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Can we nerf Hero Challenges in Heart of Thorns already?

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> Nobody cares that you tried to make interesting and challenging content. The jungle was a failure. Just nerf it already.


> Either that or give us better pathways to finish legendaries.


> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> I need Gift of Maguuma Mastery


> and I play pretty exclusively PvP


> I'd just like to finish this garbage while I queue.


So you are pretty much just PvP and want an easy button? Not gonna happen. Put in the time like the rest of us have. Good luck!

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> I've seen some really skilled players able to solo them

> it's called "Hero Challenge" for a reason, what's the point calling them Hero Challenge if an unskilled player can bulldoze through them alone


Well, to be fair, any scmuck with a Necromancer should be able to faceroll over most Hero Point Challenges. I've done it myself; summon more minions for more win.


I agree with this sentiment though - I like HoT hero points because they require strategy in low man groups; the only one that comes close in PoF is the branded pedistool in the desert bunnylands.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> I've seen some really skilled players able to solo them

> it's called "Hero Challenge" for a reason, what's the point calling them Hero Challenge if an unskilled player can bulldoze through them alone


The HC's in HoT/PoF where one need only commune, and all of the HC's in core are also called Hero Challenges. That's not to say that HoT Champion challenges should become Vets, just that the name Hero Challenge has no connection to actual challenge. They're called Hero Challenges because MMO developers dress up content using names that players expect to find in such entertainment.

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> Nobody cares that you tried to make interesting and challenging content.

I do. I'm glad that they tried; PoF was a nice break, but now it's sort of dull since I can manage the hero challenges even on a fully spec'd healer.


> The jungle was a failure. Just nerf it already.

On the contrary, the jungle maps are among the game's most popular content for people who do stuff multiple times.


> Either that or give us better pathways to finish legendaries.

Do you mean map completion for the legendary? You can do that in PoF instead (using a slight different formula). Or, as many have suggested, hero trains are frequent. Join one of them via LFG.


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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> Nobody cares that you tried to make interesting and challenging content.

HOT expac had some great content - most players like something interesting and challenging.

> The jungle was a failure.

Hardly, it gave people fresh maps with complicity which provided replaybility and many hours of gameplay.

> Either that or give us better pathways to finish legendaries.


Seems like you want an easy alternative but have failed to even suggest another way. What about this? There are 40 regular HoT _Hero Challenges_, and if you find them too much to handle and can't work with other players to tackle them, how would you like to complete 600 regular HCs instead?

I agree, devs should give a tedious boring grind options for those who don't want "interesting" content.


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I am of the mind this nothing more than a "git gud or go home" kinda thing. As most have already said, many of the HP's are soloable or require no more than a couple of guildies/friends to faceroll them.. surely you can muster a couple of extra pairs of hands.

HP trains run most days at varying times of day, just jump in one or.. get good

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > Massively **Multiplayer** Online Role-Playing Game.


> Which simply means there's hundreds and thousands of people on line at the same time. It does not mean we all have to work together.


You're right. It doesn't mean we *have* to work together. It means we ***can*** work together if we can't make something work when we try it by ourselves. I suck hard enough that I can't solo most of the champion HCs in HoT. That just means I have to look for other players to help out ("/map anyone for insert-name-of-HP?") or similar. I give back, too - if someone shouts the same thing and I've already done it, I'll show up to help, and if I find the way to shortcut a nasty JP (Loreclaw Expanse, for example, where there are *always* dead people in the flamethrower part), I'll sit there with a tag up to help people find it.

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Please don't. I for one appreciate the fact that I have improved enough as a player that the Hero Challenges that I used to not be able to do as my main class even sometimes in groups on more survivable marauder gear, now I am able to do solo on full zerk gear. It's a very clear measure of my own personal growth as a player, much more than any achievement points will ever be.


Edit: The only one I still don't seem to be able to solo on my thief is the Balth champ in Auric Basin.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I don't mind nerfing HoT HPs. This is not relevant content, it's just character progression gate. No reason to make it unnecessary unpleasant experience.


What is unpleasant for you is just one more thing to love about HoT for players like myself. HoT is easily my favorite part of this game. My top 3 favorite maps are all HoT maps. To me, going in and nerfing it at this point would be a huge slap in the face, particularly considering we were just given an expansion that attempted to address concerns like these. Let HoT be HoT. Use the PoF model (champions-on-demand moved to the bounty system with HP challenges as solo content) moving forward.

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