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Condi ruining the game for me


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Im on a server where we pretty full during peak times, and usually have a Commander to follow into fights. The problem is that the other servers run a full zone blob, with about 30 scourges in the blob. Their is no way on Gods green earth that you can survive this, and in my opinion, this ridiculous Condi has wrecked the game, what exactly is the point of running through another zerg and casting condi that you cant escape? I don't understand this thinking, all it does is make the winner the blob with the most condi, and with all the gear, boons etc, its pointless and its unplayable.

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> @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

> Im on a server where we pretty full during peak times, and usually have a Commander to follow into fights. The problem is that the other servers run a full zone blob, with about 30 scourges in the blob. **Their is no way on Gods green earth that you can survive this**, and in my opinion, this ridiculous Condi has wrecked the game, what exactly is the point of running through another zerg and casting condi that you cant escape? I don't understand this thinking, all it does is make the winner the blob with the most condi, and with all the gear, boons etc, its pointless and its unplayable.


you are not supposed to tank 30 players of neither class, if those were 30 power damage dealers they wouldnt all get the chance to hit you before you are finished. so its for power or condi damage the same, do not get hit by too much - positioning is important.

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Make the zone blob go after multiple small targets. Break into ten man groups hitting multiple objectives.


Condi isn't the issue nearly as much as it's the sheer volume of boon corruption from scourge, which, has actually gotten somewhat better.


Honestly, unless you are a guild group, your smaller group vs the zone blob is gonna lose with power OR condi.

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> @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

> Im on a server where we pretty full during peak times, and usually have a Commander to follow into fights. The problem is that the other servers run a full zone blob, with about 30 scourges in the blob. Their is no way on Gods green earth that you can survive this, and in my opinion, this ridiculous Condi has wrecked the game, what exactly is the point of running through another zerg and casting condi that you cant escape? I don't understand this thinking, all it does is make the winner the blob with the most condi, and with all the gear, boons etc, its pointless and its unplayable.


You sound like somebody who first time visited wvw :D more organized side wins... also depends on numbers.... 30 exp guild vs 50 pug is interesting fight which 30 can easily win ...

Also wvw guilds start using power scourges coz of bigger bomb burst and mostly bigger boon corrupt...

You need to adapt to it... clouding and picking targets.... teleports / portal to backline

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honestly the next step to try and open up the meta some is probably to try and make resistance viable again ... right now it is literally unusable during a push thanks to it getting corrupted into immobilize... if it were corrupted into literally anything else, the meta might be wide open as dozens of players noted in their feedback thread last month, actually id say it was the most requested change there ... sadly Anet chose not to listen, the result of which is after the last "balance" patch, the meta has changed exactly 0 and pirate ship condi scourge remains the dominant class, strategy, and backbone of any raid group that doesn't want to spend all of their time at their spawn

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Ok, so the 1 v 30 argument is vaild, but even 30v30 the condi is out of control, just the same way boons are out of control, its 1 extreme or the other.


I main Necro in WvW, and ill be the first to say Anet really needs to tone down the condis in WvW, even if they capped the ticks a player would have, last night it really came down to whos ping was lower to the server, if mine was lower the enemy exploded, if mine was higher I exploded, and its instant max stacks of condis to, its not like its ticking up, its nothing them WHAM dead, its the exact same for some classes with boons, some have every boon instantly and can reapply said boons faster than they can be ripped off, so it comes down to whos ping is faster,


Anet really should look at putting max stacks for boons and condis in ( WvW ONLY ) so that it really becomes about tactics and not who can spam max condi damage first, or who can apply more boons first to outlast the damage,


I would say in its current meta, WvW is a big turn off to any new player stepping in there.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> I would say in its current meta, WvW is a big turn off to any new player stepping in there.


Its a turn off to me too despite playing for years. I cant decide to play without boons and as soon as i come close to a zerg i get contantly corrupted, farted with condis and have like 15 sec cripple and a ton of other movement impairing stuff which shouldnt stack up in duration at all. Its not like positioning and avoiding the spike will safe you from this. I roam for the most part these days because its gives me the option to just not fight specs i dont like.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> Ok, so the 1 v 30 argument is vaild, but even 30v30 the condi is out of control, just the same way boons are out of control, its 1 extreme or the other.


> I main Necro in WvW, and ill be the first to say Anet really needs to tone down the condis in WvW, even if they capped the ticks a player would have, last night it really came down to whos ping was lower to the server, if mine was lower the enemy exploded, if mine was higher I exploded, and its instant max stacks of condis to, its not like its ticking up, its nothing them WHAM dead, its the exact same for some classes with boons, some have every boon instantly and can reapply said boons faster than they can be ripped off, so it comes down to whos ping is faster,


> Anet really should look at putting max stacks for boons and condis in ( WvW ONLY ) so that it really becomes about tactics and not who can spam max condi damage first, or who can apply more boons first to outlast the damage,


> I would say in its current meta, WvW is a big turn off to any new player stepping in there.


if you get hit by enough attacks to recieve ' **instant max stacks of condis to, its not like its ticking up, its nothing them WHAM dead** ' then you most probably would have imploded in a similar way if you got hit by as many power damage skills.


what would be the max stacks for boons/condis? and would it be a maximum for an individual applying the stacks or a maximum you can recieve? if you limit the condition stacks you can apply as an individual, condition will become worse for roaming than it already is and for zerging it will still just be a matter of numbers if you die instantly to a coordinated condition application. and if you limit how much conditions you can recieve, then condition damage will be bad in any scale of combat in WvW because power can still instant kill you and with the healing etc we got ingame you pretty much need to kill people instantly or not at all in many cases.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> Anet really should look at putting max stacks for boons and condis in ( WvW ONLY )


Unlike the horrid deathly chill meta where you could end up with 50+ bleed stacks in seconds, the stacks isnt an issue at all in the scourge meta. Its the constant corruption and application of many different condis that simply overload everyone and fear/cripple every step.

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Here's a fundamental rule to the game: Stack up as close as possible. Spells have target limits ;)


Your supports will cleanse and heal you, they can't corrupt all of your boons in a single second unless you afk in a bubble. They can only do it that fast if you're 1. completely alone because you didn't position properly or 2. you're in a choke and you don't get out of it fast enough.


It can also happen if they actually DO focus a single spot, but that doesn't happen because you can just walk around it and they just used half their aoe on thin air.


And all of that aside: If you don't run at least a personal condi cleanse in whatever form you're probably not trying. I'm pretty sure every single class runs one in a zerg. Weavers get Ether Renewal, Warriors can get Resistance or use Shake it off (actually using the trait to give you an automatic shake it off every 20 seconds saved my ass so many times i prefer that shit over defense spec)


You get the point. A lot of the damage can be avoided by smart movement, being aggressive at the right time rewards you with not getting hit by a majority of aoe skills already. You push through to their backline, by running and double dodging and they scatter or die. That's why comms get upset if you don't push with them.

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> @"Tammuz.7361" said:

> honestly the next step to try and open up the meta some is probably to try and make resistance viable again ... right now it is literally unusable during a push thanks to it getting corrupted into immobilize... if it were corrupted into literally anything else, the meta might be wide open as dozens of players noted in their feedback thread last month, actually id say it was the most requested change there ... sadly Anet chose not to listen, the result of which is after the last "balance" patch, the meta has changed exactly 0 and pirate ship condi scourge remains the dominant class, strategy, and backbone of any raid group that doesn't want to spend all of their time at their spawn


Agree that resistance corrupt should change to ANYTHING other than immobilize. That was an incredibly stupid move by ANet. If that were changed a HUGE portion of the anti-Scourge narrative would go away.

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It seems from the comments here that their is a lot of players indicating how to avoid the condi when being pushed. I will take note as some of the comments are practical and useful. The server I am on has not lost a MU in the last few months, I'm merely highlighting a problem, and if Scourge is the dominant class and most played, then its logical, their cant be balance, otherwise other classes would be played equally. The problem if you break up into 10 small groups as suggested, would any server be that organised with 1 commander? I personally don't like the way the game has gone, but I still play in the hope that the Devs will actually participate in their own game, play more and see their build working in a real environment rather that running models to adjust. Thanks for all the feedback and taking time to give me things to contemplate. I'm no newbie as someone indicated, almost 6 years playing, and lot of that time in WvW, so seen game go through every change in the book.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:


> You get the point. A lot of the damage can be avoided by smart movement, being aggressive at the right time rewards you with not getting hit by a majority of aoe skills already. You push through to their backline, by running and double dodging and they scatter or die. That's why comms get upset if you don't push with them.


Today I learned double dodging through a bunch of FBs to find yourself in meele range of 20 scourges without dodges helps avoiding condis. But is the running part really necessary or can i keep walking?


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> @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

> Im on a server where we pretty full during peak times, and usually have a Commander to follow into fights. The problem is that the other servers run a full zone blob, with about 30 scourges in the blob. Their is no way on Gods green earth that you can survive this, and in my opinion, this ridiculous Condi has wrecked the game, what exactly is the point of running through another zerg and casting condi that you cant escape? I don't understand this thinking, all it does is make the winner the blob with the most condi, and with all the gear, boons etc, its pointless and its unplayable.


Easy to survive, get a handful of rangers and those 30 scourges will be vaporized in under a minute. I know, nobody wants to be seen on Rangers, but it's time to swallow the pride and make rangers (or basically any class spec'd to range) a priority in blobs.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

> > Im on a server where we pretty full during peak times, and usually have a Commander to follow into fights. The problem is that the other servers run a full zone blob, with about 30 scourges in the blob. Their is no way on Gods green earth that you can survive this, and in my opinion, this ridiculous Condi has wrecked the game, what exactly is the point of running through another zerg and casting condi that you cant escape? I don't understand this thinking, all it does is make the winner the blob with the most condi, and with all the gear, boons etc, its pointless and its unplayable.


> Easy to survive, get a handful of rangers and those 30 scourges will be vaporized in under a minute. I know, nobody wants to be seen on Rangers, but it's time to swallow the pride and make rangers (or basically any class spec'd to range) a priority in blobs.


If you really think in zerg vs zerg, that a handful of rangers will vaporize 30 scourges, well... You play a different game, probably.

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@schloumou.3982, LoL!

Range and melee combat is all about AoE if Anet takes that from casuals they say game will be "unskilled" cause if u actually need to know what u have to hit rather than aoe spam everone and everywhere is unskilled for them. :bleep_bloop:


Even if u had 2 more dodge avaliable that would be useless :P, Anet needs to bet in more good combat and less spamwars wo hitting nothing in most cases and spam the ground and show how lame "your" blob is in aoe spamming.


Current game is be carried with more aoe spam then the other group, basicly, " game is about lure" is and excuse tho whom wants to be carried, every game is about lure no matter what.

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