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Are you going to purchase the 3rd expansion?


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> @"Alga.6498" said:

> **I made this poll Anonymous, so none will get to feel guilty, being insulted or dare not to enter this poll.**

> Whenever it's out, what kind of content it will be of course. But based on our two current expansions, would you still support GW2 or that's it after our 2 expansions?


> My opinion, HoT and PoF had both their cons and pros as most things do but since I am one of these veteran players, I often compare GW1 and GW2 expansions all together, which makes things bad, sadly. I do enjoy them both but sometimes I just hate them.


> HoT is my so far favorite expansion in GW2, that was a huge new level taken into Tyria, their dramatic and awesome storyline, gliders, elite specs, Meta-events and other world dynamic events.

> PoF, only thing I liked about it was that we went back to Elona after so long. And that we got more stuff about the human gods which I truly enjoy. Other than that... well, the storyline was OK but not as good as the HoT oh and mounts..? We never needed mounts.. I also hate ANet how they tease the kitten out of us who has been requesting new weapon mechanism, the land-Spear and Scythe. Again, they locked them behind NPC only and gave us the middle finger, literally.

> Oh well, back to the point.


> I really do hope we will get back to Cantha this time, ft. the Deep Sea Dragon (_finally)_ and including a whole new underwater rework with lots of UW content. Hoping for a new playable race, Tengu or Largos as this would be my absolutely dream to come true for GW2.

> I hope the Norns will have their time to shine now aswell..


> If we will get a 3rd expansion, as we can only imagine for now that ANet is currently working on a 3rd expansion as we speak. What will make you purchase a 3rd expansion?

> Depending on what kind of content they will be offering?

> Are you going to buy it no matter what?

> You wont purchase it as HoT/PoF did not give the content you were hoping for?


> Comment below and write your thoughts!


Of course I'll be purchasing. Despite the occasional issues, the game has enough to keep me entertained and I do get my money's worth.

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To state clearly:


**Heart of Thorns** > **Path of Fire** in my eyes. If i was given a choice to pay $50 for HoT like xpac or $30 for PoF like one i would shell out $50. Not without some pain but i would.


As for next xpac - unless it would be really attrocious in some manner (like unacceptable price to content ratio, or completely bland, uninsteresting zones) i will buy it if only to support the game. I do however expect a-net to **take charge** , like it did in HoT and **innovate some** regardless of all the forum whining and "safe zone" wannabe players holding innovation back "cause it's haaaaard!"...


Also I'd like to repeat that not all of us got GW1 nostalgia bugs. I don't. If i have a choice of new, innovative, daring design, at the expense of not seeing old zones (as they might force some old design patters to be recognizable) i'll gladly take that trade.

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I play video games for _enjoyment_. Anet seems to think that painful navigation (E.g., TD & HoT generally, Branded fury), stunlocking mobs, excess mob density, stunlocking mobs and stunlocking mobs are supposed to be enjoyable. They aren't.


I quit HoT and came back with PoF. PoF still has its downsides (Branded fury), but overall is 1000% better than HoT. Why can't we get back to some normality, like the core zones, rather than continually trying to jump the shark with:

* "the floor is lava" mentality

* mobs every 10ft

* stunlocking CCs as a cheap substitute for mob difficulty

* fewer waypoints per map


"Difficult" and "painful" are distinctly separate words for a reason - Anet seems to think they are coextensive.


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If it doesn't bring any Dungeons or some kind of difficult pve content made for groups (not the garbage fractals/raids), i wont even consider it. "Biggest" open world maps is not content for me. An additional elite spec that will be broken for 6-12 months is not new content worthwhile. I'm not into stories in mmo's, Solo games are made for that, so i couldn't care less what's happening in the story.

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Sadly, PoF will be my last expansion. The performance has been getting progressively worse with each expansion (despite upgrading my hardware) and the PoF-maps are giving me too many framerate issues in too many areas even when there are no other players around. It's a stuttery, unoptimized mess. LS4 Episode 1 was the last straw.


Given the trajectory we're on and Arenanets lack of optimization efforts, I have no doubt that the performance of the next expansion will be even worse and then it's time to say goodbye, at last for me.


A shame really, since from a gameplay, content and story point of view I enjoyed HoT and PoF equally for what they are, despite being vastly different.

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Nope sorry, was trapped with PoF, that is my last one like Straylight. Since core Tyria, all extensions and maps are just rushed things for me apart some exceptions:

Ember Bay, Draconis Mons, Sandswept Isles and maybe kourna are okay. I hate the turn that all of this has take: Killing mordremoth; killing balthazar and now Joko without any difficulty seriously... We can't even die, are we awakened or terminator?


Too much wasted potentials where metas and final story boss could have been awesome: Balthazar on a giant robot in a middle of shifting sands: use of mounts to access him.... Waves and waves of minions for Joko, use of moving lasers and the newly awakened inquest during the fight... For mordremoth, he could have corrupted some sylvaris wandering around and make them fight us..... these are just BASIC ideas. Just see the roller beetle, magneton manipulators and the portal lab: these proves that they can do better! I want more initiatives from the map designers and story writers!

I found the team really lazy about the last meta-events in PoF. Whereas in HoT, we got a well structured meta in any case: VB, Auric Basin, TD or Dragon Stand.


Here in PoF, only Istan is great... S-Isles, you just have 2 main events: Kill Inquest waves, Kill Simulacrums (eventually zohaqan but only escort/storm - poke the boss)

But in Kourna it was worst: Collect parts is okay... but re-calibrate inquest cannons: Seriously??? They are that stupid to put a cannon that can be turned on their base? Whereas they developed FTT turrets?! And Plague golems?! That is a solution of facility.... The same for infiltrating the fortress, she only have 1 entrance?!! What is the goal of the western bridge and northern bridge then? We only explore 20% of the fortress!!!! Please remove invisible walls! Let the players explore it!


On the let's play, they said "We were planned to make the player fight against his awakened allies!" But why haven't you done that??! you missed something!!

For me this story wasn't enough dark.. Even our clones are just illusions... Joko could have remodeled awakened into our shape and forced us to fight them.


**I want to attribute a great thanks and best regards to the designers which have made the awakened inquest areas within the new map, the laser corridor in the final story, and to the creator of [FTT] Turrets, you done a great job, and have a ton of great initiatives, keep this up! Also congratulations to the roller beetle designer. I hope these guys are part of something cool within the next episodes! Keep up the good work! (Forgot about cinematic: "bravo" too)

THANKS TOO, to Anet members who LISTENED to me and added Inquest members WITH the new MARK II WEAPONS.**


So my final opinion: Not gonna purchase the next extension APART if she is "DEPTHS OF TYRIA" or gonna wait for her to came out if not.

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> @"Alga.6498" said:


> Agreed. WvW is not at all what it used to be a few years ago, I keep wondering if WvW's fate will be better in time or not. I felt this too regards HoT vs PoF. There was alot more players who did indeed purchase HoT as it was the 1st expansion. I remember the price fiasco too. Maybe I am wrong but is the game dying after all? Only time will tell... I guess.


GW2 is **very** immune to process of natural death. It has a lot of great design choices that kept it strong even in face of crisis that would severely damage other MMORPG (like pre and post HoT content draughts).


Only way for GW2 to "die" is to be killed by superior offering and atm there is no real threat in that realm.

What is possible is many ppl jumping ship temporarly only to return again, since GW2 is also designed to be good as "alt MMO" with majority of end game jazz being cosmetics and safe for longer breaks (your lvl 80 exotic/ascended gear won't be junk in 6 moths).

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Certainly, While there are things Ive not enjoyed in both expansions and each have their own faults (nothing is perfect). They both remain in my eyes fine products overall and have done wonders over the years to advancing the game. Regardless of what the theme of the expaction turns out to be and the new feature if they add one. Ill buy it, though I am eager to find out how they will suprise us with the next one.


But until then, LWS4! and all its goodness.

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Almost certainly a yes. There are things that can be done that would turn me off of GW2, but with the way devs have been handling things, most of it has been improvements. I SERIOUSLY consider PoF a vast, appreciated improvement over everything that HoT did wrong, most importantly reducing the PvE difficulty and removing god awful meta dependent maps. Mounts were not needed, but are seriously appreciated for their uniqueness. The story writing has been improving (even if I have more to nitpick at), the living world seasons are pretty enjoyable and bring awesome stuff too. It's just really been an overall pleasure watching the game grow into what it is now, which is a vast improvement over the last expansion.


So bring on the next expansion! I'm ready.


(but i wanna see where this living world season goes first).

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My only problem with the content is the new disciplines. I understand that instead of spending time developing new classes, they chose to do it this way, but I'm not a fan of constantly having to do hero points to level up a new discipline. There was a time when we could just hang out in the game and enjoy it. I just came back to the game after a long hiatus. When the game first came out, I remember a friend of mine and I being so enamored with the game that we just had our characters laying in the grass looking at the stars. I think we spent a half hour like that. He loved HOT content, I didn't until I brought a necromancer into the picture. He is no longer playing and I come back every so often. HOT is frustrating for sure. Just started POF but I'm glad I have every class because I tried every class and the only one I'll be taking through it is my necromancer. I don't want to have to put condition armor on every single character I have. It takes the fun out of the game for me.


I will buy a new expansion of course. I bought POF and then didn't play if for several months, it's been what, almost a year. I really like the mounts. We do need the mounts for new areas but honestly, even the core content is much better with mounts. We always felt it was too slow to get anywhere. Sure you can use way points but it's nice to not have to spend coin every time you want to get somewhere.


The game is still a great game and is still fun when it's not frustrating and I will continue to support it.

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Maybe. I haven't spent any money on gems since the mountgate fiasco which IMHO hasn't been resolved. RNG for gem items doesn't make for an enjoyable gaming experience. It's ok for drops and BL keys since they drop as well as can be had on the gem store. I really don't like the prices for the premium mount skins. The price of the sets is fine though. I was disappointed that they didn't have an exclusive mount skin set for PoF Ultimate buyers. They at least could have given us ultimate buyers a default skin set with more dye channels. If I do decide to buy the next expansion I won't be pre-ordering it as the last pre-order wasn't worth it.


I'm also disappointed that they haven't added build templates and player housing yet plus that we haven't gotten more than tidbits of new Shiverpeaks content. I really want the game to go back to the Eye of the North area.

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