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Daily Achievements

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I often find myself frustrated with the new daily achievements available, as I'd have to go well out of my way to get them done. I know the changes aren't that new and they've existed for a long time, however for me, not getting them done was more laziness than anything. However, I've started playing with my fiancee and I've found that getting three daily achievements is impossible. She does not want to do any kind of pvp, which would be the only other way she could get rewards. Last dailies she had were to do events in Malchor's Leap (she is currently level 30 and is not rushing in leveling), view vistas in Lornar's Pass, gather in ascalon, and gather in the maguuma jungle. Of these, only one was even remotely possible. It is incredibly unfriendly to new players to see that there's something the game wants you to do to gain a reward and have no feasible way of doing it. With previous changes trying to make the game more friendly to new players, this seems counter-intuitive.


Does anyone else either A. have suggestions as to how to make this obtainable to new players or B. feel frustrated with this?

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There are 3 WvW dailies that don’t have much chance of pvp. There is the monument one where you stand in a circle till you capture it. The vet mob killing one and the spend badges one. Just keep an eye out for enemy pvpers and wp out of you don’t want to fight. One of those are available most days then you just need 2 PvE dailies.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> My u derstanding is that she would be getting a lower level, more accessible set of dailies, so malchors leap shouldnt be appearing for her at 30?


It goes by highest level character on the account (ever), so she must either have a higher level character or has deleted it.

WvW dailies like Big Spender, Veteran Creature Slayer, Caravan Disruptor, Land Claimer, Mist Guard Killer, and Master of Monuments don't actually require PvP and are very easy to do. Usually there's 2 of these available everyday.

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Yep she should never get a daily that is higher than the max level character on her account.

Also why do you say that only one was possible? Lornar's pass is lvl 25-40 zone so vistas are very possible, Maguuma Jungle has many maps, including even the starter maps Caledon and Metrica and same goes with Ascalon zones. So all of them would be very doable for her, except the Malchor's Leap which should not even be there if she does not have other higher level characters on that account.

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It's not possible for an account that only has a L30 character as its highest character to get Malchor's Leap. _Accounts with a highest character between levels 11-30 will see three achievements per category._ Either she has other characters, or is sharing an account. Unless, maybe, a L70+ character was deleted, though I've not seen anyone post about such, regarding Dailies.


As noted above, 'Big Spender' does not involve any chance, whatsoever, of PvP, and rarely do 'Master of Monuments' or 'Veteran Creature Slayer'.


Any level character can gather in Ascalon (Plains of Ashford) or Maguuma Jungle (Caledon Forest, Metrica Province). Lornar's Pass is L25-40 (even if it was a Map Vista, which is not a Daily choice; Vistas are always Region Vistas). Thus, of the 4 listed, 3 would be available to a L30 character.

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I thought the vista ones were regional not per-map? So any Shiverpeaks vista would do. (There are several in Hoelbrak that are trivial to view, and one is right near a waypoint from which you just run and jump.)


Well, let's put it this way: when I get a "view vista" one, it is for viewing a vista in a region, not in a specific map.


Of the four you listed, two (gather in Ascalon and gather in the Maguuma jungle) are easy for level 30 characters. "Maguuma Jungle" means core-map Maguuma (Metrica, Caledon, Brisban, that stuff). "Maguuma Wastes" means the Silverwastes and Dry Top. "Heart of Maguuma" is the HoT maps (Verdant Brink, etc.)


But yeah, if there isn't a level 70+ character on her account, Malchor's Leap will be a dead loss for her.

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I usually get my dailies completed in the first ten minutes. Gathering can often be done in home instances or starter areas, Vistas can be viewed in major cites (LA counts as Kryta), JPs are often manned by helpful mesmers, some mini dungeons only require you to turn up and run to the end chest (other players having cleared the mobs for you).

As stated above, there are many WvW dailies that can be done without even seeing an enemy player, or get together with a few other roamers to flip an objective on your home borderland. And you can look for PvP farming arenas (usually Skyhammer) where one side is granted a walkover.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> There are 3 WvW dailies that don’t have much chance of pvp. There is the monument one where you stand in a circle till you capture it. The vet mob killing one and the spend badges one. Just keep an eye out for enemy pvpers and wp out of you don’t want to fight. One of those are available most days then you just need 2 PvE dailies.


I chuckled because you made me remember a couple weeks ago when I was trying to kill an ogre at a supply camp in EOTM when a small enemy group came up on me. I just managed to get the kill before I got obliterated. =)

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One thing to consider is you don't need to do the dailies every day. In recent months I've been trying to do them regularly for the 2g, but if I don't see 3 dailies I either enjoy or can do very quickly I'll simply skip them that day and try again tomorrow. And some days I literally do not have time to do even the quickest, easiest dailies - either I can't log in at all or I only have a few minutes and other things take priority.


It just means I don't get 2g that day and it will take my a day longer to reach the cap on daily achievement points.

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As others have mentioned, don't be so quick to dismiss the WvWs. 1-2 each day that are usually pretty easy. If someone does happen to jump me and I'm alone, /sleep usually gets me out of it pretty quick, then I pick a way point (and if someone else on my team is around, then I will try my best, don't like to let people down). :) Once you accumulate some badges doing some of those, then you'll even be able to do 'Big Spender' when it comes up, which is the easiest.


Having said that, I do wish they'd bust out more options in each category each day. And I miss some of the old, odd ones. Rezzer (or Claw of Jormag P2), ambient creatures, underwater creatures (ambients count here as well, I recall?). Those were all fun, and missed.


More choices and options. More flags, more fun.

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The purpose of the dailies is to get people who would otherwise not enter PvP or WvW to spend a few minutes trying them out (or, vice versa, to get PvP or WvW players to give PvE a try). To that end, anything that makes the PvE dailies easier to complete runs counter to the purpose of the dailies and thus is a suggestion that will not gain traction.

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> @"Azriet.6184" said:

> I often find myself frustrated with the new daily achievements available, as I'd have to go well out of my way to get them done. I know the changes aren't that new and they've existed for a long time, however for me, not getting them done was more laziness than anything. However, I've started playing with my fiancee and I've found that getting three daily achievements is impossible. She does not want to do any kind of pvp, which would be the only other way she could get rewards. Last dailies she had were to do events in Malchor's Leap (she is currently level 30 and is not rushing in leveling), view vistas in Lornar's Pass, gather in ascalon, and gather in the maguuma jungle. Of these, only one was even remotely possible. It is incredibly unfriendly to new players to see that there's something the game wants you to do to gain a reward and have no feasible way of doing it. With previous changes trying to make the game more friendly to new players, this seems counter-intuitive.


> Does anyone else either A. have suggestions as to how to make this obtainable to new players or B. feel frustrated with this?


I'd honestly suggest you stop bothering until y'all both have level 80 characters. Once you get there the whole thing becomes much easier. They are much more an endgame activity than a levelling activity.

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At least 3 of the dailies are always doable at low level. Of the ones you mentioned you can do the gathering one easily (you mention 2 gathers, but I don't think that ever happens on the same day so I think you're mistaken). The vista view is also easy enough for you at lvl 30. So you just need one more, and if it WAS to gather, that's again doable at lvl 1. If it was something else it was likely not level dependent - something like participating in an activity.


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> I'd honestly suggest you stop bothering until y'all both have level 80 characters. Once you get there the whole thing becomes much easier. They are much more an endgame activity than a levelling activity.


That's crazy talk. You get 2 gold a day by doing this. If you take a couple of months to reach lvl 80 you're talking about up to 60g you'd throw away by skipping the dailies.


Even if you can't complete them all, doing one or two still yields some rewards.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> At this point, I fully expect a mesmer port to the end of a jumping puzzle daily.


And if there isn't one, you *become* the mesmer at the end of the daily.

Such a good squishy feeling (paired with guilt of rather generous tips. Y'all are too good, people).



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If you guys do dailies together, I encourage you to try using the PvP daily arenas. 99.9% of the time, it will just be the two of you, trading kills and points with each other. 5 minutes once you get the hang of it (10 if you haven't), and you also earn potions that can be applied to PvP reward tracks (plus the tiny bit you earn from the match ups).


> You get 2 gold a day by doing this. If you take a couple of months to reach lvl 80 you're talking about up to 60g you'd throw away by skipping the dailies.

60g isn't worth it if it's causing this particular group to get frustrated with the game. There's always gold; fun is more difficult to obtain efficiently.

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Another option, if you have access to higher level base maps like Malchor's, you can party up, get her some teleport to friends and port her on over. As a level 30 character, she might...um, will die, but as long as you're an appropriate level to kill everything, all she'd need to do is get a few good hits off the event mobs to get credit and she'd pick up some wps and other odds and ends while there which help with experience for leveling.some living story maps have level requirements, but not base game maps.


It's not an optimal solution, but yours is a strange case whereby she must've had a higher level character that doesn't exist anymore.

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> @"Azriet.6184" said:

> I am level 80 on all of my characters. Its just that they're constantly in her view and discourage her when it seems there's something that its just end-game she can't do. And she doesn't want to do WvW-- I've tried.


Get her own account then instead of sharing yours. That way she will never see dailies that are not doable at her level. Like it has been mentined many times in this thread, the dailies are account bound and are based on the highest character on the account.


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If you pin another achievement to your watch list, the dailies will never show up (just the pinned item).


Alternately, you can click on the achievement panel heading (right above where the dailies are listed) and collapse the group so that you can't see anything in your view.

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Never have any issues doing a fair number of my dailies in WvW, in fact I pick and choose and often do more than I need., and very often there are other players looking to cap camps and towers. Just expect to be ambushed from a group in stealth. \o/

But all my chars are level 80

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