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do u want a love interest for ur hero?

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after 10(?) or so years of saving Tyria, i feel like my hero is lonely and deserves a love interest... i hope soon we are blessed with the ability to choose one of the companion...


what are your thoughts? this would also go nicely with in game marriage.



BONUS question: why are there no interracial couples in gw2?

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None of the answers apply to me. Well, maybe the "asexual" one applies to a couple of my alts like my poor sylvari who had a very bad first experience with love and swore off it entirely.


But I certainly don't need the game providing me with one ... unless it's Lord Faren ... *ahem*

I have a lot of alts and some of them have happy love lives and some of them don't but it's all driven by stories told with friends. Want a love interest for my heroes? Got plenty already, thanks!

(caveat for those who might assume the worst: fade to black is the rule for any of those happy love lives' more intimate moments)

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I want a love interest for my characters, but i prefer a character created by myself instead of the poor character creation by the dev team.


Sell a gemstore item that a character with it in bag can select an alt character to follow him/her around, fight together (like clone from mesmer, do 0 damage), can be interact with chat etc.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> But I certainly don't need the game providing me with one ... unless it's Lord Faren ... *ahem*


Of course, lord faren, queen jennah, scruffy, queen skritt, etc... nothing is off the table!


> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> No. It's bad enough having to sit through the drivel of npc's love interests with each other. And it might also mess with people's stories who roleplay.


there will be option to say no u dont want to pursue love


> @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> I want a love interest for my characters, but i prefer a character created by myself instead of the poor character creation by the dev team.


> Sell a gemstore item that a character with it in bag can select an alt character to follow him/her around, fight together (like clone from mesmer, do 0 damage), can be interact with chat etc.


suggested this months ago... this companion can also act like ur assistant or servant who gather /mine nearby nodes for u automatically... 4000gems... would buy for sure.

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This is something where it's best left up to the players to decide, and maybe RP out with other players. A romantic interest is something they'll never be able to get right for everybody, even if they offer a choice of companions.


However, I would find it amusing if the Commander had someone crushing on them.

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If they could manage it appropriately sure...


I just don't think that in an MMO having a love interest has ever been handled well....Also they just die anyway. It's kinda the problem with every hero. Either you start your journey alone because your parents/family are dead or they soon will be.

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I almost selected the asexual option, as I haven't thought about my character's personal relationships as part of my head canon for their personality, but went for the too busy saving the world option as I don't really think this could be handled well within the main story arcs without feeling forced.

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To be honest, a love interest would be nice, but I also see how it can be a huge developmental problem as well, with some people, a very emotionally charged thing. Bear in my mind, people are getting _married_ to A.I.; personally I have nothing against it and believe if that's what pleases them, more power to them, but when they try to force ideas down other people's throat, it become a problem.


(as an aside, I would marry Laranthir. what? what?! WHAT?! XD)

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> I'm still struggling to figure out who the characters are. I mean, this isn't Mass Effect - if every character save Taimi dropped dead tomorrow, they likely wouldn't be missed. Do you really want to date someone like that?


Yeah most of the characters are very poorly developed, the only exceptions off the top of my head are Taimi and Canach.

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Most of my characters wouldn't want a relationship now, they've got too much going on and most of it involves travelling all over the world at short notice. Sure they might find some people attractive and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them find ways to entertain themselves with other Pact soldiers during the down-time between missions (not that they tell me, but I know them, I can guess), but that's as far as it goes.


But also my main character is one I play in a lot of different RPGs (with slight variations) and she has frankly terrible taste in men. It always seems to cause more trouble than it's worth. (Seriously, if your only shared personality trait is 'chaotic' don't bother.)

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No, this is not a soap opera. For me, video games are an opportunity to do things I never could irl. Imho, the desire to have "love interests" in games which are not story driven (like Mass Effect) means that those who want such content are a bit too lonely irl...wink* wink*

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> @"Lord Kreegan.8123" said:

> My male Charr wants to mate with my two female Sylvari just to see what sort of children/cubs would be produced.


Well, seeing as the sylvari are fruit you might as well wonder what offspring your charr would have with an apple. Not an apple _tree_, mind you, just an apple.

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