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When that loading screen first appeared there was a lot of discussion. Upshot was the artist had seriously photoshopped modern stuff, perhaps to make the place feel cosmopolitan. Maybe akin to the other discussion in the forums today about using "hell" as a cuss word being a connotative translation of whatever the New Krytan phrase was?

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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> The artwork is some brushwork over a real life photo from Budapest apparently...


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/s2sfOk1.jpg "")




> There are also other urban images all along the bottom. And to the right of the "man" there appears to be a woman walking away, possibly wearing a yellow backpack.


They used the same technique on the Frostgorge Sound loading screen. One of the ships is more or less a direct copy/paste from a google image of the [sailing vessel Concordia](https://imgur.com/Pe7imz3 "sailing vessel Concordia"), which boarded an international school from Canada (the red dots on the square sails are red maple leaves) and sank in Feb. 2010 off the coast of Brazil in a microburst.

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