slug fests. I prefer a boss fight in a story that lasts 3 minutes but is interesting and challenging than a fight that takes 7 minutes and puts me to sleep halfway. I'm sure not everybody experiences it that way but I do. And then these conversations between NPCs that go on and on and on...well... I suppose to some people this feels epic maybe? I dunno, but for me it's just boring and it actually breaks the flow of the story for me. Half the time I don't even know or remember why I was even there fighting that boss and what I was supposed to achieve cause I lose interest. Maybe it's because I've been gaming for a long time but I prefer a bit more variation in what it takes to get through a story. I will say that GW2 does some of that. It's certainly not all bad and there are moments that positively surprise me. But overall, whatever is positive does get overshadowed a lot by these boring slug fests. I don't even go back on my main to get some achievements because I dread going there again.



TL;DR: It's not the length in minutes that is the issue but the repetitiveness and artificial lengthening that is noticeable that make fights feel a lot longer than maybe they actually are. Overall I feel GW2 does a lot of artificial lengthening in many aspects of the game and when it's noticeable then it becomes problematic.


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> >

> > >

> > > Further, the compRomise already happened. They made more exciting encounters, but with encounters that don't reset when the hero dies it is virtually impoSsible to fail.

> > >

> >

> > I actually hate this. Last fight of PoF was very annoying to me. I went into it on a completely stupid build on my engy and died alot. I wanted to start over with the changes I knew would make a huge difference but nooooo just respawn over and over with his hp staying at whatever I got him too. I could quit of course but then i'd have to do that entire very long instance all over again.

> >

> > I'd like challenging fights to stay challenging, but be their own seperate part you can restart without all the tedium of a long instance also needing to be redone.

> >

> > As a side note, when I started gaming forums were often full of people asking for advice on how to beat a specific encounter. Now they're full of people demanding it's nerfed D:

> >


> That doesn't make any sense ...


> People have already mentioned that it is a separate instance but even if it wasn't you could have just changed your build after you died *then* respawn. There was no need to quit. Also with the Sohothin you can do that fight with anything including while naked which has been done already.


Oh yeah, Sohothin made that fight the first fight where I actually felt like the hero I was supposed to be all those years. It also made that fight probably the least tedious of all in PoF, at least for me.

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> @"TheUndefined.1720" said:

> I made this suggestion back in my HoT review, and I'm going to make it here; Stop making PvE story bosses hard. I'm currently sitting in the active fight with Scruffy 2.0, dead, having died at least a dozens times, and I honestly just want to throw my hands up. The point where you frustrate your player to quitting is bad game design. I understand, as game developers, you want to make the fight epic - oh no! Taimi suffocating! I care and have to hurry, but I have massive amounts of projectiles, burning, aoe's, and a completely incompetent NPC that DOES NOT use his reflect as he should... that means I don't care about Taimi, I just want to get out of the fight.


I agreed with u, 120%

its fun when u play with ur friends, a hard boss = fun

but its not fun when u r soloing with a low dps (support) class

and sometimes the fight is just too stupid (npc can solo the boss, all u have to do is afk and watch the epic battle)

i srsly hate pve (FoTM, raid, LS etc) when im soloing, and now anet destroyed wvw/pvp balance with their weird idea of game play......


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> @"Shadowzerk.4715" said:

> > @"TheUndefined.1720" said:

> > I made this suggestion back in my HoT review, and I'm going to make it here; Stop making PvE story bosses hard. I'm currently sitting in the active fight with Scruffy 2.0, dead, having died at least a dozens times, and I honestly just want to throw my hands up. The point where you frustrate your player to quitting is bad game design. I understand, as game developers, you want to make the fight epic - oh no! Taimi suffocating! I care and have to hurry, but I have massive amounts of projectiles, burning, aoe's, and a completely incompetent NPC that DOES NOT use his reflect as he should... that means I don't care about Taimi, I just want to get out of the fight.


> I agreed with u, 120%

> its fun when u play with ur friends, a hard boss = fun

> but its not fun when u r soloing with a low dps (support) class

> and sometimes the fight is just too stupid (npc can solo the boss, all u have to do is afk and watch the epic battle)

> i srsly hate pve (FoTM, raid, LS etc) when im soloing, and now anet destroyed wvw/pvp balance with their weird idea of game play......



There really isnt such a thing as a low dps support class in GW2. Build switching is a core mechanic. If your current build is for supporting a group of players then switching it up when playing solo is a very good idea.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > Maybe the firts time around, but once you have played through a fight, you should know the mechanics and can do it more relaxed the next time around, being able to listen to dialogue and focus not only on the fight.

> >

> > Umm, why would I willingly do a story again that gave me grief the previous time?


> Well, I can't speak for you, but I do tend to play the story with all my characters. And the story missions' fight mechanics usually don't take that many attempts to grasp since, once you know what attacks to expect, you can counter them all.


> Also, "grief"? You fail, you learn, you do much better next time. :) That's how it goes with gaming challenges at least. ;)


> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > I wonder if people think Joko was hard... He has so low HP, i did not get halve his dialogue because he melted so fast.


> To be fair, and in defense of everyone complaining, that fight only goes fast if you know that you require (or happen to have equipped) skills that can provide four times CC in a quick chain. ;) Otherwise, it will take longer, naturally, as you wait for the skills' cooldown, because his Echos (or whatever those "illusions" were called) can only be dispersed by using a CC skil on them. Also, you only learn that the vents on the floor prevent you from receiving damage by those "scarab swarms" he casts after you stepped on them (or by carefully observing your environment and notice that none of them are to be seen on top of the vent grids).


> And that - to get back to my point - I learnt _during_ the fight. You (not you, but the people complaining) can't expect to cheese every fight right away if you haven't tried it at least once to see what it's about. And that's part of the fun for many, but apparently not all players. I think what the latter are asking for is story content without skill challenge - but then it wouldn't be GW anymore, IMO. If you want story without challenges, you should read a good book instead - most gaming genres are about challenges.


A cripple is enough to break his breakbar iirc. ALso the BONES that are scattered EVERYWHERE provide a stun that breaks it instantly. In fact, every single encounter had bones everywhere for people to pick up in case they don't have cc.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> You guys know every single boss can be cheesed?

> Fight, die, respawn, fight boss at full health while boss doesn't reset, keep going even while your armour whittles down which you can fix for free afterwards.


> Please don't make the bosses any easier, a group of Skritt is more dangerous Balthazar, the literal god of war


Actually, not always. The other day I was in a fight in the open world and tried that. The nearest spawn was so far away that by the time I got back he had reset. A side effect of us having fewer waypoints.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > You guys know every single boss can be cheesed?

> > Fight, die, respawn, fight boss at full health while boss doesn't reset, keep going even while your armour whittles down which you can fix for free afterwards.

> >

> > Please don't make the bosses any easier, a group of Skritt is more dangerous Balthazar, the literal god of war


> Actually, not always. The other day I was in a fight in the open world and tried that. The nearest spawn was so far away that by the time I got back he had reset. A side effect of us having fewer waypoints.


I believe the topic is about story bosses.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > You guys know every single boss can be cheesed?

> > > Fight, die, respawn, fight boss at full health while boss doesn't reset, keep going even while your armour whittles down which you can fix for free afterwards.

> > >

> > > Please don't make the bosses any easier, a group of Skritt is more dangerous Balthazar, the literal god of war

> >

> > Actually, not always. The other day I was in a fight in the open world and tried that. The nearest spawn was so far away that by the time I got back he had reset. A side effect of us having fewer waypoints.


> I believe the topic is about story bosses.


Yes, but given the last story is several months old the random example was a more recent one. The same concept can apply to story bosses depending on where the respawn location is relative to your location.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > Maybe the firts time around, but once you have played through a fight, you should know the mechanics and can do it more relaxed the next time around, being able to listen to dialogue and focus not only on the fight.

> >

> > Umm, why would I willingly do a story again that gave me grief the previous time?


> Well, I can't speak for you, but I do tend to play the story with all my characters. And the story missions' fight mechanics usually don't take that many attempts to grasp since, once you know what attacks to expect, you can counter them all.


> Also, "grief"? You fail, you learn, you do much better next time. :) That's how it goes with gaming challenges at least. ;)


> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > I wonder if people think Joko was hard... He has so low HP, i did not get halve his dialogue because he melted so fast.


> To be fair, and in defense of everyone complaining, that fight only goes fast if you know that you require (or happen to have equipped) skills that can provide four times CC in a quick chain. ;) Otherwise, it will take longer, naturally, as you wait for the skills' cooldown, because his Echos (or whatever those "illusions" were called) can only be dispersed by using a CC skil on them. Also, you only learn that the vents on the floor prevent you from receiving damage by those "scarab swarms" he casts after you stepped on them (or by carefully observing your environment and notice that none of them are to be seen on top of the vent grids).


> And that - to get back to my point - I learnt _during_ the fight. You (not you, but the people complaining) can't expect to cheese every fight right away if you haven't tried it at least once to see what it's about. And that's part of the fun for many, but apparently not all players. I think what the latter are asking for is story content without skill challenge - but then it wouldn't be GW anymore, IMO. If you want story without challenges, you should read a good book instead - most gaming genres are about challenges.


You dont even need hard CC. A normal cripple breaks the bar. The random CC from most weapons is enough.

No need for chain CC or something.

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> @"Lesan.4903" said:

> One thing that definitely needs a change are fights like the LS2 segments where the player is forced to be Caithe. You can't adjust her build for anticondition or stunbreaks, and the player's gear doesn't affect her damage either - but at the same time, your gear STILL breaks down if you die. Which is not hindering, but annoying since you end up outside without and gear on you, and if an enemy has placed down some AoE, you might get pasted as you exit.


> So simply have an 'Autorepair' after those Missions, so the player's gear is still up to task.


Those are, hands down, my least favorite missions in all of GW2.


- no downed state as Caithe, you get instantly defeated if below 0 HP

- your gear doesn't affect her stats

- your gear is damaged on defeat

- encounter difficulty was left at the same level as the rest of season 2. Big mistake because unlike the other missions where we play with our characters we have developed over 80 levels and multiple missions, we are effectively a 'level 1 Caithe" as a class for this mission. With no tutorial or even a little arena to test out your new skills first. And let's throw some instance specific mechanics to learn on top of that.

- story wise it feels awful to force us to play as the villain (or at least the enabler of one) , which is what Caithe essentially is during this phase of her life. I wouldn't have enjoyed being forced to kill the centaurs and Wynn anyway, just show those parts in a cutscene, don't make us actually do it.


any of these flaws on their own wouldn't have been too bad, but all of them together just make these missions totally unpalatable to me. The only thing to me that makes them doable is the fact that if you bring someone else, they get to use their regular powers. Bringing a second player to carry you is just more enjoyable than actually playing the mission. That is BAD design.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Further, the compRomise already happened. They made more exciting encounters, but with encounters that don't reset when the hero dies it is virtually impoSsible to fail.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I actually hate this. Last fight of PoF was very annoying to me. I went into it on a completely stupid build on my engy and died alot. I wanted to start over with the changes I knew would make a huge difference but nooooo just respawn over and over with his hp staying at whatever I got him too. I could quit of course but then i'd have to do that entire very long instance all over again.

> > >

> > > I'd like challenging fights to stay challenging, but be their own seperate part you can restart without all the tedium of a long instance also needing to be redone.

> > >

> > > As a side note, when I started gaming forums were often full of people asking for advice on how to beat a specific encounter. Now they're full of people demanding it's nerfed D:

> > >

> >

> > That doesn't make any sense ...

> >

> > People have already mentioned that it is a separate instance but even if it wasn't you could have just changed your build after you died *then* respawn. There was no need to quit. Also with the Sohothin you can do that fight with anything including while naked which has been done already.


> Oh yeah, Sohothin made that fight the first fight where I actually felt like the hero I was supposed to be all those years. It also made that fight probably the least tedious of all in PoF, at least for me.


This is more aimed at your previous post but what is your DPS? Lengths of fights seem okay to me at long as it is on a character with roughly 5000 DPS. This will vary depending on the boss. Ones that move around a lot will typically end up taking less damage. 5000 is also around the amount that Sohothin provides. This is from my own experience of playing through most(still got 5 more to go through PoF and 12 to go through LS4) of the story content in the game with characters with DPS ranging from 2000 to 9000. The 2000 works but using that in the last PoF fight took around 20 minutes.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:


> That doesn't make any sense ...


> People have already mentioned that it is a separate instance but even if it wasn't you could have just changed your build after you died *then* respawn. There was no need to quit. Also with the Sohothin you can do that fight with anything including while naked which has been done already.


It doesn't make sense because it was actually 'beast of war' not the final god fight, which was apparently so unchallenging I forgot it even existed :/ I just went and ran through Beast again out of curiosity and left the instance at the final fight to see you can indeed re-enter at the end there. I stand by my comment that it not immediately obvious and the assumption that you would have to do the entire instance again would be a reasonable one.


I had absolutely no idea that you could change traits or gear while dead, thank you for that information. This is the first time that knowledge would've been useful but i'll certainly put it to good use if I mess up badly again :)

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> >

> > That doesn't make any sense ...

> >

> > People have already mentioned that it is a separate instance but even if it wasn't you could have just changed your build after you died *then* respawn. There was no need to quit. Also with the Sohothin you can do that fight with anything including while naked which has been done already.


> It doesn't make sense because it was actually 'beast of war' not the final god fight, which was apparently so unchallenging I forgot it even existed :/ I just went and ran through Beast again out of curiosity and left the instance at the final fight to see you can indeed re-enter at the end there. I stand by my comment that it not immediately obvious and the assumption that you would have to do the entire instance again would be a reasonable one.


> I had absolutely no idea that you could change traits or gear while dead, thank you for that information. This is the first time that knowledge would've been useful but i'll certainly put it to good use if I mess up badly again :)


It’s only obvious if you’re looking up at the corner of your screen but I don’t think it’s expected of players to continually look at that while in an instance. I only have that habit as I try to get as many achievements done in a single playthrough so I’m continually looking. I also know that Anet ocassionally puts hints on what to do up there too although most of the time things are fairly straightforward.

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> @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> > @"Lesan.4903" said:

> > One thing that definitely needs a change are fights like the LS2 segments where the player is forced to be Caithe. You can't adjust her build for anticondition or stunbreaks, and the player's gear doesn't affect her damage either - but at the same time, your gear STILL breaks down if you die. Which is not hindering, but annoying since you end up outside without and gear on you, and if an enemy has placed down some AoE, you might get pasted as you exit.

> >

> > So simply have an 'Autorepair' after those Missions, so the player's gear is still up to task.


> Those are, hands down, my least favorite missions in all of GW2.


> - no downed state as Caithe, you get instantly defeated if below 0 HP

> - your gear doesn't affect her stats

> - your gear is damaged on defeat

> - `encounter difficulty was left at the same level as the rest of season 2`. Big mistake because unlike the other missions where we play with our characters we have developed over 80 levels and multiple missions, we are effectively a 'level 1 Caithe" as a class for this mission. With no tutorial or even a little arena to test out your new skills first. And let's throw some instance specific mechanics to learn on top of that.

> - story wise it feels awful to force us to play as the villain (or at least the enabler of one) , which is what Caithe essentially is during this phase of her life. I wouldn't have enjoyed being forced to kill the centaurs and Wynn anyway, just show those parts in a cutscene, don't make us actually do it.


> any of these flaws on their own wouldn't have been too bad, but all of them together just make these missions totally unpalatable to me. The only thing to me that makes them doable is the fact that if you bring someone else, they get to use their regular powers. Bringing a second player to carry you is just more enjoyable than actually playing the mission. That is BAD design.


Actually that fight seems much easier than I remember it. I am never a fan of being forced a different set of skills but that encounter is now fairly easy for whatever reason. Could just be a result of me knowing the fight much better having done it over a dozen times now.


Down state is unlikely to make any difference at least when soloing since there isn't really anything to rally off of and the elementals reflect projectiles.

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They aren't hard, but they ARE health sponges that discourage you from playing anything other than full DPS.


Did joko fight with my PvE Condi reaper and it only took a few minutes.


Did the joko fight on my WvW support FB and it was 45 minutes.


What they need to do is stop giving bosses a billion HP and pretending it's a challenge, all it really ends up being is obnoxious to complete on any spec not built for raids

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > >

> > > That doesn't make any sense ...

> > >

> > > People have already mentioned that it is a separate instance but even if it wasn't you could have just changed your build after you died *then* respawn. There was no need to quit. Also with the Sohothin you can do that fight with anything including while naked which has been done already.

> >

> > It doesn't make sense because it was actually 'beast of war' not the final god fight, which was apparently so unchallenging I forgot it even existed :/ I just went and ran through Beast again out of curiosity and left the instance at the final fight to see you can indeed re-enter at the end there. I stand by my comment that it not immediately obvious and the assumption that you would have to do the entire instance again would be a reasonable one.

> >

> > I had absolutely no idea that you could change traits or gear while dead, thank you for that information. This is the first time that knowledge would've been useful but i'll certainly put it to good use if I mess up badly again :)


> It’s only obvious if you’re looking up at the corner of your screen but I don’t think it’s expected of players to continually look at that while in an instance. I only have that habit as I try to get as many achievements done in a single playthrough so I’m continually looking. I also know that Anet ocassionally puts hints on what to do up there too although most of the time things are fairly straightforward.


There is also the reward chest for "Beast of War" popping up and maybe the loading screen despite seemingly remaining in the same place.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> They aren't hard, but they ARE health sponges that discourage you from playing anything other than full DPS.


> Did joko fight with my PvE Condi reaper and it only took a few minutes.


> Did the joko fight on my WvW support FB and it was 45 minutes.


> What they need to do is stop giving bosses a billion HP and pretending it's a challenge, all it really ends up being is obnoxious to complete on any spec not built for raids


Why would you play a support build in a solo instance ? You make it sound like guardian can’t play DPS.

You don’t even need to play a spec built for raids. You wouldn’t even need to have full try hard ascended armor.


And by the way, of course they need to have that sort of health pool, have you seen how generally speaking, we can do a lot more damages due to the elite specs ?

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> They aren't hard, but they ARE health sponges that discourage you from playing anything other than full DPS.


> Did joko fight with my PvE Condi reaper and it only took a few minutes.


> Did the joko fight on my WvW support FB and it was 45 minutes.


> What they need to do is stop giving bosses a billion HP and pretending it's a challenge, all it really ends up being is obnoxious to complete on any spec not built for raids


Support builds are for supporting a party, if you're soloing you're not supporting someone else, making your build ineffective. This isn't a game where there's "support classes", you can easily swap your setup to a more dps oriented build on that very same character, and even if you had no dps gear, Zerker exotic is both easy to get and cheap to buy anyways.


If the health pools were balanced around soloing as a healer/support then dps builds, even sub-optimal, would just kill everything by looking at it. If you want to play as a support then you shouldn't solo.

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"Hard" isn't as much a problem for me as sooooooooooo long! Some of these episodes go on _forever_. Every once in awhile I need to pee or eat or answer the phone or go to bed.


Competent NPC companions and unbiased enemies would be appreciated as well. I'm a squishy Tempest, and some of these scenarios have the bad guys totally ignoring my warrior support and group-charging straight after me. Other times my helpers just stand there doing nothing.


I like a challenge... but if I'm supposed to be part of a team, then I shouldn't be made to feel that I'm the only one playing for my side.

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> > @"Klipso.8653" said:

> > They aren't hard, but they ARE health sponges that discourage you from playing anything other than full DPS.

> >

> > Did joko fight with my PvE Condi reaper and it only took a few minutes.

> >

> > Did the joko fight on my WvW support FB and it was 45 minutes.

> >

> > What they need to do is stop giving bosses a billion HP and pretending it's a challenge, all it really ends up being is obnoxious to complete on any spec not built for raids


> Why would you play a support build in a solo instance ? You make it sound like guardian can’t play DPS.

> You don’t even need to play a spec built for raids. You wouldn’t even need to have full try hard ascended armor.


> And by the way, of course they need to have that sort of health pool, have you seen how generally speaking, we can do a lot more damages due to the elite specs ?


Simply because I have duplicate classes with different builds for different modes.


Unfortunately my 'main' happens to be the support FB, and I make sure he gets full completion in maps and story.


My DPS DH could have done it just as easy as my Condi reaper, but my support scourge would have had a problem as well.


Support FB has legend armor, and my DPS DH, Condi Reaper, Support Scourge, Chrono tank, DPS Holosmith are all full ascended. Swapping gear and builds just became a pain so I made multiples of the same classes for different roles

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