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Core Mastery Points are too few


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> @"muon.1630" said:

> > > Most of you already had most MPs when the MPs even came out, so none of you really knows how hard they are to get in reality. If I’d enjoy 2 years of: “YOUR NEW ABILITY IS READY TO MASTER” it’d be easy for me as well and I’d have no reason to complain. And in fact: I’m not even complaining, I just imagine how bad it is for someone who’s really new in this game.

> >

> >

> > So, because people had earned their points before others means they were easy? No. A lot still cost the same effort and time (depending on skill ofc).

> > They still took time to earn, you’re trying to compare a person who’s been playing 6months to someone who’s played 5yrs. That’s not flying with me.

> >

> My point was: Those who say that MPs in vanilla GW2 are easy to get forget that they had years to do so. They had these achievements = mastery points when mastery points were introduced. Of course they still took time, but getting them retrospectively is something else than still having to earn them.



I did it in less than a year. Before they added the mastery insights.


Wasn't that hard to be honest. A bit annoying at times (Triple Trouble has a buggy one during pre).

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Central Tyria masteries are the hardest to get as once you get past the first 20, they are tied to collections of achievements. So unless you are an achievement hunter you will not have gained many points, unlike HoT or PoF where you can get plenty from exploration and completing the story.

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I can’t say I agree with the OP. I’m a casual open world player who started 4 months ago and only decided to start working on maxing my masteries about 2 weeks ago. I’m now 5 points away from maxing Core and haven’t encountered any road blocks.


Story gives players a lot of MP’s and they’re very solo friendly. If a player ever encounters a story mission he can’t heat, he can always ask for help. There are tons of videos online that give helpful info on getting easy or solo friendly MP’s. Mounts are also very helpful for some jumping puzzles, which is important because I despise JP’s and suck at them. There are still plenty of players doing world bosses and such. In fact, I just beat all 3 heads of Triple Trouble the past 3 days - 1 head per day. I also completed all achievements for Tequatl a few days ago. I never purposefully tried for the achievements, but apparently earned all but 3 achievements for Teq. I completed the 3 remaining achievements in one fight. Using LFG about 10 minutes in advance really helps.


It also helps to plan ahead. I doubt most players need all masteries. I read through all the masteries and found many of them are useless to me. So, I just grabbed the masteries I would use. Now, I can work on maxing the “useless” masteries at my own leisure. Sure, some take time to get, but this game isn’t sub based. I’m in no rush. Besides, masteries aren’t repetitive grinds like some MMO’s. You don’t have to repeatedly grab the same collection item every day. Every mastery is new stuff for players to do. I’ll have stuff to do in this game for a long time and I’m loving it. ^^

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I'm not a fan of the mastery system as it is. I recently finished all my core masteries. Core is way harder than PoF to finish. PoF is the easiest and HoT is a little less easy but reasonable. It helped when they added the core insight points. If they hadn't I wouldn't have finished it yet.


I really would like to see them do a minor revamp the mastery system. I wish they would roll unbound magic and volatile magic into the same and not need a mastery to gather it. They could drop unbound magic at the completion of the events and turn the event NPC into a magic vendor. I think they have it backwards on the Pact Commander mastery. Pact Mentor should be the hardest to get and it should come with fast open world movement for the party of more than 1 player. Advanced Logistics should be on a lower tier to master. I think this would help new core players and players trying to build up additional accounts.


I think the core slayer achievement should be a core mastery point since it takes awhile to finish and come with a title. Nightfury and Winter's Presence also.

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In Core Tyria you need to focus a bit on the masteries you really need and it helps to have LS2.


No fractal points = no fractal mastery

If you find the legendary mastery to hard you don‘t need it as well, the collections it unlocks are harder.


And only pact mastery is easy to get.

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> @"Kavian.6729" said:

> Central Tyria masteries are the hardest to get as once you get past the first 20, they are tied to collections of achievements. So unless you are an achievement hunter you will not have gained many points, unlike HoT or PoF where you can get plenty from exploration and completing the story.


That's simply inaccurate. There are a grand total of 7 Core mastery points (of 82) tied to collections (including 'Fashion' which isn't technically a collection, but is reasonably considered as one). 13 involve fighting open world bosses (which arguably could be considered 'exploration' or 'story'). 17 are from instanced stories (i.e. dungeons & fractals). The rest (42) are from, guess what, exploration and completing the story.


If you don't care about fractals, you can skip Attunement, which means the 42 points from exploration & story are plenty for the 38 remaining masteries. If you are willing to step foot in fractals, there are 11 leechable points available plus completing dungeon stories, taking you to 54 total, which leaves five beyond that needed to max masteries.


* Exploration: 16 = Insights (9), Dry Top (1), Explorer (2), JPs (1), Silverwastes (2), Hero (1 = world map completion)

* Story: 26 = LS2 episode achievements (14), Side Stories (3), Hero/Personal Story (8), Hero/Level 80 (1)

* Open World Bosses: 13 = Silverwastes (5), Triple Trouble/Bosses (5), Bosses/Karka (1), Tequatl (2)

* Instanced Stories: 17 = Nightmare (1), Shattered (1), Fractal/Leechable (11), Fractal/Effort (4), Hero/Dungeons (1)


So it's utterly misleading to suggest that there aren't enough core points to around, or that they aren't part of the normal things that folks do in the course of playing the game. At worst, it's just that core Tyria is so vast that it takes longer to do all the stories and all the exploration. Core has 28 explorable maps with masteries, plus ~~5 races worth of~~ ~~stories of~~ 8 chapters ~~each~~ of personal story, plus 7 chapters from LS2, plus 8 dungeons, plus over a dozen fractals. In contrast, PoF+HoT combined covers 10 maps and 10 chapters, plus (so far) 10 maps and 10 stories for LS3 & LS4. There's just much, much more to do in core, so unlocking all the points requires either more time or more focus to cover them efficiently.


_edit: removed mention of race per @"Khisanth.2948"'s suggestion; it's not relevant to the point and was, in its own way, misleading, too_

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Noctoi.1965" said:

> > I’m pathologically allergic to the attitude of most fractal groups, so I avoid them almost as stringently as pvp players. That leaves trying to scrape up the last of the season >2 and diving/jumping ach’s.


> Wao, just wao. When i first went into fractals i feared things that could happened. I got into party for urban battleground and guys that hardly speak any _inglish _ spend 20 minutes with me chasing chickens in the instance.


> you will get told off in t4 if you don't pot, use buffs or fail every other mech but other then that, fractals attitude is nice



I've been in some pretty bad t4 pugs with the whole thing taking an hour or more contrasted to the approximately 45 minute cap when I run it with my friends but even then there is rarely an issue. On the other hand I try to stay the hell away from picky ads.



> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> So it's utterly misleading to suggest that there aren't enough core points to around, or that they aren't part of the normal things that folks do in the course of playing the game. At worst, it's just that core Tyria is so vast that it takes longer to do all the stories and all the exploration. Core has 28 explorable maps with masteries, plus 5 races worth of stories of 8 chapters each, plus 7 chapters from LS2, plus 8 dungeons, plus over a dozen fractals. In contrast, PoF+HoT combined covers 10 maps and 10 chapters, plus (so far) 10 maps and 10 stories for LS3 & LS4. There's just much, much more to do in core, so unlocking all the points requires either more time or more focus to cover them efficiently.


Need to dial that back slightly. There are 5 races and 8 chapters but to get all the mastery points you only need to do 1 race through 8 chapters. The context of it makes it sound like you need to do all 5 or that each race will give you separate points but that is not the case.

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Maybe collections of achievements is not the best wording. What I meant was, yes you can get 1 MP from defeating Tequati. But to get the second MP related to Tequati you have 9 additional achievements to complete. That's repeated again with Justice of the Blade and Conservation of Magic, for example.


For me, I had to go out of my way to get mastery points for mastery's that I trained for Central Tyria. I had no issues with HoT or PoF mastery points. Maybe the final HoT mastery's will be an issue but currently I'm limited by xp.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Need to dial that back slightly. There are 5 races and 8 chapters but to get all the mastery points you only need to do 1 race through 8 chapters. The context of it makes it sound like you need to do all 5 or that each race will give you separate points but that is not the case.


Fair enough. (Fixed above.)


The point remains: there's a lot of Core Tyria and only some of exploration grants mastery points. Even so, hardly any of the points are related to collections. There are more than enough to allow folks to ignore a couple of categories and still max the lines they care about the most.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Need to dial that back slightly. There are 5 races and 8 chapters but to get all the mastery points you only need to do 1 race through 8 chapters. The context of it makes it sound like you need to do all 5 or that each race will give you separate points but that is not the case.


> Fair enough. (Fixed above.)


> The point remains: there's a lot of Core Tyria and only some of exploration grants mastery points. Even so, hardly any of the points are related to collections. There are more than enough to allow folks to ignore a couple of categories and still max the lines they care about the most.


Totally agree especially after they added the 9 communes. Before that it was a bit more iffy because without them and LS2 getting everything could be a bit more challenging.

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> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> What MPs are "locked behind events no one does anymore"? I don't remember any that i needed to get that were unrealistic to obtain.


Not if you got them when they were first earnable, no. Those Current Event events are not done often anymore. Especially those leyline events. And I can't remember seeing anybody doing Story Dungeons anymore...


> * the 5 mp you get in silverwastes for killing all legendaries (only takes a couple rotations max)

You must have been extremely lucky with your spawns. Took me four weekends to just get the one at indigo to spawn... And that was with two full days at SW, doing RIBA runs...


> * tequatl (took me 3 fights to get every teq achieve)

Tequatl spawns at the worst times for me, so, finding the time to do it even once is already difficult (which is my major problem with MP's at those world bosses: you need to be at a computer at exactly the right time)


> * triple trouble (look on lfg + event timer wiki page for the TT fight both before and after reset, both are usually done by various guilds on most days of the week.) - which is what, 1 for each head killed, 1 for map wide kill of all heads, probably more that i'm forgetting because ive maxed core masteries without all TT mp.

One per head, one for finishing all three and one for finishing all achievements.


> * easy fractal mps (i got the chicken mastery for example, in my first ever time i tried fractals - in fractal 1, with a bunch of pugs, and barely any idea what i was doign combat wise and pumping out an astonishing 3k dps...i literally have never been in a fractal group that wasn't willing to get mastery points for people, and i've done excusively pugs, even the ones which don't take something as simple as an emote, such as killing horrik in mai trin fractal)

And here's my biggest problem. I don't have a lot of friends that play fractals (at least not on the level I want to play it: 0 to 10, and not 90 to 100). And I have had terrible experiences with PUG's and don't feel motivated at all to repeat that. In fact, just the thought of having to play with a PUG makes me want to close down my client. And why should strangers care for MY mastery points? (the reason I started with GW2 was because PUG's were optional... I like meeting people in the wild, join with them for a short time and then move on again)



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tl;dr with an excess of over a third, there are plenty of mastery points that can be avoided. Anyone willing to break their routine will be able to max, although it might take using /map or /lfg. Be careful about making assumptions that can get in your own way. It's not trivial for a new player starting today to max them all, but neither is it the crazy-high hurdle that some are claiming.



> @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> Those Current Event events are not done often anymore.

They are done as often as folks want to. I just posted in map chat that I was going after [fill in the blank], popped a mentor tag, pinged the nearest landmark, and voila, people showed up. There's always someone else who wants it and nearly always someone else willing to help for fun.


> Especially those leyline events.

People need those for the beetle. The peak period for that ended, but with discounts on PoF, we'll be getting more. And some do them for the mystic coin. Sure, it's not hing as close to as popular as it used to be, but neither is it "never done." (I find more people at these than at the other side story-related events.)


> And I can't remember seeing anybody doing Story Dungeons anymore...

People do those every day. You can wait for the dungeon to be the daily (doesn't happen often, so it's a long wait that's easily missed) or pop your own LFG. With modern builds, most story paths can be done by three people.


> You must have been extremely lucky with your spawns. Took me four weekends to just get the one at indigo to spawn... And that was with two full days at SW, doing RIBA runs...

RIBA is indeed the best way to get it. As I recall, it took most people I know about that much time in Silverwastes to get it, too. There's always one of the four that doesn't seem to show up. Lots & lots of people did not get these easily when it first came out because the spawns are (a) random and (b) hardly anyone understood the conditions under which they spawn at all (and that hasn't changed much).


> Tequatl spawns at the worst times for me, so, finding the time to do it even once is already difficult (which is my major problem with MP's at those world bosses: you need to be at a computer at exactly the right time)

Except you don't need any of those bosses. (More below).


> And here's my biggest problem. I don't have a lot of friends that play fractals

If you don't play fractals at all, you don't need fractal masteries.


> (at least not on the level I want to play it: 0 to 10, and not 90 to 100).

I play Tier 4, but I've lose count of the number of times I've helped others for their achievements. It's not as if you're asking to join someone's static; you just want help for some very specific fractals, some of which _do not need to be completed_ to get the mastery point (although, eh, you might as well).


> And why should strangers care for MY mastery points?

Should they? No idea. But it turns out this game attracts a lot of people who do, folks who like helping other folks just because.


> (the reason I started with GW2 was because PUG's were optional... I like meeting people in the wild, join with them for a short time and then move on again)

That's entirely fair. On the other hand, these masteries are also optional. If you want to achievement hunt, great. If not, the game was without these masteries for _years_ and still a lot of fun.



Only 49 mastery points are needed to complete core and 82 are available, which means you can skip over a third of them. You can literally avoid the world bosses, the legendary silverwastes bosses, and anything in fractals that requires more than leeching and still have points left to skip.


For those willing to break their routine, there are a lot of possible routes to earning 49 core points, even with restrictions.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> tl;dr with an excess of over a third, there are plenty of mastery points that can be avoided. Anyone willing to break their routine will be able to max, although it might take using /map or /lfg. Be careful about making assumptions that can get in your own way. It's not trivial for a new player starting today to max them all, but neither is it the crazy-high hurdle that some are claiming.

> ****


> > @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> > Especially those leyline events.

> People need those for the beetle. The peak period for that ended, but with discounts on PoF, we'll be getting more. And some do them for the mystic coin. Sure, it's not hing as close to as popular as it used to be, but neither is it "never done." (I find more people at these than at the other side story-related events.)


I'm not talking about the ley line event that switches between those 3 maps. I mean the one where you need to collect magic for your side. I've not seen anybody doing that in a long, long, long time (the achievements in the "Conservation of Magic" line). You don't need that for the beetle.


> > And I can't remember seeing anybody doing Story Dungeons anymore...

> People do those every day. You can wait for the dungeon to be the daily (doesn't happen often, so it's a long wait that's easily missed) or pop your own LFG. With modern builds, most story paths can be done by three people.

Did you actually read my post? And waiting for maybe somebody to arrive and then get yelled and shouted at because you don't use beserker gear and have no clue what's going on, is not my idea of playing a game for fun.



> > You must have been extremely lucky with your spawns. Took me four weekends to just get the one at indigo to spawn... And that was with two full days at SW, doing RIBA runs...

> RIBA is indeed the best way to get it. As I recall, it took most people I know about that much time in Silverwastes to get it, too. There's always one of the four that doesn't seem to show up. Lots & lots of people did not get these easily when it first came out because the spawns are (a) random and (b) hardly anyone understood the conditions under which they spawn at all (and that hasn't changed much).


> > Tequatl spawns at the worst times for me, so, finding the time to do it even once is already difficult (which is my major problem with MP's at those world bosses: you need to be at a computer at exactly the right time)

> Except you don't need any of those bosses. (More below).


> > And here's my biggest problem. I don't have a lot of friends that play fractals

> If you don't play fractals at all, you don't need fractal masteries.


Yes, and then all my XP goes down the drain as I must finish that before I finally start gaining shards. Again, did you read my post?

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I can only say one thing: Those that want to get things done-find the ways, those that don't-complain.


I pugged story dungeons myself without knowing much,every time we got it done really easy. People that joined knew of the dungeon just about the same as me.

Don't wanna talk of fractals 1-10, really, don't. But I could say one thing, you didn't even try to get into a pug for MPs, don't try to convince me otherwise.

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> @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> > @"Lexi.1398" said:

> > What MPs are "locked behind events no one does anymore"? I don't remember any that i needed to get that were unrealistic to obtain.

> >

> Not if you got them when they were first earnable, no. Those Current Event events are not done often anymore. Especially those leyline events. And I can't remember seeing anybody doing Story Dungeons anymore...


> > * the 5 mp you get in silverwastes for killing all legendaries (only takes a couple rotations max)

> You must have been extremely lucky with your spawns. Took me four weekends to just get the one at indigo to spawn... And that was with two full days at SW, doing RIBA runs...


> > * tequatl (took me 3 fights to get every teq achieve)

> Tequatl spawns at the worst times for me, so, finding the time to do it even once is already difficult (which is my major problem with MP's at those world bosses: you need to be at a computer at exactly the right time)


> > * triple trouble (look on lfg + event timer wiki page for the TT fight both before and after reset, both are usually done by various guilds on most days of the week.) - which is what, 1 for each head killed, 1 for map wide kill of all heads, probably more that i'm forgetting because ive maxed core masteries without all TT mp.

> One per head, one for finishing all three and one for finishing all achievements.


> > * easy fractal mps (i got the chicken mastery for example, in my first ever time i tried fractals - in fractal 1, with a bunch of pugs, and barely any idea what i was doign combat wise and pumping out an astonishing 3k dps...i literally have never been in a fractal group that wasn't willing to get mastery points for people, and i've done excusively pugs, even the ones which don't take something as simple as an emote, such as killing horrik in mai trin fractal)

> And here's my biggest problem. I don't have a lot of friends that play fractals (at least not on the level I want to play it: 0 to 10, and not 90 to 100). And I have had terrible experiences with PUG's and don't feel motivated at all to repeat that. In fact, just the thought of having to play with a PUG makes me want to close down my client. And why should strangers care for MY mastery points? (the reason I started with GW2 was because PUG's were optional... I like meeting people in the wild, join with them for a short time and then move on again)




Becouse said pugs need thos fractal mps too?

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I found Core MPs are hard to get too. But I bought LS2 and I play Fractal so it turned out fine to me.


What I did was, Open Wiki and see on the list what could I do to get Core MPs, My decision was do any achievement, JP, etc but left out any sort of collection. Collections are too expensive.


From the wiki, pick out the easiest ones that can be soloed and just tick one after another. Voila, I am Maxed.


Thats my journey.

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A better question might be what is the purpose of mastery points?

As this game has a level cap at 80, are mastery points simply a defacto way of increasing the level cap without actually doing it .

When game content is gated behind a given number of mastery points, then mastery points effectively simply become the new levels and as there is no effective limit on how many mastery points the game can have , its effectively a way of increasing levels forever like WOW does.

You can bet that any new expansions which get released will require you to get more mastery points before you can do things in the new zones that the expansions provide.


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> @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> Again, did you read my post?


Try this next time: instead of jumping into a thread claiming the system isn't working, start a new thread asking for help. List the points you already have done (or your API key, if you prefer). And ask for suggestions for what you can do on your own... and how to do that with the least difficulty. Additionally, you can ask for help with specific achievements, whether or not you want them for mastery points. There really are a lot of people who would love to be able to help (even as there are people who are too impatient when running story mode).


The thing is: you can do that now, whereas even if ANet read your post today and 100% agreed with everything, it would be at least a year, perhaps two, before they would implement the changes that would help. It took them ages to introduce the 9 "mastery insight" locations in Tyria (and they seem to have done that in conjunction with other achievements, not just for their own sake). They haven't substantially changed things about _core_ mastery points since HoT and they especially haven't done anything to make them easier.


I really am not saying that any of this is easy or trouble-free. I'm saying that there's nothing systemic that stops someone from getting them done. Some of these have always been and will always be a struggle for some players and people, including new players, can still manage it.



> @"LadyRhonwyn.2501" said:

> I'm not talking about the ley line event that switches between those 3 maps. I mean the one where you need to collect magic for your side. I've not seen anybody doing that in a long, long, long time (the achievements in the "Conservation of Magic" line). You don't need that for the beetle.

I was talking about both. When I did them, there was a post on Reddit & here _claiming_, as you are, that no one did them. And I didn't have any trouble getting help to do them.


> Did you actually read my post?

Did you actually read what you wrote? "And I can't remember seeing anybody doing Story Dungeons anymore..." I can buy that you can't remember it, but I know that people still do them, people still look-for-more in LFG, and people have success (a) creating their own LFG and/or (b) waiting for the dungeon to be an event daily.


> And waiting for maybe somebody to arrive and then get yelled and shouted at because you don't use beserker gear and have no clue what's going on, is not my idea of playing a game for fun.

Not my idea either, which is why I type stuff like that in LFG (if I'm initiating) or in /party (if I'm joining someone else). Some people are jerks, sure. But lots of people are not.


> Yes, and then all my XP goes down the drain as I must finish that before I finally start gaining shards.

You gain shards now, just not from excess XP. For the six months prior to HoT and the first six months after, excess XP had no value, not for shards, not for anything else. The methods used to gain shards still exist: random drops from mobs, random drops from champ bags, various other rewards.


> Again, did you read my post?

I did. Which is why I quoted it, as a reminder of the claims made.


You seem to be under the impression that mastering core mastery points is something that happens just automatically for everyone. It doesn't and and never was, even when HoT launched. Everyone had trouble with the Silverwastes legendaries, even when the zone was new. (Some had more trouble then, for a variety of reasons.) Anyone finishing up story dungeons has always had the same issue: most people don't need to rerun them, so they don't.


There are 82 core mastery points available and only 49 required to max. There clearly aren't "too few" as the OP claims. And they aren't impossible to obtain, even today.





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I think there are some misperceptions about casual group contents. I understand that it’s much more convenient to play alone without the pressure of being judged by others and some bigots stressing you out. As a casual player, I can say that world bosses and lower tier fractals are really no different than playing solo and there really is no need to feel any pressure. People will not tell you what build to bring. They will not tell you that you need berserker gears. They’re not going to give you crap because you were not born with knowledge of game mechanics. They won’t tell you to chat and communicate with others. Most chats are either completely quiet (like when playing alone), or just filled with friendly and funny banters. Also, people are more than happy to help with MP’s they don’t need themselves (often kindly pointing MP’s out, in fact).


Just like when doing solo conents, when I do a world boss, I just go in with my own build, Marauder gears, no knowledge of mechanics, and just go pew-pew-pew. I just try to learn mechanics on the fly when I can. If I die, somebody resses me when they can. There’s really no toxic communication because there is no cause for one. I don’t feel any pressure because there is really no reason to feel pressure when world bosses are no different than playing solo. The only difference is that since world bosses require a lot of players, I use the LFG tool to get into a map instance with enough players. Don’t let the mention of LFG tool scare you, though. It’s only to get you into a map.


For players who are still too scared to try casual group contents, what I would recommend is use the LFG tool to get into a world boss map instance (except Triple Trouble) with enough players, leave the group, then fight the world boss by yourself. There’s absolutely no reason to feel any pressure since you’re just playing solo with a bunch of competent NPC's. Once you're comfortable doing this, then try staying in the group the next few times. Once you’re more comfortable, try HP trains, low tier fractals, or Triple Trouble. Just take it small steps at a time. Oh, and you know how some hearts and events, we have no idea what we’re supposed to do and we have to actually read what the game/NPC tells us to do? Triple Trouble is basically like that. All you gotta do is read what the NPC(ommander) types and try to follow it. If you still don't get it, just follow the colored icon NPC(ommander) around. That’s how I learned, just tailing and seeing mechanics. Online videos are also helpful. While it’s true that there are occasional bad apples, don’t let them get to you and dictate how you play. Just have fun. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > @"Noctoi.1965" said:

> > I’m pathologically allergic to the attitude of most fractal groups


> Almost all Fractal's mastery points can be easy earned just by simply not die when doing jp, dance with hologram etc, and can be done in T1 Fractal.


> T1 fractal groups have "Attitude"? When I 1st start playing Fractal,T1, most of the players were very nice and always showed me how to get things done. But 1st I had to stated that "I'm new to this and aiming to get the mp etc" to the group.


> Have you ever done T1 Fractal? Or you just assumed that people behave badly in fractal according to some threads stated how toxic players at high tier fractals??? And Come on, its T1 Fractal, What's "Attitude"???


> "Dont ever critique a book if you have never finished reading it"




Yes, I have indeed done fractals. I left the game for many years because of the attitudes in the group finder. They are admittedly less abusive and more supportive now, but still most groups have no interest in slowing down to do ach’s and masteries or even to let a first timer enjoy the scenery. The “meta build” min/maxing is still policed and the kgonaoooo!!! Mentality for zerging everything is still the norm.

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I didn't have many core tyria masteries when they came out, and I've had no problem getting them. A lot of them are tied to events like Triple Trouble, Silverwastes, ect which people still participate in a lot.... I honestly had no trouble at all with the central tyria group event masteries.

As for newbies, you said it yourself--there are plenty they can get via exploration and personal story--easy stuff. By the time they finish the personal story and hit level 80 they aren't newbies any more and should be expected to learn the more advanced parts of the game if they want all the masteries. I don't feel bad for them at all-- either they'll put in the time to learn all aspects of the game or they won't. They shouldn't be handed all the core masteries for newbie activities.

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Ugh such elitist attitudes... it’s completely different trying to do some of the mastery requirements now compared to when the mastery component of the game was fresh. It’s old content now. Bosses die faster and no one is likely to hold off on a Zerg kill just so someone on a lagged out oceanic connection can jump ten waves before the boss is melted in the blink of an eye. New players haven’t had years to accumulate these points with the whole player base doing it with them.


And as to “earning” the “privilege” of mastery completion?? Please. Again, it’s old content. Every other mmorpg makes old content easier to acquire. The issue isn’t wanting it all for free, it’s that new or recently retuned players didn’t get the introduction to how masteries work, so many of us fill in the “cheap” ones first, then realise far too late that those apparently decorative boxes we ticked can lock us out of content (like legendary crafting) with no way to reassign the points if we choose the wrong thing.


And argue all you like, the fact is that there are vastly more mastery points that are far more easily obtainable for the xpacks than vanilla. I’ve still got most of the achievements and a whole map plus season 3 to go and I’ve almost completed my Maguuma masteries. On one toon. I’m still struggling to get the 14 odd points I need for vanilla and I’ve spent hours and hours, completed stories on multiple raced toons, and spent hundreds of gold faffing around trying to get those last points because I filled out the “cheapest” masteries first having no idea that the dumb point allocation was not only irreversible but could lock me out of certain content.


Perhaps stop calling people lazy and just accept the fact that it’s a huge oversight not including a way to reallocate points... even if it were to require a cash purchase or a sizeable gold investment. It just makes sense to include it.

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