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Eater of Souls fight is too difficult.


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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> I still don't understand how people can find this fight hard at all.

They don't. Most of this thread is about its pre-nerf state. People just keep commenting on those posts as if they had any relevance after the changes.


> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> Wait. People are still on that even post-nerf?

No. They keep commenting on pre-nerf posts. And so the thread goes on.




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It was way to long since I did this one but what I remember was that he only steals health with one attack.


He does not do this attack repeatedly so I just charged at him for a few seconds then used skills to distance me from him. When I did it with an alt who didn't have any escape skills but more CC instead I just ccd him. Another alt I used ranged and just kept my distance. My brother on the other hand had lots of problems, though he plays a symbol necro and had lot of ranged he had still problems to anticipate the bosses movement. I had to coatch him through the whole boss fight.

Not that I like that story instance at all but imo I didn't find it hard then, I did that boss with my main and a few alts and the only times I had problems with him was with my main the first run but ofc that was becouse I didn't know the mechanic of it.

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> @"EdgarMTanaka.7291" said:

> It was way to long since I did this one but what I remember was that he only steals health with one attack.


> He does not do this attack repeatedly so I just charged at him for a few seconds then used skills to distance me from him. When I did it with an alt who didn't have any escape skills but more CC instead I just ccd him. Another alt I used ranged and just kept my distance. My brother on the other hand had lots of problems, though he plays a symbol necro and had lot of ranged he had still problems to anticipate the bosses movement. I had to coatch him through the whole boss fight.

> Not that I like that story instance at all but imo I didn't find it hard then, I did that boss with my main and a few alts and the only times I had problems with him was with my main the first run but ofc that was becouse I didn't know the mechanic of it.


Again, there's no point in bringing that up. The thread was about the pre-nerf state, it has nothing to do with how the encounter is now. And even in pre-nerf state the difficulty of the fight depended heavily on the class used. Some could just roll over it, for others it was extremely hard (any minion-based build, which included all rangers that hadn't unlocked SB yet, had it really rough). Still, the encounter has been heavily nerfed, and the complains practically stopped after that point. So, all this thread is now is people doing ot with post-nerf state, and commenting in the pre-nerf thread how it's easy and nobody should complain.


Point is, nobody is complaining. Now, that is.


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  • 9 months later...

After 2 hours trying to fight, multiple build changes and now a pain in my hand from doing this for so long. this has to be the WORST boss fight ever. The heal rate to the drain he does on any player below 20K health which is the average Health pool for a player in my arena. The rate spills means you will never regain enough health before the next life steal... That is beyond slack!

There is flatly no way I can be strong enough to fight this boss. I just got back into guild wars and enjoying it up until this. I dont need to be crying and on the verge of a panic attack because of a bloody fight. Its not that it takes forever. Its the fact you have made the player completely doubt themselves to want to play, let alone finish it.

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> @"Ayalin.6059" said:

> After 2 hours trying to fight, multiple build changes and now a pain in my hand from doing this for so long. this has to be the WORST boss fight ever. The heal rate to the drain he does on any player below 20K health which is the average Health pool for a player in my arena. The rate spills means you will never regain enough health before the next life steal... That is beyond slack!

> There is flatly no way I can be strong enough to fight this boss. I just got back into guild wars and enjoying it up until this. I dont need to be crying and on the verge of a panic attack because of a bloody fight. Its not that it takes forever. Its the fact you have made the player completely doubt themselves to want to play, let alone finish it.


Take a long-range weapon & stay away from him especially when he's about to channel his life drain. Ez pz.

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> @"Ayalin.6059" said:

> After 2 hours trying to fight, multiple build changes and now a pain in my hand from doing this for so long. this has to be the WORST boss fight ever. The heal rate to the drain he does on any player below 20K health which is the average Health pool for a player in my arena. The rate spills means you will never regain enough health before the next life steal... That is beyond slack!

> There is flatly no way I can be strong enough to fight this boss. I just got back into guild wars and enjoying it up until this. I dont need to be crying and on the verge of a panic attack because of a bloody fight. Its not that it takes forever. Its the fact you have made the player completely doubt themselves to want to play, let alone finish it.


Do you know what a blue bar below boss means? You can and are supposed to interrupt the jump so he doesnt do the leech attack or you run out of the leech range. Its quite easy to kill it in less than 20sec if you cc him and burst when the bar appears.

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> @"Ayalin.6059" said:

> After 2 hours trying to fight, multiple build changes and now a pain in my hand from doing this for so long. this has to be the WORST boss fight ever. The heal rate to the drain he does on any player below 20K health which is the average Health pool for a player in my arena. The rate spills means you will never regain enough health before the next life steal... That is beyond slack!

> There is flatly no way I can be strong enough to fight this boss. I just got back into guild wars and enjoying it up until this. I dont need to be crying and on the verge of a panic attack because of a bloody fight. Its not that it takes forever. Its the fact you have made the player completely doubt themselves to want to play, let alone finish it.


It does indeed sound like you may be having problems with the Defiance Bar. The official GW2 Wiki has a great overview of the [Defiance Bar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defiance_bar "Defiance Bar"). I highly recommended it.

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> @"Ayalin.6059" said:

> After 2 hours trying to fight, multiple build changes and now a pain in my hand from doing this for so long. this has to be the WORST boss fight ever. The heal rate to the drain he does on any player below 20K health which is the average Health pool for a player in my arena. The rate spills means you will never regain enough health before the next life steal... That is beyond slack!

> There is flatly no way I can be strong enough to fight this boss. I just got back into guild wars and enjoying it up until this. I dont need to be crying and on the verge of a panic attack because of a bloody fight. Its not that it takes forever. Its the fact you have made the player completely doubt themselves to want to play, let alone finish it.


Sorry but "get good" is really the only thing to say. It's **already** been nerfed to simplicity and back.


The boss has a **very simple, and very obvious rule** to its health drain. And that is:


> The health drain attack is deadly while close but does lower damage and healing while far away, so keep your distance.



First thing about the fight on the wiki.


Just take a ranged weapon and constantly backpedel/strafe. You'll kill it instantly. **You don't have to care about the breakbar at all. Just stay ranged when it sucks you in.**

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I've tried over a dozen times to beat this boss on my Guardian and even using a ranged weapon I can't even get this guy down to half health much less all the way. I've tried with friends and those whisps are useless. I'm very frustrated that a quest objective is so geared toward the Necromancer and the Hunter which I have now seen both those classes beat him the first time.

I initially went in with a Hunter as her whisp and we beat the Eater of Souls and I got DC'd and had to start all over again. Now I'm stuck. I shouldn't have to change who my main is just because I can't for the life of me beat one encounter. This FIGHT is BADLY tuned and very much impossible for me to do on my Guardian.


I've done my research I've tried getting him stuck and can't seem to get him stuck in the ways that have been discribed. I use my staff so I'm ranged which does hardly any damage if any at all. I've tried having friends help me but nothing works with my Guardian.


I'm feeling very defeated and depressed and frustrated by this fight.

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Battling back from death is a hard fight.


You can do it, but stubbornly sticking to one strategy will not help you. ("Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?") Observe what's going on. Learn its movements and patterns, and adapt your strategy to exploit them. Sometimes that means bringing different skills or weapons. You have templates now, so you can save your main build while you experiment.


All else fails, try asking for help. (Not calling your friends "useless" is a good start.)

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The boss has a simple mechanic - it will jump to you, gain a break bar, then begin inhaling about a second later. When you see it jump or the break bar appear, simply run away from it. If you weren't quick enough, double dodging away is enough to outrange it. This is the attack that can easily kill you while healing it if you're hit, but it has a short/mid range.

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> @"Ksparhawk.8395" said:

> I've tried over a dozen times to beat this boss on my Guardian and even using a ranged weapon I can't even get this guy down to half health much less all the way. I've tried with friends and those whisps are useless. I'm very frustrated that a quest objective is so geared toward the Necromancer and the Hunter which I have now seen both those classes beat him the first time.

> I initially went in with a Hunter as her whisp and we beat the Eater of Souls and I got DC'd and had to start all over again. Now I'm stuck. I shouldn't have to change who my main is just because I can't for the life of me beat one encounter. This FIGHT is BADLY tuned and very much impossible for me to do on my Guardian.


> I've done my research I've tried getting him stuck and can't seem to get him stuck in the ways that have been discribed. I use my staff so I'm ranged which does hardly any damage if any at all. I've tried having friends help me but nothing works with my Guardian.


> I'm feeling very defeated and depressed and frustrated by this fight.


Yea, they nerfed this boss pretty badly, it was straight out impossible for certain classes, thankfully no longer the case


What gear are you running? Are you using any CC Skills when his second bar turns blue(Knockbacks, stuns, immobs, chills, cripple, launches?) Guardian has decent access to CC and Damage. When i ran through it on my guard i did it in full zerk, greatsword and sword shield. used a medi guard build, which allowed me to heal all the damage i took, be invuln and do damage in short order.


You dont need to change your main, you might need to change your build.

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> @"Ksparhawk.8395" said:

> I've tried over a dozen times to beat this boss on my Guardian and even using a ranged weapon I can't even get this guy down to half health much less all the way.


Just stop hugging it when it's sucking the life out of you. Quite simple, actually, on _any_ profession. Takes less than two minutes to finish that thing.

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By the way:

> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> ??? DH is one of the easiest class to kill it, pretty much any class that have access to 1200 range weapon it's an easy kill just kiting it around the place


> lay down traps and use longbow to kite it around and to trip the traps, when it does the suck use F2 to leap backwards to break away from it


You can melee it just as easily, it actually works faster than ranged attacks. You just have to back off when it uses its special skill (as mentioned in my previous post).

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> @flog.3485 said:

> > @pah.4931 said:

> > > @olleandersson.4352 said:

> > > Am I the only one who actually enjoyed a bit of a challenge in the story for once? Reminded me of some of the fights in Guild Wars 1! More of this, please!

> >

> > I think the problem was that for certain classes / builds (especially with pets triggering the heal) the fight SEEMED unbeatable, without any real clue as to why it was working the way it was. Difficult isn't /really/ the issue. It was not properly balanced. I know on my reaper, I kept dodging the attack and he'd still heal to full ... I didn't realize my horrors from Rise! were triggering it. (In no MMO ever did kitten pet AI ever work like that)

> >

> > EDIT: also, the fact that it came after a long prelude without checkpoints, and you couldn't switch weapons (I know you could, but it wasn't intuitive nor common knowledge) made for very sour first experiences for people accustomed to certain playstyles. Again, especially for a game marketed pretty heavily as "play however you want."


> "Play however you want" has never been about how easy/hard the game should be.....for the gazillon time.> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Breakbars really need to have a better tutorial since people still struggle with the concept.


they never should had made it in the first place, its a waste of time and resources. making a tutorial for it will waste even more time and resources

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Staff is a utility weapon, if you want range use a scepter or longbow (with Dragonhunter)

Eater of Souls is probably the easiest when fought with a Guardian due to the amount of CC they have to break the bar and the insane burst damage that can kill it in seconds. Your chosen build must be rather bad (especially if you are using Staff)

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