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PvE Players... Do you think GW 2 would be better without PvP and WvW?


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> @"Crossaber.8934"


> Another thing that gw1 did well and on this game is a failure.... dungeons.


Something like this:

"These explorable dungeons, Fairfield explains, are meant to attract the crowd that would normally be raiding in other MMOs, and they'll last for about an hour and half."


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Crossaber.8934"

> >

> > Another thing that gw1 did well and on this game is a failure.... dungeons.


> Something like this:

> "These explorable dungeons, Fairfield explains, are meant to attract the crowd that would normally be raiding in other MMOs, and they'll last for about an hour and half."

> :dizzy:


When u have classes soloing dungeons, and ANet to avoid balance adds raids.... to make the game look important in the DPS race... even u have lots o players with same stats, same classes doing therory crafting and measuring using DPS metters.. xD


One thing for sure... PVP players should drop this game, and let LamersNet keep their work.

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No, PvX is master race. Playing only a single aspect makes it boring. And WvW is like an end game after PvE for me. I play PvE to get items and stuff, WvW to have fun. Personally I don't like sPvP anymore since hotjoin servers are nearly always empty nowadays and I don't wanna join ranked with pugs.

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Don't want any content removed even if it is something I couldn't care less about such as jumping puzzles and even Open World PvE for the most part. I prefer for Guild Wars 2 to remain a whole game capable of attracting many different players for many different reasons. Something I enjoy playing.

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I believe that the best aproach would be some thing simmilar to wow. Where you have big scale pvp and small scale pvp. Gw2 could have that in the way it does now with conquest and stronghold (and maybe 2v2s or even better 3v3s) and then have gvgs of 15vs15 or 20vs20 that has been a huge request for years.


In a format like that i feel like wvw wouldnt have a need.

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My vote could also count as a "No. Are you insane? PvP and WvW are a staple of GW 2. Taking those out is a huge mistake."


I mostly play PvE, and I dabble in WvW and PvP every now and then. WHat I love about GW2 is that the carebear pve area is clear of salty pvp rudeness, but sometimes I'm in the mood for something spicy & salty. I think it would be a shame to have game modes removed. If anything we should have even more ways to enjoy each of the modes!!

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I think GW2 would be better if there was some actual moderating of the communities, regardless of the game mode. While it should be a community's responsibility to handle toxicity, I also believe that when the community is part of the toxicity problem that Anet should step in and do more than what it does now (which, from my understanding, is ban people in waves). While this is regardless of the game mode, the toxicity seems to permeate (from my experiences) in PvP and, to a lesser extent, WvW.


As it stands now, I don't touch PvP/WvW because of how Anet handles their banning/disciplinary actions and I've stopped reporting people in PvE, including gold sellers.


I don't want those modes to go away. I just want Anet to put out some visible effort in curtailing nastiness and have it feel like my reports actually mean something because they haven't to me. So long as it feels like my reports don't make a difference, I'm not going to bother.

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Depends on the question. Yes, i think that PvE would have been better off without PvP modes - but then i also think that at least SPvP would have been better without PvE. Those should have been separate games.


On the other hand, as the situation is now, i wouldn't support removing those from the game. Those modes were there from the beginning, and there are players that love them. As such, supporting them is Anet's responsibility. You shouldn't change your target clientele after getting them invested in your game for many years.

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I have tried all game modes. Been playing since beta. Absolutely consider myself a PvE player. I use PvP to try out new builds without having to spend a small fortune on equipment. If the build works out I then purchase the gear I need to make it permanent on my character. It is a little challenging sometimes with the skill functionality split but overall it is a good build testing ground. WvW is fun on occasion with friends but I hate going in there without people I know. I would play less if those game modes were removed. The variety is nice sometimes.

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Like as not the devs currently employed for WvW and SPvP would not be here, leaving the overall talent pool smaller. Anyone who plays PvP and/or WvW exclusively would not play the game. Had the game been advertised as not having WvW and/or PvP it seems likely, to me, that anyone who enjoys PvE but also enjoys various sorts of PvP, and/or WvW would have spent their money elsewhere. I am a 90-95% PvE player but I would not have purchased the game, nor spent money in the gemstore had the game been advertised as excluding any form of PvP. I expect that there are a decent number of people who play both to some extent and who might have chosen another game had this one been advertised as excluding part of their interest in MMORPG's.

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Taking them out now would not be an option, but launching the game and continuing without PvP and WvW would be interesting and probably very good for us PvE players.

Now they are stuck with these two and have to "waste" resources on them. I say "waste", because I have a feeling they wish they could remove them from game without making people rage.

Also, people who only PvP or only WvW, I imagine they don't spend a lot of money on gemstore.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> Taking them out now would not be an option, but launching the game and continuing without PvP and WvW would be interesting and probably very good for us PvE players.

> Now they are stuck with these two and have to "waste" resources on them. I say "waste", because I have a feeling they wish they could remove them from game without making people rage.

> Also, people who only PvP or only WvW, I imagine they don't spend a lot of money on gemstore.


Considering how little development goes into PvP and WvW these days, I highly doubt removing both modes would have much impact on the development in the rest of the game. You probably wouldn't even noticed the difference. I mean, the latest expansion released with basically no new content for WvW at all.

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> @"Quarktastic.1027" said:

> As long as I can make my legendary weapons/trinkets without grinding a lousy wvw reward track, I'll be more than happy. Maybe if my server didn't suck so hard at wvw, I wouldn't be as salty about it.


> But I spent an hour floundering around in wvw today, and I barely made any progress.


I got my gift from wvw in a few hours. I was lucky enough to be part of a group that had a constant tug of war for a few hours. Also reward boost.


On the main topic, my first impression is no. Those game modes bring other players into this game and even create end game goals rather than make a legendary or do raids. But on a second thought, if these game modes are making it worse for PVE due to being "OP" in these other modes, it kinda sucks and just shows we need to split PVP, WvW and PvE by a greater degree. Getting rid of those game modes is silly though.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > Only 11 votes. I'm disappointed in you Spvp community.


> Even in the "sPvP community" (what does the s stand for anyway?), I've seen topics on how it's sad how it seems many have left the scene.

> Would assume those that left the scene, won't be here to vote.


The S stands for Structured if I recall correctly.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > without PvP the game could be so much better, without PvE the game is bankrupt in months.


> selfish really, a mmorpg is a sum of its parts, and many many players play all parts of the game.


selfish or thinking ahead, no PvP-only game survives for long without a huge baised fanbase behind it yet PvE-only games are online still and after decades.

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