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Aurene is growing way too fast


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > A fictional creature from a fictional game is growing too fast?


> What a great contribution to this thread. If you don't like people discussing fiction then what are you doing in the discussion section for a computer RPG?


Please don’t make up some argument that I was making simply because you don’t like what I said. I did not say anything along the lines that I didn’t like someone discussing this.


The point of what I was saying is that this is a fictional creature within a fictional game. We cannot necessarily apply what we see in the real world to the game. Unless there are dragons living amongst us that I’m unaware of, Anet has free range on how quickly to age Aurene.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> The point of what I was saying is that this is a fictional creature within a fictional game. We cannot necessarily apply what we see in the real world to the game.


I don't know about you, but I have not seen any dragons in the real world yet.


I have played dozens of RPGs, pen & paper as well as computer ones, and even the GW lore makes clear statements about a dragon's lifespan. Then think about how long Glint's egg was there before Aurene hatched from it. It's simple logic and doesn't have anything to do with real-life biology. ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > The point of what I was saying is that this is a fictional creature within a fictional game. We cannot necessarily apply what we see in the real world to the game.


> I don't know about you, but I have not seen any dragons in the real world yet.


> I have played dozens of RPGs, pen & paper as well as computer ones, and even the GW lore makes clear statements about a dragon's lifespan. Then think about how long Glint's egg was there before Aurene hatched from it. It's simple logic and doesn't have anything to do with real-life biology. ;)


I never said there were dragons in the real world and I alluded to that there weren’t. Please quote my entire post next time rather than just part of it.


Eggs have been considered dormant in other fictional depictions of dragons. A dragon’s growth in the GW universe doesn’t have to be proportional to its lifespan. Aurene hasn’t even reached maturity yet if you compare her size to that of Glint or Vlast.

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Oh god, if instead of speed-growth aurene, the devs just jumped 100 years in time to justify her big growth, then people would complain that the commander had not aged and had eternal life.


The fact is that there are imperative things. And for some reason it was imperative to make the aurene bigger (probably they predicted that playerbase will become bored to have a baby dragon as an ally forever). How her has grown so much is a mere detail.


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Who has said here, that Aurene is an adult? Shes in fact literally nothing but just a grown up baby dragon in now like a teenager body still with the mentality of like a baby which tries do follow the commands of her "mother/father" she sees into the player character kind of


Aurene is far away from beign adult ... would she be adult, then she would be able to communicate with us through her for GW2 dragon typical telepathy powers right into our minds and that in a clearly adult intelectual way... but Aurena can't do this..


We still have only a 1 way communication from our Player Character to Aurene without any proof, that Aurene even always really understands from us, what we say to her and she doesn't always react to what we say to her and simply does sometimes, what Aurene wants to do at the moment, despite our characters calling at her to not do something specific at the moment. This are clear signs, that Aurene just has an from all the absorbed magic speed growth boosted body, but her mentality hasn't ripened at the same time, her mentality is still at the degenerated state of beign just a baby that just got instantly catapulted into the body of an teenage dragon basically


Is this now bad? I say no, - what Anet did was just correct to do, because we simply can't way eternal long ion Aurene growign up super slow, due to dragons living much much longer, than humans so, so putting "fantasy realism" now up here, is totally pointless and makes in no way sense, because then we would be never getting further with Aurenes progression, before everyone of alls, devs includeing woudl be already centuries ago long dead , that we could basically call already like for GW100+ or so LOL


So I don't see, what the whole point of this thread was, because everyone with just clear logic should be instantly able to see, that an such long living Aurene makes no sense and that it is naturally clear, that the deves will speed up her growthz extremely in some kind of way to have a chance to turn Aurene into a more interesting and important character, that can actually become part of the story in an impactful way, other then like I said being always only that dumb baby, that needs protection and can't do nothing basically. If this woudl have been forever the plan for what anet wants do do with aurene, if that woudl be the case, then I say, such characters doesn't need the game - characters that have zero progression are a waste of time and ressources, which is for example also why I'd like to see Rox getting removed.. this character is so far a total waste of time and ressources, she has had sicne her introduction absolute no character progresison at all.. even Aurene hat in the short time shes been now part of this game far more character progression, than what Rox has received so far.. really disappointing, how a character of a game can become so forgotten...


All others got so far far more attention, than rox, Marjory, kasmee, Rytlock ,even Braham and Taimi, all of them have changed over tiem and progressed in their personalities.. Rox - nothing /sad

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Dragons reach an age of several millennia. Aurene, however, has been growing faster than a human child. This makes no sense at all. A teenage dragon would be at least several hundred years old.


> P.S. I do understand the possible need of her growth rate due to story requirements, but maybe the devs should have handled this differently then from the start.


Maybe it was already stated, but the magic makes all the dragons grow up.


Primordus in GW1 was pretty small, something like Zhaitan in Personal Story, and when you see him in the volcano, his head is as big as Rata Sum--- that's what happened thanks to Zhaitan's and Mordremoth's death.


Aurene consumed a great amount of magic, that's why she grew up, also for the better story-telling. I'd not see Aurene still being an infant that prepares for the great battle against Kralkatorrik and to take over his powers- because that's what Glint's Legacy has been all about.


Making her looking like a teenager, still getting to know her new abilities-- like sharing the better visions, with much more details, and sharing her mind with ours--- that we can see what she sees.





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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> In fatc personaly I would wish Glint woudl have growed up to the size of Vlast,



In Edge of Destiny, Glint fights with Kralkatorrik and one of them bites the neck of the other (without killing them). We recently saw the size of Kralkatorrik, and it's freaking huge, so Glint was probably close to that, maybe 2/3 of its size to not die from getting her neck chomped off, or big enough to bite Kralky's neck.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> By growing too fast do you mean her physical size? Because the elder dragons are freakin humongous.


Going to agree with this. Considering that she's practically an infant, babies do grow pretty quick. She's not quite Vlast yet and even he likely was only an adolescent.


Rate of maturity is a completely different factor.

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> @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> Time anomaly caused by the end of the Pof story ;-p But its obvious it has gameplay reasons, we cant wait 1000 rl years to drive the story forward.

Like almost any baby in any fantasy TV setting ever. We don't have time to wait for a kid to age-up naturally, so we need to use magic to turn them into an adult as soon as it's possible.

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> @"Djahlat.9610" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > In fatc personaly I would wish Glint woudl have growed up to the size of Vlast,

> >


> In Edge of Destiny, Glint fights with Kralkatorrik and one of them bites the neck of the other (without killing them). We recently saw the size of Kralkatorrik, and it's freaking huge, so Glint was probably close to that, maybe 2/3 of its size to not die from getting her neck chomped off, or big enough to bite Kralky's neck.


Just flipped through the book again, and they've got it tucked away in there that Kralkatorrik was twenty times Glint's size.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > The point of what I was saying is that this is a fictional creature within a fictional game. We cannot necessarily apply what we see in the real world to the game.


> I don't know about you, but I have not seen any dragons in the real world yet.


> I have played dozens of RPGs, pen & paper as well as computer ones, and even the GW lore makes clear statements about a dragon's lifespan. Then think about how long Glint's egg was there before Aurene hatched from it. It's simple logic and doesn't have anything to do with real-life biology. ;)


You can't assume anything about dragons in one franchise carries over to dragons in another. Writers and artists tend to take advantage of the fact that they're fictional (and even in mythology and folklore there's little consistency) to put their own spin on it.


According to DnD Jormag, who is either a blue or white dragon should be much smaller and weaker than Zhaitan who was black or Primordius who appears to be predominantly red (and has a red dragon's fire resistance/breath abilities). And since Aurene is blue she should be an evil dragon, spend most of her time buried in sand and spit lightning. Some of that fits, some absolutely does not.


There's also some similarity to blue dragons in Anne McCaffery's Pern series. Like Aurene they bond to a human when they're born, grow rapidly in their first few years whilst starting to learn new skills and have telepathic abilities. Oh but they're also always male (females are green or gold), stay relatively small compared to other dragons and breathe fire.


In a lot of franchises blue dragons are water dragons and able to turn into water or are invisible when in water. All their abilities are water based and in some cases they can't even fly.


I'm not suggesting GW2 and it's dragons were created in a vacuum with no influence from other things, that's obviously not the case. But they also aren't a direct copy from anywhere else and there are some original detail. So we can't assume that just because another game has told us how long dragons live and how fast they mature that it applies to this game too.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> All others got so far far more attention, than rox, Marjory, kasmee, Rytlock ,even Braham and Taimi, all of them have changed over tiem and progressed in their personalities.. Rox - nothing /sad


To be fair, it does seem as if Rox may be being set up for some character development now. She was showing a _lot_ of interest in the Olmakhan.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > All others got so far far more attention, than rox, Marjory, kasmee, Rytlock ,even Braham and Taimi, all of them have changed over tiem and progressed in their personalities.. Rox - nothing /sad


> To be fair, it does seem as if Rox may be being set up for some character development now. She was showing a _lot_ of interest in the Olmakhan.


I hope you are right with this hypothesis and Rox gets finally some screentime to show us some character progression, that shes not anymore like Rytlocks little lapdog that follows just around Braham, cause shes gets not from Rytlock that kind of attention shes wishes to receive from him, while improving all the time not at all anything on her personality, while receiving just only like others a new dress * wow" /sarcasm


However, back to Aurene.

I know that Glint per se was already really big, just realied I made in my last postign some stupid name typos, which I have corrected now, that should make sclear that I have spoken mostly always over Aurene, not in fact about Glin. I compared Aurene only to Glint in regard of their looks, cause I think that Aurene doesn't come very much aster her mother yet and I wish this woudl be the case. I dislike for this fact the design of Aurenes face, it should look in my opinion more dragonlike like that of Glint, with a longer and thinner pointy snout, with more horns in the face that make her look now more dangerous, and less cute, cause shes no baby anymore definetely..


But Aurene is far from being grown up yet, she hasn' even yet surpassed the size of Vlast, who definetely looked at that size and growth level more already liek Glitn, more dangerous, more dragonlike from what i personally expect from a Dragon to look like, so heres still nmore than enough room left for improval of her design as when Anet lets her grow up further into an more adult dragon, that will become at that grows level hopefully then also finally able to speak with us, like all kinds of intelligent beings should be able to speak and communicate through languages with other beings that are intelligent enough to understand these languages and ways of communication, like Telepathy, without getting mentally shocked and falling in hysteria, that they can hear voices in their minds, speaking for our characters, that we are illtelligent and experienced enough as species in this game, to handle this kind of communication, without going crazy.


With Dragons being in the lore of Tyria naturally higher beings, than us, i found it personally only a bit disappointign to see, that Aurene yet isn#t able to communicate with us directly at least..usign telepathy for communication, like Glint could do that is naturally of a much higher skill level, than speaking just physically directly usign your mouth to create sound, than to transport your mind voice into the mind of somebody else, which should be out of reach by far stil lfor Aurene, which is the reason, why we can see from Aurene so far also only wild glimpses of voiceless visions, cause thats so far the only skill level Aurene has, with that she tries to communicate with our player character to try to say us this way, what she wants to tell us - to warn us from the things she knows that are the legacy of Glint that are part of Glints wisdom, that all dragons share from generation to generation, basically like the dream of the Sylvari works, but unlike the dream being an external source of wisdom, that uses the tree in the grove as a catalysator, dragons share their wisdom biologically through their genes from generation to generation.


This way will be Aurene basically the key to tell us everything, what basically Glint would be able to tell us, if she woudl be still alive about Kralkatorrik and thats in the end the reason, why Aurene is very important for us and the overall story of the game, she will become one day one of the games biggest lore keys around which will turn everything - most likely becoming Tyrias most important Magic Catalysator one day that stays intact, while all other Elder Dragosn will get either killed, or sent back to eternal sleep for the next amount of milleniums, until the amount of Magic in Tyria reaches a point, that Aurene won't be able to handle and catalysate for the world alone, thus resulting in the awakening of Jormag and Primordus again and who knows eventually some other yet unknown Elder Dragons that are stil lsleeping all the time somewhere under Canthan regions... cause in theory there are at least 2 Elder Dragons missing - one that represents Wind and Alteration to complete the Elements and Bloodstone Connections and lastly one that represents Light and Life basically as counterpart to Zhaitan, which stood for Darkness and Death to complete the cicle of life, cause when theres a dragon for Death, it means there must be logicalyl one also for Life - we havent met yet, but we also weren#t yet in Cantha, which is more than enough land mass to hide under it two more sleeping Elder Dragons in the "Land of Dragons" - Cantha.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > The point of what I was saying is that this is a fictional creature within a fictional game. We cannot necessarily apply what we see in the real world to the game.

> >

> > I don't know about you, but I have not seen any dragons in the real world yet.

> >

> > I have played dozens of RPGs, pen & paper as well as computer ones, **and even the GW lore makes clear statements about a dragon's lifespan. Then think about how long Glint's egg was there before Aurene hatched from it.** It's simple logic and doesn't have anything to do with real-life biology. ;)


> You can't assume anything about dragons in one franchise carries over to dragons in another.


That is why I wrote the marked part. As long as there is no in-game explanation that clearly states that Aurene has grown to be a teenager within only months (which is ridiculous in the context we have learnt in GW about Dragons and their eggs) due to the magic she has absorbed (which is an illogical assumption, too, because it might have transformed her _physically_, but certainly not mentally/intellectually), I am not buying it. Sorry.

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But how long the eggs were around doesn't mean anything. As I said in my first post there isn't a fixed time scale for all animals where they spend the same proportion of their total lifespan in each stage. An animal which lives for 40 years can grow to an adult in 5 months and another one which lives 40 years can take 7 years to reach adult size.


It's the same with eggs. Some animals (mainly insects) can actually spend longer in their eggs than they do out of them. Others have eggs which will only hatch under specific circumstances - usually when outside conditions are right for the young. Sometimes including quite complicated conditions - for example sea turtle eggs, no matter when they were fertilised or when they were laid will hatch at night when the moon is rising over the water. If sea turtles were a fictional species I suspect many people would assume that all eggs hatch after a fixed period of time and saying they always emerge at night is lazy writing to justify the lack of predators or how easily a new born baby can avoid them. But we don't get that excuse in real life - it happens regardless of whether we think it makes sense or not - so instead a lot of time and effort has gone into working out how it's done.


With Aurene I can think of 4 possibilities:


1) Dragons have a 'disproportionate' lifespan. They spend a lot of time developing in their eggs protected by their mother, but once hatched they have to grow quickly so they can defend themselves from predators and find food. That might slow down once they're big enough to fly and fight, and full maturity (usually measured by when an animal can breed) may take much longer. Or they might grow to adult size quickly and then live as adults for hundreds of years. They may grow to a fixed size or may keep on growing throughout their life span.


2) Glint's Lair is outside of time. Therefore Aurene's egg (and Vlast's) only actually started to develop when it was removed from it. Although we don't know exactly when either egg was removed from the Lair. Glint may have given the Zephyrites Aurene's egg before she died or they might have found it years later.


3) Aurene seemed to be able to sense and affect her surroundings before hatching - she gave us special abilities when we were in danger, so we could protect her and get her to Tarir. The egg may have only hatched when it 'knew' it was in a safe place with sufficient magic to survive.


4) **(IMO most likely)** The crystal dragons, like the Elder Dragons, (who may or may not be the same species) are entirely dependent on how much magic they can absorb. If there's too little they go into hibernation, and if there's a lot more than normal they get a growth spurt. Aurene's egg only hatched when there was a burst of released magic from Mordremoth, and she grew a lot bigger just after absorbing magic from Balthazar. It's possible her growth is entirely dependent on how much magic she absorbs - with the normal background levels she grows slowly but when there's a lot around she absorbs it and her growth speeds up.


(Also don't forget that there are the limitations of game development to consider. Aurene only appears in story instances, each of which is a fixed point in time, and there's only so much time and effort the developers can put into making new versions of her. We see the same with Taimi, she doesn't grow taller gradually across each instance - every so often they make a new model which is a bit bigger than before. It's the same with Aurene. Precocious Aurene (where we're training her) was released in November 2016 and her new, bigger, model appeared in Daybreak in November 2017. Realistically she would have been growing throughout that year, but we don't see that because it wasn't worth the time and effort to keep making slightly bigger, more mature looking versions of her for each of her brief appearances. Especially since a lot of people probably wouldn't notice - I know some people said they didn't notice Taimi growing until she was the same height as their asura. So when she got her growth spurt it seemed even more dramatic than it would have been.)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > The point of what I was saying is that this is a fictional creature within a fictional game. We cannot necessarily apply what we see in the real world to the game.

> > >

> > > I don't know about you, but I have not seen any dragons in the real world yet.

> > >

> > > I have played dozens of RPGs, pen & paper as well as computer ones, **and even the GW lore makes clear statements about a dragon's lifespan. Then think about how long Glint's egg was there before Aurene hatched from it.** It's simple logic and doesn't have anything to do with real-life biology. ;)

> >

> > You can't assume anything about dragons in one franchise carries over to dragons in another.


> That is why I wrote the marked part. As long as there is no in-game explanation that clearly states that Aurene has grown to be a teenager within only months (which is ridiculous in the context we have learnt in GW about Dragons and their eggs) due to the magic she has absorbed (which is an illogical assumption, too, because it might have transformed her _physically_, but certainly not mentally/intellectually), I am not buying it. Sorry.


Why do you keep injecting real world logic into fantasy realm stuff?


You should probably read up on the lore behind dragons in gw2 to get a sense of “things”. This may be handy for you too, especially for the “not mentally/intellectually” thing...




“Aurene, referred to as "Glint's Second Scion" by Ruka the Wanderer, is a young dragon. While it is too soon to tell if she has gained all of the her mother's abilities, she is able to gift the Pact Commander with various skills and is able to warn of future events in the form of prophetic visions, even while unhatched. This is seen in her granting the Commander a vision of Zojja and Logan in the clutches of Mordremoth and a second time of her imminent hatching and of the coming attack from Primordus's minions upon her emerging from the egg.”


Incase you missed it...


“is able to warn of future events in the form of prophetic visions, even while unhatched.”


Lesson is... please don’t apply real world logic to fantasy topics. Especially a fantasy topic about a make believe creature that can communicate telepathically before it is even hatched...

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Waiting for your pet baby dragon to grow up to an age where she can fend for herself would be incredibly impractical. As someone said before, all of our characters would realistically be dead before that happened, so the plot device of her absorbing all that magic essentially giving her a sudden growth spurt was a necessary one, and not even as forced as it potentially could have been. Perhaps they could have gone with something else, like becoming Vlast's champion, or whatever, but that would have altered the story since the whole egg debacle in season 2, not to mention he hadn't been socialised properly with the other races... even if for the sake of my hypothetical scenario the writers could just say that he had been.

Anyway, she's not growing to fast, because the alternative is waiting around forever for a dragon to grow naturally.

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